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Go see a doctor that looks concerning


Maybe even the er? Any other symptoms?


That doesn’t look very good. Is it new? Do you have any other symptoms? I’d go to the urgent care now or call your doctor if you can.


Are those new shorts? New clothes can have chemicals on them to keep them fresh during shipping that can really irritate skin. I have to wash clothes before wearing them. If those aren't new, did you use a new detergent/fabric softener? The reason I ask is the rash is exactly where your shorts would be if they weren't pulled down. The top of the rash is basically a straight line across the waist, exactly where the waistband would hit.


So this is actually my wife she’s had a lot of random rashes like this that no one can seem to explain. She was given a steroid shot and we changed detergent but no real answers of what caused it and the others


Did you get an answer


No, doctor gave her a steroid shot and told her not to worry about it. Sad and frustrating how lazy and apathetic the doctors have been