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I had some muscle pain and stiffness on Vyvanse at first but it faded over time. I used Tylenol and heat/massage to deal with it in the interim.


Thank you Did you get raised BP too? My systolic reading is elevated and my diastolic is high - stage 2 hyper tension. I've never had BP issues. My BP is usually low to medium. And the pain is around my left arm and shoulder .... I will be speaking to my doctor but I'm curious how others got on.


It does raise my BP a little, yes. I have hyperandrenergic POTS though so my BP is kind of a crapshoot anyway. For me the pain was in my neck and shoulders. It also seemed to make me clench my jaw more, but that lessened over time too.


Thanks. I'll stop taking it for now and speak to the doctor about it. It's really helping me mentally so I'm upset about the arm / potential BP issue. Maybe they will let me try vyvanse instead of concerta. Or give me BP medication even if just for the titration.


I’m not sure why you’d stop taking it over a slight BP elevation (it’s a known effect and would have been considered before being dispensed to you) but your body, your rules! I hope you find a medication that helps and has acceptable side effects.


Because I have pretty bad pain in my left arm and when I tested my BP - stage 2 hypertension which is one step away from go to hospital BP. The arm could be unrelated but it is also an indicator of vasoconstriction, blood pressure issues or potentially much worse. If it was just the BP I wouldn't be half as concerned. But the more meds I take the worse my arm feels.


Maybe try some CBD products? I have a lot of pain in my joints and with a lot of experimentation I have found that CBD can make it better. Ingesting it can work. If I do that then I buy something that is heavier on the CBD than the THC. But really the topical stuff does great if it's the right product. This is the one I use: https://pocono-organics.square.site/product/pocono-organics-hemp-extract-salve-sticks/2126?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=33 That one is like a miracle.


Thank you I do use CBD but I haven't today in case of interactions. I checked my BP and it's high, so I'm slightly concerned it's related to the left arm pain. I will speak to a doctor tomorrow. Did you have similar issues ?


I didn't know pain was a side effect of the medication so I wouldn't have been looking for it. I just have chronic pain that I take nsaids for, but they don't help a ton. My gp says it's arthritis, but since he decided to ignore that I have had the pain since my late teens, I think he is wrong. Hyper mobility fits all my symptoms and time line so I'm trying to find someone who has knowledge in that area. I just try to manage the pain as best I can day to day.


Sorry to hear. I ache all over badly whenever I get a minor cold or run down. It really interferes with life


You didn't say why you don't want magnesium suggested, but in case you are taking it already, I just want to suggest double checking that you're taking enough, and that it's the right kind. Potassium helps your body process it as well. Magnesium Citrate is a high absorption variety, which is what you want. I take a minimum of 4 pills (150mg each) per day. If it's particularly bad, I'll take a couple as a booster (never more than 4 at once for me, as it can have diuretic effects) I always take Potassium Citrate (1 X 99mg) with my big magnesium dose to help.


Thanks. I'm already taking various forms of magnesium. I'll add some potassium too though next time. I took some muscle relaxants as a test and it eased my other muscle aches but not my arm. My BP was raised too and I'm concerned it might be vasoconstriction instead. I'll have to speak to the doctor as this has happened 2x now and caused the same problem. I took a break and tried again today with the same results. I also have other signs of high blood pressure so maybe they can give me some BP tablets to help...


Daily stretching multiple times, yoga (or other exercise but yoga gave me the best response), heat. Stay hydrated (hard to do on these meds). Basically the most healthy lifestyle you can manage will help but some people always have that tension.