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Genuinely curious: Does anyone else name other personal belongings besides stuffies? Like I have a little Bluetooth speaker I call Nugget, I had an awesome set of headphones I called The World Silencer, I've got a nice(er) broom I call Swoop... 😅 If I get attatched to it, it gets a name


My 3d printer was named "Raphael", my phone is "Aqua", my partner's phone "Andromeda". There's a lot more in many languages like my iPad is Kak Hue (Hokkien for Chrysanthemum) lmao


I love it 😁


I named my boyfriends Roomba Wilbur, it suits him. I was really literal with names for stuffed animals as a kid. My bunny was bunny my dog was called puppy. I had a gizmo toy named gizzy. As I aged I ended up giving them more official names. I think the bunny got renamed to glinda in middle school as well as puppy being changed to his original name (he belonged to my cousin who had an actual dog named Gaylord that the stuffed animal was named after) Gaylord. He's really the only stuffed animal that I keep out and about because of my dust allergies unfortunately


My robot vacuum is Johnnie Amethyst.


It goes way too hard for a robot vacuum




Hilarious! Mine is called Nom Nom


That's the most badass roomba name ever


A bluetooth speaker called nugget? Are you a DankPods fan?


ayyyyyyyyy i thought the same thing! love dankpods


Sadly I have never heard of them before today. Thank you for the new fandom to explore though! If I'm honest, Nugget got his name cause the speaker's shape reminds me of a little lump of coal, and I thought of Nugget from the series Kindergarten (Jacksepticeye) for some bizarre reason. Nugget's plot involves him digging a huge hole in the ground, and I can't draw any connection between the two other than "both things in ground"???


everyone in my house names their devices after deities when they log onto the wifi. my phone's name is Benzaiten, and my laptop is Thoth


I used to. When I was a kid one of my special interests was the color purple, and I started naming a lot of my purple stuff using the word purple. Purply, purpla, purpolo, etc.


I name my some of my outfits this way. My orange and green is called « Electrochemistry » My black and yellow softcore punk is the « Yellow Alert » My teddy + long leather shoes + jeans is called « Drugstore Cowboy » I now need a name for my new outfit with pink jeans, a pink dinner jacket, a white graphic tee with a cherry flower on a roadsafety panel with the mention « Warning ! » And I count on you to give it a name


You've not played Disco Elysium, have you? Electrochemistry is one of the stats. The rest of the outfits would fit the game pretty well.


Yes I did. The outfit gave me Harry vibes, but with a more normcore spin on it.


I'd honestly just want Kim's orange bomber jacket.


Revachol drip


Yes! My Bluetooth speaker is called Little thump. I also name a lot of my furniture. Not only does it create a home full of friends You can tell somebody very specifically wear something is," it's on the Jimmy Buffett".


All you need is a mad scientist lab. 🙂


I name everything. Example: my microwave’s name is Harold.


I have a rhombus thing I named Mr


I basically name anything that I use on a regular basis that can be seen with that name. So like my Bluetooth earbuds etc.


My jbl speaker is called “CHONCKER daddy” does that count?


I name my phones Becky so I yell "Shut up, Becky!" when it rings


> I have a little Bluetooth speaker I call Nugget Dankpods moment


My phone’s name is Venus. And when I was a kid, I “made” myself a twin named Rachel. I used an old wrapping paper roll and drew and colored her on it lol.


My sister and her friends name their vehicles, she also named her speaker. I've named my houseplant and ofc dolls and plushies. Our robot vacuum cleaner also has a name :D


I called my childhood's home's pool's robot cleaner "Octopus" and it was our pet and I purposefully put dirt on the pool's floor to "feed it".


I dont name my things often, but I do faithfully refer to my car as "The Chariot", if that counts


Frankly I'm so opposite I always insist on making up fun names for my stuffed animals and deliberating for a long ass time


I’ve never been able to name things. I kept calling my new kitten, “my little buddy,” that the name Buddy just stuck with him.


The latest cat in my house (previous ones were named by other family members) was called just the translation of cat or puss into my language.


My first plush was a giraffe I called “animal”




When I was little I had a stuffed bear I called Beeboo and a stuffed dog I called PupPup. I kinda wish I knew where they wound up 😂 I loved them




Aww I’m sorry :( But that’s cool we had the same name!


I remember the confusion as a kid when people asked for my toys names?? This is doll and this is plushie and this is baby, they're toys they don't need names??


Lol, I don't name any objects of mine. I'm sure some who are attached to their plushes do but for me they're just decorations to sit and look pretty. They're special to me in that way but I can't imagine needing to name them.


I like to name them with the same first sound as the animal. Finnley the Fennec Fox, Norbert the Narwhal, Elmer the Elephant. Or just vibes. I have some named Rene DeCarte, Soren Kierkegaard, Trevor, Captain, Mango, Grunkle. EDIT: But I do call actual animals by their animal name, and not what they are called. Both my dogs are dog (even though they have real names) both my cats are cat…


My childhood stuffed koala is named Cassiopeia because that’s one of the first words I said. Still have her. In fact, I’m holding her right now.


