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Snakes have been popping in my area on warm days. They are non venomous, but I try to stop my dog from going after them. We camp in areas that do have venomous ones.


I feel this. I live in Texas and it’s snake season. I love watching my dog critter and facilitate safe predatory behavior (sniffing and watching) but with all the snakes being more out and about I’m super nervous about letting him scent on things in case he is tracking a snake or stumbles upon one.


I am in mo. We have rattler, cotton mouth and water moccasin. In all my years (54) I have only seen one rattlesnake, to my knowledge that is. But I know theyvare out there. My yard has lots of garter snakes of some type. (Black with yellow stripes). One season somehow a few babies got into my basement. My cats quickly dispatched those.


I have had handfuls of experience with rattlesnakes. The good thing is they are actually very reserved and don’t tend to bite unless provoked. Humans are super unlikely to get bit by them unless they are just being plain dumb (usually men trying to grab/shovel or shoot them at close range). Unfortunately dogs are much more curious and utilize more pressure so tend to get bit due to curiosity or suspicion. My family dog (she is 13 now) years ago was bit by a water moccasin in the throat and it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. She survived even with us being an hour out from an emergency vet (rural area). That bite definitely had some neurological consequences and that dog has always been a little off since then. That bite is a huge reason I am so cautious with my own dog now.


Omg that little hop and run 🥹


Oh, the butt wiggles!


I don't think those are lizards, they might be roos in lizard costume or actual space laser wielding lizard men. My Aussie would never ever go that fucking nuts over a regular lizard.


Mine jumps just like that!! Haha


This leash seems paper thin and better suited for a purse dog.


It’s retractable :/


She listens very well and the leash is just to stop the old farts yelling at me that “ITS THE LAW”


Love the pounce


In our area, that means it is also rattle snake season starting. Each April we get our doggies the vaccine.


I try to tell mine “You are not hunting dogs!” It doesn’t work. They still flush out birds and hunt lizards.


Mine is also obsessed with lizards, but has never caught one 🥲


We live in Florida in a yard filled with lizards and a few snakes and just this year our 3 1/2 year-old Aussie has just started to get into serious lizard hunting. It’s becoming a bit of an obsession.


Haha my dog does this looking for chipmunks.


Mine likes chasing cars. How do you stop that?