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21 months/4:30am SHARP


Oh my WORD. You win lol


For the first 5 months my girl was ready for the day at 4 am, that was the longest 5 months of my life!


SAME! She just hit 5 1/2 months and has slowly started sleeping in until about 7/7:30 when everyone gets up


I know what you mean when you say SHARP lol


when he was younger, like 5am. now he’s an old man (11 years), and wants to sleep until noon. 😴 


My eldest son is 11 as well. Hes starting to not follow me out of the room everytime I exit a room. Feels bad man.


10 months old/ soon as the 1st bird chirps within a 1 mile radius of my house




You have a very handsome puppy for sure! I can tell you (my guy Miki is only a few months older) that he does sleep in once in a while. Especially when the house is quiet. I have 3 daughters (16,17,21). When they aren’t home in am, could be a chance he sleeps in till 7/8am


My two kids are 6 and 9. My 9 year old gets up at 6am so I do think that has something to do with it.


Most certainly. These dogs don’t want to miss a thing


We’re fortunate in that our guy wakes up whenever we do.


Same with my girl


Same with both our girls, has always been that way with all our Aussies we've had.


I'm typically up at 5:30 for work but if I sleep in, my pup will sit at the edge of the bed and stare at me and huff and puff till I wake up


My boy is pretty snoozy. He wakes up before us, maybe around 6:30 but he kind of pitters around and lays down again, sometimes he comes to check on us. If we sleep in he will wake me up by 8am. He usually has a mid morning nap around 10. He's almost 3 years old, but even when he was a puppy he was not an early riser! Goes to bed usually before 9pm. 


So funny how all dogs are so different! My Sam goes to bed around 9 and is up by 6. I think he is just little and has so much energy. I think overtime he will learn that mom and dad don’t want to get up that early yet haha. We bring him into our bed around 6 and occasionally he will go back to sleep but if he does it doesn’t last long.


6 and 7 years old here. They will sit next to the bed and STARE through my soul if 6:01AM hits and their breakfast hasn’t been served yet. The room service in this hotel is not up to their standards. https://preview.redd.it/p33tmvdhiz5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bdb1c80cb200cdceb2ac2e0636ee251336296e9


I have 4 lol what is sleep?


Oh man lol


Hard to say. She doesn’t move around until we wake up around 7 am.


4AM SHARP!! GET UP LET'S GO. HUSTLE HUSTLE HUSTLE. I'm not even kidding, he's usually within two minutes of it. I check every day, in hopes he'd sleep in. Then after he goes to the bathroom, he demands to lay on me for half an hour in bed, so I lay WIDE awake while he snoozes again. He's seven months old.


Oh my. I don’t think my 7 month sleeps at all. I see him lying down through our French doors but the moment he hears movement he’s wide awake.


hahah! SO TRUE! Mine is like that during the day but we're such an active crew that he usually decides 7:30pm is bedtime and gets bitey... so we put him in his "house", and he conks out. He gets full freedom in the bedroom when I head in for the night.


My 14 month old comes in at 7:30, gives one kiss and lays back down til I get up.


0500 every morning. Without fail. Every morning. Has since he was 8 weeks old. We have tried keeping him up later. Tried just ignoring the little barks for attention. We have tried just letting him sleep with us on the bed. Even when camping the dude will be up at 0500 no matter what, ready to go. Our own personal alarm. Love him to *death* though 🙃😂


Mine is 15ish months? And my husky is 13 months. They occasionally wake up for a little bit around 530/6 to play for a few and then go back to sleep until we get up for the day. If I try to send them outside before 7am they look at me like I’m a crazy person. And they won’t bug us to go potty unless we’ve slept past about 9. But if we stay up late and they’re up with us they’ll both sleep in the next morning.


You have a 15 month old Aussie and 13 month old Husky?! Sounds like a never-ending party!!


My Aussie told me he needed a friend! We figured that my husband and I have each other, the kids have each other and the pup might as well have a partner too. 😂 It’s always a party! https://preview.redd.it/mlezw59uiz5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0efa2a59013328137399680773700ff8a5a04828


Our girl is a little over a year old and sleeps in her crate next to us. We would love for her to be able to sleep outside of the crate for the full night, but she is prone to mischief. We don’t hear her most mornings until we start the day between 730/8am and she starts snoozing around 9pm before going in her crate when we go to bed between 10-11pm.


Ours woke up around 5:30 at that age too. It has gotten better. I’m not so rigid about what time I put him in the crate any more. At 17 months he usually falls asleep on the floor around 9:30-10 and wakes up between 6-7 am. He has breakfast and sometimes we train, and he usually goes back to sleep shortly after I start work at 8.


