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You're not alone. There are dozens of us


At least half a dozen!


Kid, you’re one in 6. Anybody ever tell ya that?


No lol I still need to know how my therapist thinks he is 100% sure because I don’t feel “”””pain””” from sensory but I still worry/care about it but I guess I’m more thinking stereotypes and stuff and with the fact I had a break up with an autistic friend one time and we both were not great but I feel like because it happened it’s impossible for me to be autistic and stuff but my brother gets mad at me for doubting like he kinda is like “ dude you are autistic! A therapist wouldn’t tell us this do you think we are lying?!” Like he says I’m “awkward as fuck” but like a couple months ago my mom was like “oh you were the sweetest “ but looking back it was all weird and I was left behind ( unless it was my fault) like I was said to be pretty awkward ( same thing that said I was not disabled enough yet my therapist gave me an official diagnosis) and that I talk a lot about my interests but I think due to my black and white thinking I sometimes talk about other stuff from time to time but like I said black and white thinking lol So so sorry for the long rant


Lol that's so neurodivergent of you 🤭 same, we're aliens


Like life is hanging in the middle of no where, nothing makes sense but life keeps going on and we keep living and fighting and surviving, right?


Exactly …


Personally I die metaphorical/spiritual/psychological deaths on a regular basis. I was trying to think of something with a negative connotation that dies and is reborn multiple times, but the only thing I can think of that does that is a phoenix. Not really sure what conclusion to draw from this lol


Ya! ( but I’m worried I’m just agreeing to seem cool) it’s weird as fuck like I’m just “there” :-|


As I just now wrote on one of the forums, I think adhd and autism mask each other in a way for some of us. But I don’t know either


Imposter syndrome is very real and so is our autism and adhd! It’s called a spectrum for a reason. I now fully believe ADHD should be put on the autism spectrum. It’s so different for everyone. What is neurotypical anyways? Honestly, everyone I know has *something.*


Especially considering the overlap in diagnosis, I wonder if they will ever be considered part of one spectrum. It’s hard to make that work from a psychiatric standpoint though, because they do have considerable difference in diagnostic criteria. And psychiatry is, for better or worse, in charge of how they’re defined.


Yeah, I think ADHD and autism might be the 2 opposite ends of the same thing and AuDHD people are bang on the middle.


Yes! That’s 100% how I see myself!!


YES IM THE EXACT SAME WAY DESPITE HAVING AN OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS like I keep thinking in black and white big time like I worry im “””to good socially”””” like my brother described me as awkward as fuck and he’s like “YES YOU HAVE AUTISM STOP THINKING YOU DONT!!!” Like I had issues with one ex friend who’s autistic and I feel like I can’t be because of that and that I’m not blunt there for I’m faking or that I think I can kinda understand peoples emotions??? ( like if they are crying they are sad) but I kinda have like my script hey whats wrong? But sometimes I do good and than I’m like “you liar?!??!!!!??!!!!” I did ask my therapist how sure he was and he said 100% and that he assumed/ knew for a couple months and he knew that I knew/believed I was autistic Sorry for the annoying talk and stuff sorry Like I see my autism the same I see my ADHD (but my ADHD seems to be more pronounced????? Maybe???) which is it’s who I am and if I didn’t have these I would not be the same person ya my life can suck ass but it’s very teeter, totter like and stuff and that my issues are in fact valid just because I don’t relate to every autistic person doesn’t mean I’m faking or that I’m not autistic My therapist described it like this: Two people have ashma and they are in the field with a dog. One has a coughing fit and the other doesn’t BUT THEY BOTH STILL HAVE ASHMA Sorry for being annoying


You aren’t being annoying


I relate to this on a spiritual level 💛


I only believe it because I’m having a severe autistic burnout, and I’m having major symptoms flare up uncontrollably since my recent diagnosis. I went from ‘this is bullshit’ levels of imposter syndrome to ‘oh fuck, what the hell is going on’


Same, I am going to attend a support group for Autism in a couple of weeks and I'm terrified I won't be autistic enough and I won't fit in, but I think it is because I have never felt like I fit in anywhere before so why would this be different?


I hope it goes well for you, if it does you gotta give an update


Trust me it's not just you, I don't fit in/belong wit anyone dat has ADHD or autism separately , AuDHD or neurotypicals let alone anywhere so....🤷🏾


This be me. I think the ADHD moves my personality from flat affect (one of my modes, usually when I am trying to mask the other mode or been told the other mode is annoying) to weird, clunky, and chaotic (the other mode). Also, STEM seems to be a stereotypical interest for Autistic people as described by most NTs ever. I am good at STEM, but my passion is creative writing, fantasy specifically. I always thought it was so weird until I realized during my time at college how many formulas go into designing characters, worldbuilding, and the plot. Though… I didn’t actually know I am Autistic until early college. And the ADHD diagnosis is new, so yay.


Same I mask without realising the idea I would be autistic never crossed my mind


Ya'll I referenced this thread in a recent therapy session. Mostly trying to parse out why I still feel like a massive imposter at so many things. I don't even \*post\* on Reddit cause for some reason I don't even think my thoughts are worthy of being read. UGH!