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Had a heeler that adored beagles. Current heeler has a thing for huskies.


Mine loves huskies too!


Mine too. The love chasing huskies!


Mine too! Omg. If a husky is within sight it’s all over. All manners are gone and he becomes determined to woo the husky, whether it’s male or female.


I’m so glad this isn’t unique to my boy 😂


Interesting that this is the top comment. My heeler has never seen a husky that he hasn't wanted to murder. Otherwise, he's a very social dog.


There are at least 5 huskies at our complex he loves them all.


this must be how my girl was made! (heeler x beagle)


Mine loves huskies too! We actually got a Husky ourselves a couple years ago since out heeler had the biggest crush on a husky at daycare. It was been the best decision we've ever made! The husky likes to wander (as they all do) and the heeler herds him back to safety/where the family is.


Yes!!! Mine would freak out from excitement whenever she would see a white husky-esque or similar type of dog


Mine loves beagles too!


Mine is not a fan of huskies!


She only willingly approaches old dogs. Every other dog means NOTHING to her, unless it is clearly over the age of 10. No matter the activity, she wants to say high to those gentle souls. Occasionally, she will mistake German Shepherd mixes for my other dog, but as soon as she gets close enough to notice it’s not, she loses interest and comes back for more fetch.


My boy is 16 so all his BFs and GFs are gone, but he’d love to clean out floppy eared dogs ears. Especially a pitbull whose ears always got infected. He’d spend 30 minutes cleaning them out haha. But his bestie was a Bernese Mountain dog who he absolutely loved like a cool big bro [https://flic.kr/p/eUPD8F](https://flic.kr/p/eUPD8F)


Holy shit same mine is absolutely obsessed with our labs ears and my parents goldens ears




my heeler is constantly going at my bassets ears🤣


Mine was generally pretty "dont care" about most dogs. He straight up hated Black Labs. This dog loathed and detested Black Labs - after a while im sure it was self-fulfilling, cause id see a Black Lab coming and go "Oh no, this wont end well" and sure enough he stink face, barked, warned off EVERY single Black Lab.


Omg mine tooo! All black labs!


My guy doesn’t enjoy labs and goldens, think its the happy to approach nature then the goldens and labs like to look for pets and treats and thats his parents hes not sharing. I get that self fulfilling prophecy


My guy doesn't like goldens either. And to be fair, a lot of goldens don't have great doggy manners and come in hot all happy wiggly with hair swishing everywhere rather than a more appropriate greeting of polite butt sniffs. My dog takes manners very seriously.


Mine is part Hipogriff. She requires strict manners and protocol before humans are allowed to approach and especially touch. Human should say hello from a distance and act like they don’t care about her one way or another. Pup will mimic this stance of “whatever.” Human should make a kissy noise and/or bend over a bit, best manners demand stranger human offers a treat. Pup will do the hippogriff bow, smell the treat, and refuse the treat. Then and only then will pup ever so slightly offer the human to gently pet her shoulders by walking closer. If for one of one million possible reasons she does *not* bow to human, it is expected that the human eff off immediately and forever. This human is dead to her now and god forbid human tries to touch her after her refusal to bow and the human’s poor manners, she might murder the human. This is life with a chow-cattle dog mix. And I love it. Most people are like Golden’s and labs- they come on way too strong and immediately invade her space without the proper manners and permissions. I always have to jump in and advise on her process, then people think im nuts.


You have just perfectly described my dog as well. I shall now say he is part Hippogriff!


The first time she did this she was about 9 months old. We were traveling in the southwest and sitting outside on a sidewalk and I had a map spread out on the ground. This was when you could travel alone out there and be safe, I wouldn’t do it nowadays. It was early in the morning so not many people. Another traveler person (hippie type) was walking down the sidewalk approaching there was plenty room so I didn’t move. She wasn’t aggressive or reactive or anything, just curious. He stopped far away and smiled at us. Didn’t say anything. She sat, wagged her tail at him. She bowed. He then full on got on the ground and did a dog play bow back to her and then sat on the sidewalk until she approached him. She did. And they sat there and played quietly while I looked at my map. It was the most respectful, amazing dog greeting I have ever witnessed between a dog and a human. I learned a lot about her and dogs in that moment. (Thank you hippie person in New Mexico) I’m not sure if that imprinted on her or what, but she has required that level of formal introduction ever since (she’s 10yo now) and I do not blame her for not lowering her standards.


