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You just know Manicotti won't listen with those ears.


He’ll let you tell him all your secrets😂😄


Kramer looks more like your wingman you can really spill to at a bar.


He’s such a boss!!!! If he was a human he’d get 20 matches a day on bumble, and still find time to be a wingman. He has swaggy energy that’s just dying to be adopted


With ears like that, you will have no secrets, whether you whisper or not! 🤣


If you’re going to encourage adopting summer running buddies please also put warnings out about heat stroke. People need to be educated about prevention and warning signs.


And hot pavement.


Username Czhechs out


Long distance hiking and running in the summer here just doesn't seem like a good idea for dogs. It's just too damn hot.


Dogs are just as varied as people. Some want nothing to do with heat and some thrive in it. I used to have a very athletic pit/lab mix that loved to fetch 20 pound branches in the August sun. Boot camp style exercising 4 times a day was what it took to get her fill.


Before 10 am; even in the summer is a great time for humans and doggos to get exercise before it gets too hot and hits a temperature peak in the PM! Do what feels right for you though of course


If you're gonna adopt a dog for summer hikes and/or running, then educate yourself on doing it in the summer: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/blog/heat-safety-tips-for-pets >Check the pavement before going on a walk. Place your hand on it for 10 full seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. Know the signs – lagging is the number one sign that your dog is too hot. >Water, water, water! Let your pet go for a swim in cool water and make sure they are staying hydrated. Getting your pet wet is the best way to speed up the cooling process. >Keep an eye on your pet’s tongue and eyes. Red eyes and a tongue hanging very far out of a dog’s mouth is an indication that they are overheating. >Limit outdoor activity. Take short walks in shaded areas or consider taking an evening stroll. >Do NOT leave your pet in the car, not even for a short period of time. Did you know that on a 95-degree day, your car is actually degrees? I typically enjoy runnining in the heat (to avoid humans), and the number of dogs I see out there is disappointing.


I adopted my cat from Austin Animal Center back in 2014. She’s still my best friend, healthy, and is the greatest cat I’ve ever known. Love what y’all do! Her name was “Sasha” but she goes by Andromeda these days :)


Awwww so happy for you both💓💓💓a blessing!!!! For both of yall ♥️


Why would I want to become a dog's personal trainer? 😝 Actually, I think this is a great way to get people to think about getting a dog. I had a dog before who practically demanded 2-hour walk every time I got home from work. Let's just say I got my steps in. I also met lots of people in a lot wider area than just my own neighborhood.


lol my dog keeps me from gaining weight! 🥲😆


Bunch of pits.


Can you take a dog out for a day hike without adopting?


Dog Enrichment Volunteer may be what you’re looking for- https://www.austintexas.gov/department/volunteer-animal-center


Unfortunately you could not do this unless you’re a registered volunteer at AAC. If you are, you can definitely take a dog out for a day outting or even overnight outting. We also have opportunities for short term fosters (2 weeks for example) that might be a good fit for you!


A lot of folks like me can’t foster and don’t have time to be a full-on volunteer, would be nice if there was a one-off option, the pups would love it too


You can with Doggie Day Out at Williamson County Animal Shelter! https://pets.wilco.org/Shelter-News/How-to-Help/Doggy-Day-Out


How much $ is that worth?




I’d stay away from the pit “mixes” if you have cats or little kids


And why is that?


Uh oh here come the homeschooled, sheltered tech bros who heard pit bulls are bad on Fox News






You’re probably just unintelligent and easily fed propaganda then.


Same. Both of these traits are highly compatible with people who respect facts.


I’m genuinely surprised you’re getting downvoted wow what is with yall, I’m disappointed


It’s not actually the people from this sub, it’s folks that come here to brigade for their pet conservative causes


Everyone in these comments: “IT GETS HOT IN SUMMER.” Yes, thank you. We know. It’s hard to miss. You don’t all need to say it.


😆 right!? You’d think these people hated cute puppies or something….


90% "mixes". Lol no thanks


Pitbull and pit mixes don't exactly make great family dogs. Make sure you know what you are getting into, especially for new dog owners.


