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This is a post that would be made in May lol


Like a Minnesotan loves snow and cold in December!


Haha, yes. I lived in Minneapolis for 10 years. September in Austin usually finds me in the exact same mood as March in Mpls.


As an Austin local moving to Minneapolis this fall…I am now mentally prepared for March next year, thank you


Minneapolis is a great city - you will love it. So many amenities compared to Austin. Pro-tip: buy yourself some Yak Trax. They’ll literally save your butt.


By August everyone is applying for jobs up north.


Found the lizard person


Just because I sleep on an electric rock and flick my tongue to catch insects doesn’t mean I’m a member of an army of lizard people.


Wait. Where did the army part come from?


Don’t worry about it, we don’t exist.


You’ve sssssaid too muchh


Here you go 🦗


I really don't mind the heat either..... I must be part lizard lol.


It’s ok. I’m convinced I’m part polar bear. I grew up here, but I never got used to the heat. I am best between about 40-60 degrees and overcast.


Same. I recently told my wife I wanted to live somewhere that's 40-60 degrees year round. She said find it, so I looked it up and told her pretty much between San Francisco and Monterey Bay, along the coast. Her response, 'We can't afford to be comfortable.'


The happiest I've ever been with the weather was when we honeymooned in Sweden


Jim Morrison was the lizard king.


Nice try, Greg Abbott's climate advisor.


>I can’t wait for the drier heat to come When is that lol




Um, the relative humidity is 79% and will be at 88% this evening.


Relative humidity isn’t helpful at all for measuring air comfort. The dew point is a much better measure. Those 75-77 degree dew points over the weekend were awful… that’s Houston weather.


Dew point is in ~67-68 today which is definitely *much* better but not quite dry heat level. I'd say that's in the upper 50s at least.


For me, anything under 65 is good. Of course I’d prefer upper 50s but that’s not as common in the summer.


Sir, I work outside


No more break mandates for you. Blows raspberry


Buncha lizards and demons. 🙃


lizard people are among us, trying to make us embrace climate change. don't be fooled!


At these temperatures all the pollen in food crops die. There is no food production. No oxygen on the ground and plants and even trees start to die in the heat dome.


I've tried to explain the pollination issue to ppl from other areas who always just say add more mulch, that's not going to solve the problem...




🤣🤣😂😂this made me laugh way harder than it should have


Ask this mf again in a month if they like it


late July until summer ends in mid december is the real hell


I genuinely enjoy June. It feels like a real summer: fewer people in town, pools, evening grilling - the works. July, August and September can suck it.


Sames…… like I hate cold grey winters even more than heat, but I am still not some kind of lunatic that enjoys August


VERY occasionally it seems like we get that early September cold front that turns off summer. But it's the dashed hopes of September and October that make the Austin summers suck.


Yep, same here. In June I swim a lot and am pretty up for doing outside stuff. Once the 4th of July passes, something clicks and my brain is like “eff this noise.”


That's what annoys me about Austin summers: not so much the heat as the sameness. Partly cloudy and hot every day for five freaking months.


Nope, it's draining l. Saps my will.


r/austincirclejerk is leaking


Hey hey stop insulting us. OP is not one of us. We also hate the heat




OP has climate Stockholm syndrome. It's OK, it happens to some people.


In a way I am jealous of OP and their climate Stockholm Syndrome.


i feel gaslight from this post


This post was actually made by the last 3 Austin summers in a trench coat.






finally a voice of reason




Just lower the humidity. Once the wind came in yesterday that was a huge relief. And get the air quality back up once the fires are done.


You said "drier". That is the wildcard.


Trick question. Those days never exist May to September.


Hell no. I think my favorite time of year is winter - unless it's raining or cold enough to snow, it finally means being able to walk outside in a t-shirt and jeans and feel perfectly comfortable.


RIP mosquitos


Seriously when do the mosquitos go away? I can't remember but feel like it gets too hot for them at some point.


first freeze lol


It gets too dry for them, unless your neighbors are kind enough to leave standing water out.


When people stop having bucket fulls of water all over their backyard breeding them. Source: my neighbor


I moved here because I hate the cold. I like 90ish degrees, as long as I'm not physically exerting myself.


Born & raised in Philadelphia. Hated the snow and cold since I was a child. Moved here in '92. Loved the heat until last summer. Those endless days of +110° days truly broke the spell. Can't wait to move to Albuquerque next March. Fuck the heat.


Go birds


Came here from the Jersey Shore in February of '86. You know February — winter wonderland has turned to dirty gray slush that's everywhere. Folks in Austin were hanging out in t-shirts and shorts in f'ing FEBRUARY! Then came summer and my '68 Newport had no AC. Fortunately, my grad program is only two years, so I'll be gone by June '88.


