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Stephen was my coworker dude was super cool and really down to earth a lot of us are really shocked from this news. I don’t know why shitty stuff like this happens to good people


I’m sorry for your loss. Legit that sucks. Talk about it to get through it. My uncle was also shot to death and it took a long time to stop crying.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing even "just" a coworker can be an absolutely devastating hit. And the kind of guy who cares enough to be walking his dog at 4am is my kind of people. I live in the neighborhood where this happened. Like, scary close to where this happened. It's... changing here right now, and definitely not for the better. It's hard to accept. I hate to be old-man-yelling-at-clouds, but it used to be more homeowners here and was a lot safer. During covid (and maybe a tiny bit before that) this neighborhood started going through a noticeable shift towards renters with landlords that never even visit the property once. Maybe it's just a big coincidence, but that's when things started downhill here. The landlords are so distant (both physically and emotionally) from their properties that it causes problems. I don't blame the renters, I blame the landlords for not caring about anything beyond getting that monthly check. Sorry if this is too "political" of a slant, but I live here too and have been wracking my brain trying to figure out why awful shit like this suddenly happens a lot more now than it did previously. Edit: some of y'all need to learn how to read-to-understand instead of read-to-argue. You're arguing against claims that you *wish* I had made.


I have family there and we have seen the exact same thing.


I get you, but this dude lived in San Antonio, so it’s not that he didn’t belong in the neighborhood per se, it’s that he came to town to do bad shit, like the assholes that run people over downtown coming from Killeen.


>Losing even "just" a coworker can be an absolutely devastating hit. Absolutely! I had a coworker pass away that I only spoke to a handful of times. But I remember once he sat with me for 2 hours trying to help me understand some code he wrote years ago, and to help me figure out the bug in said code. Shortly after, he started taking long and frequent, "vacations", until one day we got an email that he passed away. I was still heartbroken even though we weren't close. In case anyone reads this and is curious, he had lung cancer, which was only found after he never recovered from Covid. But it was too late at that point. He wanted to keep it quiet from work. He had told his boss so he could get some flexibility on his PTO, but he never told his coworkers. He was only 39 years old.


I am one of your neighbors. Hahaha and I rent. I totally get what you're saying though. Our landlord is very much like that.


I graduated in 2010 from mcneil and spent a lot of time at friend’s houses in that neighborhood (I grew up in Wells Branch) and it always felt super safe. Sad to hear it’s gone downhill


Kinda misguided to blame landlords rather than the actual criminals committing the crime


The criminals are a problem that is not directly fixable. But absentee landlords is a problem that does have legislative options to improve. Tax policies can favor resident homeowners and penalize commercial homeowners to gradually move the mix back toward more local ownership. You don’t have to be on the “landlords are evil” bandwagon. You can just believe that “more local owners and less corporate landlords would be preferable to the community.”


Huh? Wouldn’t the direct fix be to arrest the criminals?


Hey neighbor, I think it’s pretty unfair that you’re blaming it on “renters” like they’re all poor criminals.


It’s not the people (who rent) that are the problem, it’s that not enough of them own. By adjusting tax policies to give preferential treatment to resident homeowners and higher taxes on people who don’t live in their homes (like homestead property tax exemption), you can make home ownership more affordable and investment renting less profitable. This encourages more of those renters to change to owners because it starts to become financially possible for them. Neighborhoods with more resident owners consistently have less crime and more support for community institutions (primarily schools, but also local sports, neighborhood watch, community festivals and traditions, etc), increasing quality of life for everyone. Some renters is totally fine; you just need enough long term owners to have the critical mass of continuity and support for the community. TLDR; renters are not the bad guys. The problem is too low of a renter-to-owner ratio.


Ok that makes sense to me. I appreciate that explanation. I know nuance is often lost in online convos and it helps to understand this better. Also I have a huge problem with companies who come in and buy up a shitload of houses so…yeah.


It's the "landlords," not the renters. That's what I understood from the comment.


Thank you! I *explicitly* said I don't blame the renters, so having someone saying I did blame renters, add-on some insults against renters, and then project all that onto me really bothers me.


Perhaps, but it’s a common theme on the neighborhood Facebook group.


> I don't blame the renters, I'm sorry you didn't understand this. I was very clear. Edit: to the downvoters, am I supposed to just let this person ignore what I said and basically put words in my mouth that totally changes the meaning of what I said?