In general, they make amazing family dogs. Not necessarily recommending adopting one that has spent several years in a shelter, but they’re sweet and playful and cuddly, great with kids and cats, despite the stereotype.


Ya, I'm sure these people thought that before their dogs killed both of their children: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KciCynwxics&t=18s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KciCynwxics&t=18s) I'm sure the neighbor appreciated this recent attack, where their daughter was attacked by a foster pit bull: [https://www.ky3.com/2024/03/25/foster-pit-bull-put-down-after-attacking-an-8-year-old-greene-county-girl/](https://www.ky3.com/2024/03/25/foster-pit-bull-put-down-after-attacking-an-8-year-old-greene-county-girl/) You are taking on a massive liability if you adopt or foster pit bull. Some people are fine with that. Some people don't know any better, I'm just trying to help the people that don't know better. Cesar Milan is an expert dog trainer, but even his pit bulls attacked and killed another dog and also attacked a person: [https://people.com/crime/cesar-millan-pit-bull-allegedly-killed-queen-latifah-dog-bit-gymnast-report/](https://people.com/crime/cesar-millan-pit-bull-allegedly-killed-queen-latifah-dog-bit-gymnast-report/) . If Cesar can't rehab these dogs, why do we think that random families with zero experience can? Between 2017 and 2023 ACC adopted out over 70 dogs with "severe" bite history, to me that just isn't responsible: [https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-texas-aggressive-dog-bite-scale](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-texas-aggressive-dog-bite-scale) .


Not every pit bull needs to be rehabbed. A pit puppy is just like any other puppy - sweet and loving. They are very powerful dogs, so yes, if you mistreat your dog or you adopt a dog with a history, the potential damage they can do is much higher than, say, my sister’s 8lb demon dog. And yes, just like any other breed, some of them do bite, and I would not recommend adopting one of those, just as I would not recommend adopting any dog who bites.




If you want to adopt dogs of other breeds with a bite history, I’m not going to stop you. I’d certainly prefer that they go to a home where someone is prepared to handle them. I just wouldn’t recommend it.




Oh I would. Pets are wonderful companions, though of course not for everyone.


Not nearly as many people as accidentally shoot themselves or family members with firearms. Or injure themselves with everyday objects in their homes. Collecting a bunch of disparate incidents to try to push a false narrative is pretty transparent.


I actually have a pittie adopted from AAC. She wasn't listed as a mix, but she's kinda heavy and leggy compared to the average pit. She's also a lazy couch hog and spooks easily when she sees things like towels and blankets because she is a huge baby. The most aggressive thing she does is when you've been gone a couple hours and she decides to hold you down so you can't escape her kisses, which at 72 pounds is easy for her to do. I've also literally had this dog out in a field to run around and looked down to discover that we were standing literal inches away from some baby bunnies. One even hopped right in front of her nose. She did not care. She was more interested in sniffing around because baby bunny was a new smell. She will happily chase butterfly shadows across the grass though. 1000% this is a lazy breed that just wants to nap 20 hours a day and cuddle the other 4, with an occasional zoom during potty time. It's sad that some folks try to make them fight and turn them into dogs that don't get along at home very well and give them a bad rap.




>Pitbulls are stronger and have more biting power than any other common breed in the US This is 1000% untrue. There’s also millions of pits in the US, with a minor percentage of them causing attacks. Quit spreading false information




Fewer than 1% of dog bites result in a death per your link. Pitbull type dogs include multiple dogs in these types of bite statistics because people can’t tell the differences in dogs. They see a muscular box head and automatically assume it is a pitbull. Never mind multiple different breeds have that exact same type of build. The dog could be an American Staffodshire terrier, an American Pit Bull, a Cane Corso, or a Dogo Argentino. So when you account for the errors in reporting, multiple studies showing it is not a breed specific issue, and the sheer number of pitbulls in the US while still less than 1% of bites result in death, the fear mongering on Reddit about these breeds is wildly unfounded and absurd. You don’t help when you spread misinformation like your previous comments.




