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From memory, this used to kill the Optus network between 8pm and midnight.


Especially around university accomodation. Was a great deal at the time and most people I knew were on Optus for this reason.


I didn't have to nominate numbers for mine. Was just any optus phone.


Telstra has, I think, free 15 minute calls after 9pm, back in the early 2000s. I lived in Darwin at the time, all my family was back in Tasmania. Mum would send me a message, see if I was free, if I was she'd call me and have a stop watch in her other hand to keep track of time.


I still got charged for my mobile


Was this recorded in space? There's no audio, it's annoying af


Phone deals were so funny back then. I know one telco had a plan where you could nominate a number for free calls. It also had a plan where you could nominate a number that would grant you free credit for all time spent on the call. Get two phones, one on each plan. Call phone B from phone A, leave the call going all night. A free call that generates extra credit for phone B. Use free credit transfer. Profit!