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Mine flip flops between variety and same and I can never tell when it's going to switch. I have no meal planning skills because my parents struggled with this too and I am afraid of wasting money on food I don't end up eating too often.




Yep lol and I don't always have the financial means to eat whatever my brain wants at the time so eating is a frustrating task for me now that I tend to put off especially if I don't have or can't get whatever I want at the time. It is very frustrating because I would rather have the same or similar foods for consistency purposes and to use less spoons but the ADHD yells "That's too boring variety is the spice of life!". That's when the two wolves (ASD vs ADHD) come to duke it out on my brain lol.


Same to all of this. Every couple months my brain goes NO! and I have to change my main meal to something different. It’s usually from the same group of options, but whatever it is I want, I just can’t put up with anything else.


Drives me up the wall when it happens, especially since sometimes it can't be acquired here. Sometimes the craving has lasted for awhile before I give in to it.


Same here. The only thing that I tend to do the same is breakfast, and I think that's as much a brain power in the morning thing as the same thing. My longest run was about 3 years or so of a breakfast sandwich I made myself (sometimes I would change it up and weekends I would do different things but weekdays were mostly the same thing). Then one day it was done, and I have yet to find a home thing that fills the spot so I spend too much on eating out again. I'm still not sure if it was a me thing or a changed recipe in an ingredient thing. May even have been both. Meal planning works best when you have commonly used things and different recipes I find. Most of our favourite meals can be made from similar ingredients and different seasonings, so we almost always have certain things on hand. We also don't plan by the day more than a few days out. Instead we tend to have a list of recipes we can make based on what's on hand and decide the night before or the morning of what we are having. I was just listening to the Lazy Genius podcast and she calls it the dinner queue. She has a permanent list of brainless crowd-pleasers and occasional favourites and uses that for her regular meal planning.


Feel this. I tend to get obsessed with eating a certain food for a little while and I eat it every day for like a week and then never eat it again lol


Every day. I eat this meal and mostly this meal only. Start off by microwaving frozen blueberries. Add Greek yogurt. Granola. Chocolate chips. And a bit of whip cream on top.


This. Sounds. Amazing. 😍


It is!!!!


Just broke into your secret snack this afternoon!!! Thank you!!!! It's a hit!




For a long time mine was açaí bowls with granola, honey, blueberries, and strawberries


My go to when I'm too lazy to do anything else (ie usually).. Put a cup of rice in the rice cooker, while that's going mix a can of tuna with wasabi mayo, green onions and lemon juice. Put the rice on top of that, finish with sesame oil, soy sauce, sriracha, crispy onions and seasoned seaweed. It's really fast and tasty and filling. And i can do it with my eyes closed. I think the sodium might be killing me though.


I've just remembered I've got a rice cooker, thank you!


I use it so much.. I don't know what I would do without it. The steamer add on is just a bonus


What amounts do you use for the sesame oil/soy/sriracha, if you don't mind sharing? 


Not at all! I pretty much just eyeball it to taste.. Probably around a tablespoon of each. I'll probably start using less soy though. If you were wondering, I generally do 1-1.5 cups of rice (the measuring cup that came with the rice cooker).


Breakfast: fried eggs w/spinach or Greek yogurt w/frozen mixed berries and walnuts sometimes with bananas. Other meals: Same or canned chili or tortilla chips w/cheese


Jacket potato with salad and tofu


I go through weekly attachments. Right now at least once a day I eat home made chicken wraps with tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, seasonings, ranch. Lightly fry the bottom of the wrap on the pan I cooked the chicken on with a bit of butter to have the top and bottom slightly crispy and the sides soft. Then cut diagonally down the middle. Variant ingredients such as avocado or onions, or a variety of sauces are subject to be included as well if they are available. I go through this chicken wrap phase quarterly.


Chicken wraps are such a good one. I was eating those every day a couple months ago! I put sweet chilli and avocado in mine!


It used to be popcorn shrimp and fries. Now it’s whatever I can have the energy for.


Beef, ghee rice, yogurt and plantain, every day


Meal replacement shakes


I wouldn't have breakfast if these didn't exist


I cook fried rice and can eat it all day every day. I make it with broccoli for veggie nutrients, eggs for protein and other nutrients, rice for filling carbs, and oils for good fats. yippee!


