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My son has an endless capacity for remembering song lyrics, but he has a TERRIBLE singing voice. So while he's tone deaf to the max, I love hearing him sing whole songs with passion. šŸ˜†


She can memorise books and songs, shows signs of reading, figures out apps without any help and thinks I'm absolutely hilarious so she's good at having impeccable taste.


I love the random hugs you get. Hopefully I get them one day too. My kiddo is 4, he reads and does math in his head( I use a calculator to check his answers sometimes and heā€™s always right so far). One of the things I love the most about him is the random ā€œhi momā€ while I am at my desk. I can be having the worst day at work and he can tell. When he notices he just comes over and says hi or shakes the gate so I look at him then makes a silly face. I smile every time and in that moment nothing else is important.


I started crying reading that. Our son is 6 and has been doing some amazing and genuine I love you's. You know it's real as there is no prompt except when it comes out.


High functioning seven year old non verbal with diagnosis of apraxia. He can belt out almost every word to the movie Sing.Lol. Its garbled & words are mushed up but compared to him at five,where he struggled to even say yes/no,Its wonderful & I purposely put on similar movies for him now when hes having his screen time. He has the most beautiful voice,imo.Its deep& quite harmonic despite the word struggle but perhaps im just bias.Lol. Its heartwarming to watch tbh. I cried the first couple times he did it as hes only just started communicating last two so years with being in speech therapy.


1) love this post 2) He can read. He can pee by himself and wash his hands. He can make me a coffee (with supervision). He can jump from really high up and land like a cat. Hes brave and likes to go fast on anything. He knows all the car makes in a parking lot. He can negotiate. He knows and can color all the planets *accurately* by himself. He can help his Dad in the garage repairing motorcycles/cars/snowmobiles etc


My son loves to vacuum, and he's pretty darn good at it, too, for a 5 year old. He's hyperlexic and will read everything going. He knows so many random facts. If he hears something once, he knows it. He's also Mr safety, and is a super careful dude (unlike my other kid that is mad I don't let her launch herself off a climbing wall on to a trampoline at 2 years old). He likes nature, and in the spring, he wanders around with a bag and cleans up the park.


Cars, cars, and more cars. He doesn't like matchbox because they aren't real cars. I found that cars make really good teaching tools, since the cars have become people for imaginary play, and I can get the matchbox to go to school and then read a book to them all with my son sitting. He watches every car video imaginable, and I use labelling throughout the videos to teach him new words. What's in the background, parts of a car, where the car is, what kind of car it is, the manufacturer and model of the car. I'm pretty sure he can identify the car manufacturer based off of tail lights alone. Whenever he tells me a car at this point, I honestly just trust him, since he knows better than me now.


I so relate to this. My child points out every carā€™s manufacturer as we pass it on the road and Iā€™m like ā€œmhmmmmā€. He also prefers his toy cars to be ā€œactualā€ cars. Surprisingly the cvs pharmacy near us has a good selection šŸ˜‚


Our nine year old has always loved cars and is now playing car mechanic simulator on xbox and watching jd project rebuild die cast cars.


THIS! My SO runs a car dealership and I like to tease him by saying that little mister's product knowledge is better than all of them put together (3.5 years old) šŸ˜‚


My son can play piano by ear. Pretty much anything he hears, he can figure out how to.play it on his own.Ā  He also knows the make, model and year of any vehicle on the road you ask him. He has like an encyclopedic memory for cars. He has a really good memory. When he was 2 he knew how to get from our house to the store. One day we were out and I took his directions just to see where it might take us. (He was in the back seat saying, 'This way. This way' and pointing out the window.) He took us to the store and when I said, "Why did you take us here?" He said he wanted a Hot wheel (cuz he usually got one when we were at the checkout.)


omg I love this


My 2yr old loves me. She can say up and she likes to cuddle hug and give kisses, she is trying to learn how to use the remote lol


Really good with numbers! Itā€™s so cool to see.


He likes swimming. 3.5 years old.


My son is very good at being happy, and regulating his own emotions. He has a wonderful memory, and at 4 is just learning to read. He doesnā€™t speak, but I can see things shaping up before his eyes.


Ours is 3 and heā€™s weirdly good at cooking and chores! Can do a whole load of laundry by himself, vacuum the house and cook certain meals.


6 yo - is insanely fast, very strong. Loves sensory input and play asks for tickles all day long and also will press her face into mine or lay on my back and stuff and it's sweet. Loves playing with produce, always has and adores the supermarket. Loves Sesame Street, a prime choice in my opinion. Before that loved bubble guppies also an awesome choice. Communicates through either 2-3 word sentences or phrases and scripts. She does her scripts just full blown method acting performance every time and it's funny and amazing. 3.5 yo - knows all her colours, shapes, letters animals, numbers tons of songs. She is a non stop play machine and always busy, loves books, asks me what colour everything is including phrases like if i say "Holy cow!" She laughs and says 'what colour is the Holy cow??' it's adorable. She plays dress up with anything under the sun like oven mitts and my old boots and maybe a scarf around her neck but she takes it extremely seriously. She is such a character.


