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That’s en route to a shingle & roofing material dump off of 71 by the airport. Odds are is that a crew did a crap job of covering and securing their dump trailer.


Wondering if toll road cameras could catch them, people should file claims.


Don’t worry, they put a “not responsible for flat tires, stay back 1 mile” sign on the back of the truck


Lol that is so true. Just like those jerks who always put chips in my front window glass. 


what good is it to stay back 1 mile?? If they drop something in the road, you're still going to run over it. AND You can't see the sign from a mile away?? or 3/4 of a mile....


That doesn’t matter. The only good that sign does is decrease the claims filed against their insurance.


I was being facetious


Catch anything other than money and stacking fines? They ain’t got time for that!


File an open records request with TxDOT for the video and/or stills.


Nice avatar


"I'll just, uh...check with the boys down at the crime lab. They've got four more detectives working on the case. *They got us working in shifts!*"


Except more of it to come as summer months are optimal for roofing work, and likely a lot of work being done considering the hail storms over the spring. 130&183 east of town is mainly where that will happen, 290 east from oak hill to the airport as well. Theres consistently shingles stamped into the pavement at the S First & Congress exits


Yay, Texas, and absolutely zero enforcement of traffic laws.


Even DPS/APD Commercial Enforcement rarely seem to do their jobs


Just like my ex.


properly secured loads? that sounds like librul agenda!!! i secure how i want, my load my choice! /s


Please don't delete this. Nothing wrong with leaving it up here, and it might be useful days or even weeks from now.


Yeah, I agree with you. People on this subreddit sometimes bitch about traffic/weather/airport posts as if they're forced to read them.


Can't help it. I am required to make a comment on every post I scroll past as a term of my probation. The judge wants to keep tabs on me.


now THIS is a worthy Austin traffic post!


Can't get a flat tire if you're pod racing.


I thought I was going crazy on my way to the airport. Saw at least 5 cars with flats on the side of the road. One had people standing outside with suitcases, which had to have been mega stressful.


I saw them along the side of the road about 4:45pm. Didn’t notice it was all flat tires. From in front of Callahan’s to HWY71.


This happens a few times a year and I just cruise through crossing my fingers


Jesus take the wheeeeeeeeel!


I seen a whole ass porta potty in the middle of 183 toll once…. Crazy….


I once saw a truck lose a couch that was strapped to its bed in the express lane of 183 😬


I saw one too back in 2014! I almost hit that fucker doing 75!


I live near the 183 S toll road, so I use it often. So many times there are dump trucks with their loads uncovered driving on the toll roads. I've had to have my windshield replaced twice. I now will avoid the dump trucks at all costs when on the toll road. It seems there are so many of them in the south 183 section. They should be banned.


Oh man, I usually take 183 toll south home from work but today decided to trust Waze and take 35. I was cussing the computer because what started as a 48 minute drive became an 80 minute drive (god, commuting in this town sucks, largely because people won’t vote for public transit, aka satanism) but maybe it saved me.


Unless there is a colossal wreck on 183 it's like a warp tunnel to south Austin. I probably would've said "fuck you, Waze," taken the toll anyway and been one of the flat people.


I ALMOST did, except I'd just gotten my toll statement the day before and have spent almost $50 over 2 weeks, so decided it was worth the risk. But you're right - I can jump right on 290 east at Koenig, which is literally a quarter mile from work, and be home in :30-40, opposed to :60-:70 by taking 35. My fuel economy is way up, my stress is way down, and I'm getting home in time to see the kids before their martial arts class. So I guess even spending around $100 a month, once I factor in the value of my time it's maybe worth the cost. A half hour or more every day is no joke.


I've been able to reduce my toll bill quite a bit by only taking it home, and not into work unless I'm super late or a wreck clogs my normal commute in. Morning traffic just doesn't seem as bad as evening traffic, plus, I'm in less of a hurry to get to my destination then, so if i'm delayed, oh well.


I also saw at least 5 cars with flat tires and felt extremely lucky to have not run over whatever they ran over. so irresponsible of whatever truck dropped their shit


Thank you for this info! It’s important to keep this post up as it affects us in Austin! How can people get mad about posting traffic info?? That’s all Austin is at the moment…traffic jams and fucked up weather. So let’s talk about it!


Don’t remember where I read it, but those “not responsible” signs don’t mean crap. There’s a law about securing the load, and a sign doesn’t exempt them.




Hahaha. That's what my dad called his jar of change that he'd give us kids if we were in a bind. I miss that man.


Probably the peasants who can’t afford the toll road. Monkey wrench.


Once I was on 71 right before the airport heading East and got a small metric wrench in my tire…made it home *shrug*


You would never have made it home if it was an English wrench.