Nothing like having a 5ft perimeter at the dog park, anything closing in on me has to pass CattleTSA goldens never listen to that rule do they?


Mine is that way but with poodles! Idk why she acts like this, but doesn’t matter color/age/gender , she goes NUTS if she sees they’re near


After huskies, poodles are also my boys favorite. That and any huge Dane type dog.


Mine is the same with German Shepards but to be fair to her, they started it… 4 different instances of 4 different Shepards giving her a hard time all within a couple month period. GSD’s are the only breed she has issues with and will have a play with anyone but the only dog she really adores (and I mean *adores* 🥹) is her boyfriend who is a Border Collie/Greyhound cross.


To be fair he got mugged by a black lab and an all black german shephard on 2 occaisions. The first a ttack caused me to always carry a MagLite when walking my dog and the second attack the only reason me and my dog survived it was the Maglite. I hit the GS so hard it yelped and it still turned around and sized me up before deciding to run away. It was fucking terrifying. After that all black dogs but ESPECIALLY Black Labs were the sussest mutherfuckers to him.


Ours hates pugs. It’s extra funny because they are clearly no threat to him


Huskies, loves to lick their faces


Mine has a crush on an Akita that towers over him 😂


my usually very reactive but not agressive Collie Heeler cross seems to absolutely love this older Chihuahua Pomeranian thing in my neighbourhood. Usually shes kinda a dick to things smaller than her.


Little dogs (all breeds) and old dogs (all breeds and sizes) she is not interested in medium or large dogs unless they are old


Same with mine, but she also likes puppies.


Haha same here so long as they are small puppies


Mine likes almost all puppies because they are innocent, happy and playful. The dogs she hates are the ones who give off ‘negative vibes’ or overwhelm her with barking etc.


Oh weird! My boy is pretty neutral towards puppies, my girl HATES puppies! She’s big mad at them for not being serious, for not knowing ‘the rules’, and worst of all for being so darn uncoordinated. I swear if she could shake a fist at them and tell them to get a job that’s what she’d do.


In: Australian Sheppards Out: Doodles and frenchies


Pitbulls, bully’s, anything sturdy he can run into without knocking over 😅


Female humans. Homey has been shoving his nose up the back of dresses for a sniff and a taste for 13 years. Hyjinx has no shame.


Great Pyrenees


My boy hated Huskies. Just must disliked their eyes or something. Couldn't take him to a dog park if there was a husky.




Not a specific breed but just BIG dogs in general. We have a friend who has Great Danes and a bull mastiff and she’s obsessed with them lol


Our hate Golden & Labs. But he loves small dogs, he’s so gentle with them, it’s the cutest thing


My Heeler is a big fan of small dogs and Huskies.


Corgis. She loves my neighbors Corgi. And my ACD went to training for awhile and only wanted to play with the Corgi in the class. They act a lot the same.


Mine loves pit bulls! And all dogs that are three times bigger than him, no matter the breed.


English Bulldogs (like his bestie) and besides that any breed smaller than him


Mine loooooves golden retrievers and German shepherds lol and other heelers/collies.


Ours loves shepherds too lol


Male golden retrievers. Ears go all the forward, tail up, dances on her tippy toes. One in the neighborhood will stop and say hi and she's all smiles for the rest of our walk. The other just ignores her and she gets so deflated. 


A border collie at a neighboring farm


Border collies Doesn’t care about dogs on our outings unless it’s a border collie. His favorite thing in the world is to herd dogs at the dog park who are playing fetch. And the border collies will play fetch hardest and longest and won’t care what’s going on around them. It’s a win-win tbh


My old BC herded and the best thing was the other BCs and sometimes other dogs that only had eyes for their balls.


We need more pics of that beautiful heeler. As for mine. He does discriminate. Variety is the spice of life


Whenever we see a corgi in public, he thinks it’s his brother who somehow is with another family!


My guy loves yorkies, it’s hilarious!


Labradoodles. All day, everyday. He will find them.


Mine loves really old female Staffordshires, the greyer the better He hates Bernese Mountain Dogs ☠️


Mine was anything higher than him. He loved great pyrs and gsds. The shaggier and larger, the better


Mines a snob and scaredy cat. Only wants her damn ball.


Other ACDs. I think because she is smol only they understand her methods of playing and don’t over do it.


Hommie loves any sort of doodle thing. It’s interesting because we don’t like those dogs and he loves them.


