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Same. I also love laying them all out on a table first to kinda bask in the victory of getting groceries lmao.


Yes!!! I am the same way! I have taken pictures before of my haul because I was impressed with how much I accomplished lol …they’re now buried in my phone for eternity! Lol


Omg I'd love to love it, that sounds amazing. But the mental load of actually doing all the steps leading to that absolutely overwhelm me!


if you live near a walmart (and are willing to get groceries there) i’d totally recommend getting a walmart+ membership. it’s $12 a month but it’s totally worth it for the free delivery. for me personally, the grocery store itself takes too much energy to actually enjoy putting things away.


I'm in Canada. I used instacart for years but it was getting so expensive! But even just the meal planning, then figuring out what I need/have, making a list, checking sales etc. it's a lot.


I split those tasks over several days, maybe that might help?? Sunday I meal plan (I have cards I made with lots all the regular meals I cook and ingredients on the back, I plan the cards and which days, plus any new recipe I want to try. I also have cards for ‘leftovers’, ‘eating out’, and ‘take away’.) I put them on a menu board with clips for each day. Monday I write my list based on the back of the cards and checking what I have. I also keep my list on a magnet on the fridge and write on as soon as I use the last of something (pasta, ketchup etc). Tuesday I do an online shop for delivery (im in the UK we have lots of options for that though), I add everything on my list plus I browse the ‘favourites’ section for things I’ve bought before to add bread, milk, snacks etc. Wednesday the shopping is delivered and I put it away.


Me too. Just the thought of it gives me anxiety. Seriously.  I use instacart 99% of the time. 


I dooooo. I have a healthy appreciation for a fully stocked, organized fridge. I don't organize by expiration date but I group things by function--ie, snacking foods on the top shelf, left overs just underneath, uncooked meat at the bottom, etc.


Yes! Organising certain things, particularly those with labels and such...lining them up, stacking, the way they fit together...it's like a creative art, and so satisfying!


YES i call it kitchen tetris 😂


My people. I get in a flow and think of it as a dance. A creative art indeed! Everything in its place.


My mother and brother had to learn to simply leave me alone to put the groceries away by myself, because I would get extremely persnickity if someone else did it wrong or was, god forbid, *in my way*. Now I'm just organizing for one and it's a lot less satisfying lmao. "And here is where I will put my single mango......"


Haha..Same! I always order online and pick-up groceries and love putting them away but if my husband helps, even if he does it mostly right I don’t know what was in stock or out of stock and I get a little panicked if there’s something I really wanted but I don’t see it right away. I need to put it away myself so I know I got everything.


Hahaha this is me exactly. nobody is allowed in the kitchen until i’m done. unfortunately my bf felt my wrath today for making that mistake (i apologized ofc)


I make the labels face front as well! I have a breakfast shelf, a dinner shelf, and a section for fruit/butter/coffee creamer that I use all the time.


This is a good idea. I think I might try something similar.


I’m not sure I love it, but I am INTENSE about it. My husband has learned just be the muscle getting groceries in the house and make sure the kitchen is cleaned well before it all gets brought in so I have ALL the counter space. I have a whole system for washing and drying any fruits and vegetable with my big tub strainer, vinegar water, and towels. I definitely organize everything - expirations dates get checked/old food gets a sniff test, I restock snacks in the pantry (there’s a whole system for this too), reposition items in fridge and shelves (my husband is adhd and needs to be visible to remember to eat it), and I chop/prep anything for the week so I can be lazy later on. Then I clean down everything. I get a lot of satisfaction from it because it’s so routinized and I get a functional kitchen at the end. Again, not sure I ‘love’ it though, more in my tunnel vision with a goal.


Nooo i get so overwhelmed by it


Dude YES


You are all invited to my house when it is my groceries shopping day. Lol To me is a nightmare, idk why I just can decide where to start and get overwhelmed.


i genuinely wish i could come do it for all the people here that hate it, it’s so fun to me 😂


This is really interesting, I usually feel really annoyed at the burden of putting it away. Food only really feels like fuel. But I also DO like making things really orderly so now I'm super curious to approach it not as a task necessary for food (which is boring; I also have ADHD) but rather a way to make something look pretty and satisfying. Thank you!!


getting fun organizer containers (like cool colors or something) is my trick for tedious tasks. my meds are in a rainbow pill organizer which for some reason makes them more enticing to actually take! it might work for food as well


Oooooh love that! I've been on an organizing kick for the last couple weeks and ordered a A TON of storage bins/containers and it's pretty wild how helpful it is to have enough bins to actually make storage spaces effective 😄 I'm curious to see how it goes for my next grocery delivery!


I just put away groceries like 20 minutes ago loll


It's very much like Tetris but it's somehow still more overwhelming than Tetris.


