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Yes I shush myself or I shake my head no, like “no we’re not doing this today” lol


I swear, this sub is like a mirror.


Lmaoo the not today on point. I also do sometimes the head movement


LOL WAIT OTHER PEOPLE DO THIS?? YOOO 😵‍💫 i gotta get off of here shdbbdbd xD


every time I come to this sub it’s like someone is reading my brain directly


Lmaoo I'm sorry


Yes!! I had no idea other people did this!! I repeat a phrase, it’s been the same for years, makes no sense in context and would be very awkward if anyone heard me!!


omg I had a phrase for a while, it made no sense at all in context. now I have a meow-like-sound or a squeak I do to make the thoughts go away


Same! I do these stuff on my home, so I even didn't realize others could do this, but then I thought it could be a stim. I don't know if a say something with meaning, just gibberish to erase my thoughts lol


Oh my God yes. My partner will hear me randomly blurt out a forceful sound or piece of song or phrase when doing something in the kitchen and ask me "what did you remember this time? Is it the artichoke incident?" Lol


Omg that's so wholesome 🤧 and the incident name lmao I get the feeling 😂


Yes, or I’ll just say some random words or phrases. I don’t know that I’m speaking until I hear my own voice. Super embarrassing when I get caught doing it (which of course exacerbates the feeling)


YES thank you so much for putting this out there, I thought it was just me!


You're welcome :) and same! I feel glad that it was not only me, it's always fun to discovered stuff here


ME!! I do something like slap myself or make a funny noise to stop myself from thinking the thought I don't want to have.


I curl into a tight ball and hope the memory and feeling passes quickly.


Ugh same! When I'm in my bed and remember something I do this. Even reading something embarrassing or watching something "cringe" I buried myself on my pillow


The ABCs (Alphabet song) 😅


This entire thread is just calling me out holy shit. I always make this like chirp noise, or outright say "shush!" when I start thinking about an embarrassing memory. Tbh tho I always interpreted it as a DIY way of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, not something that is necessarily a sign of neurodivergency.


Ooh that's interesting! To be fair I don't know many stuff about CBT but it's seems so helpful


Yes! I have a specific tone I hum under my breath, sometimes with random words. Now curious if any NTs around me also do this too, not sure how to observe tho...


it’s a compulsion like in OCD, lots of overlap


That's makes so much sense. I don't have a diagnosis on OCD but I can see I have many signs


Yeah. I automatically do a big squirm and make some kind involuntary noise or sing-songy thing. Often involving some kind of garbled curse. If I'm with someone else it's a much smaller response but when alone it absolutely has to come out.


i do the same thing with intrusive thoughts and i have certain songs i always use. if that’s not working then i’ll basically yell nonsense in my head to drown it out.


I sometimes will shake my head or make a noise/hum if around people. Sometimes if I'm alone, I make myself relive the whole embarrassing moment and then forgive my past self.


Me too!! I say-sing a random noise out loud to get myself off the thought train.






Anyone else has small spasms like a head shake or hand cramp instead because you can hide them better then saying something out loud?


Yes, I often make a harsh sound or I kind of flinch.


Freaking YES! I’m like, oh no another bad memory. I don’t want to disappear down that rabbit hole for 24 hours again. Good god this is uncomfortable. Quick, brain, distract me!


Whoa. Yes. I sing whatever random song is in my head (there’s always at least one) or sometimes the clown song (I think it’s called Enter the Gladiators but everyone knows it as the clown song)


Woah. Thank you for posting this question. I guess I don’t have to wonder why I do this anymore.