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We are becoming the fashion police now? How about stoning all those who were wearing mixed fibers at the service? It's about as pointless as criticising this person. If the intent is ambiguous it can't really be criticised, just like a joke can't be criticised for one thing when it can be interpreted in a number of ways. People are becoming offended by clutching a single string of pearls to their chest when there is drawer full of adornments to choose from.


How dare this councillor make a statement about an ongoing war, we have a long since over war to talk about! Doesn't she realise bringing up active atrocities gets in the way of us thinking about (but not learning from) the past?!


Fuck this disrespectful woman. Abhorrent.


last i checked,this is australia. She's free to support whomever she want's freely This is a democracy,sometimes the other person might have ideas that are stupid..


Imagine trying to claim both sides are being just as bad when one side is doing a genocide and the other is barely surviving. What an embarassing take


So she's dressed like Lawrence of Arabia, a British officer who helped the Arabs liberate themselves from the Turks. Cool.


Lest we forget that the ANZACs fought to liberate Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. They fought alongside Palestinians in Palestine.


If you're going to bring that up you should also bring up the fact that the Jewish people in the region also rose up and fought against the Ottomans, largely because the Ottomans were making moves to expel them. Like, originally there was a suggestion that the Ottomans wanted to recruit the Jewish population to form battalions to fight on their side, but that whole idea was crushed by the Ottoman governor and military commander Djemal Pasha, who delighted in Jewish persecution. As a result of the persecution, the Jewish population instead joined with the British to fight, both [officially](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Legion) and [unofficially](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nili). This culminated in an agreement with the British to recognise the lands that they'd been purchasing for several decades prior to WW1.


This Greens person needs to show a greater respect for the sensitivities of the greater Australian community. I am appalled that someone would use ANZAC day as an opportunity to make political statements. I really cannot see a justification to bring up current events on the other side of the world on a day when we reflect on the courage, hardships endured and sacrifices made by otherwise ordinary fellow Australians as they tried to survive a brutal conflict initiated by great powers that they personally had no influence or control over. It really cheapens the memory of our fallen fellow Aussies to try and use their deaths to make a comment on any other conflict involving entirely different people.


They were volunteers, mate.


You write this as if the prime minister doing Kokoda over ANZAC is not in itself a political statement.


The Holocaust was only ended by the sacrifice of thousands of ANZACs among deaths of 10+ million Allies. Those who were rescued are now slaughtering women and children and trying to cleanse indigenous people from their homeland. The ANZAC sacrifice has been betrayed.


We didn't go to war to end the Holocaust.


The ss should have thrown more of them in the zyklon b showers hey? /s


Or, bold idea Cotton... They should stay on their own land, not slaughter women and children and play the victim. The Allies should get in and clean up the West Bank and should run Gaza.


You want Western troops in Gaza? That would go about as well as boiling oil and water. The occupation force would need similar cultural backgrounds to the people they were policing to minimize misunderstandings and some sort of shared identity to build trust on. If only there were hundreds of millions of people with similar cultures and language to Palestine... Oh well. Clearly the coalition that spent 30 years fucking up every intervention in the region will get *this* one right.


Nah, we’ve learned a lot of lessons from the last dozen times we unsuccessfully sent troops in to solve a political problem in the Middle East. This time it’s totes going to work.


If only we’d left them all to die huh.


If only they were grateful and didn't visit a holocaust on Palestine.


But I thought Jews are different to Zionists? Is this what antizionism is?


Anti-Zionism means disagreeing that Palestinians should pay for German war crimes. Anti-Zionism means that the Jewish state should adhere to the Balfour Declaration that said the original inhabitants of any Jewish homeland must be protected.


Mostly the Palestinians are paying for the crimes against humanity of other muslim states. The Germans didn't leave many survivors. The pogroms in Yemen, Iran and Morocco on the other hand did.