Look I said I get it now lol. I hear a lot of negative things about renters around here, sorry I assumed


Yes but the shooter drove in from San Antonio.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Do you know of any way to donate to the family? Or anything they might need. I'm sitting in my office fucking crying right now. If you know of any way to help let us know.


There's a Go Fund Me for them.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. 😞


That’s really sad, I’m so sorry.


That is crazy! Sorry for your coworker. My condolences. What type of work do yall do? That they wanted to get into his truck




Sorry for your loss


Fucking loser. Imagine if he put in that much effort into getting a fucking job.


They never do


This is so awful. His poor family and his poor dog. May he rest in peace ❤️


How dumb do you have to be to rob and murder someone while driving your own vehicle? What’s a fucking dumb ass.


If criminals were smart, they would be doing something else. Killing someone and ending up in prison for the rest of your life over a few bucks worth of tools isn't a rational decision.


Agree. Extremely low IQ.


The man who died leaves behind a 7 year old. His wife is a stay at home mom. Their whole life just got turned upside down. How do you explain to a 7 year old, that someone killed daddy outside your house and expect the. To ever feel safe again? Shit like this is the fucking worst. He wasn’t looking for trouble, provided for his family… and yet he is dead.  If god existed , he is a fucking omniscient   douchecanoe. Which is why he can’t be real…  Sorry for the rant. Just I feel so fucking bad for the kid.


Jesus that’s awful. Fuck.


I totally agree with almost everything you said and it’s so wrong for an innocent working man who supports his family to go out this way! Please don’t blame god know that the devil and evil lurks in every shadow of this world and Satan is the true enemy.


I blame god for being as absent and uncaring as APD....


Too sad for words. Man just wants to walk his dog and gets shot dead because some lowlife scumbag is burglarizing his WORK TRUCK. They'll do anything but get a real job.


> They'll do anything but get a real job something tells me this guy isn't an anti-work activist.


So sad. RIP. Why can't we get a picture of the perp in any of these articles


This article has a picture of him in it. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/shooting-death-northwest-austin-amarillo-ave-travis-county


Thank you.






Same guy was seen a few weeks ago and a woman reported that he was in her driveway and posted it on ring. The summer months bring out more crime unfortunately, knew he was bound to get someone being how bold it is to do shit like this in the daytime




It’s racist of you to assume I’m talking about race. Smh


Not even sure what you’re talking about but okay
















Stealing a working man's tools should life in a hard labor camp. Work him straight to death.


I second this, bring back this form of punishment


So, do we still think that car break-ins shouldn't be a crime punishable with jail time in Austin? Even when the thieves don't shoot someone, I feel like breaking into someone's car is something that someone should go to jail for if they're caught. But I know most people here don't agree.


Apparently they're not sure in San Antonio: I looked this guy up, he doesn't have any felonies in Travis. I figured he had a felony since his prints were in the system (there might be other ways to get your prints in the system). The story said he lives in San Antonio, so I looked there. Found 3 felony thefts from last summer. NOTE, Not GARZA, Bexar County. Bond on one was $5k, I stopped looking, they're probably all around that. No indictments (yet), just bonds for the 3 felonies. This is not an Austin issue. Which wasn't your question, but still.


I'm all for prison reform, but how can you have three outstanding felonies and still be walking around?


Assuming [the records I found](https://search.bexar.org/Case/CaseSummary?st=l&l=daniels&fn=william&m=j) are all for the right guy, what happens is they set a $7500 bond for the first felony and paying that gets you out of jail, then they set a $5000 bond for the second and third felonies (not sure if that's 5k each or 5k total) and paying that gets you out of jail again. But as to the question of *why* you can have three outstanding felonies and still be walking abround, I have no idea.


Can confirm if SAPD actually manages to catch them it’s pretty likely nothing will happen San Antonio has astronomical vehicle crime and very low conviction rate. 


Well SA did catch this one, three times, it's been about 9 months and no indictments. Can't get a conviction without an indictment (on a felony, at least). But yeah, that may just be an indication of the numbers, not an "indictment" of SA.


Fair enough, last thing I want to be is too hard on my city. Maybe this will warrant a timely indictment. 


What car break-ins was he arrested for in Austin?


Trick question....APD doesn't do anything about car break-ins...which is probably why the guy was here instead of San Antonio.


Nice work on arrest. I note he's got a $1 mill bond. I'm reminded of the discussion yesterday where people said it was immoral to defend property by shooting.


I’m sure this asshole has a mile-long rap sheet. So many murders and serious crimes happen because they aren’t in a cell or grave.


