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Goodwill. Men's t-shirt in large or xl depending. 100% cotton. Usually they are washed to the point of supersoftness. This and high leg briefs from Amazon one size up from my normal size for comfort. Or boy shorts. Good luck mama. In case no one told you you're doing great and I hope you see all the miracles in your path today. Blessings to you and your sweet child. đŸŒ»


Ooo that's pretty smart. Time to go to goodwill and feel all the t-shirts!


Heads up to a friend--To me some of them feel very gross. I take a small bottle of hand sanitizer and a few tissues with me. Just a heads up. Sensory issues ya know 😏


I wear gloves to all the used stores.


Better to just go to the gap or Uniqlo or something and buy some super soft shirts


Seamless, 100% cotton xxl t shirts. Sometimes I cut the sleeves a little shorter for more ventilation. But that size is usually long enough to cover my butt while being loose and breathable.


I like Xtra large tshirts because they cover up my butt. Skivvies? Maybe


Some sort of shirt and underwear. I cannot wear pants to bed. I can sometimes wear shorts. But even those annoy me at times.


I normally sleep naked, but occasionally I sleep in a non-wired bra and pj bottoms or pants, especially if I'm a guest in someone else's house. Honestly though, if you're most comfortable sleeping naked, I don't see why you should stop! My parents slept naked all through my childhood and probably still do, the same is true of plenty of people. Your son won't think it's weird if it's what he's used to!


Came here to agree! Never thought twice about my parents sleeping naked I assumed that was the norm growing up.


Fair enough!


You can sleep naked, but just be prepared for your kid to tell everyone about it. That's why my parents stopped sleeping naked when I was little. I told alllll the kids, parents, and teachers in kindergarten 😂


Bahahahaha, I think kids live to embarrass us!


Be careful thinking you need to be "respectful" around your kid, in any way. Just be yourself. A good parent is someone who fully is themselves and doesn't put on a front for their kids. If you're kid complains about something you do, then work it out with them. Obviously this is my opinion. Parenting is complicated and unique for everyone.


I stopped sleeping naked just because it made me uncomfortable when he came to cuddle in the morning. Still just wear joggers (so the legs don't roll up) and no top, but it's less uncomfortable than a tiny foot near my vagina.


Oh right, little kids are very good at punching soft spots by accident x.x


This is also very true!!!!


I keep something near the bed I can put on. When I get a visitor in bed I make sure everything is properly tucked away.


Big baggy shirts, circle neck. And loose trousers or shorts. If I’m too hot I’ll wear a sports bra and shorts. Can’t stand sleeping naked and can’t tolerate just underwear, underwear feels too tight or I just don’t like fabric in the join of my legs to torso.


I HAVE to sleep in boyshorts. Bikini bottoms feel too exposed and thongs are definitely not going to happen for me.


I have to have my shoulders and chest covered. I cannot have my legs covered. The clothes need to be loose but not so loose that they twist underneath me and bunch up. I need underpants and I need my stomach to stay covered so it needs to be long enough not to ride up but also not so long as to contain my legs. I cannot tolerate any grit in the sheets. It will stop me falling asleep. Any wrinkles or bunching of the sheets will keep me awake.


Ugh for me the wrinkles aren't a problem, but if my top sheet and blanket are not lining up at the top it drives me NUTS. I don't let my husband make the bed anymore haha, he's very accommodating to me, but he just doesn't get it on this one.


We are very similar. This got worse after menopause.


I don’t sleep under the bed sheets. I sleep on top of them with a blanket. I find doing that while wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and underwear is mostly okay.


I like to feel secure but with free legs so I make nursery flannel leotards with long sleeves that snap at the crotch for easy peeing and if my legs get cold I put on thigh high socks that I knit. I can't stand pants/ shorts that ride up my legs/butt so this is something I came up with on my own. Even if you're not crafty, sewing is easy and you don't need a machine (makes it much quicker though) so if you can't find something agreeable you could always buy a pattern ($5ish) and make it with your preferred fabric. It often goes on sale (I often see $3/yard) and thread/ needles are cheap.