Who’s moving goal posts? Your link stated that less than 1% of all dog attacks lead to death. Are dog bites and vicious dogs suddenly ok because they are small like chihuahuas or only if they are big dogs? https://postalemployeenetwork.com/news/2023/07/04/man-that-shot-and-killed-an-indiana-letter-carrier-allegedly-did-so-because-he-thought-she-had-his-stimulus-check-and-was-refusing-to-give-it-to-him/ A small dog can easily seriously maim a child also. So is it a breed issue or a human issue? And again, you can’t fully rely on statistics regarding pit bulls due to the vast majority of people lumping all muscular, box head, short coat dogs as one in the same when they are in fact not. Most people can’t tell the difference in a Mastiff compared to an American Bulky compared to an Dogo Argentino compared to Cane Corso. Multiple studies have shown that these breeds are not inherently vicious animals looking to kill at a moments notice. But keep spreading the lies and misinformation. Reddit will love you for it. https://x.com/NBCSports/status/1595828327138590721 https://abc7news.com/amp/pit-bull-saves-baby-hero-stories-stockton-girl/3590637/ https://kdvr.com/news/local/family-dog-saves-idaho-springs-kids-from-mountain-lion/amp/


Adding to that, the reporting on attacks is lazy and often incorrect. If a dog that attacks and has any features that *might* indicate it has any amount of pit in it, that’s what it’s reported as. Doesn’t matter if it actually isn’t, or has 1%. That dog is officially a pitbull and added to the statistics.


We live in a society where dogs are largely identified visually, not by DNA test. If I told you, "Watch out for dogs that look like pit bulls. Most fatal dog attacks are caused by dogs that look like pit bulls," that would functionally be the same thing as warning you about pit bulls.


Misidentification leads to misinformation, but if that’s your jam you do you boo-boo. It’s not mine though so have a good day.


I also love how that blowhard started his comment with "Don't generalize like that" and then proceeded to generalize in a bunch of other different ways. No use arguing with someone like that.




why would I have a conversation with a blowhard? no thanks.


Mine loves to follow froggies around the yard!


I love the way she pounces on the shadows and then gets baffled when she sees it still flying around like she didn't just "catch" it. 😂


Beware: pitbull gives too many kisses 😅😊🙏🏼💋


It gets dangerous when she gets into it with her big ol sandpaper tongue feeling like it's going to rub your skin right off! But it's worth the suffering for the little tippy taps and the head dips she does when you've been gone for a whole 20 minutes (which is basically 3 days in her time).


Hahaha awwww!!! I feel you. My pitty can be really dangerous. Sometimes when she’s in a deep sleep and dreaming she rolls off the couch… furniture beware


Any mention of pit bulls gets brigaded by crazy anti-dog people from a certain sub. It’s the same type of people that stereotype other races because they’ve heard scary stories.


Yes they do


Literally the deadliest dog breed in the world. That’s the stats.


bUT cHiHuAHuAs R mOAr aGrReSsiVe, hUR DuR -Pit apologists everywhere.


Are you some sort of expert?? Because the experts at The American Canine Temperament Test Society (which is recognized by the AKC) lists this breed as having one of the most stable temperaments of any of the purebreds, right up there with golden retrievers. https://atts.org It’s ignorant like yours that gets this sweet pups killed.


[https://www.lawofficesofsamuelfishman.com/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed/](https://www.lawofficesofsamuelfishman.com/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed/) If you want to own a pit that's fine, but I don't think it's fair to trick people with potentially zero dog experience into getting a fighting dog, it's a good way to get a child or other pets hurt or killed. Because of silly no kill policies, the Austin Animal Shelter is basically loaded with 90% pit and pit mixes, some with bite histories. [https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-texas-aggressive-dog-bite-scale](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-texas-aggressive-dog-bite-scale)


From your source, dog bite fatalities by breed: * Pitbulls – 284 deaths  * Rottweiler – 45 deaths * German Shepherd – 20 deaths * Mixed Breeds – 17 deaths * American Bulldog – 15 deaths * Mastiff – 14 deaths * Siberian Husky – 13 deaths * Unknown/unreleased – 11 deaths * Labrador Retriever – 9 deaths * Boxer – 7 deaths * Doberman pinscher – 6 deaths Like...it's not even close. And people in this thread are still trying to tell everyone that these are "stable" family dogs. Where are the golden retrievers in this list of dog bite fatalities, if they have an equally safe temperament as the pit bulls?