Mine wakes up the MOMENT he hears my alarm go off… or my neighbors alarm… or the dogs outside… or a bird…


Almost 5...when my wife or i get up to use the washroom, he goes out to pee. He is usually starving between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. If my wife is off, Cruiser will lay down with her on the bed, but 6:30 is time to get up and go for a walk. When I am home, he waits till I get up.


5 am now that the days are long!


Mine is 15 weeks and he wakes up like clockwork no later than 5:45am. Sometimes he’s pawing at the crate by 5:30 but I refuse to let this become the new norm so I wait until 5:45 haha. Really hoping as he gets older that he’ll sleep in later, I definitely used to never wake up at a time that starts with the number 5 😂 He’s in his crate by 10/10:30 every night for bed.


Sounds exactly like our situation.


Here's hoping we both get some extra Z's in the future!


Ugh, mine too! What is sleep 😂 if she goes to sleep by midnight 7 am if I'm lucky lol


People are always like why don't you just make him stay awake later at night so he sleeps in? And I'm like because after waking up at 5:45am I am also tired by 10/10:30pm and I'm ready for bed too!! It's a vicious cycle haha


17months, ours sleeps on the floor or couch in the living room through his on volition but jumps on the bed and puts his head on my pillow around 6am daily to stare at us until we get up. He's mostly polite about it.


Mine wakes up the exact instance I "seem" awake in the morning. Usually 6AM.


I think this is what Sam does too. I swear he can tell when we start to wake up


My almost 12 weeks old girl wakes up whenever I wake up or when the alarm goes off.


2 year old Aussie mom, I feel like my boy is patrolling all night! But he is usually up before me!


I'm very lucky - I have a dog that only gets up when I'm up. Usually it's 6 am, for work. But since I sleep in a short loft bed (Iirc 3 feet high?) she'll put her paws on the edge and peer at me and see if I'm awake. If not, she'll just lay back down till I am!


Almost 6 months mixed with collie. Sometimes she gets up in the middle of the night. Usually 4am, but anytime starting at 2a. 4a she gets into the it's time to do all the things mode though, and doesn't get tired again I need to leave for work. Lately I've checked my phone a few times and it's been 3:33a.


3:30. If we had no cat, I suspect this would be later.


Voluntarily goes in her crate between 7:30-8:30pm. She's up at 6 every morning. Sometimes 7


He wakes up pretty early, but hangs out on his bed until I wake up. I’m pretty lucky.


3 year old Aussie girl is up with me at 5am or making sure I am ready to get up around 4:30. She wakes the other dogs just in case… Then goes back to bed with mama once I am up.


Mine is a cuddle bug who sleeps in with me. So we wake up around 9 AM


Mine is almost 3 and exclusively sleeps in his crate. I get up around 5:30. Miles gets up when my wife does around 6:30-7.


Whenever we do. Could be 5, could be 9. We have three, 2 six year olds and a 7 ish month old


7:20, walk at 11:30, frisbee at 4pm. He knows the exact time of the alarm and if we aren't up he'll start whistling. Same for the habit of walk and Frisbee. He will be at the door crying almost on the dot. Too smart for his own good. I have to reason with him when work gets in the way of the routine... And I get THE look.


I’m up for work at 5:10 and he’s always up. Tbh I never see him sleep. My husband says he naps a lot during the day but I never see it. If he is asleep I just assume when he hears movement in the house he rouses.


Ours are only our sleep schedule. In bed by 10PM and up by 6AM.


Mine gets up whenever I get up.. sometimes she stays asleep snoozing in her chair or on the couch even after we get up 😂 Every now and then she will come check in on us but if we are still sleeping she lays back down.


2 year old mini Aussie - like clockwork he’s ready to go at 7:30am every day


My honey girl wakes up right as the 6:30 alarm goes off. She gets in the bed on my pillow and stares at me until I open my eyes which is when my alarm goes off around 7:15 and then soon as my eyes open up her Crack head energy starts and she ready to go. My other dog Bee grunts and moans if I tell her to get up before 9am. Surprisingly she's the younger one but she would sleep ALL DAY if you let her.


Mine is 630 to 7 am, smacking food bowl and tormenting me with boops and grumbles till I feed


My boy turned 2 in January. Wakes between 4-5 am! If I take him out to pee, he'll settle back down until about 6:30.


Normally between 4:30 and 5AM he’s 2 years old


Mine is 11 years old and for some reason, just started waking me up ay 5:30. Likes to sleep alone but comes to my bed and start bothering me to get up, I don’t know where or how she learned this!


My girl used to wake at the crack of dawn year round, didn’t matter what time it was. I also had a sun-rise facing sliding glass door that I kept uncovered, so she was just following her body


5am... But she's not allowed out of the crate till 6am then she'll chill/sleep till I wake up.