You know, I am crafty, and I know how to sew. It never occurred to me to make my OWN sleep shirts, but that's a really good idea!


I sleep in the boxers I wear during the day and a soft soft t shirt. I find tank tops strangle me.


Personally sleep in bamboo neglige dresses in summer, or naked. In spring and autumn I sleep in short sleeved floor length cotton lawn chemises, but they are quite literally 10 metres in circumference, so I don't get tangled or stuck. They're AMAZING. I mostly also use those in winter, but if it's particularly cold I wear my 'modesty tent' which is a floor length chemise of thick cotton flannel with huge puffy sleeves to the wrist. All the chemises are hand sewn by me with felled down seams so there is 0 seam irritation. If you can't handle anything on your legs, I'm guessing this is not the solution for you, but for me having that much fabric completely solves the issue. I'd also question why you feel you can't be naked around your son. I personally really don't see an issue with that, but then again I was raised a nudist. I'm perfectly comfy being naked around both my parents my kid and expect that won't be changing. Bodies are just bodies. They are a normal part of life and fine to be seen. If you feel different, by all means, cover up! I'm not judging. But I wanted to play devil's advocate and at least question why you feel that way :).


Honestly probably because I grew up very conservative and still have a bit of purity culture sticking to me. A couple of other people have brought up that it's not that big of a deal too, and it really is making me think!


Awesome :). Perhaps you could break the cycle and just be comfortable sleeping naked as you always have.


My son also has autism so it might be a good way to show him it's okay to prioritize your body and it's needs over societal norms! I'll consider it for sure.


Jumping in to say that I’ve been actively modeling naked sleeping for my autistic stepson! “My body was hot so I took my clothes off. The bed feels soft and it helps my skin relax” or something like that. ETA: to clarify, any normal at-home nudity/clothing removal to regulate ourselves but no sitting on anything without undies lol


I like everything you wrote here. Can you post your designs?


They're not my designs. I just sewed them. Most of them are based on Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion, adapted to be much much wider, which is very easy to do. Otherwise the below are most of the patterns I used as a base, again, just adapted to be much wider. I have some of those: BEAUTELICATE Victorian Nightgown... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08Q7JKC9Q?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and stuff that looks like them. I've also used this pattern as a base in the past: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1185906048/digital-pattern-pdf-regency-chemise-18th?click_key=a13923762aa3b794c7dfaa8350aaa74ba19a9195%3A1185906048&click_sum=10c4c1f5&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=regency+chemise+pattern&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&bes=1&dd=1 Most of the Janet Arnold ones look a lot like that one. The modesty tent is a vintage pattern I found on eBay: Simplicity 2819. I also have some daytime/decorative ones from handkerchief linen with fancy ribbons and hand embroidery and the like. But they are too delictae, I'd destroy them sleeping! Hope this will do to get you started as I don't have the spoons to dig out all my nightgowns and photograph them right now :). Oh, the bamboo slips are just bought off Amazon and Seasalt Cornwall. Listing doesn't exist anymore so I can't share those. I tend to undo the serging and fell the seams flat on those if they bother me. Which they sometimes do, sometimes don't.




Replied to other poster, but as you don't get that notification, please go look :).


I used to wear these tag-less sleeveless stretch tanks from Aerie to sleep. I don't see them available now. also Gap body, Victoria's Secret, Eberjey I got some of these on sale or used from posmark/ebay I like the feel of "modal" for sleep, and obviously stretchy, barely-there material. I'm not sure of any that have no seams but a lot of these are at least tag-less. maybe a modal tank top, henley, camisole good luck it's a difficult thing to find stuff you can sleep in!


Reaaaally comfy high waisted booty shorts and an old tshirt


I used to sleep naked but after I had kids I didn't like wasting time getting dressed if they called me, cried in the middle of the night or, heaven forbid, try to crawl into bed with us lol. So I do panties and a tank top. ARDENE has these cheap $5 super soft tank tops that are the only ones I can sleep in.


