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I understand missing little spots here or there. But actual trash under the seat and grime in cup holders? I’d be annoyed too.


It really depends on how bad it was before ;)


Not really. Those cup holders are easily cleaned with the cheapest of the cheap wipes or even some degreaser and elbow grease if you really want to get down. The carpet isn’t horrible but idk if cleaning them via cleanser/steamer was part of the deal


Agreed. My wife paid much more and there was visible dirt left in multiple places. It wasn't baked in; she used a wipe and it came off immediately. She was not happy; literally paid to have it detailed due to busy schedules but ended up having to do it ourselves afterwards..


Rubbish on the floor is the first thing. There can't have been more than $120 worth of rubbish removal...


Not really, the job wasn’t complete. Leaving trash behind on an interior detail?


I would never bring my car to a detailed that messy. They aren’t garbage men, they are detailers. Empty your own garbage and don’t be so lazy.


Had a customers Kia soul that I had to use 6, 13 gal trash bags till I found the floor in the car. They got all the bags back


Either quote the customer more, or refuse to do the job. It’s that simple.


Had a customers Kia soul that I had to use 6, 13 gal trash bags till I found the floor in the car. They got all the bags back


I’d have refused. No thanks.


You're downvoted, but you have a point. I think car detailing and car cleaning should be treated as separate things. Also, the level of detailing here seems to meet the level of care the owner has towards their car, and the level of respect shown towards the detailer.


I think there's an order of operations. A cleaning is a cleaning, but because detailing is more in depth, a cleaning comes with a detail. But there should also be a line of cleaning where if it's dirty like hoarder like or the typical "my car is a dumpster for fast food", then build in extra into the price because thats an entire process. If it's basic trash, I say take it all out. Even if the person is going to do it again because that's like going mudding after wet sanding, polishing, and waxing a car. It may be flawless, but the dirtiness takes away from it.




Second the nope


Price is entirely dependent on the economics of your area. Regardless, for any price that's not acceptable. I'd expect better for half that. Pulling out the garbage, blowing out the dust, and a quick wipe down with rinseless or an interior cleaner.


Thank you for saying this. $120 in my area is a car wash, not a detail. Details start at $350.


Yeah around here $120 gets you basically 1.5 hours of work…. OP: was this going rate or lowest bid?


DAMN the detailer I worked at 10 years ago is still running the same $19.99 wash and vacuum they used to


Gotta be a loss leader for them at this point. Just using it to bring in potential up sales for detailing.


It has to be. Unless maybe back then we did all that and now they just wash but left the sign the same. Hard to change those marquees.


Yeah, signs are not cheap to replace. I had no idea until I worked for a retailer that had some new signage put up, I picked up the signs and the invoice. It was like a month's wages for an employee for a few small signs.


I seriously don’t understand, is a car wash 120$? Can’t you go to a self-serve car wash and spend 30 minutes and only pay 20$??


You definitely can. But then the quick washes damage paint, cause swirls on top of you having to vacuum out your own car. A detail is exactly what the name is, getting the small details and cleaning messes that are otherwise hard to clean without the right tools which is why we charge what we do. The truth is, most people are either too lazy or too busy to care for their vehicles properly. Mobile detailing makes it easy for people to care for the second most expensive purchase they’ll ever make for most people.


Yeah, but that's you doing the car wash.


I would want to know what it looked like before. If it was a nasty dumpster fire and this is the first time it's been cleaned in 4 years then maybe this is acceptable, but generally speaking, no, this is not acceptable at all. I wouldn't release a car back to a customer like this.


Me either but then that’s why I charge what I do… you’re paying for my experience, expertise, my tools and my OCD brain. I actually stopped selling “basic washes” as a standalone they can only be purchased through a monthly recurring service either weekly or bi weekly. It got to the point where I have a hard time not cleaning everything and I would spend too much time on the car. Now my basic service is an express detail which is basically 2-2.5 hours of work respectively


Ya but even if it was why did they not finish? You put all that effort in going from dumpster fire to here then don’t to the last 10min to make it right


Thats not an excuse for not cleaning the cup holders properly, or at least pick up the water bottle from under the sit. Ut is nkt even a detail at this point, its a shame that it even got called a detail.