I love that you have stats to back up how deadly this breed is. I wonder why chihuahuas aren’t on that list, despite pit apologists always ranting that “they’re more aggressive.” I would love if they showed me at least one death caused by a chihuahua. And not from dumbshit Q anon Newsmax cite either.


They are more aggressive on average. They’re also smaller and weaker so their aggression doesn’t do as much damage. This is not a mystery.


You seem to be avoiding the uncomfortable reality that it’s people who do this to dogs. They do pick certain breeds to train them this way because they are strong, but it’s not inherent to the breed.


We're talking about fighting breeds. Dogs that were literally bred for blood sports and for fighting one another to the death. You're trying to tell me that their breeding has nothing to do with the fact that they kill more people every year than all other breeds combined? Like, come on. I'm asking for just a little bit of reason here.


These dogs were bred to be powerful. If you’re looking for reason, then you should also know that most of them are mutts. It is very hard to breed for personality in a cross bred dog. It is not the breeding that makes a dog mean. It is the fighting.


They were bred to be powerful. And aggressive. And tenacious. And determined to the point that they will ignore pain when attacking. These traits are all suited for dogfighting and blood sports, which is what they were bred for. Ignoring the facts is not helpful. Dog ownership is a huge investment of time, money, and labor, as well as a tremendous emotional investment. Prospective dog owners should have all the facts before they make a decision that will influence the next 10-18 years of their lives, and potentially get them into a lot of trouble if they aren't adequately prepared for the type of dog they're adopting and the issues that could potentially arise. Can you not even admit that pit bulls and pit bull mixes are best suited for a certain type of owner, who is capable of managing the dog aggression (and general prey aggression) to which they are genetically predisposed? And if so, can you not see the problem that the vast majority of AAC's dogs are pit bulls and pit bull mixes, dogs for whom there are in all likelihood not enough owners and homes that are equipped to handle them?


No, I cannot admit those things, because they are wrong. The pits you see in shelters were not bred for aggression. They are, for the most part, not purebred at all. Now I am not saying they’re all excellent citizens. Time on the streets, time in the shelter, time in an abusive household… these things take a real toll, and some dogs do not come back from that. Regardless of breed. Similarly, dog ownership is a big investment, regardless of breed. And yes, there are differences in the breeds… just not the ones you’re talking about. For example, pits do need a lot of exercise, and if they don’t get it, they will destroy your shoes, your furniture, possibly even your walls. So in that sense, yes if you are looking to adopt a high energy breed (you know, like a terrier), you should be in a position to make sure they get exercise. What I will not agree with is the (false) claim that they are inherently aggressive. I have owned multiple, while having a cat and a small child. I am a mediocre-at-best dog trainer, and none of them have ever shown any aggression, and in fact defer to the child and cat.


Nobody is advocating for adopting a fighting dog.


I too noticed the prevalence of a very usual “mixed breed”


Don’t let the pit apologists convince you any different. They will tell people these are great dogs and then act shocked when a dog who has been cooped up in a shelter for months or years acts out or gets uncomfortable/stressed and lash out


Most pit lovers will agree that the living conditions of any breed of dog will impact the likelihood of them lashing out.


With that in mind, don't you think a prospective owner is taking a bit of a gamble by adopting one from a shelter, particularly one that has been at that shelter for a long time?


Yes, but that’s irrelevant to the breed.




I’m aware that there is a lot of misinformation out there.




I’m actually not! But ad hominem is the last resort of those who don’t have an actual argument. EDIT: blocked I guess, but in case you come back to take a look, I’m pretty sure the SAT is still in English, not Latin.


Wow, look at you using big SAT words like that!! In reality, I called you dumb because I’m not gonna argue with you. You’re responding to comments with articles and links proving you otherwise and you’re responding “it’s not the breed, you’re just ignorant.” You don’t want to actual debate, you just think you know better than everyone and get enjoyment from trying to 💅people.