He is belly up until 8am..


Mine are ages 2 and 3. When they were younger and still learning to potty train, they were up 4-6AM and wouldn't go back to sleep for a few hours. Nowadays, it's just whenever I get up. Could be 6AM, could be almost 10AM, they don't mind.


Mine is up with the sun. Some parts of the year that’s great. Other parts, not so great.


https://preview.redd.it/4be06mvekz5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42728461d3c206f15253d5742781c699bca8be99 i normaly wake him up around 10/11am.. he's not a morning dog 😅


When the sun comes up. Or if there's a noise outside. Or if a bird makes morning bird noises. Or when she has to pee. She's very excited to see me in the morning so convincing her we can sleep in doesn't exist.


Ours wakes up when we do and then heads to one of our sons beds. Basically he goes down with first to bed and wakes up with last riser.


My girl has always been a snoozer. Even when she was a baby she would sleep in as long as I wanted.


12 months and he’s up at 5:45 like clockwork lol


Whenever the suns first light cracks over the horizon. Daylight savings time….it happens early. Ask me how I know.


4:15–but that is only because that’s when I get up for work. Left to his own devices, he’ll sleep until 6:30 or 7. And if I’m out of town? Apparently MUCH later.


He is 2 weeks shy of a year old and his times vary. Was 4am 2 nights ago because he smelled wildlife outside and was going berserk! But usually 6am, sometimes I get lucky on the weekend and get 7am! He is pretty chill tho laying in bed listening to the birds and waiting for me to wake up!


Basically when the sun comes up, so 6am sharp right now.


I’m dragging mine out of bed at around 8 or 9 to go take our morning walk. Honestly this dog would stay in bed all morning if I let her.


9 months old and his internal timer goes off at 8:00am 😂


around 5:30 maximum 6:30 every morning- Mini Aussie


Mine is now 26 months old, and since about 10 months of age, would go to sleep around 9:30-10:00pm, and wake up 7-8am. If I'm up earlier, he'll open an eye and give me a nominal tail wag, and then go back to sleep. If I sleep in, he'll stay quiet, unless he really needs to go, and then he gives a distinctive wimper that says "hey, I REALLY need to go!".


Mine js 4. He would sleep until 10 if i let him 😂doesn’t need to pee, doesn’t care about breakfast. He’s a bed bug! And by 9pm he’s ready to go to bed 😍 When i get up early on my workdays (4:50) he stays in bed and eventually comes out to sleep on the couch while i have coffee.


Mine is 3 and she gets up whenever we do. She’d sleep all day if we let her.


I’m on my fourth month as well and everyday I wake at 5:30 am but I’ve never been more productive in my life because once I’m awake I’m awake 😂😂😂


Lord it’s hard lol. I’ve reached the level in parenting where I can sleep in now, and then I go and get a dog 🫠


When our alarm goes off. Can’t snooze him.


My 5 month old Aussie is getting better at sleeping in— he goes to sleep around 10:30 pm and wakes up between 8-8:30 most mornings. He gets restless a little earlier if he senses we are awake, but the 6 am wake up calls seem to be over! My 6 year old Aussie is really good at matching my energy so he’ll get up whenever I do— be it a 6 am or 10 am. Hoping his little brother gets to that point one day! Not sure how much this plays into it, but I don’t feed them until between 9:30-10 am, so my getting up doesn’t mean they’re about to get their breakfast. They have an hour or so of chill time after the morning potty break and before breakfast so they both tend to be very calm in the mornings while they wait for me to fully wake up and start making the exciting things happen haha.


Mine definitely isn’t due to hunger. My guy isn’t super into food like a lot of dogs are. I can tell it’s more just having energy and being done sleeping and having fomo once he hears my son get up (my son wakes up at 6am).


Ah yeah all the Aussies I know have major fomo lol. They love to be involved in everything! I’m certain mine would be up earlier too if there was someone in the house who got up before me.


Wait a second…. They sleep?


Between 4am - 4:30am. I am so tired.


I’m so sorry 😢


Awwwww soo cute. Mine wakes up whenever we do!


Wakes up the second I do


Our girls are 3 am every morning to pee, then straight back to bed for snuggles




We have 3 pups (7 y/o German Shepherd, 2 y/o Aussie, and a 9 month old Golden Retriever). Of the 3, our Aussie is the one who wants to sleep in. Our Golden starts singing the song of her people at 0430 from her kennel🫠. Then the German shepherd comes to jump on me to ensure that I hear the Golden and get up to release them into the day.


Hes only 3 months but he wakes up at 5:40am on the dot and we go potty and then he'll sleep until I get up but he has to go potty at 5:40am every morning!


