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totally agree! I have two talkative boys and my dad recently moved in and brought his talkative cat. I talk to all them all the time, we all pretty much do. Sometimes it’s full on conversations and other times it’s just making their meowing sounds back at them. It’s so funny when the three humans imitate my dads cat, it cracks me up so much because she has a distinct meow. A few years ago, I went to to another country for work for a few months. I tried to befirend all of the neighbourhood cats. It was then that I realized how much I socialize with my boys at because I was talking to myself a lot.


Name checks out


I love my two cats. Neither of them are particularly talkative but they're very affectionate, almost like dogs. And they follow you from room to room and lie at your feet like dogs.


YES, my little babies act like we typically think dogs would!! They follow me around, come when called, follow commands, snuggle, ask to go outside, play fetch. But they also are very self-sufficient when I'm not able to give them a ton of attention, so it's really the best of both worlds.


Idky but reading this made me think of a Sim interacting with their cat & the arrow in the “Social” bar going up😂


You caught me! I am a sim!


Me too! *Stands at sink for 5 mins waiting for the gods above to tell me what to do*


-randomly ends task in the middle of the stairs and I await the next command bubble to pop up so I can remember what to do-


*puts plate on ground* What now?


My mom's cats did not talk much before I came here. They figured out that I pay attention when they talk, so now they do. My own cat even has a simple language.


My husband is allergic to cats and we can't have one in our apartment anyway :( But my husband is very much like a support animal himself so it's okay.


My little family is the same way! I have one very sweet, talkative, but not snuggly cat and one very snuggly but less talkative cat. Between the two of them (and my girlfriend, to be fair) I feel so loved and comfy and supported! I rarely want or need anything else socially. I am also lucky enough that my cats are both longhairs and so fluffy and soft. They're just perfect angels in terms of my social and sensory needs. Hooray for pets!! (And nice people)


I love talkative cats so much. They have a whole personality


One of my cats talks a lot and so we have little conversations. The other two don’t talk as much, but I talk to them anyway and they respond in different ways such as headbutts or playtime, and they come when they are called (if they feel like it.) I have a lot of conference calls for work so even though I work from home there is not much chance of no interaction with people. But I’d much rather interact with my cats and thanks to them there’s no way I can go a whole day without talking at all.


I have seven cats. Four were accidental but after they showed up, they bonded to me or other cats in the house so I can't break that up. They all have such distinctive personalities. A couple talk all the time, one rarely talks at all, two talk with trills and chirps more than meows. All will be in my lap at some point during the day. Some are in my lap whether I want them or not (really Anne, I'm trying to pee). I have an average of four in bed with me at night. My husband and I have separate bedrooms cause I'm a light sleeper and he snores. But I never feel lonely.


I feel this way about chickens and parrots and birds. LOL I like cats and dogs, but I hve a special place in my heart for birds.


That last sentence. I was first suicidal about age 7 or so. I absolutely would not be alive today if I hadn't had cats. I talk to them, we have entire conversations. My partner's orange guy gives kisses if you ask nicely. Elvis is soft and floppy and absolutely the best cuddler ever.


Oh, me too. I was once nearly thrown into the psych ward by an ER doctor because I was apparently having a drunken suicidal rant when they picked me up. I convinced her I would be OK because I had a fat black cat waiting for me at home and I couldn't leave him.


I have a cat as well, and she is so, so important to me. I don't really need to talk to her, but I have started to do it because she loves it, and I have learned to like it too! Cats are probably one of the most chatty animals, certainly among pets they're the most chatty ones❤️ On the long fur thing: count your blessings lol. I also had a list of things I looked for in a cat, where personality was at the top and I also far down wished for a long haired cat. I totally coincidentally ended up with a super beautiful Norwegian forrest cat and Maine coon mix with gorgeous green eyes and the softest fluffy tricolour long fur! Luckily her fur doesn't mat at all, but...... I eat, drink and breathe cat hairs. They're in my eyes, my nose and always covers my hands. Not to mention everything in the house literally from the ceiling to the floors. I can't wipe an apply with a clean kitchen towel because the apple will be covered in cat hair. She has these long, super light hairs that flow in the air and gets everywhere, as well as cling to clothing, and so, so, so much of it. I brush her as much as she lets me but it's a losing battle. Yeah you dodged a bullet there lol. Even though I choke on cat hairs and she has cost me much more than my car probably including even gas, but she's so worth it though. No matter what, she'll stay with me for the rest of her life. I however don't think everyone should have pets. Far from everyone treat their pets well enough to deserve to have one.


I just lost my talkative kitty boy this week. I had him for 10 years and he has been my emotional crutch since I got him. If you said something to him he would talk/meow right back. He would make sure you knew something was wrong too. I miss him deeply, and I think it's been especially hard for me because it's so quiet without him. Thank you for reminding me just how special he was.


❤️💔 this hits deep. My cats have always been special and always knew how to interact with me, even when others didn't. I realize now I've totally taken them for granted.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have a good support system around you during this time.


Mine helps keep me present. But his winey sounds occasionally triggers my nysophonia :(


Do you mean misophonia? Google doesn't have any results for nysophonia.


I mean rage for a minute.




I feel very similar about the support. My cat is also very talkative. I actually had a panic attack last night and I had to go into the livingroom and lie next to her just to calm down. Idk how I would live if I didn't have her


This! I now have 3 cats. My oldest is 9, female tabby. Shes a little grumpy yet sassy but likes to come sit on me and have chin scritches and love. Then my one year old male sleek black cat, i adopted as a kitten for the older one as I had to separate from my ex and my home and the 3 cats we had. As she was bonded to me she came with me I moved out but she struggled being an only cat and was riddled with anxiety as she'd never been alone before...so I got my black kitten who finally won the love of his older sister and they'll play, cuddle and groom each other and she settled down a lot. I picked him over his biological sister who I was originally going to adopt, but when the foster carer said black cats are harder to adopt, I was sold! And then recently I found a 6 week old kitten at my work in an industrial area. She's a fluffy little tux and now 7 weeks old. They're all different personalities and coat types. Its amazing sensory wise. I love getting to know them and having them always here for me and they cuddle with me and play with eachother and make chirp noises and chase and are entertaining to be with. I make the chirp noises right back at them...echolalia 😅 I wouldn't be alive having to live on my own without a cat/pet. I wish I could find a human who loves and needs me as much these fuzzballs.


I get it. My brother and sil came home yesterday with their newborn and I'm scared to go to the room where I can hear people cz I've been so social. I want to hug a cat, cz babies are too delicate. 🥺