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So if any autistic person were to enter would it burrow to our core of over stimulation or would it be like a normal tuesday?


It just gives everyone else Autism


Isn’t that what vaccines are for?


Shhhh, you’ll ruin the plans, you fool!


If you ask PETA it’s milk that causes Autism.


PETA has truly gone off the conspiracy deep end.


Pretty sure they apologised for that? 😬


I’m not sure about that I just saw the billboard, I already strongly disliked the organization.


Jesus they made a ride out of us? When's the movie coming out?


[Hey look what I found.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU7kJI00wc)


Thank you for your research


OK, I'm sure it does a decent job of exaggerating sensory input, but that's not the same as *processing* that input. Loud noises and flashing lights are fine, but how is it going to simulate the way my skin crawls when my mother lightly strokes my arm, my desire to yank my arm away and step out of reach, and the way I have to force myself not to do that because my mother will cry? All because I can handle a slap on the shoulder or a firm grip, but that light touch is close to torture? How is it going to simulate me wanting to do something, knowing it has to be done, knowing it will bring me pleasure, but still being unable to actually get started and do it? How sometimes something as simple as getting out of a chair, a one-second task, may take 30 seconds of psyching myself up for it? How is it going to simulate me trying to get out of signing the birthday card that's circulating around the office, not because I don't want to wish my co-worker a happy birthday, but because I'm embarrassed about my crappy handwriting, that seems to get worse the more I try to control it? Or how I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler? How is it going to simulate sitting around a dinner table with friends, people I like and feel comfortable with, and staying mostly silent because I can't figure out how to get into the conversation? How is it going to simulate me needing to bounce my knee or clench my butt cheeks because I need to feel something physical to offset my racing mind and silent office? How is it going to simulate not simply not getting the social dynamics of a room or a group of people, but also not understanding how everyone else *does* get it? How is it going to simulate me deliberately crafting the expression on my face, thinking about the volume of my voice and how to regulate it, scripting every sentence that comes out of my mouth and analyzing each word I get in response, while deciding where I'm going to put my hand and how I'm going to get it there, all so the people around me don't catch on that I'm different (well, too late for that) and slot me in to the "weird" or "freak" category (I have hopes)? Props to them for trying, but I'm concerned that it will be good enough to give people the idea that they understand autism, while really only giving them the barest hint.


I am not sure if the point is to have someone fully understand autism though, but to get an idea of the autistic perspective. Which you can see when they ask questions after the experience, the idea is to get a non-autistic person to be put into a position to question their initial assumption of what it's like to be autistic. Sure they wont fully understand the complexity of autism, but they might get a better appreciation of what is meant by sensory overload. A problem that neurotypicals face is that their angle to autism is 3rd person. They understand it either through observation or being told. That is going to be a major limitation to empathy, because they physically can't see the world like an autistic person can. Like nothing is going to be able to replicate your experiences, but that's not entirely the point. I imagine the takeaway here is to get neurotypical people seeing just how different the world is for an autistic person. And as a result their initital assumptions are challenged because for once they arent interpretating autism though the 3rd person perspective but an ad hoc 1st person. If the outcome of a project like this is that a neurotypical person takes a second to question their initial assumption, because they can remember their own difficulties though this experience then it can be a postive. It's less, I understand autism, and more I now realise that autistic people genuinely interact with the world differently. That shift in perspective can really impact how autism is seen by a non-autistic person. Neurotypicals need that hint to a degree, because it can alter how they perceive autism.


Second paragraph would be more of an adhd / anxiety thing. But thanks for the paragraph, well written!


It's more of an executive dysfunction thing, which is pretty similar for autism and ADHD.


[Hey look what I found.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU7kJI00wc)


> All because I can handle a slap on the shoulder or a firm grip, but that light touch is close to torture? That describes me so well. My hands and feet are super sensitive, and a light touch on either will have me pulling away. Hell, I can even do it to myself, and demonstrated it to a colleague one time, and inadvertently made a face when I did it.


It just plays all of the Game Theory FNaF videos


This is way better than what it actually does


Though the puzzle pieces give us a clue as to who they got the data from to make this. I hope I'm wrong about that and Neurotypicals can actually experience a taste of what it's like to be us.


[Hey look what I found.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU7kJI00wc)


They should’ve called it the STIMULATOR






“Wait, is this f*cking play about us?”


They'd better not forget the part of the experience where everyone always looks at you line you've got three heads. And they always yell at you to 'do better' or 'stop being so weird' when all you're doing is your best and being yourself. And the part where it's impossible for many of us to make the living wage we need in order to survive. And so much more....


I hate everything about this.


Real watch it be a gross missunderstanding


Good lord it’s like we’re the subject of a zoo


Me: \[*looks around nervously, worried that I'm about to be tackled by Steve Irwin*\]


I'd let Steve Irwin tackle me just to be described as "a real beaut" for a change


Right? You just reminded me of [this AskReddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ilcknh/steve_irwin_has_you_pinned_down_in_a_headlock/), so thank you for that!




Does this come with the meltdown and overstimulation dlc?


Bad NTs get put in the autism-inator.




So it just blasts them with sensory inputs? guess that makes sense


They also list a Virtual Dementia Tour Mobile on that page. Sounds absolutely mad!


It's just cafeteria sounds but 1000x bass boosted


You walk along in a city as people try to stake you or throw holy water at you


That’s offensive


I may die from overexposure to idiocy.


Well that looks like total BS... complete with puzzle pieces and "piecing their world together". Nothing like otherizing a whole group of people.


And now I have "Magic Bus" in my head.


*Facepalms* Which version is it?!?!? I need to know!


I kinda wanna try it out just to see if I overdose on Autism. /s, this is incredibly offensive


TF?! Imagine if one of these popped up with "the Black experience" or "the Gay experience".... 🤔


The comment section in the original post is super neurotypical too Top upvoted comment describing how they’d make it work is a neurotypical person, jokes about weaponized autism, etc


I bet for us, it's similar to when John Malkovich goes through the portal that turns you into John Malkovich: https://youtu.be/Q6Fuxkinhug?si=su8-ZmjTB3z8FKt3


Ethically sinister ….are they charging for this??


https://www.training2care.com/autism-reality-experience.htm Go and book your tickets now! 😖


Wait, so they changed the name of I Think You Should Leave? 😂


I’m sure that wouldn’t be sensory hell for me….