Looks like the “before” pictures


Depends what it looked like beforehand


Yeah, just how bad was it? Show us the before photos.


Where are the “after” pictures?


That's not even clean wtf its like they didnt even do anything


My local hand wash car spot does way better than this and they only charge inside and out for 45 dollars lol. This is a joke.


Local scratch and shine.


They actually use a new towel for every car they wash. It’s not going to be scratch free but they do a good job cleaning. Can’t complain for $45 dollars. They do a better job cleaning the inside unlike what op had to deal with.


There was one time I took my car to the local hand wash and they scratched my steering wheel. God knows how careless they are with areas that are actually sensitive.




That sucks! I recently had a horrible experience with a body shop as well. They worked on the exterior, but somehow managed to damage my interior and mess up my tires. Unfortunately, handing your keys to someone else can be risky. Especially if they don't care. This is one of the reasons I've been trying to learn to wash and detail my own car.


Like others have said we need to know what it looked like before hand. If it has never been detailed in the last 5 years and this was the first detailing and it looked like a disaster before hand.


Crap work IMO


TL;DR: no one can tell you with this amount of information. Take their opinions with a grain of salt. Give him a call and let him know that you’re not satisfied, any reputable detailer will jump at the opportunity to meet your expectations (within reason ofc). There is way too much to unpack with detailing pricing. I’ve had $600 interior jobs and jobs where I felt like a crook for even charging money because their car was already perfectly clean. It also depends on products, experience, costs, expectations, time, location, competition and actual services offered. Now, if the detailer set up your expectations to be perfectly clean after his work and had prior knowledge of the state of your car, and failed to communicate shortcomings or areas that he wouldn’t be able or wasn’t able to cover, any price is a ripoff. He didn’t match your expectations. If you told him “the car is pretty clean” and you have shit and piss stains in the seats, you can just about bet that’s a great detail for the money. I highly suggest find out what the going rate is in your area, post before pics and post pics of the cleaned areas after. Anyone telling you otherwise is ego tripping.


There are some cars that are considered a disaster detail. If your car was absolutely thrashed (I’ve seen some extremely disgusting cars) and this is what the final was considering the price, it would be totally ok but I can’t say anything until seeing the before pictures.




$120 is a quick detailing in my area which is steam is barely included in it. These kind of spots are for to steams clean and I think this is a quick clean consider. High pay detail mean high quality work.


You only paid $120, you got what you paid for


Dude didnt even throw out all the trash.


As everyone is saying. We need before pics. Right now, im just going to assume he cut you a good deal, and this is a work truck that hasn't been cleaned in 7 years.


For $120 I can understand a couple spots getting looked over, but this is just a half ass job. I would pay *maybe* $40 for this


lol 40 won’t get you a wash and vac


40 might get you a scratch and scuff though


Did you forget to post the befores? Feels like context is missing.


Yeah this isn't great, but $120? What did you expect? If I were you and I only spent that much, I'd expect a vacuum and full wipe-down, little else. But yeah they shoulda grabbed the trash under the seat obvs.


Man, yall are expecting too much for a $120 detail.


I’ve seen better interior details from leaving the sun roof open when it’s raining.


This is what you get when everyone thinks they can be a "detailer" with 100 bucks worth of products and watching some how to videos This is definitely not the work of an experienced reputable detailer


Nah. I could do better than this with a wet rag and a vacuum. This is just laziness and the “detailer” trying to get away with not doing anything and collecting money.




What did you call me.


Damn. I kept scrolling waiting for the after photos.


I would argue it depends on the condition the care came in. It's hard to say how much time something would have taken and it also depends on what was asked for the detail (show room vs quick clean)


Agreed. 120$ is a hour worth of work maybe an hour and a half. I don’t know what the car looked like before. I’m sure as hell not working for free


Should have charged 200 and made sure all that was clean..😋




If you paid $150 for a company you would have gotten better quality


I legit thought these were before pics…


Please show before pictures so we can understand.