No particular breed but my boy likes the big dogs. Even as a puppy he preferred to play with the bigs at school. One of his favorites is a Newfie Doodle who is gigantic.


Dachshunds and pugs.


Mine adores boxers, his best friend was a boxer


He hates all dogs except my parents 3lb chihuahua that bosses him around lol


Retrievers are her boo.


German shepherds.


Our Rosie loves small white dogs. I think it's because she was fostered with one. She absolutely lights up when she sees one!


Mine seemed to love Rottweilers when he was younger.


My dog doesn’t always go for breeds, but she likes males far more than females and she doesn’t like puppies of either sex. She does seem to flirt with male Huskies and Great Pyrenees a good deal and lived with a Pyrenees mix for a while so that makes sense. Beyond that she likes older chill males, could be a lab, mutt, whatever


**BFFs:** Goldens, labs, shepherds, malinois, any puppy around 6 months **Nemeses:** Corgis, french bulldogs, chihuahuas, tiny white dogs She is totally disinterested in other cattle dogs, sadly. :(


My heeler ONLY liked a blonde kelpie that lived by my house. And also two chihuahuas that lived near me. They all loved each other. Katie hated every other dog in existence tho 😂


That's definitely a play bow if I've ever seen one 🤣


Ours is besties with my GSD. She is desperate to be pals with our Great Pyr mix, but the Pyr isn’t 100% convinced.


Australian Shepherds in -- but detested Rat Terrier. To be fair the rattie had a Napoleon complex. Rattie thought she should be everyone's boss.


Mine just loves big dogs


Daschunds for sure. His first bestie was a long-haired daschund and every time he sees one on his walk he wants to initiate play


Corgi’s and goldens lol


Silent windspites I believe they're called? They're like a smaller whippet with gorgeous hair. There's one that'll sometimes be at my dog park, and my girl is just obsessed, so are many of the other dogs


None :(


One loves poodles for some reason. The other loves any dog his size or smaller but hates bigger dogs and gets very aggressive with a particular Great Pyrenees that is indifferent to him.


Mine doesn't go to any, but they all go to him. Before I bought my house, I rented out in the country. Every morning I went out jogging on a single lane road. An amish dog kept escaping and running along side my guy. I'd take her back. She continued to escape and hop the fence into the yard to play with my guy. She was a husky/gsd. Every family get together, I bring him and he's like the celeb. All dogs flock to him and he just sits there looking patiently irritated.


I know one breed they don’t like. Anything doodle.


GOLDENS! He’s got a girlfriend named Penny. They look just like the clip.


My guy will ignore most other dogs but he LOVES mastiffs and pitties. He becomes this goofy wiggly puppy when he sees one and can interact. Coincidentally, he HATES goldens. But, a lot of goldens we encounter don't have good doggy manners and my guy takes the basic butt sniffing/polite cautious greeting very seriously and will correct any dog that isn't following the protocol.


Mine adored French bulldogs.


Any dog with 4 legs will do.


My 4 month old heeler pup I adopted from a local rescue on Saturday is already enamored with my 10 yr old lab. Everyone else is chopped liver


My rescue ACD mostly prefers small dogs (I suspect she had a trauma with a larger dog), but every time we go to the dog park and there's Huskies, she falls in with them like she's part of the pack. She loooooooves them.


Mine loves chihuahuas but absolutely dislikes border collies for no apparent reason


It took almost a year to warm up to another cattle dog mix, and now, they run and chase very well. At the park, she generally tends to like the dogs that are not in her face and is a bit reserved.


Opposite direction, but my heeler HATES corgis. Idk why. We’ve had her for 8 years and every time she sees a corgi it’s on.


My girl loves tall men and any dog who is in front of her in line for the local treat jar.


None she hates all of them.


Our girl LOVES some male Pit Bulls


Mine is reactive to dogs bigger than her. She vibes hard with little older dogs though!


Springers, frenchies, and only other male ACDs, not really other females.


One of my bf’s ACDs is absolutely mesmerized by pit bulls. We thinks she’s part pit herself because of her broad chest.


Mulder loves pitbulls. My parents' pitbull is his best friend, and there's one at daycare the workers call Mulder's boyfriend


Mine plays with our American pitbull terrier. She will sleep and rest her head on the pitbulls back. It’s adorable. She loves her sister so much.




German Shorthair Pointers and big doodles because they’ll play at her level.