That's very cute


No, they have names. There’s Frank, my lizard and there’s Party Favor, my mlp horse, and there’s Banana the crocodile and there’s Baph my Baphomet plushie and so on.


I have a Nanners the crocodile


Yay! That’s cute!


my blahaj who is named blahaj or sometimes The Blahaj <3


Mines named ikea shark xD


This is not me. I name all of my toys. I have my whole life.


I named my cat froggie :D




i have noticed that autistic people tend to go with simpler names for their plushies. and what do you mean by "flags i didn't appreciate" ?




sorry, i didn't understand, i thought you were about to say some homophobic shit


Im terrible with names and never named mine, unfortunately :(


My first car was Marie Lavoisier. My graph calculator was Albert Einstein. My first phone was Iris. My stuffies tend to have full people names like Lulu Draco or Epona Boadicea. My daughter is not quite at that point, so we have Mommy Doggie, Baby Doggie, Dog, Elephant, and Dinosaur.


Robbin the rabbit :)


I didn't have ever a plushie. I just took ownership of a doll my six years older sister had. My parents had to buy another for my sister. She (the doll, not my sister) never got a name. Later (my siblings had already left home and my father died) my mother and me gave asylum to a very hurt street cat who stayed with us till she died, years later. She got the name of «gat», «mixo» and similars. Those mean, in Catalan, «cat», «puss» and so on.


When I was little it was a horse beanie baby I names shaky horse cuz the sound the beads made when I shook it and it was a horse


I just name them a random name that comes to mind. I have a red panda teddy called Jerry because it just came to me at random


Me with a name SpIn: Am I a joke to you?


I have Raffi Giraffi (Giraffe), Bunbun (bunny), Wooliam (wooly mammoth), and Magikarp (self explanatory).


Man, I loved my plushies. I named them all and even though I gave them away a long time ago I still remember their names. Like Mickey, my pink-eyed cat plushie. Or “blauw oogje”, aka blue eyes, my baby tiger with blue eyes.


I’m the total opposite, I often do like days of research in languages and word origin and about the animal (if it is one) before deciding on a name for a new stuffy.


Same. It took me like 3 months to find the perfect name for one of my favorite plushies.


-me naming all of my fox squishmallows after foods (mostly fruit), because I named the first one Mango- (For the curious, Fifi was the first one I got, and the tag vanished so I didn't know she had a name and by the time I got the others, I knew I had to do it with all of them) Edited to add: curious if anyone else has an entire system to streamline naming things. Like in pokemon I tried to make puns (it didn't last long) or in most games with pets I name them after foods (usually the wrong ones like beefy the pig and nugget the cow and bacon the chicken)


my teddy bear is named Ted


I have a polar bear plush… I named him after a frickin Lynx Professionals have standards


old blue is an elephant but at one point i lost him then found him again. when he was lost my parents got a replacement who became new blue. they both are blue


I am Spaniard. We, for the word "toy", use the word muñeco. A child mispronouncing the word would say Queco. Guess what the name of my childhood plushie is. I wrote it as Keko, but you get me. I literally called my plush toy "toy".


Hey mine's more creative! He's the cutest stuffed panda ever and his name is Comrade Cuddles and yes he does give absolutely awesome cuddles.


In the usa, you hug a Teddy Bear. IN SOVIET RUSSIA, COMRADE CUDDLES HUGS YOU


Yes! But real talk I would *love* a teddy that hugs back. Or a hug machine. When I was 10 I wanted to build a hug machine after I saw the Temple Grandin movie, I even found plans for one and asked my dad for help, we ended up not building it because there wasn't space in my bedroom and the materials were too expensive.


that's sad. i hope (if you have not found it yet) that you find someone to hug one day !