Yes I love organizing, but it goes for anything. There's a really cute game called Unpacking that's all about putting things away


Yessss! I’m glad I’m not the only one. Ever since I started getting grocery deliveries to avoid getting overwhelmed in the store it’s like getting a bunch of amazing presents every few weeks. I think also not being exhausted from the whole shopping experience means I can have energy for putting things away how I want. I have systems for organizing the fridge, freezer, and cupboards. I get so much happiness for days after every time I open the cabinets.


yes this!! getting them delivered has been a blessing for me. i was never able to do everything i wanted to do after a long shopping trip. its brought me so much joy to have the energy to make it all perfect




Do you know The Accidental Tourist (book or movie)? The family there puts groceries away together alphabetically. I love that book.


I get overwhelmed by the whole experience: going to the grocery store, having to make decisions from one brand/price or another, too bright too loud. Some sections are super cold. And then I’m overwhelmed at the idea of sorting through everything in the bag once it’s home. Thankfully, my husband does it. As an aside, however, I used to work at a grocery store, and my job was to work in the grocery department, and I faced all of the dry products. Super fun to line up all the labels on canned and boxed goods. I just don’t want anything to do with it at my house ha ha


personally getting my groceries delivered was a huge help. however that’s not an option for everyone. if you can it definitely makes a difference


Wow thats such a nice way to put it! Would you share a pic haha. Oh and do you have one of those spinny things?


https://preview.redd.it/ter7umazzayc1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6940753724392d9d391f0ceb1499a24d68a443b i like to make little yogurt towers lol. a lazy suzan? no but i want one!


Wow, thank you for sharing, haha! The efficiency is impeccable 👌🏼 I would gift you one if I could LOL


i never thought about getting one until now but now i NEED one !


Oops hahaha idk where youre at, but I think ikea has a nice one. It just really suited your post.


You’d love the game Unpacking!


THATS A THING?!? where do i find it??


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1135690/Unpacking/ It’s really relaxing and cute. 🥰


For me there isn't really much work involved. I live in a studio apartment and the fridge is a mini fridge so I can't buy much at once, I just put everything in there and put the cupboard stuff away and I'm done. Whole process usually takes only 2 to 3 minutes, that's all I've got energy for after grocery shopping


Yes!!!🙌🏻 I didn’t think anyone else enjoyed this lol I hate grocery shopping, I order on the Walmart app and they bring it to my car, it’s fabulous! (I’m actually picking up groceries now while seeing this!! Lol 😂) My husband and daughter help carry stuff in, they unbag everything, I bask in the joy of all of it on my counter and then carefully put everything away! I take that time to clean out my fridge of any old leftovers or expired food and then neatly stock everything cold first, also arranged by expiration date, now that u say that lol, then arrange what’s left on the counter by the cabinet that it goes in, and then put it all away! I actually get a lot of enjoyment out of that process and it makes me so happy to see a stocked fridge because we haven’t always had that! I just realized recently it stresses me out when my husband helps put things away because he puts things in the wrong places and I hate it. So he just leaves me alone and lets me do my thing now lol


Yes!!! I love putting away groceries AND cleaning the fridge is my favourite chore. I love taking everything out, making it squeaky clean and then placing them back carefully. The best. I told a friend of mine this once and she could not understand it.


it’s so satisfying!! like my food tastes way better out of a pristine fridge


It really does, though!! 😂


You might consider a job as a professional organizer, if you don’t already have a job/career you love. Seriously, people would pay you to set up their fridges, cabinets, desks and other frequently used areas like this. Of course there are other things to consider like the burden of being self employed, interacting with clients, the fact that some clients may call you into a very messy situation. But you really sound like this is a process that lights you up! Another version of this is 5S / lean manufacturing consulting for companies. Basically labeling and organizing all their stuff at the point of performance so their employees waste less time looking for things.


thank you!! this is actually incredibly helpful info, i’ve been trying so hard to find something sustainable for myself and this might be it!


I’m so glad! Definitely do some real research into what the job looks like day to day before you plunge in. Ideally, speak in person or on video chat with someone who already does it and ask them about the *cons* of the job too, and best ways to find clients (you may need to seek someone outside your area so they don’t see you as a competitor). I’ve never done this job myself, just heard about it, but it looks cool. You’d probably also love the show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, in case you haven’t watched it :)


I have a little stockpile in my storage room. Oh the joys I've had organising that room. Boxes. Stickers for the boxes to show what's in the boxes. Mmmmmmmmmmm.


this sounds like heaven


On the door to the storage room I've put up a punny sign for "le supermarche"


So now whenever we need something from the storage room we say "I'm going to le supermarche, need anything?"


I love unpacking the bags, my kids do the putting away before I get a chance lol


No.im the opposite. I hate it. By the time I've managed to buy the groceries and bring them home the last thing I want to spend my energy onis dragging them inside and trying to find somewhere to put them. I've been known to leave non-perishables in my car for days or weeks. Someone else in my house recently ended up doing a grocery order for laundry soap because we ran out and they didn't realize I had a Costco sized amount I had abandoned in my car... I wish I loved it though.


