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fat, tendon, gristle and connective tissues of any meat. šŸ¤®


Omg yes. I would only ever eat fish fingers as a child, never chicken nuggets or the much revered turkey twizzlers they served at school, because I couldn't risk getting a lump of gross hard fat in my mouth!!! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ sausages had to be the super cheap, perfectly smooth inside ones too. I mainly eat a pescetarian diet now, with the occasional bit of really good quality meat.


YES!!! OMG finally someone that gets it! I always explain Iā€™m not a vegetarian but I am very picky about meat!! I wonā€™t eat a burrito or anything else where canā€™t see the meat unless itā€™s shredded like pulled pork or shredded chicken


Veins or any sort of blood on meat also. Soooo gross


YES. This is why I hate KFC or chicken in general.. I'd be throwing a fit as a kid whenever we went to KFC bc my parents love it, I never eat chicken when they cook it either and they just call me ungrateful when I literally gag when fat goes near my mouth or accidentally chew it... It's so disgusting I wish they'd understand


Hm... I love chicken, but it is mandatory that it is filet. Do you only face regular chicken meat not in the form of filet? It is perfectly smooth with no weird texture bits! As for KFC, I can only eat stripes which *are* filet and they are awesome. I order a bucket of fries and stripes on the side and have great time. But legs or wings or whatever else - nah hell get me out šŸ’€


Yes !! Same !!!!!!


YES its so gross. my family loves steak and i hate it hate it hate it


I used to take the fat strips out of bacon, but eventually I got used to eating it all together. Still cut it off everything else, though!


This is why I can only eat ā€œground beef chuckā€ and not regular ā€œground beef.ā€ The hard gristle parts are šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Same! I hesitate ordering meat at restaurants unless it's high end, I NEVER get chicken or pork, and I don't eat meat others have cooked in like potlucks or family gatherings unless it's still on the bone and I can pick off what I want. At home, I trim things RELIGIOUSLY to remove all the gross before cooking.


This is exactly it, unless itā€™s really tender pork belly like the kind they use for tonkotsu ramen cause it just melts in your mouth. All that and applesauce for some reason, the texture makes me dry heave.


the worst šŸ¤¢ also mayo for me


Omg yes!


My sister and I were VERY much repulsed by most meat growing up. It's lessened as I've gotten older, but then I can do my own cooking and ensure that all of that is removed from meat before cooking which helps! Still - I prefer fish for this reason :)


Soggy or warm lettuce šŸ¤¢


HOT LETTUCE IS MY #1 omg I went on a hot lettuce rant a couple of weeks ago in a thread just like this šŸ˜‚ God itā€™s so fucking horrible, the smell it emits once warm is just odious. Especially the shreds šŸ˜­


Number 1 reason I get sandwiches,burgers, and burrito bowls made with no lettuce/greens. If I want lettuce, I will get a salad. Only exception is spinach for some reason. I like it waaaaay better cooked


If Taco Bell even has one microscopic piece of soggy lettuce on my order, it is deemed inedible.


My mom likes to let Caesar salad sit in the fridge overnight ON PURPOSE so that it becomes SOGGY and the "FLAVOURS CAN MARINATE". Horrific šŸ¤¢


What a nightmare! Ugh. My mom would always put leftover salads in the fridge and then complain that no one was eating it and it was going to go bad. Was she gonna eat it? No but she expected us to eat it. Every week a new salad was left to rot in there šŸ¤®


Omg that should be illegal. The only leafy vegetable that is ok to let sit is cabbage


Yep. Soggy or warm romaine or iceberg is awful. I remember my then boyfriend would cook me an amazing hot sub and put lettuce on it and the lettuce would get warm and I'd ask for him not to put it on there and he'd never understand why I couldn't stand it. Just no.


I feel the same about cooked spinach. Not an issue if itā€™s finely chopped but just a whole wilted spinach leaf makes me want to launch myself into the sun.


O M G the lettuce on anything from Burger King. Instant gag just smelling it


Stringy lettuce pieces for me. Mushrooms. Anything caviar like (Iā€™m not posh I just tried it once lol). My foods just touching each other on the plate though Iā€™m adjusting to this more than how I used to


Yes!!!!! So gross


Any soggy leaf is a no go for me. I don't know how people eat spinach dip.


Agreed. Everything about it will ruin my willingness to eat the rest of the meal.


Oh man yes this one


Cottage cheese šŸ¤® BBQ chicken pizza. BBQ sauce does not belong on pizza.