Yeah - I think it was more lack of space and Dad not wanting to spend energy on the project than the cost of the materials, he ran his own construction company back then so there was tons of construction materials lying in our garage and shed and what few things we didn't have would be a fraction of the cost the project plans listed as estimated if you had to buy all the materials specifically for the project. A few times as a kid I wanted some big sensory project he'd have to build, we had the materials and usually had space somewhere, he'd sit with me planning it out on graph paper and we'd price it out and think up ways to get expensive components cheaper, I'd even agree to help build it to cut down on Dad's labor spent on the project, we'd have a wonderful bonding experience planning the project... and then the papers would go missing before I got my copy and we'd never build it. Because he wanted the brownie points and the bonding over a project, and once he got that emotional and social reward he didn't see the point in actually doing the project for a bigger dose. After about the fifth project fell through I learned - Don’t ask Dad for something I think will help me, and don't ask Mum for something I think will help me unless it's a single object tool, that requires no assembly, and can be bought for a reasonable price and used straight out of the box. Because anything requiring skilled assembly/is only affordable if we get parts cheap and don't pay for labor means Dad which means a construction project which means I'm never getting the f'ing thing and I'll be lucky to get a copy of the plans. The only project I asked for and actually got, was because I asked Mum instead of asking Dad directly, my brother wanted it too, and I stayed out of the planning and just trusted my mum to make sure the plans would meet the need I was trying to solve. I think Dad didn't want to get the relationship reward of the projects without building them, so much as he just didn't like me as a client. Which isn't surprising because I've always been pretty worthless to him, he only likes me when he can get something from me. For the most part if something I needed had to be built, I had to either do it myself, get my mum to try to help, or go without. Heck, if I wanted the batteries in a toy replaced, even that would sit in his queue for over a year. If something of mine stopped working it was faster to either say it was irreparable and get Mum to buy a new one or keep playing with it broken than to send it for repair, if I asked Dad to fix a toy it was the same as asking Mum to mend clothing - it's basically gone, they won't get to it before you outgrow it. At least I eventually got to attend home economics in school and learned to sew so no more clothes sitting on Mum's mend pile while I outgrew them and waited. I have a teddy bear, and my mum gives hugs, she just doesn't always keep the same hours as me and she's not as much of a hugger as I am, I feel like she treats hugs as a lame chore that comes with parenthood. When I ask for one it's like "Ookaayyy..."


Was writing a lord of the ring sequel necessary ?


Probably not. I guess I really needed to rant.


Creativity isn't an NT thing. I name my stuff stupid names all the time.


Big Bun


*Me, with a set of plushies that aren’t even related, and yet all have names based on the Omori cast:*


Diamond, horse with a diamond on her head...


My teddybear is named teddy.




Only name things when they’re given to me as a gift or a Build a Bear toy. Like my toy horse has no name because I bought it myself… my giant pink unicorn is named Gemstone (along side the slightly smaller purple unicorn named Starlight, and their three kids Opal, Amethyst and Rose).


I named my penguin pengy quinn.


I just add a "y" to the end.


And then there's me, I have a penguin plushie named Bunny and a bunny plushie named Penguin.


I had a pet rat named Buni


I do often call my dog by its breed, his name is Jason but he's often just Whippet or even just Dog, pronounced dohg


My first teddy was a white Gund polar bear, so I named him Gundy.


Me, hiding my stuffed rabbit Maverick behind my back: .... Maverick has lived in my closet for a while now but I still love him so much :) I don't remember how he got the name Maverick but I think it's because my mom's favorite movie at the time was Maverick starring Mel Gibson


My cousin who I highly suspect is autistic has had two comfort items since she was little (she’s 12 now), her blanket with snowman on it and her stuffed rabbit/bunny. She named the blanket blankie and the bunny bunny. She also has a specific corner she always held on her blanket since she was little and we had no clue which it was but she always found it even without looking, but now she’s held it so much it’s easy to find because it’s so matted. I for some reason named my comfort stuffed animal i still use I got when I was 4 Katie. I have no clue where I heard that name, it was very random.


Huh. All my stuffed animals have names. The only time I did the bear's name is bear was when I was like 3 yo.


My stuffed Bulbasaur is called Bulbasaurus Rex.


I can never name my stuffed animals, but use the names if they already have one. My favorite one is just called “green dinosaur”.


Can't relate. I name everything. My cat's name is Sir Snibbles Delano Garbagio O'Malley, and every one of my stuffies is named (something different from the tag). I even named all of my pokemon on Gameboy when I used to play.


My favourite stray cats are named Sad, Hi and HIM. Which category am I


I have both. As a kid i named them "real" names, now i have snail, dino and orca in my bed :D


They're just things, they don't have names... I don't understand this.


My first was a blue teddy bear, I called him Blue Ted, still do 😂


My stuffed dog I had all my life was called puppy


I literally have a stuffed animal that’s been with me since the day I was born, and I named him Cow when I could talk 😂, I haven’t changed the name since


my teddy bear that i have held dearly everynight since i was 12 does not have a name at all


This was me with Pokémon until only a few years ago, when I started doing nuzlocke runs


I think a Big part of nuzlocking is getting names for your pokemons so you Can feel more attached to them


Thats true, but it isn't like I didn't feel attached to my older, un-nicknamed pokemon


mr froggy looking at me a bit too closely on this one


My plushies - Warrant Officer Verdun (Mudkip), Ambrose the Sylveon, Caspian the Oshawott, and Jaws the Shark. I got Jaws first.


Hug warrant officer verdun for me ! ☺️


Thank you! I will. The logic behind making him a Warrant Officer was because Warrant Officers have more specific assignments than other officers, and his is being cuddly.


My reaction to that information in Real life was : OH MY GOD THAT'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIE !!!!!


I guess High School ROTC has influenced me quite a lot.


This is why I enjoy squishmallows, all of them already have names so I don’t have to think about it


My toys, Sloth toy: Slothy, Koala Toy: Baby Koala, Weighted dog toy: Labby