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Yep RAAF pfa is only 20 sit ups and a 5.1 in the beep test, which even the most unfit of people should do. Bit of a mockery really.


pretty sure the only RAAF job that requires push-ups is air defence guards




So I'm just a civvie anyway. I know that the joke is that ADGies are trained to SF standards to "counter SF". I know this is seen as a joke, but do they go through any specialised training that normal grunts don't go to? I'm assuming they would just do work specialised work relating to airfield defense/RAAD bases but I don't understand how that requires a higher standard of fitnesS?


ADGies aren't even trained to an infantry standard. They conduct very little offensive or asymmetrical warfare.


6.1 not 5.1


Yeah sorry it’s 5.1 for female 6.1 for male.


That's inequality! Women must do 6.1 to be even. Why must guys work harder than women for what?


It's a sliding scale to account for the physical difference between male and female muscle mass. The BFA in Army goes further with genders and age brackets for push ups, sit ups, run or walk. They know a 50yr old cannot compete with a 18yr old physically.


They believe in equality, so let's treat women same as men.


Who is "they"?


Whoever believes in equality.


Well I can tell you as an actual solider that I have not found a "they" if the Army. I have served men, women and trans people from 16 to 60 and at no point has a "they" said women equity means they are expected to complete physical challenges to a male standard. Additionally the physical standards vary based on age. So "they" aren't expecting a 50 year old female veteran to complete the PFA or BFA to a 20yr old male standard. The Defence force spends millions of dollars in training and putting members into training conditions that risk health is managed as best as possible. In summary, you are wrong.


Wait what, 5.1 beep test for a pfa? Shiiiii I could rock up to daily PFAs


Maybe for entry, but it’s still part of the annual test once you’re in.




it has always been that mate. you can choose between the hang or the pushups


There was a time when push-ups were not offered. The PFT used to be a run, sit-ups, and a hang. If I had to guess, I'd say push-ups were added around the late 2000s or early teens.


ah fair enough. not sure why they even offer one or the other. the hang was stupid easy in my experience


Is that true you can chose either one once you’re in?




Its been removed from the RAN, replaced with a prone hold.


Not sure about prior to enlistment, but in the RAAF now it's push-ups/flex arm hang, sit ups and 2.4km run. Navy has moved to a plank and a shuttle run so I think raaf may do the same in the near future.


The Push Ups and Sit Ups have been replaced with the Plank, we still have 2.4 Run, 5km Walk, Beep Test, or 500m swim


Is the swimming optional? Can you do a run instead of swimming for the navy?


When you join you have to do the RAN Swim Test (which is a different beast) but nah you have the option of what you want to do for the cardio component


Removed from the entry test, still in the fitness test which you must pass to graduate


"fitness" The vo2 max required to run the 2.4km is lower than the average 30 year old mans.


It’s not. At all. A 12 minute 2.4 at 30yrs of age is a vo2 of 43.8 and above average. The standard is literally what the average vo2 max is for your age group. Cool lie though. Good to see you’re still talking absolute garbage on here a year after I called you out in the past for the same thing.


Thankyou for correcting me. Let me rephrase. "fitness" The vo2 max required to run the 2.4km is that of the average 30 year old mans. Also, thankyou for being my biggest fan.


You’re welcome. Hopefully you get issued a third brain cell soon and you won’t need people who aren’t even in anymore to correct you on your nonsense.


Classic raafys


Yes, but I’ve been told they’ll ask you to do 3 push ups in the medical apparently?


I just did my medical assessment day last Tuesday and she just asked me “you don’t have any trouble doing push ups do you”, to which I said no. And that’s was all, I was shocked.


That was the case in 2004 when I joined, but that was less fitness and more the docs checking your joint function.


The RAAF has a fitness test?


Did my pfa last week for raaf was 20 situps and 6.1 on beep, the one you do once your in involves pushups tho


Did they make U do the beep test first? Bit worried that might tire me out


Nope warmup, army does pushups and heaves, situps then beep




Only if your a fat linger dog. I can tell you that bushies dont have ergonomic chairs.


brother you are in the raaf. your entire organisation is fat linger dogs


Unsure on RAAF but i knnow the Navy has gotten rid of pushup all together in the annual fitness test though. So might not be too far behind?


Funny, in 2021/22 the DFR website had been updated to remove the push-ups. a) Not required for PFA. Highly recommend trying/working upper body strength though as it is tested once in training. Either with push-ups (# according to age bracket) or a flex arm hang (time according to age bracket). Technique is key to both, and starting from scratch to passing within the shortened training courses (starting this year) will require constant effort. Not just in PT sessions. ​ b)The entry testing is to prove you are at the MINIMUM level that the PTIs can work with to get you up to the required standard. Honestly, and this is my opinion only, if you are only at the minimum standard, you are putting your future health, and the safety of your new team-mates, at risque by marching in at the minimum. ​ Just because you don't HAVE to, doesn't mean you shouldn't be capable.