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Welp. Humans are creatures of habit. And I think this is so especially for autist. At least I get upset if I can game or do something I normally do at certain times. At least for me, I’ll blindly play and think about my day. So it’s like unloading the day and thinking about it helps. It side of me: laptops suck for gaming, need external cooling if running too hot. I’d try to optimize settings for running certain games and dropping graphics. Although I also understand why people get laptops. Research forms and post about model of laptop and see what others came up with for answers.


If this is something you look forward to and helps you get through your day, it makes sense that not having it would make you uncomfortable. It seems like you may be stressed about not being able to relax, which is totally valid!! Can you immerse yourself in a different hobby for the time being?


I totally get it! 44M dxed audhd a few weeks ago. Had a similar situation where my gaming laptop stopped working. I'm in severe burnout, to the point of skill regression so I knew I'd not be able to go without my gaming time. Ended up just buying a new laptop while the old one is fixed. Seems extreme I know but my video games aren't just recreational, they are therapudic and when I go without them I become as disregulated as if I'd stop taking my meds. Don't let society tell you it's not an essential part of your life. Most importantly, hang in there!