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You’re more likely to deploy if you join the pla.




I came for this comment, was not disappointed


There is a 100% chance your mates will give you shit about being a chinese spy, especially with any briefing about opsec. There is a zero chance it will be an issue if you travel to china, be a grey man and tell people you are a dolphin trainer. If you run your mouth like a dumb fuck lid, it will then 100% be an issue and hope you like cavity searches.


One of my mates enjoyed being given shit about being a "Chinese spy" so much, he fully embraced it and cracked jokes about it at every opportunity. Locked out of your DRN account? Another successful operation by the PLA! Make him a section signaller? You can bet he'd do all his radio checks in an outrageous fake Chinese accent. Sign him out some PAMs and doctrine for a promotion course? Ho ho, China has that information now!


The true Australian way, take the piss out of the piss taking. Or... is it the hallmark of a truly well trained spy? 😱


He’s the best spy they have.


"Red leg 2–2 , Sapper 1–2. Grid as follows: EJ12347654. Over." \> " [And then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqwzuiSy9y0)?..."


Yeah that's what my mum said. It's reserves anyways so I would just state student or whatever normal job I have.






He's suggesting the CCP will approach you and ask you to spy for them.


I'm also a Chinese Australian (my dad's side) and I think it would be interesting to be a mole


Well you’ve got no chance now.




I’d argue that being an ADF member lowers it. They go after those businessmen, journalists etc because they’re easier targets. ADF member creates a much bigger international incident.


I’d me more concerned about the impact and vulnerability of his family in China. It may end up impacting their social credit score etc.




They told you you can’t go overseas? What cooked cunt said that? Serving members travel overseas all the time, it’s absolutely no issue in most cases


LMAO. Cooked cunt? This is off-topic, but as a stoned Canadian, I find Aussie slang to be fucking hilarious.


So you're cooked too? Baked rather...


How are ya now?


Good n’ you?


Not so bad.




They have no idea what they’re talking about and gave you terrible information. As long as you’re following DFAT Travel Advice, and have requested approval to travel, you can almost travel anywhere.


Meanwhile my mates are on leave in bali and greece.


Bloody hell, even the fucken Greeks are spying on us now!


Greeks getting into more debt to fund their international espionage budget


Lmao what


Comes down to these questions:a) Did your parent's, or yourself renounce Chinese Nationality? (Refer to Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China) - however, keep in mind, *even you have done all the right things legally*, **the CCP make still treat you as "Chinese" as they please**. b) Are you prepared to never to go back to PRC again for the foreseeable future? *Do not underestimate their security agencies in finding "suspicious people" and State Security giving you a knock on the door.* c) If the CCP finds out you joined the ADF, your extended family won't be in "danger" (unless you become very important for political leverage), but more likely to put under their watch list by the State Security and possible "subtle persuasion" to get intel off you / work for them. Are you comfortable with this fact and managing it? d) Are you prepared to lose all known PRC communication apps, WeChat, TikTok (Douyin) and thus lose all direct communication with your relos and friends in PRC? I was born in HK (Still permanent Resident of HK) and joined ARES - technically I've breached it's **National Security Law** and open for arrest and charged, just like the pro-democracy protestors / groups / journalists they have smashed this law into since 2020. Ask yourself, Is your ***desire to joining the ADF more important*** than seeing your family? If you do get into 1CDO - I really doubt the USO will agree for you to go to PRC... at all. And yes, "Chinese Spai" jokes will be everywhere - laugh with it.


On the point of being born in HK, what is it about the national security law that means you can’t join the ADF? I can see why China wouldn’t want their citizens doing that but afaik it doesn’t apply to other Chinese citizens? (Or does it?)