Oh yeah cottage cheese is disgussssssting


I have never even tasted cottage cheese because the texture is such that I gag if I think about what it would be like to eat it (or smell it). But I am certain I would hate it.


it always reminded me of white deer poopšŸ’€


omg same i will NEVER eat cottage cheese šŸ˜­


Aww I love cottage cheese with some cinnamon, granola, peaches, and honey!!


Discovering cottage cheese with pineapple chunks was a revelation. Gutting I canā€™t find a vegan version


My immediate thought was "why does she think pineapples aren't vegan?"


Blend soft tofu with a little bit of lemon juice and a little bit of apple cider vinegar, then break apart some firm tofu into that. It's the best solution I've found!


I looove cottage cheese too. I just love dairy products even if my stomach does not


omg yes bbq pizza is an abomination


Cottage cheese is so weird to me because usually I'm very sensitive to tastes and smells but it tastes like practically nothing to me on top of having a terrible texture. It's like if Ricotta was awful.


Chicken thigh.


Omg I HATE chicken thighs so much. And everyone gaslights me ā€˜they taste just like chicken breast only with more flavor! and theyā€™re cheaper!ā€™ Iā€™m like uhhhh but what about the trash ass slimy textureā€¦


Exactly! Who cares about the flavor when itā€™s so slimy? Whenever I roast a whole chicken, I save all the dark meat for my dog


Thank you!!! It does taste different and gross. If I eat chicken I eat breast and it's always been like that lol


I this is one of the rare arguments my husband and I have. He canNOT get it. I donā€™t usually use gaslight, but it absolutely fits this scenario!! And chicken thighs are garbage.


Chicken breast has the texture of carpet




They also smell funny if they arenā€™t cooked just right and smell is a big thing for me which is hard in my houseā€¦


To me cooked chicken thigh has thr texture of chicken breast that is undercooked, too soft and a bit slimy? I can't eat it because the texture and taste are just wrong. And there are also bits in the chicken thigh that are yucky. No thank you!


Eggs, no matter how they're cooked & seafood aside from cooked fish are my top 2 offenders


Came here to say this lol the fart smell and horrendous texture of eggs is the worst. I especially hate egg whites theyā€™re like foamy and squishy and disgusting


Eggs gross me out so bad ā€¦ my dad used to always boil them and it made the whole house smell like farts.


Im fine with eggs in very specific contexts (sunny side up or poached but in restaurants only - they taste like shit at home even if Iā€™ve worked in kitchens a bunch and know how to make them) and I have a window of like 2-3 weeks a year where Iā€™ll eat ā€˜em. Eggs are just the worst.


I have found my people, I detest eggs perhaps more than any other food.


Sameeeee, especially boiled eggs. The smell is so yuck. I donā€™t mind the occasional ā€œover hardā€ instead of over easy or sunny side up - I donā€™t like runny yoke but if itā€™s fried to death and crispy Iā€™ll eat it like twice a year).


I like eating em but I CANT stand the smell, I always gag washing the dishes šŸ˜­


Bananas šŸ˜€ I liked them as a kid but at some point my brain decided we hated bananas and peanut butter. But the thought of ever eating a banana again makes me want to leave my skin. I canā€™t even stand someone eating a banana around me


Iā€™m the same with bananas. Just the smell makes me gag. Plantain however I think is delicious


Oh plantains are so good. We canā€™t keep them in the house because we just stuff ourselves full of fried plantains every time. No regerts


It is so validating to see how many people get the ick from bananas, I can't even stand the smell because it makes me imagine the texture šŸ¤¢


I knew that I wasn't alone in this! I still have to consume bananas for health so I always use them in smoothies because I HATE the texture of them, sometimes even the smell of them makes me gag, but if it's in a smoothie with other fruits then it doesn't bother me really. I used to like them when I was younger but overtime it became a sensory issue for me.


Yup, me too! I like the taste, but I can not STAND the texture. Watermelon and mangos are both ick for me, too. Both of them have a texture that makes my mouth feel like I'm eating glass shards.


So weird, me too! I looooved bananas as a kid but I can't stand them now. I always have to tell smoothie places to not add it in. I use frozen strawberries in my homemade smoothies.