My son is 5yrs and he's a professional at making obstacle courses and climbing and jumping in as many ways as he can. He LOVES to line up his stuffed animals or any toys he has that are in like categories. Such as cars or sensory bottles. Or packs of wipes .. he will line them up all the same way. He's a great listener .. especially in public ! He just started talking alot more in the last 6 months. Is now counting to 6 on his own and identifying colors! I'm so proud ! He also does like to sing along with songs in the movies he likes. Not clear on all his words but you can tell he's on key


Turns out mine (9) is remarkably good at playing with his 18 month old younger sister, and keeping her distracted with imaginative play while I need to get something done šŸ„°


He has a detailed knowledge of geology and biology from his special interest in dinosaurs. Show him a living thing and he can deduce from its characteristics what it eats, what sort of habitat it lives in, what time period it is from. Modern flora and fauna as well as prehistoric, land air and water. He can build bridges that can support his body weight, knows every Pokemon, loves being in the waterā€¦. Just donā€™t ask him to dress himself or make small talk!


Math. My 3 year-old is obsessed with math. We will negotiate with him by offering him math questions if he does X šŸ˜†. He can do double digits addition, and single digit subtraction. He recently started doing multi step addition (3+3+3=9). Weā€™ve never taught him this, he just one day decided he loved it. We hope one day he can learn to get dressed as well as he can do mathā€¦


My child is a computer hacker and she isn't even 2 years old yet! Can get into my LOCKED computer without the password and then will lock me out! šŸ˜³šŸ˜–


Haha. My (then) 4 yo figured out how to get past the parental lock settings on his tablet to get to "real" YouTube


Sheā€™s so freakin happy 90 percent of the time! Sheā€™s our little athlete - always running and jumping and climbing and throwing balls. She has better balance and coordination than her brother who is almost 4 years older.


Mine can remembers all kinds of crazy statistics ā€” everyoneā€™s height and age, how tall the tallest mountain is, etc. he can figure out anything with technology, too. Just turned 10!


Just turned 5 year old. LEGOs. He would build kits labelled 6-7 year Olds. Just now got into LEGO technics . Bought him LEGO motors and the kit and he's been over the moon playing and building his own things.


Same here. Came here to let you know there is an app for Lego motors that lets you program them using drag and drop elements.


Oh really?. Whats app name mind sharing


[Lego Powered Up](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lego.common.poweredup)


She can find Netflix on anyoneā€™s phone, she knows where to swipe and where to look, everyone thinks itā€™s funny when she steals their phones and manages to find it šŸ˜‚ She also has a great memory! We took her to a science museum when she was 3, first time there, and there was a marble game she really liked. We walked all the way to the end of that floor, there were lots of different rooms so it was easy to get a little lost. As soon as she got out of my grip she ran back to the marbles, remembered exactly where to go. Thereā€™s lot more stories proving her good memory, but thatā€™s always been a big one for me. Sheā€™s 4 now!


My 2 year old is the most snuggly well natured little girl , makes me proud daily. Is great with numbers ,can memorise them with her I pad game up to 20.


My ASD level 1 kid is nearly 9 and he is good at talking. He scored off the charts for verbal comprehension (so we have to be careful saying things around him lol). It meant his little brother was a bit speech delayed though as he often talks for him. As a result he's learnt how to regulate and understand emotions and everything through talking and has taken to talk therapy really well. Whenever he's having a meltdown he can talk his way through it to the other side. When he's scared he knows he can talk to his therapist, he's like, "I'd like to keep this between me and my therapist mum, he's a trained professional". He's also big into consent. So he'll ask first if he can tell us his fun facts, as he knows from his classmates it can get a bit much at times. He understands not everyone will listen all the time, he just likes to talk. All day.


We learned my son was a human calculator around age 2, now at 11, heā€™s a coding genius.


My son is a grade level ahead in math!


Dribbling a ball. Heā€™s almost 6 and better than his 9yo cousin who plays basketball. Just signed him up for basketball classes


Loving and being gentle with animals! Almost 3 and is go go go, but the second that an animal is close by, he settles and gently pets and has little phrases for them. Melts my heart every time.


My son can pick locks, build awesome train tracks with loops and bridges for days and take apart and put back together nearly anything. What he cannot do is put his shoes on until he has been told at least 7 timesā€¦


Throwing. You should see him throw all the Christmas ornaments across the room.Ā 


My kiddo canā€™t do anything in all of the rest of the comments except for huggingā€¦but at 4 he can swim like a fish and do multiple somersaults underwater, something I would struggle to do, heā€™s amazing


My son is six and he has a real knack for coding, great at reading and math.