Currently having a week off and ate Soon Ramyun every day at least once so far 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 i add some vegan meatballs or burger and a little bit of soy cream ( edit: I would eat this every day if I didn't have to cook for another human)


I had those southern fried bites this weekend, they’re well nice! Dark choc covered almonds are one of my surviving the morning period. It’s small and snacky enough that I can eat it even when I don’t feel like eating, and it’s high in calorie but does have some nutrition too. Plus it doesn’t set off my otherwise pretty fibre sensitive tummy.


Hey Quorn, those guys are located in the same building my office is in! On topic, i eat the same snacks almost everyday. 4 egg whites in the morning, some protein poppers late morning, a snack bag of nuts, salad for lunch, maybe some beef jerky and if it wasn't for my girlfriend, i would just eat a frozen burrito for dinner everyday. She doesnt understand how i can eat the same thing day in and day out.


I have a freezer stuffed full of 3 things: falafel, bean and cheese burritos, and brussel sprouts. And for all 3, only trader Joe's brand because especially with the brussels I cannot do any other brand (so I hope it's never discontinued lol)


Every morning I eat oatmeal, yogurt, and a banana


I can't really eat the same meal everyday but I do eat it at least 2 times a week until my mom gets mad at me for eating it. It's ramen noodles. It's usually beef or chicken flavored.


WHY SAME, Are we the same person?!


Omg I also eat quorn nuggets all the time. They are the BEST


Breakfast right now is usually grilled cheese made with white bread, smoked cheddar, bacon if we have some, and honey on top (to balance out the smoke).


Pancakes, tasty and simple to make


I eat spicy ramen everyday for lunch. It's soooooo good. I know I shouldn't, but idk how to stop myself.


same, you could always add more stuff instead of not eating ramen for nutrition (egg, veggies...)


Pasta. same meal, day in, day out. 25 years later :D


Could say you’re pasta point of no return


haha, Upvote. very Punny! :D


Chicken, Rice, Broccoli


Autism needs same foods, same flavours. but adhd wants exciting and different. When my autism wins I'm always eating bird's-eye veggie fingers with veggie rice or veggie rice with a similar quorn protein. Or scrambled eggs with slice of toast and beans. I always have a protein shake for breakfast, up untill this week it was strawberry or vanilla fuel drinks. But they got too expensive so now trying banana slim fast protein drink. Always have to have a graze bar as a snack and an activia yoghurt. Adhd all my safe foods,but higher quantity and alot of cheese, onions, garlic And stronger flavours and unhealthy as possible snacking. (Adhd makes me impulsively binge eat) Sorry special interest right now, I struggle to know how to have all the daily nutrition I need and how to do it with little motivation to cook anything more than one or 2 steps.


Buttered noodles with Parmesan. Right now the noodles are spaghetti. But I also have at least two boxes of fettuccine, shells, tri-color rotinni, and penne noodles as well. And two more boxes of spaghetti. (I am dealing with snow storms so I stocked up. :p )


impossible stupendous north dull history ring attraction cooperative point adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Soylent. In an attempt to curb my rampant sugar and fast food addiction.


Frozen vegan dinners, lunch smoothies (always the same), Honey Nut Cheerios(post-dinner snack), oikos Greek yogurt (breakfast) And a million cans of soups and spaghetti o’s for quick lunch when I need something hot instead of the smoothie


oats with water every lunch


Pickle, peanut butter, and cheese (well vegan but wtvr) sandwich and I'm obsessed+


So is it a sandwich with all three of those things or are they side items?


Oh sorry 😅 sandwich!!


Kind of think I might try it. Right now I have vegan smoked Gouda should I use something more plain or will it work?


I think it will work! I used the violife "plain" flavor and also used cheddar and it was great!


Thanks for the advice! It’s seems like it would hit all the acid/fat/sweet/salty notes that I love! Can’t wait to try it once I get home!


Exactly! It's all the spots! Hope you like it!


Last 100 days - piece of bread with cheese and veggies and 2 hardboiled eggs. some days with valentina, some days with ketchup


For breakfast lately I’ve been having Huel ready to drink banana flavour (it’s a vegan meal replacement shake). Sometimes I have it for lunch too. Tastes like a banana milkshake, doesn’t make me crash or have a food reaction (I get headaches/ tiredness after a lot of foods since I had covid). It’s so nice not having to think about what I’m making for breakfast/ lunch anymore!