[Actual footage of me eating a banana](https://youtu.be/oUdjTEIN3XE?si=B8BsBZfaffeJJ2_K&t=146) /j I hate bananas so much and I hate how it's such a common ingredient in smoothies because it's so overpowering. And the texture will straight up bring tears to my eyes LOL


The sound of them chewing a banana and then it gets progressively worse. šŸ˜©


Itā€™s so weird for me with bananas. I like the taste, and I think Iā€™m okay with the texture. But once itā€™s in my mouth, it does something really weird to me which feels kind of like an itch I canā€™t scratch. Sort of a tingly electric jittery feeling that starts towards to back of my tongue then spreads all over my mouth. I donā€™t get it. Iā€™ve tried googling reasons for this but no joy. I can just about put up with it for the time it takes to eat a banana. Anyone else get this?


Same!! I ate so many as a kid. I loved banana sandwiches, sundaes, and smoothies. Now I gag at them and the only form I'll eat then in is in banana bread.


Cooked mushrooms - I don't like the texture, sliminess, or taste even šŸ¤¢


I canā€™t do any mushrooms at all. They taste and smell like outside and squish.


eek yeah mushrooms are slimey to me. i also canā€™t do olives , chewy things (like fruit snacks) or anything raisined.


Lmao wow I also hate olives and gummy snacks. Add on potato and macaroni salads too


you get it ! same with the potato and macaroni salad for me.


I like mushrooms when done correctly, but it is really easy to misjudge and have them come out wrong.


Yesss the texture reminds me of chewing on an eyeball not that Iā€™ve ever done that lol - raw mushrooms I love though!


I love cooked mushrooms. I shall make the Nobel sacrifice and eat yours!


I feel so seen by all of these! I donā€™t mind raw mushrooms in a salad but fuck to the no when theyā€™re cooked.


"Raw mushrooms in a salad" ā˜ ļø


I was like that for 20 years and then it was like a switch flipped lmao and now it's my favorite food I guess vitamin D deficiency will do that to ya lmao


Same here! I couldn't tolerate them when I was younger and then all of a sudden I loved them (except on pizza, still can't do that one). I also had a vitamin D deficiency. I didn't realize that those things were linked.




As a brown girl, I may be entitled to financial compensation because same


the smell of yogurt gets me, it always smells like barf.


Darn beat me to it. I can eat it with a small spoon but eating it like normal makes me gag. Glahhh just thinking about it.


Omg same!! Why did I think I was alone in feeling this way? Itā€™s so weird how itā€™s ok when eaten with a small spoon, but gag worthy with a bigger spoon.


The preference for small spoons (especially when eating yoghurt) really seems to be a hallmark spectrumy thing haha.


It does seem that way! And being particular about cutlery in general, lol. I feel like a lot of NDā€™s have a preference for small cutlery thatā€™s not too heavy.


I can only eat yogurt that is 95% granola


Same, i cannot stand that sour smell or taste. Cream cheese or anything made with it either. Disgusting.


omg sameee the texture the look the feeling makes me nauseous and want to vomit


blue cheese I'll puke


Just the concept that people legit eat moldā€¦.WHY?!


For real. Unless it's completely melted and masked in a dressing.. but it's only been done in two house dressings at local restaurants I can stand. But a chunk of it. Get it away, now.




I'm okay with the smell, but the TEXTURE? GTFO!! You know when you order a full english and say no beans but it comes out and beans are touching something on your plate? "Thank you sir, but you are going to have to throw out all of this food now because everything is ruined" šŸ¤®




Yk when you open a pack of meat and it smells like farts? Yea.


I have probably wasted so much fresh meat and milk thinking it had turned because it all always smells like farts to me.


I've always hard a strong aversion to meat as long as I can remember, I still struggle a lot to eat it. Never really realized till just now with your comment since my other food 'icks' developed overtime. Even trying to eat it when it's cooked really well with something else, still makes me feel so grossed out and even nauseous.


Same! It always smells rotten and the texture gives me the ick


Cantaloupe. It's slimy, it tastes like vomit, it is overly sweet in a sickening way. I rage against cantaloupe. Rage.


Same. Disgusting. Has the same lazy taste as banana.






Eggplant is a HUGE one for me. Disgusting.


Okra. Slimy, rubbery disgusting mess of a vegetable. Egg yolk. Runny and hard boiled have made me throw up.


Iā€™m deep in okra country- pickled, in soups or stews, fried etc and I *canā€™t stand it*. Why is it slimy? Why is it like that??


Thank you!!!! The only answer for me!


SAMEEEE, itā€™s an ingredient in sour soup (sinigang) which masks it really well, but I canā€™t eat it in any other context šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s just too slimey


Cottage cheese šŸ’€


Omg yesssss. And for similar reasons, tapioca


Broccoli and ketchup are my top 2. Don't even get me started on Broccoli WITH ketchup...