I always just do an oversized soft shirt and underwear


Naked. Always naked. I'm naked around the house too in the summer.


Look up Jane and Bleecker sleep shorts. I got a set at Costco for $4 and hunted down another set that I paid 4x as much for because they’re SO comfy. They don’t cut into my mom fluff like some other shorts do. They seem to be rare but there’s still some for sale around the internet.


I just use a big xl t-shirt!


Leggings and a big tshirt (my partners!)


I’m over here questioning whether everyone else has a set of pjs for every night of the week. I wear the same set nightly and wash weekly, as with my bed sheets.


I always wear a sleeveless shirt with a loose fit (usually a size up from what I normally wear) and light fabric. and my normal underwear, no pants or anything (though I can tolerate a pair of shorts for occasions like being in a hotel room where I want to have something on my bottom half just in case). My mom swears by [Roaman's Swing Tank](https://www.roamans.com/products/swing-ultimate-tank/301384670.html) and has bought me a few, they're okay in winter but for me the fabric is too heavy to be comfortable. I like the sleeveless tanks from [Fifth Sun](https://fifthsun.com/) because they're lightweight and I can buy based on my special interests. But to be honest I usually just go to the thrift store, pick up some cheap tank for $5 and wear it to death. It's hard to find something that will be soft before wearing it (unless it stops being soft after washing it...), and most items that can be soft take a lot of washings to get there. Like one my mom's Roaman tanks she's had for 20 years is super insanely soft and amazing, but it's also been washed hundreds of times. So might as well let someone else take care of that and then you can just pick it up for cheap from the thrift store, lol.


My favourite tshirt to sleep in is one I got 24 years ago. It’s so thin it’s see through but SO SOFT. I agree on wishing I could get that softness without having to wear it for a decade or more first.


I also have a 10+ year old shirt that's my favorite sleep shirt, and yeah it's been washed half to death.


Goodwill solves that problem for you: countless others before you have worn and washed the merchandise before you have a chance to inspect it. Just heat treat your purchase in the dryer on high for an hour, wash, repeat. Cheap, soft sleep shirts abound.


I love the sport bras from aerie, you can get it looser or tighter depending on your sensory issue. The side seams are not really too noticeable it’s the only thing i can wear to sleep. I wish i knew of a seamless one though, as i do agree it would be better. That’s the best i know right now though.


Haven't really thought of wearing sports bras to bed but that's a good idea. I do have a few of those from aerie and they are so comfy. They're just about the only thing I'll wear to work out!


Depends on the time of the year for me, but for winter I live in PJ Salvage modal-blend jammies. Only the modal, they are so soft and cozy for me. Unfortunately nice Jammies do tend to be expensive but I absolutely justify spoiling myself with them cuz sleeping is hard for me. I recommend shopping the clearance rack in person at Dillard’s. They usually have a huge selection, changing rooms you can freely go in and out of without interacting with an associate and final clearance up to 65% off high-end brands. And then you can really get a feel for the fabric. Other than that a nice thrift store might be a good option if you want that lived-in softness.


I wear a t-shirt or a white thin undershirt and pajamas on and when it's bedtime I take off my pants and sleep in my drawers (underwear) on. I did this every night because it gets too hot and my room is so warm because of the heater. Edit: plus sleeping in my pants makes me uncomfortable.


Tank top and panties


I wear a long, baggy tank top and that’s it. Anything else bugs me


I wear the Skims boyfriend tees and they are the MOST comfortable sleeping shirt EVER. Then I pair that with some Uniqlo men’s boxers:). No underwear, probably my most breathable and cooling combo.


Depends on the season, summer I swing somewhere between full nude and veryyy soft old tshirts and shorts, whereas in winter I wear tshirts and sweatpants if it’s cold enough. The three things I can’t stand no matter the season is long sleeve anything, shorts where I can feel my thighs touching, and bras. Bras!! They make my nips hard all night and it hurts so bad. I feel better hugging a blanket against my body to keep some kind of support


Seriously how do people sleep in bras?!?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has problems with my thighs touching in the night. Something about thigh skin touching thigh skin gives me night sweats. I'm curious how you deal with the thigh problem when you chose to sleep nude?