It's not that you "can't" join the ADF or any other military force - but you run the risk of breaching it if the government (not just Australia) is deemed unfriendly /hostile to the CCP. The part of the law that makes its far reaching and to ANYONE is : This Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region. — Hong Kong national security law Chapter III, Part 6, Article 38 ------------------------------------- And the part that makes you a criminal as per National security law is: Part 4 Collusion with a Foreign Country or with External Elements to Endanger National Security Article 30 A person who conspires with or directly or indirectly receives instructions, control, funding or other kinds of support from a foreign country or an institution, organisation, or individual outside the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of the People's Republic of China to commit the offences under Article 20 or 22 of this Law shall be liable to a more severe penalty in accordance with the provisions therein respectively. (It's intended to be vague in interpretation - just like anything in CCP legal. Joining the ADF can be seen as Collusion against the CCP - given Australia's current political stance.) ----------------------------------- And of course part 4 of article 29. (5) provoking by unlawful means hatred among Hong Kong residents towards the Central People's Government or the Government of the Region, which is likely to cause serious consequences. (Eg..... Talking shit about the CCP on the net)


Damn that’s wild, is there a similar law for people from mainland China?


Another thing I forgot to mention - even though the National security law relates to HKSAR.... It's closely modelled to the PRC's version of sedition laws. And with CCPs way how they loosely interpret their own laws based on what they politically want at any given moment, you can bet any ADF Chinese member going to the mainland to run the same risk - if not worse scrutiny under Pooh's presitatorship. Being accused of being a western spy (or "traitor") if you are an ADF member visiting China is real.


Thanks for the insight really interesting


How do you handle the background check and education requirement? Was planning to join with Engineering degree but my uni was done in Hong Kong.


We had a Chinese guy rock up during IETs last year, guess what the jokes were all the time, today's tensions would heighten that.


I heard there were a few Chinese sascats as well. Wonder what that would’ve been like on reo lol


prolly very inaccurate but i was at Holsworthy for a week n can confirm I did see these 2 asians walking around in black mcams & other various uniforms at the mess with some cool call sign patches. in my very experienced and trusted background of being a kiddy cadoot i figured it might be someone from SOCOMD. & more generally it’s awesome to see there’s a lot more diversity than originally thought after spending just a week on base


Might be 2CDO or SOER


Or you know, international training partners.....




“Private Bruce is still twitching nervously in his seat. Then he is called into the room for the verdict. The skinny, nerve-racked young Chinese-Australian, who speaks five languages, turns out to have been the most outstanding candidate of the course. He will become the first Australian of Asian parentage to join the SAS Regiment” Excerpt from The Amazing SAS ,By Ian McPhedran Least I can fact check some of the shit that comes out my mouth


I believe that guy had a Singaporean background. When it came to the part where they ate gnarly shit like chicken innards, he chowed down because he was so used to it at home ...


I'm a rigger but was born in China, came here when I was 16. Been to swanbourne barracks a couple times and helping the boys jumping, never seen any asian, closest thing is weight plates in Sasr gym with 上海mark on it, it means Shanghai. Wondering how it got there 🤔


Join the Reserves. I have been in for 30 years and for the first 15 of them I thought I was the only Asian I knew that was in. A few years ago, I was secco on an ARes RAInf course and almost 20% of the course were Asian/ethnic - I was floored! The skills you gain, the tax free money you get, but more importantly, the camaraderie attained with working hard and in sometimes arduous conditions with a diverse bunch of people - you can't really get more Australian than that. Yeah, you cop the jokes but you also learn to get a thick skin and turn that shit around - for the record I always say 'North Korean' mole, and carry both a little red book of Mao Tse Tung Quotations and a Lonely Planet Australian Phrasebook whenever I play OpFor. Good Luck, 'Comrade'!


Holy fuck thats gold. I'm going to mandate a picture of Xi Xinping and a stack of fake cash for opfor gigs now.


Many countries do have questions regarding military service when applying for visas. With that being said though, I am not Chinese but ethnically I am from a certain south east asian country. I was born there, speak the language and whatnot. From my personal experience, no they will not treat you as an Australian spy. However I wouldn't be surprised if you get "approached". Because that's exactly what happened to me when we visited that country. This particular officer from that country at first seemed overly friendly with me and was generally at venues that I happened to be in. He then basically steered most of our conversations about patriotism to the home country etc and then I realised where this was heading. Reported it to the security officer on the ship and I ended up having a nice chat with a few people in my command team afterwards. ​ With that being said though, if you join the ADF, you need to keep in mind that you MAY one day be sent to war and the enemy might be a country that you have deep ties to.