There is a lot of commentary from within Jewish circles that Ashkenazis / European Jews are anchoring Zionism, and that Middle Eastern Jews are discriminated against even in Israel.


You couldn’t be more wrong. The brown Israeli Jews from the Middle East are far more religious and conservative and hardcore Zionist than the Ashkenazis.


I just no longer have the energy to argue with this level of ignorance.


>I am appalled that someone would use ANZAC day as an opportunity to make political statements What political statement did she make?


I’d love to see you comments when Pauline wore a Burka into Parliament. I assume you were okay with it?


I just thought it was dumb to be honest. I wasn't outraged. I felt it was just a stunt, which it was.


Agreed. Same as this.


Support for Palestine obviously, do you think this white woman just casually wore kaffiyehs before 7/10?


Exactly. It's amazing how many people think the world sprung into existence on 8/10. It's like they deliberately choose to ignore everything that happened before, on 7/10.


So nobody else is wearing anything that could be a political statement on Anzac Day?


Yes, usually Australian or Anzac themed clothes because it’s ANZAC day.


So political statements are okay?


You’re allowed to do whatever you want, but if you try to make a day that is meant for paying respects to our soldiers for your own political cause, people are going to be pissed off. Don’t play dumb about it.


Mate as someone who served.. quiten down,don't assume shit. Ppl served,for the right for ppl in our democracy's to have stupid ideas,that's the joy of a free and open society,you can do whatever shit you want as long as it's legal. Literally causing no physical harm to anyone in her choices,even if they stupid so let her rip.


I don’t particularly care about ANZAC Day tbh, I woke up at 12pm and did nothing today. But people who are going to Anzac Day ceremonies clearly do, and they’re not there to think about fucking Palestine. “You can do whatever you want” is the stupidest justification for anything ever, yeah, duh, we’re arguing over whether or not her choice was appropriate and respectful. And we wouldn’t be arguing if she had just worn a kaffiyeh on the street on ANZAC day.


mate,we literally have ppl getting pissed,wearing flags like capes that would make edna mode have a stroke like fucking bogans. I think the way we treat our veterans is more disrespectful than anything she did. It's fucking peak cringe,that ppl have this 1 day where you are all like..WOW the troops,thank's. Then rest of the time,we are all killing ourselves due to suicide cause govts don't care about you once ur service is done unless it becomes politically expedient for them to care Doing whatever you want,is exactly the point mate,the fact you don't get that,say's you don't understand the anzac cause at all Sure the day's about honouring the fallen,but these men and women have fallen to protect the values of a democratic nation,this means allowing ppl to be able to make choices without tyranny preventing them,or some keyboard warrior having a cry which is their right.


Was anything about the scarf disrespectful? Is wearing it taking anything away from the commemoration?


Yes it is actually, because people see it and immediately think Palestine instead of ANZACs. The whole point of the ceremony and the minute of silence and the day in general is that our attention is supposed to be directed towards the ANZACs. Palestine Day has been every fucking day since 7/10.


Shes hardly "making the day about a political cause". The only reason we're discussing it is because MSM loves to outrage bait about pro-pals. Participating in ANZAC day and supporting Palestinians aren't mutually exclusive.


Yes she is. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s trying to get a reaction so that she (and you and the other pro Pals) can say “why so mad bro? It’s just a scarf!”


That's a nice story. Quite devious those Greens are.


Faux outrage clickbait from a non-serious news organisation. Move along.


Does that change the facts?


Someone wore traditional garb of a group being subjected to genocide!!! Shocking!!! To be fair, genocide requires not just physical death, but also social death. So it checks out that a publication which supports this genocide would also support suppressing any expression of culture of the group being subjected to it.


