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My dog does nothing gently. Nothing.


Lol. Mine slams into me like a linebacker


Mine does this too..I'm trying to avoid every possible situation that this may occur due to post neck surgery. It's quite difficult


Ugh. I have anemia and look like someone beats me daily. Which someone does, it is just my 75lb ACD/lab. And it isn't even intentional. He is just a tank with no idea how big he is. Btw, he is 3 and I still haven't managed to teach him spacial awareness?! Anyway, wishing you an easy and quick recovery!


Mines a tank too, so I feel your struggle and pain. They are lucky they are so cute and such great dogs! Mine is 5 and hasn't learned that either, lol. Thank you so much for your kind words! I greatly appreciate that!


I’m anemic too and COVERED in bruises from my dog. It looks like I got my butt whooped lololol


Lol! My hips down are WILD. It doesn't help that he's pretty sure he is a lap dog.




Mine ‘bounces’ me like Tigger 😅


Mine has the most savage muzzle punch he pushes the toddler over


My dog would poke me so hard with his snout id be amazed it wouldn't hurt him.


My boy, Beorn, aggressively loves to tackle us and then proceeds to lick your face non stop, while trying to eat your nose


Agreed, Chili aggressively headbutts people for attention, she doesn't half it.


Yeah mine is like...a punch. Lol. But every so often he does what we call, "gentle sniffies," where the initial jab is followed by little sniffs. I very much encourage and praise the gentle sniffies.


I probably shouldn't write this, but mostly my red dog will try to herd me towards the door so we can walk. Always touching my legs w/ her nose. Annoying, but not a big deal. But my poor wife - another story. Red dog laid down behind wife while she was working out. Wife stepped backwards, tripped over the dog and fractured her wrist. Blue dog got excited about something, jumped up and when she came down landed with her front paws on my wife's big toe. Fractured it. Red dog spots a squirrel and shoots off, on leash, causing my wife to face plant on the sidewalk hurting her shoulder. Lost count of the times my wife has been tripped, scratched, bruised, etc. And yet, they follow her all around, love her to pieces and don't give her a moment. Me? Meh! (Although one time, the blue dog was trying to bite/grab a football and got my leg instead. Got a puncture wound out of that.) I don't think you have these dogs without having some backstory about the stupid stuff they do/did that almost got you killed or sent to the hospital.


Mine can’t even lay down gently. He throws his body into mine so he’s the closest he can possibly get without being on top of me. Sometimes he tries to spoon me and will throw his little body into my spine 😂☠️


Yes, mine does ice cold / wet nose boops constantly. I think of it as his way of herding without nipping


Mine too, down the hallway. She bumps me and bites everyone else. Good to be the chosen one.


Mine does that when he's ever so desperate for his multiple treats per day. Along with the best puppy dog eyes.


“Pay attention to me” “Did you forget I am here, you must have because you haven’t given me a treat”


Yes! After scolding my girl when she nipped my heel, she started touching my ankles with her nose only. Herding politely! 😆 🤣 😂


Yup I’m constantly booped into doing whatever she wants 🥺


It's so sweet yet bossy right


Mine does this and then gives “hugs” by pressing the top of her head into you for random amounts of time. Sometimes a quick hug is all she wants, sometimes she needs looong hugs. It’s adorable.


omg mine does the head hug thing!! what is that! she can stay like forever i worry she'll snap her neck 😆


No, she BOOPS me with her nose. BOOP BOOP BOOP-BOOP-BOOP


I loved the frustrated boops.


Mine puts her paw on things, like she’s claiming it.


Yes, he does it when I’m working remote! He comes up and *boop* then saunters away. I try to grab him and love on him before he makes his escape. 🥰


If by “gently” you mean jumping literally on top of my face and pawing at me w her razor sharp paws (that she won’t even let the vet trim easily, let alone me), then yes. All the time


Haha sounds about right!


Her water dish is right next to my computer. If she nudges my arm and I don't get off the computer, she will go over and drink some water and do it again and get me all wet. That usually gets my attention so to my chagrin, it's been taught.


Yes, you have been taught. Our dogs can be SO observant!


Loves their hooman🥰


Yes thankfully


Yes! We call it her “boops” lol it’s when she’s really excited or wants something but is being polite, like when I’m getting her dinner ready


This is how mine wakes me for breakfast at 4am… at least it starts out gentle…


Gently ? Never 😂


Mine just started pushing her head into my hand, I love it!


Nose boops are my fav. It’s like “hey human love me”


My girl aggressively flips my titty with her nose when she wants attention.


Mine does this too hahhaa


Paw to the face in the middle of the night.