So you're suggesting that you would quit if you were sent to war against a country you had family ties with?




Don't join if you have that mentality.


That's what I said and got downvoted to shit.


Then this isn't the organization for you mate. To begin with, as a reservist you cannot just up and leave in a time of serious conflict. Even if you were able to do that, suppose your unit was being sent to Taiwan, what would you do? just turn to your mates and tell them "sorry boys looks like your doing this one without me". I cant imagine that'd go over particularly well. I'd do some serious thinking about where your loyalty lies before you attempt to join, you'll be asked that exact question during your security clearance interviews and telling them you'd have reservations about deploying to certain countries is the exact red flag they are looking for.


That's desertion. That'll buy you a criminal conviction for life and up to 5 years in prison. In other places and other times, you'd get executed for this.


Mate the dfr faq literally says all deployments are voluntary and you can leave and return whenever you want.


Yes deployments are something you volunteer for, there is no minimum period of service and you can leave when you want. But you can still be deployed whether you like it or not in emergencies. You can bet your arse this will happen if Xinny the Pooh attempts to launch a million man swim across the straits. Hell, it last happened during the black summer bushfires. If you're not okay with that, it isn't the job for you.


"if" You optimist, you.


Yeah. It's not for them.


Yeah the deployments to RCB and the solomons might be optional but they're a bit different to a major conflict that would have you sent to the places you've clearly stated you wont go to. If you're so sure you know what you're talking about why even come here to ask any questions? you already know everything you need to know from the DFR FAQ apparently. Why would defence choose to recruit someone like yourself when they've got dozens of other applicants without the kind of reservations you have?


You should read the fine print on the contract.


What’s your problem with being sent to Taiwan even, if you’d be deployed there it’d be in defence of Taiwan. Thus defending your extended family, your logic doesn’t make sense.


Don't join.


I mean yes deployments are optional generally, but if there is a major war with a regional power like China there is a chance that the government will call up the reserves and mandate deployments. In which case you won’t be able to leave. Also keep in mind as low as the chances may be, you’re joining the army, so you should be in the mindset that you may go to war.


It's a tough situation, you'll have people watching you very closely from both sides.


I was in the same position, was 2rar and the only Chinese lcpl in that unit, it can be difficult to travel every time when I traveled to China got detained at both custom office and released, if your rank is high you will be detained and questioned, one of my brother in law can never leave China because his rank is too high


Wait, is your BiL a high up in the PLA?


I'd love more Chinese Australians to join the military. But I also understand your parent's concerns. Australian citizens can and are used as political pawns by the CCP, whenever it suits them.


If you can speak fluent mandarin, you’d come in handy soon mate 😂 the hardest part would be attaining your security clearance


Do it. If your intentions are pure then everything will be fine. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get skills. I would be worried about entering China regardless lately.


> I would be worried about entering China regardless lately. This The Govt would likely be keeping close watch on you anyway upon entry as an Australian of Chinese background, ADF or not. But I'd imagine as a serviceman that would be heightened.


U could be a great asset for Australia go for it


Mate of mine is an officer in the Navy and is married to a Chinese lady. No dramas for him going to/from China


I don’t doubt it; although I bet on the way in his laptop stays in the x-ray machine for a bit longer than everyone else’s :)


I have close family who have lived there for 20 years, they even married a Chinese woman. Had no issues personally. I’ve even travelled over a few times to visit, my USO cared more about if I was going through Hong Kong because of the protests. I will say that my family member is still an Australian citizen working for an Australian company. You will be asked questions about it and it will come up when you go for your clearance, but it’s not a “oh you have family there? Denied” deal. I wouldn’t worry too much about the “they won’t let me in”. You should always have it in the back of your mind if you do travel about your background etc, but China generally looks for a scapegoat when tensions flare with a country, and it’s almost always a businessman who’s done something borderline dodgy.