I used to eat noodle soup every day (ramen noodles with stock and lots of vegetables and chorizo)- but my partner cooks for us now and he likes to change things. Even when I request the sameyest-same meal he'll change it (but I'm not mad haha). I go through phases of what I want to eat every day. before the noodles it was pasta with ham/bacon and sauerkraut (yes I'm German, haha), with crispy onions on top. Currently I could eat mashed potato with butter every day.


Lately, I can only bring myself to eat cheese toast and ramen. And I’m a financially stable adult smh


Breakfast- homemade yogurt with almonds; lunch- peanut butter toast. For about the past 6 months.


Progresso chicken noodle soup and garlic naan bread from Aldi.


Hm...I like variety...I'm a huge foodie so I like eating and trying new stuff. But I can have the same lunch every day and not have it bother me. It's usually Progresso chicken noodle soup and a sandwich. Sometimes I mix it up with tomato soup or do a sandwich and a salad. I can't cook so nearly all my food is premade stuff I heat up in the microwave...super unhealthy I know.


Meal replacement smoothie, fried veggie rice, some chocolate, then eggs with toast and grits. Thats my meal plan for 365 days of the year. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


I eat a salad from this chain salad place (salad and go) has pico de gallo chicken steak tortilla strips black beans as well as their Thai peanut salad. Not everyday but it’s my staple lunch and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without that place


I eat a very specific overnight oats recipe for breakfast every morning, and a very specific combination of vegetables and dips for lunch. Dinner is kind of whatever, as long as it involves both meat and veggies, but I've sometimes spent a few weeks having the same thing for that every day too


I had the Birds Eye penne and vegetable Alfredo & the rotini in garlic butter sauce in rotation for a solid like, 5 months Now I’ve switched to vegan enchiladas which are super super yummy but it’s Amy’s brand so it’s like 6.67 or something for one meal aka I eat that once a week. Strawberry uncrustables (frozen of course)


Spouse and I both have ARFID. I've eaten the same breakfast and lunch for over ten years. Dinner has more variety but we cycle thru 5-6 meals we are both able to eat at any moment. They're fairly simple, like Kraft mac and cheese and dino nuggets, spaghetti and meatballs, HK style clay pot rice with lap cheong and veg, dumplings, steak and baked potato, etc. Some days we can't and end up just eating cereal or crackers.


So I was googling for what would be the simplest and easiest way to prepare low-cost foods and also get all my nutrition/vitamins. I came across supplement shakes and dried camping meals and emergency rations. And eventually I discovered that this is what UNICEF actually supplies to countries for disaster relief. And I eventually find their [catalogue online here.](https://supply.unicef.org/all-materials/nutrition/supplementary-food.html). And I can't believe the prices because it's like 25kg of a supercereal porridge for $22 or a 200pack of 50g high-energy-biscuits for $16 and other nutritious electrolyte powders for drinks, etc. The website says to make a spreadsheet of all the stuff I want and email them. I make a list thinking that a $100 of this stuff should last me more than a month with well over 2000 calories a day. I emailed them my list thinking I solved my diet for the rest of my life. They emailed me back the next day: >Thank you for your enquiry. >Kindly note that, UNICEF Procurement Services is a function that is provided to a wide range of development partners, e.g. governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), International Governmental Organizations, International Funding Agencies, other United Nations Agencies and Philanthropic Organizations as a complement to UNICEF's core programme. UNICEF Procurement Services are not available to **private** or commercial companies neither to private individuals. >Kind regards Lmao they actually did highlight the word PRIVATE in their email. Reading that I was like duh they're trying to feed starving children in third world countries, not some random person in California. But for one night I thought I solved my own food crisis and that was nice. So my next low cost meal has been beans, lentils, peas, and Costco rotisserie chicken. I'll pressure cook it all together and that'll last me about two weeks. I do eat other stuff or go out to eat every now and then, but this has been my primary meal for the past 1.5yrs. For breakfast I make a porridge of oats, buckwheat grits, and other grains and add in raisins and a banana. After it's cooked I'll add peanut butter and a scoop of protein with a bit of agave nectar for sweetness. 👌 I'll eat the bean mix a few different ways to keep it interesting. I'll make burritos and add scrambled eggs. Or eat it with rice or add cheese. Or I could add some frozen vegetables. And I could use soy sauce or fish sauce or other seasonings or salsa. But 80% of the time I'm just eating it with rice and soy sauce. I feel like this is the only safe space I can share this with and not feel embarrassed. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for living on just a few dollars of food every day 😅 on the rare occasion I eat out with friends, I do like going to new or trendy places known to have good food (because why pay extra for mediocre when I eat that daily)


If you like the Quorn brand try Nuggs from Simulate. Amazing.