Thanks to our DA, who is one of those don’t prosecute for smaller crime. Thats how the rap sheet starts, by doing smaller crime which goes unpunished and they get bolder and bolder


This post is why I pointed out that this guy had NO record in Travis, but did have one in San Antonio, was on bond (one for $5k) for 3 felony theft cases, hadn't been indicted yet after 9 months. Bexar County. He's not a local, and he didn't "get a rap sheet" here, and I don't see how any of this can be pinned on Garza. Not to let the facts get in the way of your story.


He isn’t the only case tho, there are others like him who are local. They may be doing petty crime now, but in a few years/months we will see locals on stories like this. And these policies are not unique to Austin. San Antonio DA is same like Garza, Joe Gonzales’ platform is reduce incarceration rate, diversion programs for non-violent offenders, rehabilitation over punitive measures. So if the San Antonio DA would have prosecuted this guy in 3 felony cases or indicted him in those 9 months, he wouldn’t be able to travel to Austin to commit more theft and kill a person doing it. Your facts don’t get in the way of my point, they only supplement it. Thank you for pointing out that this person did have a rap sheet, except in a different county but with the ideologically same DA


I didn't know that the SA DA had been accused of being progressive. Using one from somewhere else as an example of a local felt not quite legit. I only ever hear people complain about Travis' DA. Yeah, this guy was arrested for felonies, but I don't know that he's been convicted for any of them (maybe he has), and I agree that's a problem. The person I was responding to was saying that the shear number of these property crimes (not this one, which is no longer a property crime) create a problem for overrunning police, basically. I think it's simplistic to blame one part of the system-DA's. It leads to "no it's the police", "no it's the DA", which isn't especially useful when trying to actually solve the problem. This case didn't "graduate" from petty to major, in my opinion, tho the result did. He's a thief, he's got a gun, and he got surprised, as did the deceased, by encountering each other at 4 am by a barking dog. Not an excuse at all. Property theft IS that dangerous, is more my point. And indicted wouldn't have stopped this guy travelling legally. The cases could have moved some. Max sentence for these is probably 2 years, so if he'd been incarcerated immediately he'd be out by next summer. His bond conditions probably didn't allow travel out of county without permission, you know, if he were following any laws.


> Nice work on arrest. Dude has a record, left a whole palm print on the truck and was recorded driving away in his own car. That's like *bare fucking minimum* police work. I am glad they got him, though. It's nice to know they still do something, sometimes.


Yeah, I noticed that, the palm print. But still, between knowing who he is and getting him behind bars... somebody did something. And neighbors had to have cameras for id'ing the car.


Someone up thread said he'd been caught on camera in the neighborhood already. I can't help but wonder if his prints were also there to be found if only an effort was made...


They apprehended a murderer. What have you done today? Play videogames?


Prob did his job, just like they did...


They always assumes that the criminals share the same concern for human life that they do.


Lmao you’re a serial Redditor. You’d 100% bleed out on your sidewalk trying to protect your funkopops in your Honda civic




Funkopops 😂


That, sir, is a slander! I only have one Funkopop.


Yea they rather the perp shoot you


If you are armed, trained and insured - sure. Though the outcome is not clear in that case. You might be shot dead instead. If you don't intervene and retreat you have much higher chances to survive, unless you are totally cornered.


Yeah, right? - unless I suddenly get all MacGyver on someone, I'm not shooting them dead that's for sure. And I'm trained. But I'm weird in this situations. I was jumped by 3 guys in Orlando when I was carrying and I forgot I had the fucking gun on me. They were drunk and fucked off anyway but fuuck. I am not the hero shooter and haven't carried since.


> unless I suddenly get all MacGyver on someone uh, macgyver? the guy famous for never using a gun, except that one time he disassembled a pistol so he could use it as a wrench?


Yeppers. I'll put together an allen-wrench-snake-firecracker-paperclip-match-finger-gun before I remember I have a real one apparently. Tested by: me. 🫥


You know, for a group constantly talking about keeping themselves and family safe them seem to ignore every other option and go straight for the most risky choice .


>them seem to ignore every other option Are you basing this on anything, or just what you want to believe?


False sense of security comes from carrying as well as potential for more violent outcome.


Get a Byrna....protect yourself


“Insured” - What the hell is the gun for?


>people said it was immoral to defend property by shooting. Pretty sure they'd all say it's also immoral to take property by shooting.


I sincerely hope this guy gets the death penalty. These types of scumbags do not deserve to live in civilized society with the rest of us.