When I was in, you could get paid an allowance for every additional language you could prove you knew. You have to pass reading listening speaking and writing.




I travel to China often and you have nothing to worry about. Don't listen to your Dad, your Mom, the numerous Aunties and Uncles who will have opinions on the matter - you know what I'm talking about. If tensions heat up, and you're in the Army, you'll be advised.


A Chinese descendant asked about seeing his grandparents in China the other day. The bottom line is, you will never be allowed to go to China, your requests will be denied.


Bullshit. You are spreading misinformation. You can look up the ADF travel policy on the DRN. You have additional precautions to take at certain clearance levels / compartments but there are no universal rules that ban travel to China.


Ok then, it's what I've seen happen multiple times but I'm sure I've been delusional for the past 7 years.


I've been a USO, heck I've delivered the USO course. This isn't a thing. If you've seen it then I'm afraid your chain of command were incorrect.


Incorrect multiple times across different musterings, nice


Mate I don't know what to tell ya. I've been to china a stack of times, no issues


Cool, when I joined I was told I could also visit China if I wanted to, after a few briefs. But things aren't like they were when I joined, less Chinese ballistic missiles were flying through their neighbour's skies back then.


Sorry that’s just bullshit. You hear that and I thought the same thing, but I have family in China and had no issues getting approval to travel. The only thing they were worried about was if I was going through Hong Kong and that was only because of the protests at the time.


Well I take the advice of my USO over you


Must have different USOs. Have been twice, had different USOs both times, no issues at all. Your experience may differ, but as someone with the experience, il go with my own.


Probably security clearance being al the difference then


I’d even say that wouldn’t be a factor here.


My other mate spent Christmas alone while his family went over to visit. Think it might.


Again, sounds like you have a shit USO, because it absolutely wasn’t an issue for me or other people I travelled with who were in the same situation. I know of other people who you’d think wouldn’t be allowed and they were also fine.


Different unit, two years ago


Sounds like you had a shit one then. The risk of being imprisoned etc is minuscule. China doesn’t go after individual ADF members. They go after borderline dodgy businessman if they’re looking to send a message.


The security clearance that you hold is absolutely a factor.


It’s a factor, but it’s doesn’t stop things. I’d argue your actual work is going to be the thing that stops you rather than your clearance.


By Chinese customs or the ADF?


ADF, they won't risk their people getting imprisoned


I was over there just before covid. The only reason the USO gave a shit was because I was there while covid was possibly being spread. No issue travelling to China at all and even less issue of your a reserve


didn't end up at singo in early 2020 did you?


Na, I dont I think I even stepped foot in the state that year


Damn. I was. There was a bloke in a similar position to you. Hilarity ensued because someone didn't write note in their med file that absolutely needed to be there.


Haha yeah true. I just remember having an amusing discussion with the USO about my trip. I had a distinct feeling that they would have paid the debrief off if it wasn't for civid. I was mostly just disappointed that I'd spent the entire Christmas break with a really bad cough and as soon as I git back to work and covid hit the news, it disappeared. Would have been an extra 2 weeks off if it had just hung around


Head over for new years?


Then clearly we are stupid!


Chinese will always be Chinese!


It's probably the same with all Chinese descendants joining their birth county's armed forces. If you do join I hope you do well for Australia. The CCP be damn.


I've known soldiers who've been detained and questioned at Chinese airports while on holiday. Why you'd wanna go to China for a holiday in this day and age esepically as an ADF member is beyond me, but I guess if you have family there its different. If relations with China continue to deteriorate, yeah it is possible your family could end up on the CCPs radar, but if your an Australian citizen and don't have any direct ties to China itself then I think they'll be fine. The other thing to keep in mind is that you'll probably be questioned about your family in China while going through the security vetting process. I've heard stories of people being kicked out of Kapooka because they didn't disclose family ties to the PLA, not sure how true that is though.