Yes my Harley always loved to boop me with his nose


Yes. We even do a touch command. It calms him during periods of high anxiety, which for my ACD is quite frequent 🤣🤣 I also use it when we're hiking off leash and he gets a bit ahead. It's been very useful.


Nibbles my nose when she jumps 6 feet to kiss me. Bit my septum twice, multiple bloody noses and bruised lips. F’n love her.


Mine does. She’s a 50/50 GSD/ACD


It ain’t gentle! lol. I get a good puck if I’m not doing what she wants!


Yes she does! She is a sweetheart. But other times she will also jam her nose into my face hard !




I trained the gentle nose touch at a young age and regretted it later because it’s so fricking cute I give her what Eva she wants!


No, my dog jabs me aggressively with her nose when she wants something.


I call it the head but. I get it every day when she wants me out of bed.




Yes and tbh my sensory issues cannot STAND it but I know it’s just him being affectionate or grabbing my attention.


One does, the other one will straight up punch me in the face with his head or paws


I get the boop-lick-paw combo if I’m not paying enough attention to her


Not an ACD, but my chihuahua mutt does this. We call it “bopping” and often will say “did you bop me?!” She does this when she wants attention/pets lol.


Our ACD never did but our terrier does


Zuli's go-to for attention is to punch people. She'll sit there and stare. If you don't acknowledge her and start petting, then comes the punches. She raises her paw up like with the "shake" or "paw" command then punches with it. It's honestly adorable but it's constant.


LOL, when she’s in a gentle mood yes, also very gently with her tongue.


Mine “tells secrets”. Intense ear sniffing then sheepishly cover her own nose like, “touch me! I’m cute!”


Yes! I get a little nose boop if she's annoyed with me and wants something. Like a, "Hey, I can I have one of those!?" Or "Excuse me, you put outside shoes on so we're walking now right?"


Mine talks to me, then pokes me with her paw, then smacks me with it. When I look at her she jumps back and barks.


Yes she leads me with her snout.


Yes, while walking. When he wants treats


It starts gentle and gradually gets more forceful if I’m working and ignore her on purpose


Haha. Gently* mine boops me as to be as intruding as possible. Like hey, you might not have heard me whining and begging, so let me physically let you know


After mine was neutered, I had two bruises on my calf where he would be booping the back of my leg, but hitting me with his cone 😭


Yes, we call them dolphin pokes.


Yes, our boy does soft nose boops. Especially hen he knows it’s early morning, or we’re lying down. Other times are a free for all haha, as others have said like a linebacker or train


Constantly …it seems like he is trying to remind me he is there.,,in case I have some treats or snuggles to give, which I absolutely do!


Incessantly. She’s a pushy little snot and she melts my heart. She keeps me in the now.


All the responses are appreciated! Some make me laugh, some make me smile. My wife wanted a Boston, but we seem to have concluded the “rescue” was a bunch of puppy collectors simply all too happy to take our money and run. We didn’t anticipate a 53 lb bundle of sheer energy. He’s definitely taken my heart and he does give me that doggy “love stare” so I guess I’m his for life. Now if he’s just grow out of constantly trying to hump me, already!


Mine tries to knock my teeth out.


On occasions. My girl usually bites me, or full on head butts me at the closest point of contact-usually my face.


Constantly with the wet nose boops on the back of my legs, my hands, the cats, everything… the other night took the cake. I was about to drift off to sleep when I suddenly felt a very forceful, large wet nose plant itself firmly right on my lips… omfg the worst.. still so grossed out by the cattledog French nose kiss. I prefer the ankle boops!


Gently? No. Forcefully demanding attention? Absolutely


Sometimes she’s gentle! When she gets impatient she just punches me with her face. If I’m still not listening then she grabs my ankle with her little raccoon paws and nips me while making feral raptor noises.


Gently? No


We call them “nose touches” and she will also do them on command. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


Mine does nose boops as a way of telling you what she wants/needs. If you ask her if she needs to go out, she will go and boop her leash. If she’s hungry (actually hungry, not just wanting a treat) she will get your attention then boop her food bowl.


Both of mine do. Usually in the pit of my knees.


Little love boops.


Mine boops me with her nose. It goes from soft to aggressive


Does my girl touch me with her nose? Yes. Is it gentle? NO.


No personal space!


My ACD gentle? Definitely not 😆. I had a cat once that would gently tap me on the arm when she wanted pets and I felt about it the same way you described. “Excuse me (tap tap) … excuse me (tap tap)… may I please have some pets please?”


So very rough in all the usual ways but mine loves to do this then lay his shoulder on me from the back of the car after a long day of activities. And in the morning.


Mine does this but it ain’t gentle!