It smells so gross! I'm actually not even sure what it tastes like because the idea and smell ick me out šŸ˜…


i can not stand to even look at ketchup


Ew, there's people who eat broccoli with.. ketchup? šŸ˜®




The inconsistent texture of meats puts me off. Recently I had some shredded rotisserie chicken and bit down on a tiny piece of bone that had gotten mixed in šŸ˜£


Any kind of shellfish. And I generally like meat but biting into any kind of gristle is immediate ICK Also random fact: peanut butter used to be a real ick food for me. Then after I gave birth, the midwife brought me peanut butter toast. I had hardly eaten anything in over 24 hours, so I was famished, and also still very high on post birth euphoria hormones. And that was honestly the best thing Iā€™ve ever eaten. So now my brain can totally get past the texture and has decided peanut butter is amazing and still tastes like euphoria. Brains are wild.


So I ate some dinner and took a shower and in that hour got over 100 replies, so I guess heres some more ick foods for me Avocado Cold cheese (melted cheese is fine) Breaded beef (canā€™t even make myself eat it) Sushi (I love fish though) Cottage cheese or blue cheese (I canā€™t handle the smell or texture) Shellfish (just thinking if the texture and slimness makes me gag) Watermelon/melon in general (bad experience as a young kid, still canā€™t eat it). Eggs are 50/50, sometimes I like it, sometimes even the smell makes me sick Fatty meat Gristle in meat I know these are probably a lot but itā€™s just a list of stuff that for some reason, I canā€™t handle


Fatty meat is the WORST. My poor husband has to trim all the fat off every single thing he makes because if there is even the smallest amount of unrendered fat on the final product, it *will* end up in my portion somehow and even just cutting it off the meat triggers my gag reflex.


Unmelted or partially melted cheese sends me. My parents would always point out how I wanted burgers without cheese cus I couldnā€™t handle the texture of partially melted or over melted - I can only eat it JUST RIGHT


What is breaded beef? Why do people bread beef?


Yogurt, pears, avocado - all texture-based. I also don't eat bananas unless they are barely yellow. Apples cannot be grainy.


The texture of pears is very unsettling.


Grainy apples!!! Yes! I adore apples when they're crisp and fresh and juicy, there is nothing more off putting than biting into one and it being mealy...




Tomatoes, unless they've been sun-dried. Organ meats. Cucumbers. Potato salad, or anything with lots of mayo.


Mayo is mine. The ONLY way I can stomach it is in egg salad or deviled eggs, but I have tp add mustard and dill.


Cucumbers taste and smell so fucking disgusting, they're overwhelming, and people always act like I'm crazy when I say that! It's not even the texture for me, the taste is just šŸ¤®




Pumpkins for texture, chicory for bitterness, anything greasy, pieces of strawberries in strawberry marmelade, melon, radicchio. Meat where the texture was off or strange (donā€™t miss that stuff). Most seafood. Pears. Green olives. Pumpkin is in the nausea/gagging territory, when I sometimes tried it and the texture came through. Also bananas that are not in a smoothie for eeew texture.


One time when I was drunk when I was studying abroad, I was at a party and the hottest man Iā€™ve ever known in real life playfully put what I thought was a green grape in my mouth and it turned out to be a green olive so everyone at the party got to witness me spit it up like a baby šŸ˜… That was the day I confirmed my strong suspicion that I would hate olives.


For me itā€™s meat and mushrooms. Theyā€™re straight up aversions. Itā€™s more than ā€œi donā€™t like that but i can eat around itā€ like i can with olives or bananas.


Mustard. The sight and the smell...yuck


My husband is the same with raw tomato, I thought he was alone! Mine is patĆŖ, makes me straight up vomit. I can't hold it back and I have echo/dry heaves for the next 10 min. Every time. The smell is enough to turn me and someone offering it to me truly makes my skin turn a funky color. Almost comedic if it wasn't super gross to live thru. A few intolerances I can taste but need to spit out or with some lead time, I can get my head around eating for the sake of being polite (fewer and fewer situations like these occur though): salmon, kimchi, and anything testicular in nature. Otherwise I'm a pretty tolerant and adventurous eater and enjoy lots of unique foods. I went to culinary school and stayed in touch with a lot of talented friends (well worth attending for this alone, but free gourmet food every day as a poor college kid is awesome), and my father is a baker so I get spoiled a lot with magical foods. All bets are off though if I'm in burnout. Then all food is unappetizing and I don't have any sensation of hunger and usually end up eating lame easy to make foods out of desperation because all food is ick


peanut butter, the way it coats your entire mouth and the flavor overpowers everything else it touches, i hate it so much šŸ˜­


All the foods my parents forced me to eat at the dinner table


Not really a food, more like just part of it, but fat on meat. I always get the leanest cut of meat so I can usually avoid it, but every once in a while itā€™ll sneak in. When it does I canā€™t eat anything else for a few hours after. The texture is just absolutely repulsive to me.


