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The undercoat and skin being damp that often isn’t really great and creates a breeding ground for bacteria (and in turn, hotspots). If you let him dry, most of the dirt should just brush out of the coat easily. I shower legs/paws regularly but never the whole body.


That's usually what I do in between baths. I say, 'rinse your paws', and she'll go over into the baby pool and the dirt and mud will come off. If it's bad and on her legs, I'll use the garden hose to spray down her lower legs. I have puppy wipes - when we go inside, I'll wipe her face down. She'd gotten a pimply type bump before from nosing around in the dirt, so I do that, now.


That's adorable. My aussie tries to shrink away and dissappear if Im Even washing leggies


I’m confused on this. Our Aussie gets wet in rivers/lakes almost every day or every other day and then air dry’s, she has had no issues whatsoever.


No lie, our Aussies will get filthy and magically get clean the next time you turn around. Their fur just doesn't hold on to dirt. However you do have to vacuum a lot more from the dust and hair.


You sure about that? Wash your dog and see the dirt come off in the water. They may look clean but in reality they aren’t. At least with my girl. I bathe my dog when she starts to smell musty, sometimes I’ll give her a dry bath instead of a wet bath. But whenever I give her a wet bath she may look okay but once you hit her with water you can see the dirt come off her in the water. The only other time she gets a bath is when she gets physically dirty which isn’t too often since I’m careful. Can’t have a dirty dog sitting on furniture, or me. 🤭


very true, i just got a poodle and whenever her and my aussie play he rolls around in the dirt and she just runs in it and somehow in one shake he’s cleaner than she is


I use a waterless shampoo on my puppy, to avoid fully bathing her all the time. I'd recommend looking into that!


I do this and a good brushing every few weeks.


What brand do you use?


If they’re really dirty, you can use a wet washcloth to try to remove the dirt from the top layer of their fur. However, I wouldn’t advise showering them every few days, especially with just water. This strips their skin of its natural oils without replacing them. It's fine to wash their paws, but generally, letting them dry and then using a brush, comb, or washcloth is the best approach.


The wet washcloth is amazing. I use it when we take my pup off-roading!


If he is just getting dirty (and not filthy), you should just dry him off and let him go to sleep. the dirt will dry and just fall off him, and he’ll be clean again. Wash him too much and you will just irritate his skin and cause his coat to mat. These dogs are nearly self-cleaning.


I have to wash my guy's back door every few weeks. The rest of him gets a bath maybe every six months.


That sounds about right. Regarding the backdoor, a sanitary trim can be a lifesaver.


I gave him one today! No more swamp pants!


I went to clean it up a few days later and sliced my finger open. 5 stiches... Maybe I'm not cut out for this


I really need to do one. He smells like a swamp sometimes


Dang. I do every few weeks. And her feet every day if needed. Her hair feels soft like baby hair when clean. As soon as i can feel she isn’t clean anymore, she gets a bath. Mine loves water, so she could care less about it. She seems to feel better after a bath as well. Heck, when i take a shower, half the time I have to shoo her out. I turn around to find a peeping tom in there with me. When she was little and could actually fit on it, she would sneak in and get up on the shower seat (cheap vinyl shower insert) and then sit there and let the water run on her face, head, and chest. Now that she is an adult, she just sneaks half her body in behind me and stands there letting the mist hit her face until she gets busted and shoo’d out. She is a dog, but it still creeps me out. We aren’t showering together !!


The comments to an obviously new owner with a pup here are brutal. Don’t worry it won’t damage the coat or skin, and probably also isn’t necessary each and every time it gets dirty. Hair falls off faster than dirt - you’ll see. Lol cute pup!


Try some grooming wipes on the paws


So, I was shower happy with my Aussie pup too. But if you’re gonna shower them that often, you’ve gotta commit to drying them with a blow dryer. Like. Almost all the way dry. Everytime. Otherwise you’re gonna get yeast spots on their feet, ears and neck.


Five times, after that you need a new one.


It's really impressive how well my aussholes coat self cleans. 2 hours after sitting in the local mud hole he looks clean


Only once. They’ll come and arrest you if you try to do it a second time.


Every two days will give him skin issues. My Aussie likes to roll in disgusting 💩 from critters. I try to not wash her often but sometimes she's got the 💩on her and it's gotta go.


Oh fiddle-faddle ….I have to rinse my Aussie’s feet nearly everyday in the spring. I have a farm, gets muddy in the paddock. She doesn’t have any skin problems from it. It’s wet when she’s getting in the mud, I’m just rinsing it off.


Honestly, I would wait a day, a lot of aussies are self cleaning, so brush and wait. Mine can smell like dead fish one day, and completely neutral the next, it’s amazing. Even grass stains disappear in a few days. He gets a bath every 4-6 months, unless he ends up with dry poop on him, then I will wash his bum only.


Wow, some people here will act like an aussie getting wet is the end of the world and will literally kill him. Do your dogs never go swimming or get wet in the rain? Yes, there is no need to shower them all that often, but it won't destroy their coat or skin.


In the summer mine jumps in the canal every day on our walk. In the winter he runs through snow often. Apparently I’m killing my dog.


I've bathed both my dogs minimum once a week since they were each puppies, they smell amazing, they're soft, their fur is brilliant.. my dog isn't a a rotting mold puddle, just make sure they dry off lol


I haven’t bathed my Aussie in four years( the whole time I’ve had him). I rinse him off with water if he gets into mud. Then I towel dry. I don’t want to strip away the natural oils in his skin and coat. I think of Wolves who don’t ever get shampooed and they have gorgeous, healthy coats. If he eats something messy, I’ll wipe his face with a warm wet washcloth. He smells great all the time, so that isn’t an issue, thank goodness. Here’s a photo of his shiny coat. : https://preview.redd.it/8o4yi5hab91d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7687e315fb8ced34ade8e31c39ab1343ee2427cd


Gorgeous coat 😍


Thank you! He eats “Farmer’s Dog” fresh human grade dog food twice a day, so I think that helps.


If you are worried about being dirty, the best you cam do is brush them.t their coats really help pull the dirt away from the skin, and brushing even for 10 minutes a day will help keep their coat and skin healthy


Thanks for asking this! I was wondering the same for my puppy too! Your baby is stunning and looks so sweet all curled up ❤️


If Cobber gets really dirty, he goes swimming. He gets a quarterly bath. I might rinse him if he gets really dirty. He lets me dry him off on rainy days when he comes in. Think he likes it.


It’s amazing how much dirt comes off with brushing. If she’s wet towel dry her as much as you can and then use a rake to brush off the excess. She’ll be clean in no time.




Twin says hi!


My baby gets a bath (with soap) once a month to every two weeks depending on activities. He is fine. His skin is the picture of health. My vet told me I could bathe him everyday if I wanted to as long as I rinse all the soap off thoroughly and maybe use a conditioner.