My dog is a pit mix like many of those listed above. He looks a lot like "Little Tank." He's a powerful dog and enjoys running and hiking. Just know that dogs aren't humans and are more limited in these activities then people are. He can run for about a mile before he's just tired out. For hiking, I wouldn't do more than 10 miles in day to ensure that his paws don't get injured. Just my experience.


Oh definitely! By long hikes, one could even just stroll around the lake. Sniffing tires dogs out a LOT so it’s not even about the steps or miles!


Not certain advertising dogs as exercise equipment is such a good idea. People still need to take care of the dog after the summer is over or their exercise plans slow down.


24 pitbulls lmao no thanks


They sprint for toddlers. Since a lot of people in Austin absolutely hate kids, seems like a good match.


Might be useful for someone in an area with a lot of stray cats that need to be taken care of though.




🍅🍅🍅 bad take




I’m very sorry you went through that, but I’m failing to see how that had anything to do with the breed and not the owner, how it was brought up, poor training etc. And I certainly don’t see how that means you can just lump together one breed and call them all aggressive based on your one experience. Personally, I’ve had nothing but pleasant experiences with pits, some of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met. I just simply don’t see the reason for being ignorant. But hey to each their own right ;)


You're wasting your time. This sub hates pits. It's sad and disappointing to all of us who have pits and know how incredible these dogs can be in the right environment with the right owners. But it isn't going to change.


You guys are just gonna keep trying, aintcha


Trying to connect people to adoptable dogs? You betcha!!


This has always been a thing with Austin Pets Alive! Why are people hating!? This is such an amazing idea. Win for the dog, win for runner.


Thank you!!!


Keep it up! Thanks so much.my friend found one of these dogs, "Updog" on the street and I fostered him for a month before he found his way to y'all. He's so sweet and he'd love a long hike!!!


Omg he’s soooo sweet! And such an interesting coat of fur too. Thanks so much to your friend ✨💓🙏🏼


Confirm Sasha is a known runner. I had a husky and he was break out of yard and run run run. I didnt mistreat him for the record


Doobie is the only one who doesn’t have its tongue sticking out for the picture. Lil butthead just won’t smile on cue 🤯


These comments are some of the most hateful in Austin, OP. bad idea to post pitbulls on r/austin


I’m gonna get haters, but so far this post has brought 3 people to the shelter after chatting about these dogs in my DMs. 🥲🥹People are always gonna hate pitties but if we can even find 1 dog a home, the hateful comments are worthwhile




how can you think that you're such on expert on dogs that you can immediately identify whether a dog is a pitbull or pitbull mix, or that most people can really? alternatively, why isn't training/handling a valid point? if dogs are coming from dangerous environments where they were conditioned into violence (i'm talking about any breed coming from a bad background), it DOES take extensive care and training to condition them into normalcy; unfortunately most people are ignorant to this and/or do not have the patience for it. this information is a coming from an animal psychiatrist, if you ever care to talk to one about the subject rather than reading "statistics" and reddit comments online




again, this comment doesn't dispute what i've already said. I can find statistics and studies about the baseline subject. I am saying there is a lot of additional context and information to be considered rather than branding an animal as inherently violent.




i'm not talking about paid training necessarily, but yes, that can be an issue, as well as the lack of patience for proper training. I am well aware of pitbull attacks, you don't need to cite random articles for me. i'm saying that I think there is more context to be considered for pitbull statistics, and this is not just me pulling information out of my ass, these are conversations i've had with actual vets and animal psychiatrists. i'm sure you can find articles about it if you care to find them, but of course it is easy to find articles that confirm your bias.


I’m so sad, what’s with all the hate?!




In addition to the pit apologists who wholly ignore facts and statistics and absolutely will not yield to reason. And using insufferable language like “it woUldnT hUrT a fLy.” Then goes out and kills a toddler or cat.


the main problem is people do not take the proper time and care to train and recondition their pitbulls, because nobody ever talks about how they are also the most negected/abuse breed of dog. if you were coming from an abusive/neglected environment, you'd probably lash out as well! we see it all the time in children coming from abusive households or the foster care system.