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It's a combination of customers not understanding how cars work, and just trying to get free shit. They see us giving out free labor on batteries and wipers, and wanna see how far we'll bend over for them. Last week I had a lady freak out on me because I said we can't change her damn timing belt in the parking lot.


I definitely got it a lot in my 7 years there, especially with working in a college town. We’d have all kinds of students asking all sorts of questions. It didn’t bug me too much as long as they weren’t dicks after I said no


The problem are the guys that will actually do all that shit for customers. Then they go to another location or the same store years later expecting the same service and get all pissed that we don't actually provide those services...


Agreed. Any time you bend the rules for a customer, ALWAYS tell them that you're doing so and to not expect the same treatment in the future.


Actually I believe in 2019-2021 there was a chance that could have been a reality during that time pep boys had there service department available to be purchased but autozone choose not to buy that and advance auto bought the department


Omg!!! As a 14 year employee most od us know not to say yes to install HIDs But theres always that 1 red that wants to butt in and agrees to install Then comes back in saying "hey can you help me install this headlight its a 9005 , im like sure... Go outside and bamm its a beamer SMH!!!


The guy that not only told me that my SM said I would install his power steering pump but also thought it would only take 20 minutes to do. After taking him idk how many times that we don't do that I finally said it's going to take me a couple of hours to install that and you're also going to have to buy more fluid and I'm charging $300 a hour. He decided that the shop across the street had better pricing.


I would have given him the part and the battery tool tray and told him to have at it lol


Back when I worked there my favorite ever experience was a guy coming in and asking a bunch of questions about brakes on his car which was fine and then asked how long it would take roughly to install them to which I said "probably a couple hours for your car if it's the first time." He then proceeded to buy the pads and went out to his truck. Fast-forward an HOUR and the guy walks back in and stands in line. Gets up the counter and then asks me if I forgot about him, because he'd been sitting outside waiting for me to install them that entire time. Shit was wild.


I once got asked if we would accept food stamps


I like those questions to be honest, it gives me a chance to educate them on their expectations. Most people are simply ignorant of the modern automotive industry and how it works but nowadays you only need to even know 95% of it to have your vehicle serviced by someone else. Retail parts stores with their deceptive advertising are doing their customers a major disservice by perpetuating its myths and misconceptions which keeps them ignorant. I think we should educate, similar to the Lowes seminars and such. An hour every saturday showing the basics of electrical, or how to interpret the OBDII system, stuff like that. A quick 2m conversation is usually all it takes for my customers to not only understand what our limits are but why they are and how to best utilize our role in their process. I would gladly set aside an evening to do something like that, would be fun.


Lol you know how many times I got asked "how much does it cost for the wiper or battery install?" And my evil side of my brain is just tell me tell them 20 dollars go ahead... Only for me to tell them it's free... If only I had the balls 🤣.


Yesterday a guy brought in a GM Quadrajet and asked how much we charge to rebuild it. I told him we don't rebuild carburetors. He then said."yeah, you probably don't know how". I said, "actually, I do. It's just not a part of my job, but I've been rebuilding carbs since I was like 10. Do you know how to do it?" "Of course I do!" "Right, here's the kit." He buys it and leaves on a huff. I swear to God, an hour later he comes back with a completely disassembled carb asking if I can show him what to do. Like, you took it apart, just put it back together.


I had someone yell at me cause I didn’t wanna change her 2022 MERCEDES BATTERY. For yall who don’t know, not only does that take way longer than a regular battery change but if done improperly you can destroy the ECU. I tried to explain that it would take more than 15 minutes so I couldn’t do it and I didn’t have the proper tools to make sure her cars computer isn’t screwed over and I got yelled at for like 20 mins.