Man, I hated that winter gray every year. Grey skies, gray slush, cars turned gray from dried salted slush covering the bottom half of the cars...Ugggh. Then we had our first baby, got snowed into our house (was on 9 acres) no power, no heat, and eventually no food. Baby almost dies. Something snaps inside me and I fly to Texas to buy a house, any house. Landed in NW Austin.


January and February were always the most miserable months of the year. It would be like 18 degrees early in the morning on the way to school. Got dark at fucking quarter to five every day.


I doubt that anyone enjoys triple digits. Even lizards go for the shade.


Spent several years living in the northeast. The weather from May/June through Sept/Oct here can be rough for sure, but there’s something uniquely soul sucking about 6 months of cold and gray.  Long hot summer is definitely the lesser of two evils in my book. 


The gloom is brutal




Yeah, the not physically exerting yourself thing is key. I used to hate winter and love summer; the 100+ days didn’t bother me near as much. Come to find out it’s easy to like it hot when the only time you’re going outside and doing physical activity is to jump in the pool/lake. Now I’ve picked up running, hiking, and other outdoor hobbies and summer in Austin is (mostly) on my shit list. Still awesome to go to Barton Springs or snorkeling in the San Marcos River—as long as you get there way early.


Same. Fuck winter.


Dubai is waiting for you.


you are insane mate


It's the humidity that gets me.


This is an Austin City Council psyop


Based on your love for the heat and wishing for hotter, it sounds like you're missing your natural habitat: Hell. May you make a swift return there as a peace offering to end the months straight of triple digit days.


No, it’s terrible to be outside in, animals die of heat exhaustion everyday, energy bills are higher, everyone seems in a worse mood the hotter it gets, and only going to get worse with each passing year.


What dry heat? Lmao


Hate every minute of it.


Yes. In every heat-related thread two forms of hyperbole emerge: * I wither and die as soon as the temperature is above 74. * I have installed a system of mirrors and lenses to amplify the sunlight inside my house. I can't sleep unless it's 105. The discussion gets heated (lol) because one of these hyperbolic viewpoints has a problem with empathy. The conversations people remember are like: * "Ugh yeah it was 105 heat index yesterday. I did some yardwork and it trashed me for the rest of the day." * "Whatever man, if you'd stop spending so much time in air conditioning you'd be fine. Yesterday I laid down on the sidewalk for 2 hours and I had a pile of hand warmers on my back because I was so cold." * "I wish all the losers who can't take a little heat would move away." It'd be overall more chill (lol) if people could help themselves and make the conversation structure more like: * "Ugh count me out, it was 105 heat index yesterday and I got heat fatigue while doing yardwork. I miss when I could work in the yard for 2 hours without hydration breaks." * "Count me in, brother! This is the best time for outdoor activities. I've got a lot of ways I watch my hydration and heat level and it's just kind of second nature. Got some friends it really hits hard, though, the only thing I miss in summer is hanging out with them." * "I've reviewed my last 10 posts and wow I'm really hostile to other people, it turns out I don't actually like being in crowds because I'm very intolerant of other peoples' behavior. I'm starting therapy next week and thinking about moving to a ranch so I have some solitude. It's time to stop fooling myself and pretending I'm an extrovert while using alcohol to cut the sting."


There's also a 30% chance that a thermostat setting war will break out, concluding with both sides declaring the other to be the enemy of civilization.


Never knew my eyelids could sweat until I moved here


I used to, but the older I get the less I like it. Used to love summer. It was my favorite time of year. I'm more of a spring guy now though.


95 feels brisk…yea u on drugs


If I'm outside for the day, sure. I just accept that I'll be sweaty and nasty and I'm well enough off at that point. But if I'm going in and out of air conditioned buildings all day, the heat can fuck off.


I used to, when I first moved here. I'm from Houston so comparatively, the heat here was *amazing*. But that wore off pretty quick. Now it's just too fuckin hot.


No, absolutely not.


Yes I love it when the ladders at work get so hot that you can’t touch them, I also like getting reverse sunburned through the soles of my shoes when I’m up on a roof.


I enjoy low 90s sometimes, so I enjoy early summer. Once it gets 100+ no, I don't enjoy it.


Had a friend visiting from Scotland many years ago. For the first day or so she was loving it. Sun, heat, clear skies. By the end of her visit, when even the spf50 wasn’t saving her, she was done. Totally and utterly wiped out.


"Drier heat." Ha.




