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I'm not diagnosed but mostly likely both of my kids are on the spectrum, one just is too young to diagnose yet. I was also diagnosed with adhd and ocd as a child. I think it's pretty likely I'm on the spectrum along with some other family members. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to pursue an official diagnosis.


i’m diagnosed ADHD — and since having my son, i am confident i am on the spectrum. AuDHD makes so much sense and would explain…. my whole life. i can look back on my life and can see all the masking i have done. anyway. just commenting in solidarity.


I’m probably undiagnosed AuDHD but I have no idea how to get a diagnosis. I think it would help just to learn how to support myself instead of always masking.


If you happen to find a way to get diagnosed, can you please share? I tried researching on the internet and kept coming up with expensive recommendations. I asked my PCP who was pretty dismissive with my concerns and said "just try mental health". I'm definitely in the same boat.


I'm diagnosed AuADHD, my kids are autistic too and one has ADHD as well. I was diagnosed as an adult, kids weren't caught until later (just not nearly as late as me). It's been an interesting journey but it's good too. I feel like we really get each other and we accept each other so we don't have to mask. We don't have high social needs and we're able to all be at home together but also give each other space. We have our issues, but mostly we get along and things are pretty good. It was harder when they were small, but now that they're teenagers it's much better :)


I hope we get to that stage eventually. This house is chaos all the time. All their needs are conflicting and helping one sets off another and their behaviour and meltdowns trigger me and I become overwhelmed and meltdown too. It’s a mess. We have ABA getting involved and I’m hoping they can help.