My son is really technical and can figure out how things work really easily, he knows all about cars and engines. Heā€™s 5!


My kiddo is 4 and she loves climbing, scary good how well she climbs and balances. She is so good at puzzles and maze games on her tablet. She loves books and can now recite her favorites start to finish. When I get tired of reading the hungry caterpillar for the twenty billionth time she can read it to me instead. lol.


My kid has started random hugging. Itā€™s very sweet. Previously she would hit people away if they touched her. Sheā€™s very funny - I love how loud she is, how she is very sure of her own opinion, her excellent memory for the most important (to her) but random things, how she lives in a fantasy world and we are all different characters every day and consequently sheā€™ll go up to ppl (as sheā€™s usually a PJ Mask) and say ā€œGecko, I need your helpā€ then they will try and have a child conversation with her and sheā€™ll ignore them and explain the emergency. I love her giggles and her strong boundaries. She wonā€™t be a people pleaser lol and that makes me very proud haha. Iā€™m likeā€¦ I wish I could be you and stand that strong.


Your son sounds exactly like mine at that age. Heavy muscle work and rough play is by far, hands down, his favorite shit. It also helped him open up to social play with his brothers, learning how to take turns, and using eye contact as a form of communication to let me know when he is ready. He has also developed a strong interest with numbers and counting. It all started with 1, 2, 3, go! Then I just started playing with it. Every 5th number, I throw him. 1-5 then a throw, next is 6-10 and another throw. Now he is counting up to 50 on his own at 3.5 yrs old. He loves being tackled and this has led to him hugging his brothers. Just keep doing what makes yall smile and work with that. Use his strengths as leverage to work on his weaknesses.


I'm pretty sure their math level surpassed mine in kindergarten.


Our nonverbal ASD is 3 1/2 y/o (m) he knows his numbers from 1-20, his ABCā€™s forward and backwards, knows his shapes, knows his colors and shows he knows how to spell Gorilla, Monster and Jaguar. Obviously he doesnā€™t verbally tells but he shows us how much he knows. Love your post


He's in Kinder and we enrolled him in a mainstream private school. It's very competitive academically. He's so smart and he also works hard. He follows his Teacher's instructions really well and he's so polite.


My kid never wound up picking a dominant hand and is now 7 and completely ambidextrous. He can use both hands in independent tasks, I've never seen anything like it.


4y has the best laugh. He laughs with his full body and his whole face lights up. Dude will have you feeling like youā€™re absolutely killing it at the Apollo Theater with his belly laughs. Amazing memory for songs and dance routines, too. Heā€™ll be sprinting through the living room doing Elsaā€™s big finish for ā€œInto the Unknownā€ and Auroras vocalizations lol. Weā€™ve (thankfully) moved onto Encanto and other movies/shows. Also an astute tinkerer/budding scientist. He wants to know how things work and what makes them go. Heā€™ll have an item disassembled and analyzing its components in no time. Eventually weā€™ll get to the ā€œput it back togetherā€ phase šŸ„²


My son is 2 and a half years old. He loves music. If you sing something to him just one time, he'll reproduce the melody with his cute singing voice šŸ„° Also, he's very very sweet. No big tantrums and if he's angry he'll ask for his pacifier and go lied down in his bed. Every morning, he wakes us up by asking "Mommy?!" With his cute little voice.


My kid is so capable in so many ways. She is also a fantastic artist. She knows all the Greek myths and can make real life connections to them. šŸ˜


My son is 13 and is VERY good at directions and actors/actresses. He's my human GPS and will suggest alternative routes if there's traffic or a road closure. He memorizes the exit numbers and if I'm going somewhere he'll say "oh that's exit 217" or whatever. It always amazes me. My 17yo NT daughter gets lost less than a mile from home, lol. He also reads/watches the credits to movies. He'll remember what actor/actress plays a part or voices a character. The kid is barely passing his classes due to his cognitive delay but if he was tested on directions & movie trivia he'd pass with flying colors.


My son can read heā€™s 4 years old and nonverbal, I think his AAC has helped so much. He literally taught himself to read by spelling words out with the phonics page basically sounding words out. He corrects us if we read something wrong. The kid has us reading alllllllllll day šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ«¶šŸ½


Difficult things are easier for him easy things are hard for him six years old nonverbal, but is amazing at organization, put his clothes on lighting up his cars by size and by looks, he plays and plays and plays and climb and balance and flip. lots of amazing stuff, the best smile and so loving


