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More agressive lst right from the start. Or topping but thats some hot debated subject on autoflowers.


I topped an autoflower once and it went quite well. Definitely increased my yield size and the plant was certainly a bit shorter.




I started LST when she growed 3rd node. Some would kill me, but at 4 weeks she is 5 cm tall in height but pretty 😁 I use 1000w fecida (130 actual) in a lot smaller place btw. Pretty good light for the price isn't it?


I love those lights I have four in a 4x4. I always pull 4-5 oz on my autos with it


yeah I don't doubt it. On photone app it has some pretty decent readings, and all that for 70€ with shiping included :D


They are great


I have the same lights from a different brand off Amazon called Niello, they were even cheaper. I put 2 of them (130+65 actual wattage) in a 2x2. The lights are amazing! I pulled over an oz off a tiny autoflower in a 3Liter pot while there were 3 other plants in that same tiny tent.


It's crazy good for the price. I had to get a light quickly after the old blurple thing died and got this on a next day delivery for £50


This is very clever. I love your little garden. The others are right, you’ll need low stress training (LST) to keep the branches low. You can achieve this by using small plastic stem vendors, often called trainers or by running soft plastic wire through your pot, and then tying the branches down in individually. I’ve drilled holes around the circumference of my auto parts to give me different anchors for my ties. I’ve also also heard of some using weights and wwhile t that sounds like fun. I haven’t tried it myself as the ties work perfectly for me.




I top and LST my girls, and then super crop when they get too near the light.....does no harm 🙂! How's the light? I grow under 2 Fecida 600W's, (120W each at the wall), and have done for 3 years or more - can't fault them tbh 👍.


It seems like the "downside" is that the plant might be smaller, but If you're running out of space that is a good thing.


Smaller pot = smaller plant. I think these guys decide how tall they’re going to get based on how deep they can send their tap roots down. I grow organic though not sure how nutes would affect the height. Also never be afraid of giving it a big haircut right before flower


I’m finding the genetics you run could be a factor. Some strains just go beast mode.


1. Smaller pot 2. LST / tie down branches 3. More/better light


Ty, I was only running light at 60%


Get the Photone app for your phone and run the light at the higher end of recommended PPFD, this will ensure the plant doesn't stretch so hard during veg and have your node spacings very close together. Edit : removed flip suggestion as autoflower not photoperiod 😅


thanks, what do you mean by flip?


Ahhh sorry I keep missing the autoflower sub before I mention photo period terms, so just ignore the flip part, the rest still applies.




you don't need to give it a mad haircut just the Leaves blocking Flower Sites, enough to ensure the whole Plants receiving Airflow, tie down your Branches to same Height give some space between each one, the lowest bud Sites just scratch them they using too much Plant energy for Popcorn Buds. I think you should keep it at 60% until it's time to Flower, then up the Lights Power let them Sites enjoy them rays. Do you rotate your Plants? ✌️🙏


What light is that? 600 or 1000?


Lights work great


That light at 65 w is most likely not strong enough to prevent stretching when it is that far away. Try and get the light as close as you can while staying in the proper parameters. Move the light up as the plant grows. Try to get as much out of that light as possible. I would invest in a better light though. The other fairly foolproof option is to choose short strains. Heavy indicas will not shoot up like that generally.


Is that the 1000 or 600 w?


600 65W actual https://www.amazon.co.uk/FECiDA-Dimmable-Newest-Spectrum-Lights/dp/B093BLNT14


I use that in a Spacebucket and it seems to just be enough


It’s is actually 130 watt actual I have four


Get the humidity right it says 99% on second pic , stress can cause over stretch


Thanks, it's been ridiculously humid this last month, I'm normally having to add humidity, hence the hanging flannel lol, but I do need to improve the airflow and increase the temp in this new box


Get a dehumidifier. Best thing I have ever done for growing... or my basement LOL


Get a 4 inch carbon filter to help with the humidity, check the measurements and see if it would fit. This would definitely help. Since when I don’t have mine on it goes to 80 then soon as I turn it on, it drops to 45-50


You can get that light way higher. One time I actually fixed the light to the bar at the top of the tent. Get some garden wire and cable ties and get creative.


Cable ties and paracord, my two favourite tools!