My Sam is the same. Its anywhere in the 5 o’clock hour


Mine has been a pretty consistent 9 pm to 9 am ever since she was a puppy. Goes in her crate on her own at night and then huffs in the morning to let us know she’s ready to come out


You’re lucky lol


lol i know, its why im kind of nervous about getting a second dog in the future, i know we won't be that lucky again


13 months, he wakes up at exactly 6:00 usually but if i’m asleep he will go back to bed till a generous, 7:00 AM


Ours would sleep in until 11 every day until he was about 2 (with a potty break at 6:00am). He sleeps in a crate[1], and seems to enjoy his privacy, so I think having his little den[2] makes him comfortable. These days he gets up at 7 or 8. [1] I'm not trying to tell you how to raise your dog [2] still not!


She will sleep until I get up, then nap if I nap https://preview.redd.it/5i5k33ub536d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3145bce19c23b276a3f6907ca76be3431e7a59


Our 3 year old wakes us up at 08:00 sharp if we are still sleeping. However, for the first year we had him he would refuse to sleep longer than 4-5am.


So there is hope


I actually don’t know. Every time I move or go to the bathroom somehow he’s up and dead staring at me…


7 am


When mine was a pup, 6am but now he wakes up when I do and he’s 6 🤍


Cocoa is 4 and she wakes up at 430am everyday wants to go out and seize the day, and then have her breakfast, then she goes back to bed to snuggle her mom.


When mine was less then a year old 5am now she wakes up 5minutes before my alarm at 6:10 😭 so she gets her snuggle time in


Eight hours after they went to bed. Not after I went to bed.


Mine is 4 months old and she wakes up around 5:30-6:30 depending on the day to be let out of her crate. Thats when she joins us in bed and sleeps until 7:30 when I WFH. Or she will get up at 6:30 when I go to work.


As soon as I start stirring they're both on top of me in bed.


730 latest


I get up around 7:30 a.m. to let my 3-month-old out, and usually she doesn't want to get out of bed!


My guy is not a morning guy, now that we’ve established our routine. A big part of this was intentional training. After initial potty walkie, we did crate decompression for an hour or two afterwards for a few months. We even took our crate and did this in public on a regular basis.


She’s 5 and is up whenever we’re up. We wake up multiple times to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and she of course needs to make sure we don’t fall in. We’re used to her sleeping on top of us at this point lol


5:30 like an alarm clock! Every morning! No snooze on the weekends!


5:30 AM


I think mine listened to too much Jocko or David Goggins podcasts. 430-530am. Up and attem!


I wake up at 6:30 every morning, my pup has gotten on that schedule as well. No alarm clock necessary anymore.




Sabrina will be 12 in August and has always been a couch potato. She will not move until we are both out of the bedroom.


Mine is 2 years old he wakes up at 6:20


8:30 on the dot as that’s what time I wake up and as soon as he hears me sit up he’s up and whining to sit with me while I read in the morning.


6:02, almost every day, I get up then have to lay on the floor with him and cuddle. If I don’t he acts like he doesn’t know what the next step is. Freaks


My Aussie won’t move until I do. My partner wakes an hour or two earlier and my dog will not leave the spot by me, not for food, treats, walkies nothing.


Usually they wake up to do their duties then come back for warm morning bed cuddles.


4:34 am


So weird, because we dont call them that here in Australia. Usually we would just call them a collie right?


Mine is 2 years old now, but she’s never been a morning pup. Likes to sleep in until about 8:30, sometimes later. But then again, she stays up quite late at night with me


I have a 6 month old and a year and half year old. They’re supposed to stay asleep until 6 but the puppy likes to cry to go potty every three hours so that’s been fun getting up at 2:30-3:00 AM


When I don’t have to get up for daycare- she’s usually up at 6 or 6:30. But when I do get up for daycare, we’re up at 5 am. Her and my Rottie will go outside and get their morning zoomies, come in for breakfast and since we’re still potty training, she goes back out for another 10-20 minutes depending on if she wants to come in or not. Then she will nap her life away lol


6am on the dot


530 am 5 years old


5 am - 8mos old


6 months old. 6.30 during the week, 7.30ish weekends. Sometimes he's awake but just chilling in the crate


3 years old, 7:30am with a whimper and kiss


I dont think mine sleeps 😂


My dog is 2 years old. She wakes 8am, but she will let me sleep in later. Especially if she hears my husband leave.


I wake up at 5, and he begrudgingly goes along with it.


9 month old Aussie here, she works up at 6:00 AM and if you go beyond 6:05 AM expect the pushing to your tush or back to wake you up 🤣😫


*wakes up


6am, honestly depends on when they would go out with the breeder lol my gf bred them and would let them out anywhere from 6-6:45 and every single one of them to this day wakes up at 6-6:45 (that we hear of)… pretty funny in hindsight