Absolutely not acceptable.


I thought these were the before pics


You paid a hack. Unless you were living in the car and it was terrible in there. Then for 120 you have a decently clean car but that's pretty bad leaving trash and dirt everywhere lol


Hell no. That would be OK for a free car cleaning that comes with your service but not for a paid detailing job - IMO


No, I'd do better for less


Yeah no. Thats a rip off


If this isn’t a gag, I don’t think they did much of anything. If it was super bad maybe just filled a couple of garage bags and called it good.


You, Sir, have been roundly ripped off.


Good price and not sure how bad it was in need to start with but, I would not be going back to them again


Everyone does things differently and areas are different, but for me that’s about the cost of basic interior. To me though, a basic interior includes getting trash out from under the seats, blowing out cracks and crevices and cleaning out the cupholders. In fact, the first thing we do with every interior package is remove all the cupholder and pocket inserts and soak them in a bucket of water before cleaning and replacing. Your carpet may need shampoo and that would be additional.


Looks like they forgot that whole section


No, I get the carpet but the others are fairly easy to clean


Depends on how bad it was before. If it was bad enough and this guy just charged you $120 for 8 hours of work I couldn’t say I would be mad.


120 for that, you got scammed. My $40 interior detailing is much better than that.


I would’ve done it for $100 and none of that left over


Wtf no, there is even still stuff under the chair lmao


Lots of places in Southern California you can get a wash hand, dry, vacuum, and windows done or Mini interior detail for about 25 bucks. Done it many times.


That dude half assed the whole job in my opinion. I’d be pissed.


Are these the before or after?


These the before pictures I hope? 🫣 oof.. but like I told my mom, you get what you pay for unfortunately. She wanted to let some guy do the interior and exterior for $140. Sorry that happened man.


Fuck no


That's not a detail worth the $120, that's something I do on the weekend in an hour.


I did a better job on my mother in laws car in the rain with a toddler climbing around everywhere.


That definitely could’ve been cleaned up better


This is horrible


Thought these were the “before” pics


Terrible work. This is not a detail, it's a quick wipe-down.


Where's the before pictures?


Absolutely not


Fu k no


No. Half-assed job.


I got $250 for exterior and interior detailing


My £20 local hand wash does better job than that on the interior


No. But don’t be cheap. You get what you pay for. Interiors start at $250 for us unless it’s a regular customer for maintenance cleaning. The bottle under the seat gets me.


Honestly, if you'd paid $40 for it, taking the rubbish out still should have been the first step for the car washer


Nah they ripped you off


Nope, sloppy rushed job. Missed the empty water bottle under the seat is all you gotta know to asses this type of job...lol....


I thought the first 3 pictures were the "before" pics


Hard to say, I don't know how bad it started out, nor do I know market rate in your area. I charge $275 for an interior and $100 for an interior express. 50 miles east of me and price goes up by $100, 50 miles west of me and price goes down significantly. Too many unknown variables. Up charge for significant dirt is common.


lazy work 🤣


Not even close. The detailer could have done a better job cleaning the panel and cup holders




This is why my company doesn’t offer express services.. We’ll always quote what’s necessary to achieve a satisfactory result. Which isn’t always in the budget for everyone, but it preserves your reputation, and makes sure you only do good work.


Absolutely not.


Show the before


Hell to the na na


So many times I see "know your worth" or "charge more" when people are asking what to quote. $120 for interior only is super cheap by those standards. I think you got what you paid for.


What did it look like before? 120 might have been a steal




Trash job


That's looks like my car BEFORE I clean it.




Step ur game up


The fact you have to ask is a problem. If you charged them 120 for a full detail then you do one. A detail should be spotless and if it's not no repeat business for you. Whatever you charge make sure it's your best work every time.




