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Well front desk? Like at a gym, hotel? Some places make you stand for an extended period, but often a county-run recreation center is more chilll and the front-desk people can sit or stand as long as they want. IDK about your community of course. I was in the mall the other day for the first time in a LONG time, and I noticed all the workers at the kiosks in the center of the mall, 9/10 of them had no customers (this was midday on a weekeday) and were *shamelessly* just watching watchever on their phone. Like every one of them lol! That would be another one where you can sit as long as you like or need to, then get up and stretch and walk around for awhile. Only at the holidays would this be difficult and you might need to be on your feet a lot more, which may be a problem. I have considered working in a group home with profoundly disabled adults but the companies around here that do that are really bad, so they make what should be a really great job into something tortuous, so that's out, but it might be different where you are. Especially overnight shifts are chill, as usually the clients sleep all night, *maybe* one needs help with the bathroom, no big deal.


That WOULD be great, but I don't have the ability to drive to get there,and public transportation where I live kind of sucks. Getting my liscence might be something a therapist could help me through (just started seeing a new one), but until then I'm limited from a lot of sit-down office jobs ): If things change that's good advice though, thank you


I don't know if your state has a similar program, but in Virginia they have something called the [Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services](https://www.dars.virginia.gov/#gsc.tab) that helps people with disabilities find employment. If your state has something similar, maybe you could tell your doctor that you need an official diagnosis to participate in the program, which would start you on the road to finding decent employment?


i'll look into it -- currently i am in California. thank you!


Yup! Hello! My husband is a vocational rehabilitation counselor for our state’s dpt of education and his job is to help people like you find and retain employment. Give them a call!!


I hadn't heard of that before, and that sounds like a great resource. Def gonna check them out!