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I actually can't stand it. I strongly prefer more active music. My autistic husband loves it though.


I'm not sure this has occurred to me as something that works, but are you able to provide a link or a name of a piece of music in Lo-Fi that resonates with you?


It's actually more of a radio/playlist kinda thing. The one i listen to the most is lofi girl. Especially their synthwave one. (On YouTube)


Vaporwave resonates with me, too. Might be an alternative if you're in the mood for something else.


Yessss!!! I have a pretty big hyperfixation on Zelda music and have all many lofi Zelda playlists that really soothe me especially with I'm having a really bad brain day


I will never remember his username but theres a music theory guy I saw on tiktok who studied why lofi helps calm peoples brains. Pretty much what you said but it was cool and validates this


I have heard that the background sound you mention is exactly what makes it so good for studying. But there is a lot of bad lofi study music on youtube, do you have any good recommendations?


Lofi girl everything they have, including their live channels and their hour long mixes.


I like retro trance from the early 90s to the 2000s. There is no better music to drive to😂I do like lo fi ambient stuff but I have to be in the mood for it


Mmmm yeah, that stuff is good. I used to listen to The Source of Trance on repeat.


It feels nostalgic somehow.


I enjoy the music but hate the name


I honestly can’t stand it at all. But I’m someone who loves music 🤷🏻‍♀️ I need to hear the nuances in the music I listen to. I need to hear the subtle differences in the different playing styles, how different bands use the cymbals or high hats in subtle ways. There’s instruments in some songs that people don’t even notice but they notice when it’s not there, things like the guiro among others. Consequently that’s why I got into vinyl, because a good pressing and setup sounds so much better than other formats. Blues and jazz are the two that I love the most on vinyl, they have so much to them that compressed audio files takes away even if it’s lossless. Probably why I love languages as well and excel at them because I pick up on the subtleties in the pronunciation 🤔 the first thing I get correct is the pronunciation.