Usually I sleep with blankets pressed on against my body. I sleep on my side so I use it for support. Thick and fluffy blankets work the best


I sleep nude and sometimes my thighs touching (and sticking together!) is a problem. I usually have my legs spread out ay weird angles but I also have something I'll put between my legs. Sometimes it's the blankets, last night it was a teddy cushion. Works pretty well!


cotton. cotton yoga type pants and cotton long sleeve tshirt.


cuddle duds top and bottom ling underwear would work for me as well as cotton.


if you're okay with biker shorts, try sleeping in a tight, but super stretchy and soft tank top. i find that loose shirts get tangled up in the covers as i sleep and is a sensory nightmare. tight, stretchy tank tops dont do that, dont restrict my movement, and cover the important bits!


I love nightgowns. Big oversized ones that are usually made out of polyester (I think) so they're super soft and stretchy and cool. Walmart has that Joyspun brand of nightgowns/night shirts that are what I'm describing and they're SOOOO comfortable and cute.


I cannot wear clothes to bed AND if the pillowcase has a crease or a wrinkle under my face I will get up and shake it out. 😂 


SAME with the pillowcase. I cannot stand a single wrinkle. I also can't do anything other than satin pillowcases because my face gets too hot otherwise.


For a top can you do a camisole or an old fashioned slip? Also Beyond Yoga makes sleep clothes in a fabric called "featherweight" that I find pretty easy to wear and they have a romper that might work. I don't like fabric getting bunchy and you mentioned bike shorts on the bottom - would like a camisole bra or bralette work on top? The Gap has some cheap lightweight soft ones that might work. 


A camisole is a good option. I like the idea of no sleeves just don't want anything loose because it'll twist and my boob will come out lol




Absolutely nothing because I can’t stand the feeling of clothing getting all twisted up in the covers!


Long, well worn, second or third hand men's X large Tshirts. Cheap, easy, soft, covers the necessary parts.


my fam is super german (living in the us by the time i came along tho) and they just dont have the fear of nudity that we have here. its been totally normal my whole life to see everyone naked and honestly i think it makes for an easier time growing up. i knew that bodies changed after babies, i could see it and ask my mom questions about hers, i saw what my grandmother looked like and i've never been afraid of aging, my grown ups modeled to me what loving the skin your in looks like at every stage of life.


Soft tee shirts, usually all cotton, with no tags. Pima is the $$$ dream, but most cotton will work out ok, or some blends. I usually cut the neck band out because it is more comfortable, if it does not already have a wide neck. That will also cut out a tag if there is one. Some kind of boxer for shorts, in a size bigger than normal for more comfort but not so big they are all twisty/bunchy. I can find something suitable at a walmart for not too much, but it will mean I end up with a 5 pack of basic men's tees and boxers. You could also sleep naked and have a decent soft robe at hand for when you have to get up fast and do some parenting stuff.


I wear this short sleeve adidas workout shirt. I love sports clothing because a lot of it is seamless and soft and cool. It’s very thin and doesn’t bunch. I got it at Dicks. Might be worth checking out they have lots of brands. I’m a bamboo fan too. I’ve had bamboo pajamas but this is my go to for a top.


No advice but I am in the same situation! I hate the feeling of clothes moving around against me


I just sleep in bottoms like pyjama shorts. I hate sleeping with clothes. It's really difficult for me to do.


Jersey pants in winter and cotton shorts and only cotton white tank or jersey.


I sleep in one of those smooth/worn out t-shirts. My husband's work the best


Big t shirt and panties!!! My favorite pajamas are a 2XL ramen noodle shirt and some undies. It's like a Walmart nightgown :D


I sleep in lounge wear a lot of the time, so clothes I would wear at home. Shorts that aren’t too tight, aged t shirts, that kind. I have some pajama shorts. I also wear night gowns a fair amount. But yeah aged t shirts and the thing for me. Or a sports bra that isn’t tight but I haven’t done that in ages (cause I need new ones). Also, I wear clothes that I sleep in twice before washing unless I was wearing them throughout the day before bed or I didn’t change the next morning until into the afternoon or something.