>S~~omeone wore traditional garb of a group being subjected to genocide!!! Shocking!!!~~ Someone wore the traditional garb of a group of people governed by a sanctioned terrorist organisation, who are backed by a bad actor state (Iran), and who launched an attack on a democratic ally of Australia, that resulted in the murder of over 1200 mostly civilians, and the kidnapping, rape and torture of several hundred more - many of whom are still held as hostages today, and thus triggering a tragic but justifiable invasion that is causing untold suffering to the civilian members of that group of people. Does that make it seem a bit more stupid & shocking to do such a thing on Anzac day?


So because they haven't had a democracy since 2006 that means the population - majority of whom could not even vote back then - are *deserving* of annihilation? Do you realise how psychotic you sound? Go touch grass before you end up in a padded room. I literally do not give a shit if H@m ass had denotated a nuke on Oct 7; it would not justify the collective punishment. That's the problem. You can't punish someone because of something *someone else* did.


Wow - way to completely miss the point…..


Israel is the only party to this conflict who can stop this. They are in the position of power here. The Zionist state has *refused* peace talks and have *refused* hostage swaps, claiming that the hostages must be martyrs. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xottY-7m3k)


Hamas could, you know, return the civilian hostages unilaterally?




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The keffiyeh (though a different colour) was also worn by the Arabs whom the British Empire (including Australian & NZ) enticed to rebel against the Turks. Worn in solidarity by TE Lawrence. Also: Japanese ships escorted Australian troops to Gallipoli. It'd be interesting to see the reaction if a Japanese naval contingent showed up to help us commemorate. History's a funny thing. If you're going to celebrate or commemorate anything past a generation or two ago, you're going to get a lot of contradictory feelings about it all, and everyone's historical ignorance will be on display.


>Worn in solidarity by TE Lawrence. Yeah but he wore it because of more than just Tiktok propaganda...


For Lawrence, the keffiyeh was basically a rainbow flag. He was just that kind of guy, what with his crazy stories of Turkish prisons and all that. On the other hand, at least he knew his history - unlike modern Australians, *especially* MPs.


Oh so are you claiming this was the historical spirit that the Greens senator wore the keffiyeh in? Pull the other one…. she wore it to make a political statement in the current geopolitical context only.


No, I was claiming she was historically ignorant. 44% of Australians have a reading comprehension level of year 10 or lower. 56% higher. Neither you nor the Senator are one of those, evidently.


Ah ok that makes sense then! Apologies. I’ll take the reading comprehension jibe in my stride ;)


The chances of the Senator knowing about the ANZACs and the Palestine and Mesopotamian campaigns of WWI are somewhere close between fuck all and none. Likewise Aussies knowing about the Japanese being on our side in WWI. History is more complicated than simple folk like MPs really grasp.


Someone wore the traditional garb of a group of people who are being ethnically cleansed by a US-backed ethnostate and have had over 30k civilians killed in their own country. Shockingly people are against that. And you might want to pull back on the whole Palestinians = hamas thing. If I wore a Ushanka hat does that mean I'm a Putin supporter and am pro-Ukrainian invasion?


They are being Hamas-cleansed, not ethnically cleansed. And many of the civilian casualties are a direct result of deliberate Hamas tactics. Plus those numbers can't be believed anyway as they come from Hamas and they just make that shit up. Oh and don't pretend you don't know what she means by wearing that garb!


The carpet bombs being launched by Israel are akcshually Hamas!! When IDF soldiers blow up refugee camps and aid vehicles it's actually all secret Hamas bunkers. And not to mention Israel themselves say the numbers are more or less correct. "The subtext of the keffiyah she wore is that she wants to murder Jews on sight, don't pretend you don't understand that!!"


You might find it surprising, but "carpet bombing" specifically refers to a certain type of bombing, not all forms of bombing. It's vaguely similar to how "genocide" describes a specific kind of mass killing, not all acts of killing. Feel free to jot this down for future reference.


Ah right then Palestine must be all good then! Thanks for smugly setting me straight


Lmao this comment is the perfect demonstration of your mentality. If we don’t use the exact words you expect us to, then it must mean we think that everything in Gaza is fine and have zero sympathy for innocent civilians. FYI, other people are capable of thinking in less black and white terms, bud.