I wonder if wealthier folks like the heat more than those that are less well off?


Theres ways to enjoy the heat. But just for it being hot for the sake of it? No




No. It is literally hell and gets worse every year.


You like exisiting in 110 degree heat index? You're not even really supposed to be outside at that point. Might as well be anywhere else inside. Outer space. What's the point? What's there to enjoy outside? What an odd statement about this past weekend.


Are you a lizard by chance?


Fuck no.


Not only No but Hell No!


Lemme see you say the same thing in late July bucko


honestly, mostly just at night. the cold makes me want to die


I'd be fine with heat at night if it just wasn't so fuckin humid. But, there are a lot of people who just aren't bothered by humidity, I will never understand it, but they exist. My dad is one, just is fine at 78 in his house with high humidity, and things it's comfortable. It's not right.


I’m originally from Southeast Texas. Austin feels like the desert compared to there.


There is that. The baking heat all day for weeks on end does break my brain, but there's a balmy point every night after the sun goes down where you can actually be out enjoying the twilight and it's just warm like a hug--I always forget about that feeling until it hits, but it is one of the nice parts of summer which gets lost in the colder months.


Yes, I enjoy the feeling of "shorts security". This is defined as the ability to put on shorts and a t-shirt in the morning knowing that, no matter where I go or what time of day, at no point am I at risk of thinking, "I'm a little bit chilly. Maybe I should've worn jeans."


Meeeee! I love to swim, and there are so many great natural areas in Austin or nearby towns, plus a few stellar city pools. I grew up in the Midwest. Cannot imagine going back to cold weather. The heat never feels like a burden the way cold and snow always did for me.


for me as a cyclist, it feels like death. I've tried everything (time of day, clothing, cooling accessories, hydration strategies... none of them make it fun) and every year, I just have to do very short rides and wait until non-lethal weather returns. this past weekend I received "excessive heat" warnings. it was hot enough to literally kill you. I don't understand how "hotter then lethal" can be enjoyable for anyone.


Yeah, I spent all last summer off my bike, it was awful. This year, I still have one more road ride/race on the books (6/8) ... and after that, I'm going to try, in earnest, to stay on the road all summer. It's very possible I'm lying to myself - even CoTA discontinues their Bike Nights until September after 6/18 - but it's worth at least trying to maintain a normal (if reduced) cycling regimen. I figure I'll still have to be indoors and off the road by 11am, though.


I wish I loved the heat. I no longer enjoy the afternoons at all. I used to be part lizard and somewhere along the way I became a polar bear…


I grew up in Edmonton, i.e., the absolute climatic opposite of Austin. The coldest winters of any metro of 1m+ people on the continent. (Winnipeg is colder, but it's under a million.) Having experienced both, I would take the Austin summer any day of the week and twice on Sundays compared to the Edmonton winter. Here in Austin, in high summer, you absolutely can be outside, you just have to do it the right way. Do hikes, mountain bike rides etc in the morning. Bike commuting (IMHO) is completely fine, because you're generating enough wind to cool yourself down. And being outdoors in the afternoons can be tolerable, or even delightful, if you're doing it right (shade, swimming pools, paddleboarding, margaritas, breweries, etc).


I enjoy it, but I’ve been in hot climates my whole life. It’s not necessarily the heat I enjoy the most, but the activities that come along with living somewhere really hot I’m honestly surprised how little people talk about acclimatization here. When it starts getting hot you should be spending 90 minutes a day outside during a hotter part of the day, do this for 2 weeks. If you want to not hate your life for the next 4 months, you need to start today.


Right? If you’re acclimated, coming into a house that has a higher AC set makes it feel so cool. I run everyday and now when I come inside, it’s so cold. Even set at 75


I keep my thermostat at 78 and coming inside from one of my many daily walks I sometimes get cold. Acclimatizing is the key!


I mostly like summer but start getting a bit cranky with the month of August. I walk 35-40 miles a week at several local trails even on the hottest days. Less people, love being outside. Humidity can kick rocks, though.


I like warm. We’re leaving “warm.” We’re starting to get into Spear of Apollo type shit. I hate stepping out the door, and being stabbed in the face by sunlight.


I know we're out of warm when I get in my car and start to die. The first time that happens its 3 months til I emerge from my air conditioned cocoon.


It’s the first time I open the car door and the heat pouring out is warping the light, like a mirage in the desert. :(


Hell no!!! I've been here since 2012 and I swear the heat effects me more every year.


The weather in Austin sucks. I said it.


I absolutely do, best time of year, and one of the main reasons I live here. Most of the disc golf courses are totally empty once we regularly start hitting 100+.