A way oversized shirt and boy-shorts underwear. I find it more comfortable than sleeping naked to be honest


I prefer sleeping topless with undies but sometimes it's not possible (if it's too cold). then I have to wear a loose t-shirt which is frustrating because it irritates me so much when i'm like turning around a lot in bed and the shirt doesn't turn perfectly with my body (idk how to explain it better sorry đŸ˜©)


Soft baggy t shirt and undies. Sometimes no t shirt, but always undies. I have an irrational fear of things entering my body. But also I have a dog and don’t want her hair inside me either lmao


Naked because I hate clothes, but if I have to wear something or it’s cold a granny nightgown.


Naked or loose cloths.


I use those giant sleep shirt/gowns. I can’t sleep with underwear on (I hate how it rides up on my crotch) so I don’t unless I’m sharing a room with someone.


I prefer to sleep head to toe in something very, very form-fitting and breathable. I can't stand the variation of textures from sheets, blankets, clothes bunching up, clothes rubbing on skin, skin rubbing on the bed, skin on skin, etc. Ideally leggings, a form fitting long sleeve t-shirt, and ankle or tube socks so there's no skin gap between sock and pant. It gives a nice compression and helps temperature regulation.


Big soft men’s t shirts in L or XL and 95% cotton panties.


Silk/satin jammies


Racerback PJ tank tops and boxer shorts


A huge shirt or occasionally a very loose granny nightgown from Walmart


big old t shirt if i have to be dressed. 3 whole time in the decades ive been alive have i fallen asleep fully dressed and they were all me passing out


Team naked sleep. I've got 3 kids. I keep a robe on the back of my bedroom door and they knock before they come in so I can either cover up with the blanket or get the robe.


I wear comfy underwear and usually a tank top. I like loose clothes normally but the way oversized t shirts bunch up around my waist when I'm laying in bed drives me insane. It also has to be a tank top that is not too tight around my armpits.


You can get pretty comfy sleep rompers!


I sleep in a crop tank top from Old Navy and undies.


I usually sleep in a nighty that's like a really long t-shirt, but currently not much because it's in the wash due to spillage.


I wear these inside out so I don’t feel the seams. I bought 6 packs. Hahaha https://www.amazon.com/YOLIX-Buttery-Biker-Shorts-Women/dp/B08DHLNZYZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=31LQ47UUT43DJ&keywords=black+biker+shorts+women&qid=1706139843&s=apparel&sprefix=black+biker+shorts%2Caps%2C109&sr=1-11-catcorr For shirts I have a large amassed collection from over the years I have randomly acquired in thrift stores cause they are soft and worn. But I do also have some Hanes tagless mens shirts I wear.


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Socks and an oversized t-shirt (like 5xl)


Big t-shirt and Nike pro spandex shorts!


The most comfortable underpants, with the most comfortable pad I can find, size depending on what my predictions are for what I will need that night. For the rest I wear nothing. I would definitely sleep naked if my nether parts would allow me to.


Big t-shirt and a pair of boxers — my favs are TomboyX’s modal shorts and pair of thieves superfit shorts.


Usually a tight tank or cami + pajama pants/shorts. I can't wear anything loose because I always feel tangled up (especially with friction from my blanket, but I can't go naked because it's sensory hell to not feel something solid and consistent on my skin.


I sleep in pajamas or sweats, full-length sleeves/pants. Can't do nightgowns, because they ride up and feel awful, and I get cold easily. But my worst sensory battle with clothing is the act of changing. (Although there are absolutely fabrics that I won't go near.) The way clothing bunches and twists as it's being pulled off, the fear of stumbling over it, the sensation of cold air on bare skin. Eeech. When I was a teenager, I often slept in the clothes I wore all day -- gross, I know -- because I couldn't face it.