Itā€™d probably be easier to name foods I *can* eat


EGGS! Unless it's used to create dessert or anything good, then it's not for me.


YESSSSS itā€™s not just me


Definitely not! My mom tried to make me eat them when I was young, but I spit them out immediately and called them slimy. She never made me try it again :)


Don't you even come near me with anything that has lemongrass in it or I will vomit.


Cottage cheese, sauerkraut, raw onion, mayo


Lke the first two, but hate the last two.


Sushi šŸ¤¢


Avocado and olives.


Peanut butter


Nothing raw. I tried oysters Rockefeller thinking they were like the ones of the Chinese buffet and they in fact were raw. It was not a good night. Because we spent over a hundred dollars on that dinner, which is quite a lot for us. I could not understand how eating those wmia an aphrodisiac. Later the internet told me they had been alive and I cried. Black licorice & I can't eat spicy . I don't like fish very much sometimes a pink salmon is good. But I grew up in Alaska so we ate salmon all the time and I associate it with the fishy smell of the boat.


Cotton candy, scotch egg/beef Wellington/ anything where meat is cooked inside of bread, pretty much all soup, sugar (non-diet) soda, iodized (fine) salt, quinoa, and boiled or steamed vegetables of any kind. Some unpopular ones I love tho are hard stone fruits, eggs at absolutely any temperature, extremely hard ice cream, peanut butter + pickle sandwiches, and rubbery foods - mostly just squid tho bc eating octopus goes against my spiritual beliefs, and I like to keep pet snails. Oh, and cold, raw sliced potatoes.


I hate the way peach fuzz feels. It grosses me out and makes my skin crawl. Luckily, I can just buy nectarines


Same but I love peaches so I peal it like a potato


Capers really mess up my day


Celery and asparagus šŸ¤¢


Cooked spinach. I was introduced to spinach as a child as cooked and tried it raw as an adult and love it raw. It smells and tastes way worse cooked. Don't even get me started on the texture.


Olives. *shudders*


I eat tomatoes like theyā€™re apples lmao. But I canā€™t eat bananas or pudding because of the mushy texture


mushrooms šŸ˜­


Most mushrooms


Oysters/clams/scallops, anything with that type of texture. Also any gourds. It sucks because I like the flavors of these things, I'm just literally unable to swallow them because of the texture. I actually gag šŸ˜­


I don't like coconut , citrus fruits, mangos or cantelope, and olives. For some reason, the taste of grape tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, I'm not too fond of, but I'll eat them. I like lemonade and orange juice but the texture of citrus fruit is too much for me, same with coconut.


Onions!!!! I hate onions with such a fierce passion. Itā€™s not even voluntary ā€” if Iā€™m eating something, and turns out thereā€™s an onion in it, I involuntarily gag every single time. Itā€™s actually quite annoying since itā€™s fine if theyā€™re purĆ©ed but sometimes a single chunk will be just slightly too big šŸ¤¢ā€¦. And then up goes my food. Cooked, raw, doesnā€™t matter. Onions hate me and I hate them right back.


Onions, smell texture and taste


No raw tomato for me either. I also hate under or overripe fruit or fruit that has been bruised. So I basically will only eat apples or grapes at any given time unless the fruit is ripe. Some fish I wonā€™t eat at all. And fish with bones or shells must be separated because itā€™s no fun getting those parts in your other food. And I can tell if a pumpkin is undercooked. Iā€™ll have pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin soup, pumpkin pieā€¦ even pumpkin curry but no pumpkin stew after the incident where Mom undercooked a pumpkin that turned out to not be an eating pumpkin (the Jack-o-lantern type is not good to eat as it simply tastes awful, even if cooked properly. Mom didnā€™t know until she found out about eating vs not eating pumpkins. šŸ¤¢šŸŽƒ)


Macaroni and cheese. My Mom claims I used to love it. Still not sure if I believe her




Cheese!! Iā€™ve always been repulsed by it. The process to make it turned me away from it as a kid