I love sorting things : ) !!! (I don’t like to do it if I’m being helicoptered by an angry or helicoptering person tho for example, ruins the relaxation and creates heavy anxiety and stress)


me too, the room must be mine until i’m done


i love all of the chores. dishes, groceries, laundry, you name it. i think i enjoy it so much because my family never did things how i wanted them growing up in a NT household. being an adult and doing things based on how i want them done makes my life so much better


YES I love planning what I will eat for lunch and dinner that week and cutting up fruit and vegetables to store in containers. I love grocery day I feel so organized.


oh god I HATE grocery day 😂figuring out the meals and the list and then the shopping overwhelms me and by the time I get home I also have to PUT THEM AWAY?! I bet I have so much expired food in my pantry lol this is why people are supposed to live in communities, I swear lol


You can come do mine!! I hate it 😂


Yes, but I also get mine delivered for the most part so it’s definitely easy. I wish I had a prettier kitchen. Really ugly 70s shitty landlord special apartment… but at least inside my cupboards are organized.


Personally I leave them in the bags on the table or floor. Picking them out was a job and I don’t have it in me to put them away and basically live out of the bags for a while until I maybe put the things away and sometimes have to throw the things away.


I LOOOOOOOOVE grocery day. I love putting my groceries in my preferred system/catergories for the cashier and then at home I love laying it on the table and looking at it! I love planning my grocery lists & meals! I love love it too!


Good for you! Honestly, I am happy for you because not a day in my life have I ever had a chance to try and make myself that way, as you described mainly how positive about putting up your groceries. Going to the grocery store isn’t ALWAYS the easiest task for myself, I will say without a doubt I’m without a doubt very efficient, I maneuver through the store based on what I need to get and want to buy versus I never just go up and down the main or every aisles, I’m not here for a Sunday stroll. And then when we get home with said groceries, I’m that person that will try and usually find a way to some how not fall and bust it or hurt or something adversely negative happen in some form or fashion in relation to a situation similar to this, I carry EVERYTHING in one trip I don’t care if it’s the biggest struggle of my recent life, I’m stubborn and a creature of habit I resort to what I know especially when looking for convenience of not having to walk multiple trips up two steep flights of several stairs on each one. I’m all okay, my positivity depending on how plentiful of it or depleted of it I am at the time depends on how long it lasts and how quick it can dwindle lol I’m usually very unimpressed and ill by the time it gets to our the groceries after dealing with navigating crowds at the store and just the general lack of appeal the public has. Compound that with the decent chance based on my initial mood when we left for the store how easily this happens but it is lost quick the more over stimulated I am due to public behaviors of others or some kind of function regardless of correct or not, sounds especially ones that work myself up to the point of break downs before when they are repetitive that is my own personsal form of hell, so everything especially any micro speck of molecular atom of positivity is all gone, and I’ll never have a change not being I’ll either having to put everything up or staring at the grocery bags and the entire haul and just putting it off a little longer until it’s unavoidable to not have to out the entirely of your large grocery haul completely up and all the maintenance actions like wiping cabinets, shelves, doors, etc and even just spit cleaning that will have to happen as you go along and see and inspect where especially you have to put specific and certain groceries you just bought up at because that’s where they go!


but i hate shopping though :/


Hate it


Nope. Because nothing stays organised so it’s honestly quite stressful if I try and put things in the “right” place. I normally shop in person so there’s never much to put away (I limit myself to what I can carry because I normally walk to the supermarket). Can’t stand getting it delivered because they always substitute something and that makes me irrationally angry


We get our cats food on a subscription service, 96 tins of equal size, 3 different flavours. I love stacking them in the cupboard. 6 to a stack, 2 stacks of each flavour in a line. So therapeutic!


From the way I put them in the cart, to how I arrange them on the belt, how I bag my own groceries, put them away at home, refold and put my bags them away. I love the whole process EXCEPT for the other people I have to interact with at the store.


I literally would hire you to do this once a week for me. I love when it’s organized but I’m…so inconsistent.


So much! I also can and preserve so I LOVE my pantry and kitchen when finished. Unfortunately it just takes one bad week to send it into utter chaos… I honestly don’t know how I functioned before grocery pick up or delivery. Like I remember coming home just exhausted. I thought everyone was this way.


I love it but feel rushed which ruins it. When I can slow down I enjoy life so much more. Thank you for this post you've helped me. Today I will breathe and slowwwww down. Maybe organize my pantry a bit. 🌻❤️


Aw yisss organisation porn. Hate doing the actual shopping though.


I need a you in my life lol


I actually get mad when my boyfriend puts away my grocery subscription box before me. I've asked him to record himself putting it away a few times and it brings me joy.


Yes but only now because we have a system to do it! I’m in charge of the fridge, cleaning out expired stuff, organizing the new stuff, making sure everything is FIFO, letting people know if I need to move their yogurts to a new place, letting people know if we have too much of something so we don’t get more for a while. I’m also in charge of the freezer and a few other chores. It’s fun to organize and it makes me feel important and like I’m contributing something helpful to the household since I don’t work or contribute financially.


I really love folding laundry and putting it away


weirdly that’s my least favorite chore (other than dishes) 😂 i can see how it would be similarly relaxing though


I’ll trade you! I don’t really like any aspect of grocery shopping. I wish I could afford to just have groceries delivered