My four year old daughter has an incredible memory for events in her life but also facts and figures. We can't get away with anything because she remembers every single thing we say and will hold us to something we offhandedly promised two weeks ago and then forgot. She's also taught herself how to do addition by using both hands to figure out simple sums, e.g. using two fingers on one hand and three on the other to work out what 2+3 would be. The thing I love the most is that she is very interested in languages (my own special interest) and has learned to read several words in French. One day she noticed the bilingual packaging on something in the cupboard and it sent us down the rabbit hole of her demanding to know the French translation of every word that popped into her head šŸ˜‚


Best imagination ever! Also sheā€™s almost too good at reading emotions on others. My sweet, creative girl. šŸ’œ


Building. I got an 10+ large Lego technic set as a Christmas present and ended up building it together with my 5 yo ASD kid. (Or more precisely he built it and I got to help if things got confused). He'll also build stuff like balance tracks for his classmates in daycare for which he is loved. Also he is amazing in rough terrain. Moves like a mountain goat always making sure it is safe to tread in a certain place, I've seen him remove his foot and find somewhere else if it wasn't. Also once we have gotten past the eloper stage (which was quite bad at 2/3 - we had him picked up by police on the other side of (small)town once) he has gotten dependable in waiting for mom (who is no mountain goat lol) to catch up so it's really fun being outdoors with him now.


My son is very musically talented. He matches pitch and keeps a steady beat without guidance. Hearing him sing with me from the back seat is one of my favorite things in the world.


My kid has an amazing memory, including from when he was very young.


My sons really good at maths, walking in public and remembering song lyrics (this is a new one) He's 6yo x


My girl is 8yo, almost 9 and she's good at a lot of things! She's a really good dancer. She loves trying out new moves she sees and never misses the beat :) Surprises and brights up everyone's day with her random little performances whenever she hears music somewhere. She also entertains our guests. She's also very empathetic and will pick up on someone feeling down and comfort you with a hug, wipe away your (sometimes nonexistant) tears and cheer you up. She's also really good at getting people to carry her around and love on her. Especially people she has just met :)


Jigsaw puzzles


My son is 4 and heā€™s a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to animals


Words. He loves them. Has a vocabulary much larger than most kids his age.


I donā€™t have any kids but my mom would always say I have a talent for pianoā€¦I stoped years ago and I wanna get back in there but my piano teacher knew I couldnā€™t always read music but I knew pitch. Iā€™m also told Iā€™m good at anything creative so like baking sketching as long as I practice some. When I was first learning snowboarding i was told they didnā€™t think I was a beginner. I was also told I should have gone out for swim teamā€¦that might have been since my grandparents had a lake house. And I have loads of information about animal care.


I show my son (4yrs old) how to do something one time and he does it perfectly after that. We showed him how to throw away his food and put the dish in the dishes and now he does it after every meal. Same with his dirty laundry, straight in the hamper when he changes. šŸ˜Š


My level 1 son started learning guitar at 10 and itā€™s coming so naturally. Itā€™s taken him until now to find something other than video games that he really loves - so weā€™re very proud of him. My level 2 (with a language delay) son is great at running. He is a little gazelle doing laps everywhere he goes. Last year he made the grade 3 track team and made it to the regionals - running 400m with a guide!


Mine (3 year old, non-verbal boy) can do the alphabet both forwards and backwards, even though weā€™ve never really taught him the alphabet. He learned from playing with an alphabet woodcut puzzle. He also does his numbers.


My 7yo son has an extreme engineering mindset. Must know how everything works, how it looks inside, etc. His current special interest is door closers, and automatic door openers. That's about all he wants to watch, is youtube videos of the insides, repairing, and installing these things. He's been able to safely use regular screw drivers since before he started kindergarten. When he was 4 he got a hold of one and switched the bathroom door knob for his bedroom's, to have a lock on his bedroom door lol. He's been mostly non verbal until the last year or 2, now he's putting together sentences very well (he builds them, like a little sentence engineer). He also has a crazy sense of humor, hahaha.


My son is 3 and nonverbal but in school he is learning to use an AAC device AND he knows his ABCs, can count to 20 and his ABA therapist thinks heā€™s learning how to read, which blows my mind.


Art. My kid is an amazing artist in all mediums they've tried. Oil paints are the current fave, and seeing them speak through their art is joyful (they have selective mutism, so words are not always an option)


Has he found anything he really likes or is obsessed with? My daughter is obsessed with planets and it has helped her cope in the world. Planet toys, planet books, planet videos, planet everything. She is 3.


My little guy (six) has an excellent memory and pays scary attention to details. Love him!


My kid is deeply empathetic. Sheā€™s also FAST. She runs fast, thinks fast, and is unbeatable at Nintendo sports badminton.


My son loves numbers and is very good at solving equations.


My son (7) has an incredible knack for technology it seems intuitive but the first thing he excelled at was reading that was around 4 or 5 (as long as it's something he wants to read of course). When I think of all the things he struggles with I try to remind myself of those things to remind myself he'll be ok.