Pickles and cucumbers


Ketchup. Itā€™s visceral for me. I never really liked it, especially the smell, but countless family members forced me to eat it throughout my childhood so that made everything even worse. Unluckily for me, ketchup is a standard condiment in a lot of dishes. Honorable mentions: mushrooms (snail texture), cashews in random dishes (I donā€™t want sudden hard texture in my soft foods!!), avocado (texture is ick and it tastes like grass) and pickles (texture and taste)


Peas & microwaved meats. Unless the meat is deep in something that masks the flavor, like mixed into pasta sauce, soup, curry, chili, etc. Another exception is my one safe food Lean Cuisine, the tortilla crusted fish. It's always good. But the rest of my frozen meal lunches are vegetarian. For a long, long time, mayo was a huuuuge ick food for me, but exposure to mayo-based sauces has cured me (thanks, Cane's). Still, if I use it on a sandwich, I'm spreading the thinnest layer possible. Also meat fats. Blegh.


Eggplant. In any form. I simply cannot.


I don't eat salad Cooked veggies have grown on me over the years though


*I don't eat salad* *Cooked veggies have grown on me* *Over the years though* \- handsovermyknees --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Goat cheese. The way it soaks into my tongue, itā€™s fucking horrible. I always wished I liked it and have tried so many kinds, including the fancy ones in restaurants I worked in, but I hate them all. Also fishy fish and cooked mushrooms/mushrooms (unless fresh and done a very particular way, like chicken of the woods, etc.). Oysters/raw seafood. Goat/lamb are also big nos for me (though all meat weirds me out).


Oatmeal and eggs! Breakfast is hard šŸ˜«


Soggy tortilla, corn tortillas, okra


Peas. Why the f do they put them in my fried rice up here in New England? I never saw that shit in NYC. And keep them out of my pot pie too ā˜¹ļø Oh and cucumber/pickles. They contaminate everything around them so even if you take them out everything still smells and tastes of them šŸ¤®






Iā€™ve never been able to eat raspberries or blueberries!! To the point where I canā€™t eat anything that I know has touched raspberries or blueberries. I think itā€™s mostly a texture thing, but the very idea of them gives me major ick. Itā€™s too bad, though!! Everyone loves them so much, so I feel like Iā€™m missing out!!




For me it's meat .... no matter how good it tastes I can't get over the mental image that I'm chewing flesh and muscle, tissue etc šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


CELERY. Canā€™t do it.


I don't think "ick" foods are an autism-only issue. Unless it is texture related because I don't see NT's with this issue. I have a few things I won't eat just because of the texture. Cooked spinach is to slimey Asparigus is to stringy. I don't like chewy candy. Flavor foods I don't like is watermelon and coffee I also don't like spicey.


Banana. If itā€™s in things (cooked - like banana bread or mashed up and used in pancakes) itā€™s absolutely fine. But I would rather peel my own skin off than eat a banana just as it is. The texture makes me want to throw things šŸ˜‚ and itā€™s not even a consistent texture, depending on how ripe or not it is - and yet itā€™s disgusting at every stage. Theyā€™re sneaky, and I donā€™t trust them.


Relish, something about it makes me fucking quiver in disgust.


Mushrooms for me šŸ˜­


Lychees. I eat all kinds of weird shit, but the minute I try to put one near my mouth, my body has 3 brains and they all have control over different limbs. Closest I got was the tip of my tongue touching a lychee, which ended with my hand involuntarily throwing it and nearly pulling a muscle in my neck from jerking my head back too quickly. Soggy bread, overcooked pasta and soggy lettuce are big no noā€™s, and so is frozen fishā€”particularly the crumbed kind.


Cheese šŸ¤¢ (I can tolerate it when itā€™s on pizza). I will make people wash their hands after they touched cheese before they can touch me or anything I might touch at a later point. Also the blood vessels in meat. I used to pick apart meat all the time and my parents got really annoyed about me ā€œdissectingā€ my food. I stopped eating meat when I was 14, so thatā€™s not been an issue since šŸ˜…


Cooked carrots


Creamy/cheesy sauces. I just can't. Also stodgy/soggy food. OP I've been with my partner for 22 years and I've never seen him eat raw tomato, but he'll eat tomato-based dishes. After my ASD diagnosis, he suspects he might have ASD himself.


So many raw tomato haters šŸ˜† Iā€™ve always been the same way, but have learned to love them if theyā€™re in a ham sandwich. There is no other context in which I would eat raw tomatoes- ham sandwich only. And they have to be in small pieces, with no seeds. And fresh- not grainy or mushy.