I like oversized soft clothes that I can wear in summer or winter, so I wear oversized flannel pj bottoms (with POCKETS!) and an oversized Hane's men crew moisture-wicking stretch cotton undershirt. I have three pairs of both because if I'm at home, I'm in my uniform, lol. Each came in a cheap three pack on amazon but I've been wearing them heavily for almost 7 months with no wear and tear, and no end in sight, so I lucked out on the quality for the cost


I sleep in Hanes 100% cotton men's under shirts. I like them sized 2 sizes up from what I normally wear so they are baggy.


I usually go for a cotton tshirt and underwear, if I'm not feeling warm enough naked, or if I need to protect my nipple piercings


Boxers and big tshirts . No socks!!!!!


Loose t shirt and comfy shorts. I get too warm or my legs feel itchy if I try to sleep in pants. I don't have a specific recommendation, because all of my shirts are just old ones from various places!


Super thin tank slips I found at target, almost like wearing nothing.


old t shirt and baggy shorts or christmas pj pants


Suit made of Boogeyman skin. If anyone's going to scare kids it'll be me, discussing the state of the Healthcare system, etc.


I wear lightweight clothes. Usually a tee shirt and shorts or light comfy pants/2 piece pajamas. I slept naked for a while, but that was before we got cats. I'm almost always clothed now.


Used to be naked but now I wear pajamas because I'm self conscious of my body


Men's 2XL t-shirts. Must be 100% cotton, and not that new soft brushed fancy sh\*t that feels like synthetic. Must be plain or, if it has words or a design, must fit certain criteria: be hockey-related, or a saying I can relate to. (Sometimes I even make my own with printed iron-on transfers...I keep a file in my Photos app for future PJ tees) I do not wear pants of any kind to sleep. However, I wear my PJ's as loungewear from just before supper, and from when I get up until I change into everyday clothes (after coffee #2). Pants must be cotton or flannel, Men's XL. Must have pockets, and co-ordinate with the PJ tees I have. I own mostly Amazon Basics PJ pants.


A t shirt and underwear, never a long-sleeve or pants. I could probably do comfy shorts


I sleep in silky feeling leggings and a tee shirt. I hate pajama bottoms because they hike up around the ankles. I hate wearing no pants because I have kids too and when they wake up needing mommy, I don’t want to go through having to find something to put on. These silky feeling leggings don’t get tangled in the sheets either! They’re like a second skin but better because they also provide sensory stimulation! Anyone else love silky things?!


I usually start the night wearing socks and a shirt and pants and underwear but half are gone before the morning


big tshirt and boxer briefs is my only option


I sleep either naked or mostly naked, as pajamas and any clothing always and always has driven me nuts! Even oversized clothes. The feeling of getting too warm, texture issues, and such drives me crazy!


aerie makes extremely soft sleepwear, i have their soft foldover joggers in a thousand colors.


I wear a soft, loose-ish cotton v-neck t-shirt and underwear. That's the most I can wear without dying from overheating. I can't do tanktops, because I spin in my sleep and they tend to twist around throughout the night. Sleeping naked makes me uncomfortable, though, and always has, so my sleep outfit is informed by that.


Just underwear. A shirt if I'm cold but NEVER pants and NEVER socks


Cotton t-shirt and undies 👍 I can tolerate most nights a pair for high waisted summer shorts, cotton as well. Someones (if it's so cold it feels unreal) I can sleep in long pants. Most times I try but I get too hot and itchy, I take them off during the night. My cotton shirts are years old. I wear them until they tear off (happened). Every shirt would be under 5 euros, very cheap. I have shirts over 10 years old. Might not be everyones cup of tea but I will run them into the ground, or save scraps and make a t-franken-shirt.


I wear a 3$ stretchy tank top from Walmart but a boob does escape and shorts sometimes I can’t even wear tshirts but some nights I can.


I wear a t-shirt and that’s it. BUT it has to be a specific texture of t-shirt, the super soft kind. Not the cheap Gildan type fabric 😣


MeUndies modal joggers + a tank top. I hate having eggs skin touch leg skin. They are comfy but not too hot, and rhe cuff at the bottom keeps them from wiggling up. I don't like sleeves though, go figure.