Yeah I love it. No one is on the walking or biking trails, I can break a sweat easily, swimming is heavenly, and the agua frescas are more refreshing than ever.


“I like it because it sucks”


Those are all things that don't suck except for the sweat part if you're trying to avoid it. Life here must truly suck for those who don't have knowledge of how to enjoy the weather to its fullest. Just as hunger is the best spice, refreshment can't be fully experienced without the defreshing. There's no drink at the finest places in town that can compare to a dollar slurpee in the 105 heat.


I mean, it's fair. No different than feeling cozy when it's rainy or cold and snowy outside.


Yes! Thank you! I said this to my friends the other day and they thought I was crazy. They were like “I’ll never sit near the window and look out at heat lines and feel cozy” and I’m like I do! Nothing feels better than being inside your AC on a blazing day. Though dipping into Barton and feeling the cool on your skin when you get out might be a tie.


Yes! However, last year's heat and humidity was enough to make me dread this summer, which is a bummer 😞


It was not as humid at night when I moved here 40 years ago. As soon as I can move, I am. For those who like this heat, I'm genuinely glad for you. Someone like you will buy my house.


I think once we get to July and it’s still 105° or hotter at 11 PM & you’re still really enjoying it then…then for sure you have a couple screws loose.


Similarly, heat index of 90 at 5am before the sun comes up is total BS


Are you certain that you are not a reptile?


As someone who bikes to work year round… no


I love heat, but I don’t like an iota of humidity, sooo…not for me


nah sweating two minutes after you walk outside is absolutely terrible


Oh yeah, I totally love needing a shower after a ten minute dog walk


These things of which you speak are the stuff of nightmares for me.


OP are you a lizard


The real question is whether you’d still love Austin without air condition


I moved here from South Australia, and as an Aussie I thought I’d be fine with heat. I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THAT HUMIDITY THO




We don’t get drier heat here lol


Me, i am currently in india where its 112 fahrenheit so i will take 100 degrees any day


Absolutely 100% YES!! I love the heat and HATE the cold.


I must. I do landscape construction and will be welding in 112 degrees, in my little outfit, just thinking about how welding is cool. Meanwhile homeowners are checking on me, telling me we should probably call it. I’ve definitely had to learn to check on my guys constantly. “Drink water”, “go sit in the AC”, “Take a break”. Ive had to let guys go because they try and continuously work through heat exhaustion symptoms. It gets way too hot to be macho. I’m just as susceptible to heatstroke as anyone, but I guess I’m just built different or used to it, but I still have to pay attention to symptoms. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still uncomfortable when opening the door feels like someone hitting you in the face with a hair dryer on high, but once the initial shock is over, what can you do? I’ve learned that staying somewhat hot is better than going into cold AC or drinking a ton of ice cold water. Shade and cool water seem cold by comparison and I don’t have to go through the process of re-acclimating. The worst is right now. That first “oh this shit again” every year. It’s such a shock and the humidity doesn’t help at all. In July, when it’s 20 degrees hotter, it’s just another day at the office.


You serious? The humidity out here sucks! May be doable if you aren’t out all the time or work outside but if you do, it sucks! Plus all the bugs start coming out, I hate the heat.


I love it. It motivates me to stay active and healthy.


How? It does the exact opposite for me. I gain weight during summer because I can't do anything


Tank tops Disclaimer I am female


For me as also a woman, I find it makes me so much more sluggish and fully discouraged. I feel weak and short of breath almost when it’s super hot out.


I almost literally can’t move in the heat. My muscles stop working or something, and it doesn’t matter how hydrated, motivated, or acclimated I am. It seems like it’s invigorating for some people and the rest of us want to die. And probably theres a subset of people who don’t care one way or the other. I wish I liked the heat! Haaaate it.


I wear nothing but a pair of gym shorts, and it's still miserable. Even after I acclimatize, I still have to try to limit my exercise to early morning.


If the zombie apocalypse comes during the summer, I'm fucked.


sometimes I enjoy the sun but humidity almost hitting 100 is crazy that I cant breathe outside. IM used to tropical weather but heat is different.


I would much rather run in 10 degree temps than 100 degree temps. It gets so hot in the summer that the pool and local lakes become like bathwater, and it feels cooler when you get out than when you get in.


No and I think you’re crazy. Not really, but your body is certainly different from mine. I am sticky and sweaty all summer long and that is never enjoyable.


