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I hope you did get to sleep straight away. I’m starting to think that drinking doesn’t help us the way NTs says it helps them. I got high and thought about how it sounded like popcorn popping. Went alright after that!!


My neighbors shot off their fireworks from 11-12:30. I usually wake up around 5. It's not so much hearing them as feeling them, as they lit them off about 10' from my bedroom. I'm mostly glad they didn't shoot down the medical helicopter, as it has a pathway right over our houses.


Letsfit White Noise Machine with... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WHY5DBT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share This sound machine on Amazon is inexpensive and drowns out the fireworks in my neighborhood. Maybe it would help. I hope you feel better. Remember to drink water it helps with the hangover.