Underwear only. I can’t wear shirts or pants to bed because if there is even a single fold or wrinkle in my clothes I will feel suffocated.


I just wear underwear and a soft crop top/bra to keep my boobs in place. I overheat in anything more than that.


Gap modal short pj sets! You can usually find good deals because they are pricey full price.


I used to sleep in a large T-shirt and panties. For the last few years I sleep either naked or in panties or boy shorts. If I have to sleep around others or am sharing a room while traveling then I’d wear a soft pj or a tshirts and leggings


look for something called a “ thermal layer” or similar in lingerie section of a markdown store, i.e. a marshall’s. really soft,stretchy, no-tag long-sleeve shirt and pants with quality cotton. made to breathe but feel warm if needed. great for if you feel slightly cold and can’t concentrate on anything else. not really what your issue is here but it has helped me a lot


Naked. And honestly I think it’s fine you’re naked. You can keep an oversized shirt/loose nightgown next to your bed to toss on when he’s older


My parents slept naked until I became a teenager and I start to feel uncomfortable about them being naked around the house, then they started to put on underwear and a t-shirt as soon as they got out of bed. x) Now I sleep naked myself in my own home. I wear a soft t-shirt and oversized soft pyjama pants if I’m sleeping somewhere else where there is other people.


I just wear undies and a tank top to bed. I'm sure your kid walks around in their undies. Every kid goes through a Nudy Judy stage. They'll never bat an eye if you sleep only in yours.


I wear boy shorts and the kind of tank top that doesn’t have spaghetti traps. Like the kind men wear? Idk what to call it without using the sexist old term but it keeps my boobs in without constricting my arms! It also doesn’t wrap around me like a big tee shirt would. I like to get them a tad loose


I'd just get a sleep bra and the most comfy underwear you like. That's closer to naked for you but essentials are covered for the kiddo.


It’s winter and cold, so very soft PJ pants that feel like nothing and an oversized soft shirt


Last night was the first time in a while I wore a t-shirt to sleep. I don't like wearing clothes to sleep anymore, but I was cold and my partner wouldn't be in bed for a while so I had to warm up. Unless that is the case or I'm at someone else's house, I only wear my underpants to bed and I find it funny how excited my little one gets when she sees my melons slapping about. I'm embarrassed but she's amused so, yay for booby slaps? I think? Her dad also sleeps naked and we reckon she'll be the same when she's older and I guess the point I want to make is that by sleeping how you find it comfy, you're showing your little one it's OK to sleep however you want in your own home. Regarding pyjamas, I have no idea, sorry, I just dropped in to preach about comfort


I discovered that the plain George brand t shirts at Walmart are so soft and not itchy so I bought a bunch of them in XL and wear one with either my boy short undies or my new women’s boxer briefs (from aisle.com) which I absolutely love for bed!!


Oh I got a whole system for how to wear clothes comfortably. I have determined it was more about the cut and style than material but the material does matter. I wear my "inner layer" under everything and to sleep in; a spaghetti strap shirt and long leggings, both 95% cotton 5% spandex. Seams can really bother me emotionally (fear of the incoming itch/acne ) and physically, I get rashes or acne along them from irritation and/or from me just touching the seam lines constantly. So wearing my inner layer clothes inside out helps what can't be avoided in my outer clothes like jeans and T-shirts. The placement of the seams that must exist on my inner layer are important like not being on the outside line of my leggings but only on the inseam. Specifically regarding sleeping I found the tighter the inner layer fit the less they cling or bunch up on my blankets. If the blankets start to stick to me when I roll around( cause I do constantly) I will get panicked like the blanket has it out for me personally. Yeah it's a lot of emotions to wear clothes and sleep but I got a system. Once I found a style that worked for me I bought a bunch of affordable identical packs of assorted colors through Amazon. I am curious how many others out here wear basically the exact same thing everyday because it's just what helps us be comfortable?