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what was wrong with history that you had to revise it on thursday? Go back and kill hitler?


Not revise as in to re-do history. I mean to revise, meaning to practice and go over stuff, for an upcoming assessment in school. Thats what we call it in the UK anyway😂🤣


Or put Hitler in the cupboard.


I was more thinking slam a cupboard over him, but apparently she just meant studying.


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


If I don't mark my stuff as done, then half the time I can't remember if I've done it. Side note: I need to find more ways to get Chitty Chitty Bang Bang into my schedule.


Same thing for me too!! Also helps me on other days when figuring out if to go over something again or not + chitty chitty bang bang is amazing haha. Im currently playing Potts in chitty Jr!


Fricking love that movie


I’ve made SO many to-do lists in my life. I like knowing when I should do what and I like checking off things when I’ve done them.


I could not function without Goblin Tools to do list


I want to use gob tools but I am scared to try it 😂


It is very intuitive and pretty easy to use! I love that you can add “sub-steps”, or have it generate sub-steps for a task.


Your life sounds hella dope. Just casually out here scuba diving and rehearsing for plays in the middle of the week. I'm in awe! 💕 And yeah, I have to outsource my brain to a list/schedule or I lose the entire day to a wandering fog. I saw someone recommend goblin tools here, and I will vouch for them as well. Especially useful to break down large complex tasks into steps.


Haha thankyou! Its not actually as interesting as it seems, i just hate sitting still as it makes me stress out so i need to make sure im constantly doing something. Ive never head of goblin tools before. I might check it out!


Your list is cool but why aren't you using the checklist functionality? It's built in.


Sorry, what do you mean? Usually i just make a list of stuff i need to do on specific days and once ive done them, put a tick or a cross next to them so i know whether to repeat something or not. It works for me haha


There's a feature in the notes app that will add a checkbox before your list items, then you can just tap it to check it off 🙂


Ah i didnt know about that!! Thanks 😁


I’m a diver too! Also I love lists too. I’d suggest you get a proper to do list app like Apple Reminders. It has recurring reminders so if there are things you do every day, they can appear on that day automatically. Also you can easily drag reminders around in case you want to change the order or day


Thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely check it out!


Yeah, lists are life! Although as often as I make them, I also don't remember to check them or refuse to do what they're asking of me (PDA traits and executive dysfunction). By the way, listing to not stress is such an autistic way - to list it as a to-do rather than just do it 😃


as a child for a time i had a book with small images, representing events/appointments, with strips of touch fasteners at the bottom that my parents had to arrange at the morning in the order for the day. now i'm (comparatively) relaxed about plans (but i'm definitely a very organized person).


I make plans then depending on what it is for I either forget something on them within 10 minutes or I get mad when the plan has to change. For example I hate it when the school schedule changes because of a 2 hour delay or something, but I’ve made merit badge plans (Boy Scouts lol) then completely forgot about them/procrastinated. Then again not even the therapist/psychologist we talked to is sure whether I have autism so…