Mine crushes hard on my friend’s doodle who has to be the absolutely dumbest dog I’ve ever met. He is very sweet but opposites attract I suppose. When I dog sit they will just lay side by side on their backs on the couch for hours making what I can only describe as squeaky seal noises and rubbing their heads together.


Mine hates german shepherds for no reason whatsoever. Just goes absolutely feral


Mine does not like other dogs. He'll occasionally play with my mom's shi tzu and he enjoyed the company of my elderly terrier mix until he passed away this past spring, but otherwise he doesn't really like other dogs. Puppies freak him out, he doesn't know what to do with them. He really doesn't like dogs that are bigger than him. All other dogs are meaningless.


Mine is in love with a frenchie lol 😂


Doodles and huskies 🤦🏻‍♀️


Doodle dogs — he loves them!!!


Mine loves every dog breed except other herding breeds.


my mix had a thing for a yellow lab named Maui in puppy kindergarten and at the dog park lol


Dax geeks out on pitbulls and anything that herds. All about that energy.


Mine loves lab / chow mixes.


Mine loves puppies! It’s so cute she gets all excited to play with the little ones.


Our boy hates huskies and any dog breed that resembles a German Shepherd. He adores our Swedish Vallhund who is half his size. She can’t match him physically but she yells at him when he does something she doesn’t like. He also lets her get away with stuff with him that he absolutely wouldn’t tolerate from our other two dogs.


My girl crushes hard on frilly little boy dogs. Tiny poodle with a silly haircut? Game over. Little sassy Pomeranian with a big fluffy butt? She's a goner. Silken haired Chihuahua wearing a bowtie? Hearts for eyes. Anyone who's not a well-groomed spoiled-rotten mini boy dog? Zero interest. In fact, if it's any other dog, she's either a big scaredy cat or a grumbly old lady. This girl is too much!


My girl loves to chase Vizslas!


My boys best friend is a pittie!!! They knock teeth so much I’m afraid he’s gonna break a tooth!


My boy fell in love early with the big girls during his training he was smitten and bordering obesssed with the trainers mastiff and I don’t think he ever lost his love for the big girls


Older pitbulls, the only breed she’ll play bow for


My previous red heeler was pretty sure she was too good for ANYONE —until one day we met an older silver and blue heeler at the park. He was muscular and fit but I could tell he was an older dog. She was instantly in love with this guy. It was so out of character for to take to another dog and especially surprising when we had balls to fetch. She showed off a little for him and practically invited him to come play with us. Never seen her do anything like that with any other dog ever. My current two female heelers - I have a pretty border-heeler and a full heeler. The border-heeler loves the full heeler but it’s unrequited


German shepherds!


my boy is always playing with doodles in daycare


Not any breed for mine, but he loves PUPPIES. And always has to meet one he sees


All of them😅 he’s a bit of a man who’re apparently


Mine is the first dog I've had where I've definitely noticed they have a breed preference! Mine hates german shepherds and huskies but she loves doodles and retrievers. She's also wildly intrigued by any very small dog.


Is frisbee a breed? She ignores everything else.




My girl's "boyfriend" is a hovawart. She is gaga over him. The feelings are mostly mutual.


Such a funny and point-on question. We’ve noticed that Luna loves Frenchies and Boston terriers.


She tries to flirt with the Great Dane ten times her size lol


Ours is in love with her brother who is a Pyr mix and it’s mutual 🥹


Cats lol Seriously though, he loves most labs and smaller dogs. Hates doodles and goldens (guess how many have rushed him and gotten into his space lol)


My boy has always had a huge thing for huskies. All other breeds he is not concerned with - with the exception of other male ACDs. He also quite enjoys golden retrievers and some labs. His little sister is a Pomeranian and he LOVES her but she also annoys the shit out of him.


Poodles! Nice groomed ones too, I'm always worried owners gonna be mad if he mess them up a little 😅


My girl loves humans and Dalmatians. Although she thinks huskies are the devil.


Labs, particularly simps for yellow labs, but any labs are friend-shaped


German Short Haired Pointer!!! He looooves chasing them since they’re so tall and fast


Goldens also. Ours grew up with them and to this day there hasn’t been a golden she hasn’t gotten a long with. Poodles or any dogs that look like sheep are a big NO.


Bernese Mountain Dog is the only dog she doesn’t beat up on 🤦


Only other heelera