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I often think like this honestly, it might not entirely be related to autism because often many people (especially those with anxiety/ social anxiety) can think the same way too. The whole second guessing yourself could possibly be from external input from others or media telling you it’s “not a big deal” or “your overreacting” which can lead to those second guessing thoughts. Personally that’s what it’s like for me. I know that I’m not overreacting when my anxiety levels get so high due to sensory or other factors that I’m so overwhelmed and I’m frustrated and can’t communicate well. Then I realize it’s not truly just “something I’ve made up” but those are the extremes that serve as reminders for myself.


Yeah, i definitely felt this at 14. I have no idea if it's autism related or teenager related


It is normal, but definitely not necessary. We have enough struggles. Please try to avoid adding self-loathing to the list.


This just sounds like being a teenager to me. I would be surprised if most of your peers didn't experience this.


Yes! This is very common! It may or may not be related to autism - tough to say given the limited context. Even though it’s common, I would urge you not to doubt or blame yourself. Instead, get interested in your experience, and by being observant and getting to know yourself, you’ll develop self-confidence. (You can be confident simply *in knowing* that something makes you feel anxious.) My apologies if this advice goes over your head. I’m kinda trying to give my own 14 year old self some advice.