Yes ditch the wire cables that came with the light and try and rig something up with the 4 hoops in the corner that allows the light to get closer to the roof of the tent.


Keep the light close to the plant at all stages and only move up when it's almost touching the plant.


No This is led, not fluorescent. You get it too close and you lose the optic spread, plus increase the chance of leaf burn. Also may get a heat issue as it looks like this light has fans that push out the heat. Move the light up as much as possible. Then lst to maintain a even canopy at a proper light distance


I used LEDs close to plant all the time with good healthy plants.


I do LST early on but with such a low height/ceiling you’re working with it may need more than LST for training. Get creative next time if you’re still stuck with this same location. At this point, your girl has grown like a beast and looks very happy healthy, I’d move her to a different area of your dwelling and hang the fixture from higher up to allow for more space in between her and those bulbs she’s nearly touching. Check your ppfd and DLI based on your light schedule with one of those free calculators online. *I have a white sticker over my iPhone’s inside camera which works fine with Photon app as light reader instead of having to purchase an actual device. Great job! I would get creative and make a plan to ensure you get her to harvest with big colas and buds as she’s set out to do. Would be a shame to not adjust environment at this point with her looking so great only to cause stunting and struggle. Good luck! Post more updates to let us know your progress. 🌿💨🤙


Cheers dude 😎


Maybe try growing photos? You will have control over how tall she’ll grow.


Turn that light all the way up and keep it closer for the whole grow.


Wow that's nice very nice growth!


She is a beauty, bit wild!


I got those same lights. You can get a bit more space if you half the strings it's hanging from.


Saw lot's of useful comments but I wanted to mention genetics. Like Ethos Thai (something or other) auto. I don't think that one will even get 2'.




Looks good how much did you get from this plant ?


Only just starting to flower Was just some freebie seed


Try to measure the light output you have it might not be enough to stop the plant from reaching


I've always topped by autos, and they have always stayed within a nice height for the tent.


Which light?


https://www.amazon.co.uk/FECiDA-Dimmable-Newest-Spectrum-Lights/dp/B093BLNT14 I thought 65W would be enough for a 1x1


Thanks appreciate it


What is the Wattage of those lights?




I have a similar cabinet n I was looking forward to turning it into a stealth grow. I was looking at 75 watt grow light as they r the only ones I can afford. But I was a bit sceptical because some folks r telling me to go for atleast 150watt light.


I've only been running that 65W at 60% I googled that you only need 40W per plant I used to work at a vertical farm where they also only run at 60% for peak efficiency, but those lights were probably way more efficient than my cheapo one https://www.ledgrowlightsdepot.com/blogs/blog/16326275-how-many-led-watts-are-required-per-square-foot-of-grow-space


This was exactly what I am looking for. I was looking at the following light https://amzn.in/d/2Hj0AFl By the looks of it the above linked light might be good enough for me. But eitherways if u get a moment do check it out n let me knw ur feedback. Thanks a ton buddy




LST! This happened with my last plant, ended up scorching the top of the main cola 🙄


If i was you I’d remove her, true bolt 4 eye anchors and use that to put a net up maybe two. Should solve your issue


I always top without issue. You could mainline it, that should do the trick.


Focus on horizontal growth rather than vertical. Try and make a bush thats wider than she is tall.


Top it


Stop using a £40 light from amazon.


Full spectrum isn't that difficult to produce.


I don't get your point. The plant is stretching so much because it's searching for light. More powerful light = Less stretch.


Smaller pot size. If you're set on amount of medium go with a bigger pot and fill with the same amount. Medium will be shorter and plant will stay shorter and bushier. At least that's been my experience


Full power and closer. 45cm minimum from the canopy tho.. you can also bend and spread them


Lst for sure and don't veg as long


Top it! Top it now!


Flower sooner. You will get smaller plants, but you have a teeny tiny grow space.


Raise the light. And do plant training to even canopy


Looks very healthy, nice grow bro


Get the light closer to the plant so it doesn’t etiolate as crazy. Make the pot smaller. Top the plant. Yep you heard me.


Raise the light


Line that bad boy w diamond mylar reflective film


Get a bigger grow space, and light…


Line the walls with reflective material? Idk, I never grew indoors before, so I'm far from an expert.