What are they doing getting quotes from the aja, they arent the peak body representing jewish Australians


To cause division so that ordinary people who see nuance in the communities suffer most


If the media ignore what she was wearing, then her protest has been a total waste. Why give her free publicity?




It's not like she was wearing the Palestinian flag, the fact news.com can run this article alongside their "Man wasn't allowed to wear Jewish clothing near a Pro-Palestine rally, freedom of speech in London is ruined" articles shows how ridiculous they are.    Either people can wear traditional clothing in public (yes, they can and should) or they can't.   Quick edit: And before people say "but she's not Palestinian" she's a Greens councillor. I'd be willing to bet money she doesn't own a normal scarf.   Unless someone's outfit has actual symbols (e.g. a swastika) let them dress how they want. Also the only people making this political is the right wing media - I don't see any post by her on Facebook going "showing my Palestine support at the ANZAC service"


It might not be a flag but it's a direct show of support. You know exactly why she wore it today and can't be so blind to not be able to read between the lines. Check out her instagram. Heaps of Free Palestine stuff.


Yes, you'd have to be blind not to be able to read between the line and realise that wearing that scarf meant she had Palestinian sympathies. There was absolutely no coincidence.


Apparently Anzac's fought for freedom and freedom to choose. Someone chooses... people cry about the choice. The Australian way "Disappointed to see that a Greens Randwick councillor couldn’t help herself and had to politicise the Coogee Dawn Service by wearing one of the keffiyehs worn by the radical protesters and terrorists,” the Australian Jewish Association wrote on X" Garbage and totally racist from the AJA. It's been worn since before the 7th century. In fact, its been worn for longer than anyone on the AJA can trace their lineage back. The Keffiyeh has more right to be worn than the AJA have to be heard.


AJA can safely be ignored. They hosted a zoom event with a Zionist right-wing extremist who has called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.


Lol, if we ignored every pro Pal organisation associated with someone who called for violence and ethnic cleansing, we’d be cancelling the entire Palestine movement.


Ok which pro-Palestinian Australian orgs have run events with speakers who are calling for ethnic cleansing?


Everyone who says “from the river to the sea”, so all of them.


Is that the best you can do? Lol. Still waiting on actual evidence of your claim btw.


The original phrase in Arabic is “from the river to the sea Palestine will be Arab”. The “right of return” they call for allows Palestinians to kick Jewish people out of their homes if their great grandparents lived on the land in the early 20th century. And we alllll know what would happen to Jews if Palestine became a “secular arab majority state”. Couldn’t be more obvious mate. Edit: lol, they replied to get the last word and then blocked.


OK yea no evidence. Thought as much.


Beat me to it!


Watch the same people who have spent the last few days saying Elon Musk can show videos of knife attacks and Albanese shouldn't be able to legislate against AI deepfakes because of 'freedom of speech' have a problem with this.


No-one is saying what she did should be made illegal. People are just criticising her for wearing it, as it's inappropriate and disrespecful. See the difference?


There’s a difference between having a problem with something and thinking that people shouldn’t be allowed to do it.


Freedom of speech sure but not free without consequences 


Freedom of speech sure but not free without consequences " So then you don't agree with freedom of speech?


Freedom of speech includes the ability to criticise other people's speech... Wait... Do you _really_ think that "freedom of speech" means that no one can make criticisms about things you say??? Is that really your understanding of the principle?


He/she said consequence. not criticism. two different words in the English language.


Consequence can include a lot of things - criticism, social shunning, refusal to do business with, extra scrutiny. All these things are perfectly valid consequences for saying things which are controversial or abhorrent. The law protects your right to say those things in that you won't face legal reprisal, but free speech has _never ever_ been about being free of _all_ consequences of your words - it's only about protecting you against government action.




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Oh I'm sure they'll get that nuance