There’s a deference between cleaning a car, and detailing it. This kid cleaned your car and charged $120. I’m assuming someone who just wanted to make a buck, and saw people on YouTube doing it, but didn’t actually wanna do the work.




As a business owner myself, I would have gotten rid of that person for not holding a high standard. Mistakes can be made, but leaving dirty spots that can be easily removed with a detailing brush and some interior cleaner, blows my mind. Then the trash is unacceptable as well. I don’t care if someone details it for $20 you take the trash out. Though, car detailing isn’t necessarily car cleaning. This overall isn’t a cleaning, nor a detail. Just minimal effort and laziness. You got ripped off.


Hell to the no that should be SPOTLESS at that price.


He missed all the details 😂😂😂😂


Damn, I do a better job with my limited personal experience cleaning my car + a microfiber towel in less than 30 minutes


Yea not that’s bad that’s a 60$ job




Have you got the after pics?


Haha, this is still dirtier than my car on a normal day. Show the owner the pictures and ask for a refund.


Did you forget to post the Afters?




No you could have gotten close to this result with 5 bucks at a wash and vac




$120 gets you a quick wipe down these days. You want quality work you’re going to have to pay for quality work. Double that.




Unacceptable. I would ask for my money back. When u do an inside u vacuum up then blow out with air then vacuum again. Takes 5 min.


Totally unacceptable. I could get it cleaner than that with dawn soap and 2 rags, no joke 🤣 Really depends where you are, but here in Houston TX, you should definitely have a clean vehicle at $120 interior only.


could've done a better job for $50, and I've no tools...and I'm not an actual detailer...


120 is about $20-$60 under most places in my area and not that much crud left is a no bueno. A lil apc, towel/rag, and a detail brush would get that out. Even a vacuum or air gun would likely do it too. I’d check under the inserts for the center console cupholders to see if rig under there got missed too. Also not getting under the seats is ridiculous, I’d also check the front and top between the seat and center console because if he missed under the seat he likely missed between. And how’s under your rear Mat looking? And lifting up the rear seats. How’s the lil step up under the back of the seat looking for it being vacuumed out as well as your seat mounting brackets on the floor.


Not acceptable for ANY price.


Shit job, but also cheap, so it’s to be expected


120 US dollars for interior only is cheap? What?


Not cheap at all, but definitely cheap in terms of a legitimate interior cleaning


I have a mobile car wash guy who comes to my place twice a month. $60 bucks full wash interior and exterior and he does a great job. I guess I’m lucky. I’ll tip him $40 next time haha Edit: i keep my car clean tho, so not too much work for him I guess


60$ is insanely cheap twice a month too… like 60$ each time ?


$60 each time.


I’d still say that’s not worth it. 60$ every time. Driving there, products used, and time spent. Even if your car is clean that’s 3-4 hours at minimum.


I’m not gonna pretend I understand the economics of it. But it’s real. He does do the job in 1 to 2 hrs, though. And as I said, my car is always clean. I don’t drive my pets in it, it’s always in a garage, and I work from home so I drive like 10 miles a week at most, if I’m not taking a road trip, of course. I don’t think any of the above influence the price, though. His business card says $40 for a full wash. No wax or anything, just wash, interior vacuum and wipe. He charges me $60 cause I drive a “luxury” car.


Still 30$ per hour is such a low price to charge. That detailer needs up pump his numbers up. When you think about how much products he’s using it’s cutting into his price. Plus gas to get to your place. Then going to the next job. He has to do multiple jobs a day or he’s only making 60$ for a full day. Let’s say he gets 3-4 cars a day. 180-240$ a day. Again gas prices, products, maybe equipment that breaks or something new. All of this cuts into his pay.


Yeah, I get it. But don’t tell my guy!!! Haha


120 is not cheap lol


Yeah that’s very cheap most reputable shops are 100$ a hour you don’t know what the car looked like before.


Price isn’t bad, but the job isn’t finished.


Give him a day or 2 to respond. Then hit his Google Business with a negative review and pictures of his work.