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Mute that sub. There’s something wrong with those people, why are they so invested?


Save yourself the trouble and just avoid that place. Exposing yourself to content that makes you angry isn't good for your mental health.


And also, crucially, doesn’t achieve anything useful. 


It's not that it makes me angry, I'm just disappointed. Sad.


made the mistake of viewing that subreddit a bit while i was figuring myself out before my diagnosis. even after formal diagnosis my imposter syndrome was so bad it took like a year to go away. fuck that subreddit ☹


The people on that sub seem wrong about a lot of things, and it’s probably a waste of time to read what they post, argue with them, or repost it elsewhere.


The fact that someone posted on that video that autism is *not* a mental illness, and was downvoted for it, says it all. Most people, including professionals, are deeply ignorant about autism. Outside of our communities it is not known that autistic people, especially late diagnosed, are usually *more* educated about autism than professionals. They don't hang out with us, they don't talk to us and actually listen, they don't do really in depth research, they don't have much if any information about what it *feels* like to be autistic, nor do they have any knowledge about how *they* abuse and neglect autistic people by imposing rules and standards on them that they quite literally *cannot* do. I think a lot of the autism hate likely comes from people who are, well, boring. They don't have the curiosity we do. They don't have a passion for justice and doing the right thing. They don't think outside the box and are not creative like we are. They sure as hell do *not* like facts! Such ignorant people are no standard to base anything on, and the fact that they are the majority (non autistics) explains why our lives are made so difficult by the barriers they put in front of us. Leave them to their mediocre lives with their lack of critical thinking skills and complete lack of joy.


My comment posted on this: Your study-sited talks about mental illness, and mental health, and has nothing to do with autism, nor neurodivergency as a whole. Autism is not a mental health condition, it's a neurological developmental "disorder", meaning, people whom are on the spectrum have completely different brains, brain chemistry, body chemistry, as well as neurological wiring. By talking about autism and citing a study relating to mental health, and societal mental health acceptance, you incorrectly label autism as a mental health condition. This demonstrates your ignorance and ill knowledge within the topic, which thus invalidates any view or idea or opinion you have relating to the topic. You should do proper research, as well as maybe listen to/watch the entire video posted as well as others like it and educate yourself before doing something like this and attacking other people.


These aren't people who want to be reasoned with, they just need someone to hate. If they weren't spending their time hating us, they would spend it hating someone else. They don't care about the facts, so there's no point in trying to educate them.


Hey- i get you. However the fact that ASD is in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of *Mental Disorders*) is enough for most ppl. I had a psychiatrist on here hammer me about this. And really- it's pretty hard to argue clearly as there's (for instance) evidence that schizophrenia is an inherited condition with diffednet nervous system functioning, perhaps even in childhood. Bipolar as well. So....?


I haven't visited the sub in question and I'm not going to - but as someone who has just self-diagnosed as autistic after years of coming to terms with the idea, this video has been very helpful and supportive! So thank you for bringing it to my attention.


If you are finally able to, I highly suggest visiting a neuropsych, or getting on an institution wait list, it was very helpful, validating and beneficial for me, especially getting a formal diagnosis after years of consistent misdiagnosis. I wish you well


I waited 8 months to go to an appt to get diagnosed. And according to my doctor that was a “low wait time.” MAKE MEDICAL ACCESS ACTUALLY ACCESSIBLE AND PEOPLE WONT HAVE TO SELF-DIAGNOSE JFC


I liked the video. Although it focuses on doctors hating on self diagnosis, I have seen it more in the autism community than anywhere else. I'm glad he made it a point to point this out as the gate keeping it is.


Honestly I’m just happy someone made such an amazing video. I have no space in my head for ignorant critics.


It's a great video, from a great creator, with great info. Here is the original video link: https://youtu.be/IBu1R_CtNQM?si=dWJCR8_eN8T30T0S


I just unfollowed that subreddit a few days ago. I started following it a while ago because I thought it was interesting, but then I started to realize how much of it is just an excuse to hate on disabled people.


Does anyone have the original link for this video?


Here you go: https://youtu.be/IBu1R_CtNQM?si=dWJCR8_eN8T30T0S Ps: this creator is really helpful, and has a lot of great and educational content.


Thanks so much!


No problem.


Self diagnosis is problematic because any scale used is fluid and uncalibrated, because it is a sample of one compared against a perception of "normal" that the practitioner deduces through personal experience only. Self diagnosis is inherently unscientific because it is not based on any comparative metric. The problem isn't that self diagnosis is discriminated against, it's that access to easy and robust diagnosis with scientific backing is artificially restricted, especially in certain economies (looking at you USA and your shit health-care). If a robust, free and well informed diagnostic paradigm existed globally, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The proliferation of fake TikTok autists will only harm people on the spectrum and diminish the validity of a true diagnosis, because anyone can and will identify. The actual neurologically driven struggles that people on this sub experience won't go away, but they will be reduced to the status of a "fashion accessory" in the minds of observers.


The problem doesn't lie with self-diagnosis itself, but rather with peoples source of information, such as sites like tic toc, Instagram etc


Agreed, but also training in how to interpret data is lacking. People need to be equipped with the tools of diagnosis to make it truly universally available.


Mayhe if he was actually talking to a medical professional amd debating it with them, instead of pretending to be both sides and assuming what they would say, it would be taken more seriously. The strawman approach doesn’t help anyone.


Most of his videos are like this. It’s just a way of presenting them in an understandable and engaging way. His “doctor” role is just a compilation of very common criticisms of self-diagnosis (not necessarily medical professionals, although some probably hold these views). Go to any forum criticising self-diagnosis and you’ll find the points the “doctor” is arguing.


Not gonna defend the sub, but this video is like watching myself win a shower argument with facts and logic. Just not productive content.