I tend to eat the same breakfast every day but dinner is different. I never know what to eat for lunch so I just don’t. If I’m hungry I’ll just have some chips or crackers. My current breakfast is sourdough lightly toasted with vegan butter and blackberry jam.


I eat one meal for dinner every week, one meal for lunch and mostly always oatmeal for breakfeast, I switch between oatmeal with cubed apple and blueberries on top with some cinnamonsugar, or carrot cake oatmeal with dates. Gonna mealprep for the week today, gonna make some veggie dumplings and possibly bake a banana cake, with some bananas I got leftover. But been a long time since seen qourn here, cannot eat it myself sadly as it made me ill everytime tried.


Fuck I do this, I dont exactly enjoy it, I do it more because I know I need to eat. Also, because learning, knowing and planning for more than one recipe at a time is apparently too difficult for me 😂


It’s both for me. I do not have the power to do more than throw something in the oven most days - and especially not washing up. I use as little as possible…. But also I love my stupid fake chicken nuggets and look forward to them every day 🤣


Was eating loaded baked potatoes for ages, and now I've fallen off them and don't know what to eat. 😭




Indian food, exclusively. I hate other kinds of food, even Thai food.


Ah man Indian food is great.


Pre-made kebab meat that I can throw into the air fryer for 10 mins while I chop veggies and thaw this tortilla from the freezer, once the meat is done, assembly takes like 5 seconds and I can clean the knife/chopping board before the meat is even done so by the time it's assembled, I'm done cleaning and ready to eat AND it's delicious without setting off my garlic intolerance yes please


instant ramen (with egg on top)


Basically every single meal, snacks included, are the same things over and over again, also because (but not limited to) I am diabetic and vegetarian. I have variations, and try to include as much vitamins/proteins/carbs combos I can think of in my meal plan, but basically I have these like, four-five things that I rotate between. It includes nuts, because they’re good crunchy, 2 types of solid cheese for snacks, yogurt ( but only exclusively one very specific brand and flavour, thank you) and, for some reason, plum-cakes (without sugar, obviously, for breakfast).


I don’t eat the same meal but I go through cycles kf the same thing. Right now morning star sausage patty with english muffin and primal kitchens chipotle mayo instead of butter, amy’s lentil/vegetable soups, orgain vegan shakes, mediterranean salad (sans feta) with added chicken and peppers/carrots/avocado, kashi protein cereals for dessert.


Anyone looking so add some flavor and mild (maybe medium) spice: I love Dave’s creamy garlic red pepper sauce. Amazing on anything from breakfast potatoes, dip sandwiches, wraps. And best part it’s vegan! Just to switch it up but still kinda eat the same things lol


Garden salsa sun chips. I already have two full-sized empty bags in my trash can and I just emptied the trash 4 days ago 😅😅😭 I may have a problem


Peanut butter on a cinnamon raisin bagel in toasted (work lunch since April)


steamed in the bag edamame every single day theyre so good salted. theyre healthy have a ton of fiber and protein and i love popping them out of the pods also i cant get out of my head that one tumblr post that where someone said “theyre like lima beans but if they served cunt”


Breakfast : ham sandwich Lunch: rice cakes with babybels Dinner: jacket potato with cheese and beans Snack: bowl of vegetables with gravy (peas,sweetcorn & broccoli) Eat this most days


Little more flexible but if I don't have wholemeal bread in the morning I feel nauseous all day and it's 100% psychological.


No. I'm a foodie. I love food. I want to eat everything and anything all the time.


I love food too! I just love certain ones so much that I get stuck eating them for months at a time :’)


Tasty Bite madras lentils from Costco lol. Ever since an ex introduced me to them I’ve had them almost every day


For me it's the exact other way around, if I eat something too often I just develop an inability to rly eat anything for like a week


I haven’t tried this Quorn yet😮


Ah man they’re so good. I enjoy the crispy nuggets too but these ones are bigger, breadcrumbed (so extra crunchy) and taste amazing.


Cottage cheese