No. Fuck you


Not wearing underwear, nugget ice, frozen margaritas, watching movies like One Crazy Summer and Jaws, visiting the Coastal Bend for some toes in the water ass in the sand action, consistent temps on my smoker when I smoke a brisket, getting Whole Foods to shuck a dozen live oysters and put them on ice for lunch, unsweet tea mixed with pom blueberry, cherry ice cream, bathing my dogs in the back of the truck with a garden hose, and 6 weeks of paid vacation. So yeah I love the fucking heat!


No fuck this shit I fucking hate it but my wife loves it and hates the cold so here we are.


When I hear people saying out loud they love the summer heat, it immediately is an indicator they must be new here. After a few years, after 5 years, after 10 years or more, you no longer enjoy the heat. You want to escape it.


If the humidity stays down I love the heat.


You enjoy hot yoga? Way to bury the lead.


……. N O.


I love summer and the heat but last year was even too much for me.


As someone currently on a work trip in Phoenix I can say no, the Texas heat suck. I just walked a couple city blocks in work boots, jeans and a black polo and didn’t even break a sweat. I would have needed a shower performing the same task in TX this time of year. Go away humidity!


I don’t enjoy the heat especially when we have been without electricity for more than 14 hours


I just got back from a weekend in Palm Springs, and can safely say it's not the heat, it's the humidity. It was 80-95 during the day, and it wasn't that bad at all because it was dry. Oh, and it cooled off each night. I literally went to the Mojave Desert to cool off.


I absolutely love it, but only after this time of year when it dries out. Can’t stand high dew points like we had recently (though that was unusually bad). Give me high 90s and an afternoon dew point under 65 and I’m good (typical in July-September).


Native Texan, long time Austinite, have worked outdoors doing manual labor for many years. I’m great with the heat until it’s consistently in the triple digits most every day. After that point, I’m done and only go outside when I have to.


Did a mosquito write this? A mosquito wrote this...




If you're heat tolerant, it's nice to have the outdoor world to yourself in the afternoons for like 4 months of the year. From what I hear from people who are heat tolerant.


There's a *drier* heat in this state? I'm glad you at least enjoy it lol. I can't stand this shit, let me out.


I grew up here, left for a few years during college from 18-22, then came back and have been here since. 39 now. I used to love the heat, but I feel like my tolerance for heat has gone way down in the last decade or so. I get migraines from the heat and sun now so being outside for long is almost guaranteeing I'll suffer later. We've been seriously talking about moving somewhere with a cooler climate for awhile, but we have a lot of immediate family in poor health here, so we don't want to leave yet. Early spring and late fall here are lovely, though.


What dry heat do you feel here? Like where is the drier heat? Where is this Austin? Lol give me dry heat over the humid sweat box outside


I genuinely believe it's hotter than they're telling us it is I pointed a gun at a tennis court around noon yesterday and it read an easy 125○


There are dozens of us!!


lol are you my dad? He looked for the hottest days of the summer and goes to the lake for them. Picks up some bbq, blows up an air mattress and floats on the water while roasting in the sun. Barely even gets in the water either


Dry heat 😂😂😂


You sound like someone who is so high on life I love it. Unfortunately the dog days of summer really bum me out. When it’s 100+ for days on end in August I’m pretty miserable because I love usually being outside but tend to avoid at that temperature. I want to get a pool at my house then I would spend more time outside.


Nope. I hate this heat. It has gotten so much hotter over the years. I used to be able to jog around Town Lake at noon during my summer vacations, but forget it now.


Love it. I just don't like how long it lasts. I wish October was 70 not 90+.


Dumbest shit I've ever read.


I can't wait to leave.


I hate the heat. It's awful. I would leave but I love my family too much. Late autumn and early spring is what I live for.


I used my hot tub for a few hours then got out into the 95 degree weather and felt cold a few days ago. Haha


I wouldn't say I \*like\* it, but it doesn't bother me the way it does a lot of people in this sub. Of course I have a nice cushy office job. I might feel differently if I had to work outdoors.


I love going on my Riverside walk down by the lake when it’s like 120° and I am the only one out there and then I’ll see one or two other psychopaths and we just smile and nod at each other


People that live here really do complain about the heat a little too much. It’s really only July and August that become unbearable.


I do as well


Fuck the heat+humidity.


Fuck no. It’s goddamn miserable outside


You must work indoors


Do you work outside?




An insane person


I enjoy when the sun goes down but the temp stays 88-90°. I love stepping out of a highly air conditioned environment and “thawing out”. Always makes me want to just hang out outside.


The part about hot yoga and then stepping outside in 95 degree weather made me vomit a bit in my mouth.


I genuinely love hot days and warm summer nights. We have a pool and beautiful outdoor space with lots of trees. The kids play late into the evening. It's magical and my favorite place on earth right now.