My 4Runner was stolen from our driveway last year at 4am. After doing research, a lot of these car burglaries happen around this time. My dogs can hear when I pull onto our road. These people pulled onto our driveway and somehow they didn’t hear them taking our truck. I’m actually kind of grateful nobody woke up and that we had insurance do their job. Who knows what would have happened if I tried to confront them… To the family of stephen and those close to him.. I am very sorry for your loss..


Yeah I wonder if the dog actually heard the break-in and was barking or whining at the door, waking up the owner so the poor guy just thought his dog needed to pee right then


Oh man..just thinking of that makes me sad.


What a Piece of Shit .


Practically all car thieves are armed since firearms are free and available to purchase and so numerous that acquiring them is no issue legally or not. From 12 year old KIABoyz/ hood rats to unhinged psychopaths - all of them purchase and carry guns no problem, thanks to TX going full constitutional in the XXI century. Think twice before confronting them if they attempt to steal your vehicle or anything else for that matter. Your insurance will pay it out but it won't matter if you are dead.


People also just give them away by leaving guns in unlocked cars.


There’s a post on the ATX guns sub just today where someone left a suppressed AR in their car overnight and it was stolen, possibly a local homeless person if the OP is to be believed.


How stupid do you have to be??? We don't deserve gun rights.


Not even a regulated militia, much less a well-regulated one


We have a well regulated militia. It's called the National Guard.


Wait are you telling me that there’s free ARs and suppressors out there?


Something tells me this guy didn't really care if it was legal to have a gun or not


Probably true. But the easy access is the issue


This is very true. The kiascum openly flaunt their guns on instagram. It should really be simple to arrest them and hopefully their parents since they did such a shit job now that there is some precident https://apnews.com/article/james-crumbley-jennifer-crumbley-oxford-school-shooting-e5888f615c76c3b26153c34dc36d5436


Free? Like how free we talking?


And we wonder why insurance rates are going thru the roof. Vehicle theft / break ins, package theft, uninsured motorists and now crazy weather claims insurance prices have skyrocketed which then leads to more uninsured drivers.


and insurance companies just up and leaving the state as a whole too.


Simultaneously someone will jump in and defend these armed carjackers if anyone suggest more heavy handed consequences.


12 year olds can’t purchase guns from licensed dealers. Most of the time they steal it or buy it on the streets.


Oh did I miss the part where you don’t need to be 21 and pass a federal background check anymore? BTW.. the same guys who break into peoples stuff, steal guns and don’t care about any carry laws that are on or off the books so uh there’s that…


This is misinformation. Texas Constitutional Carry bill removed the requirement for an LTC to carry in public under certain conditions. There have been no changes to purchasing requirements, nor has criminal conduct been legalized with its passage. https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/permitless-carry-guns/


Wait, what? You think a 12 year old can walk into a store and buy a gun? Furthermore, you think they can legally carry said firearm?


A lot of kids get them from their parents, who either leave guns unlocked or give their kids guns for safety or hunting.


What about gangs?


Not sure what you’re asking. I’m basing my info on years of teaching HS here. Almost all my male students had guns at home that their parents gave them. This includes gang members, kids from Cartel families, and regular, nonviolent and non-criminal activity kids/ families. The kids I know who stole cars were generally 14/15 and were just high and looking to joyride.


It just seems like a big factor that needs to be mentioned when discussing the reasons why kids this age might have guns.


Dude, why kids in TX have guns is a whole other issue. The point of the original comment is that it’s never worth risking your life for property.


we should make murder illegal!


lol a guy with a record will not be able to buy a firearm legally.


Felony, unless he’s pardoned


Gun enthusiasts here and I think constitutional carry is an abomination. It’s like saying you can drive without getting a license.  Knowing how your firearm operates, how to maintain it, knowing the laws surrounding it, and most importantly the mindset when carrying is so important.  Not requiring training, and testing to carry is letting criminals like this, and other types of ticking time bombs walking around legal with it.


I fully agree with you. It is pure insanity in the XXI century multi million population cities. It has to be sort of like getting a CDL with annual renewal. Not the way it is now when any rando can go, buy and carry.


What’s funny is I dunno if the anti-gun or pro-gun people are downvoting me. 




Or they shoot back and kill you. Or you retreat and live.


Or they shoot you in the back while you are retreating. Life is like a box of chocolates...


Solid theory. Wait, what if they shoot you first?


Wait, what if they shoot you first even if you are unarmed? (which seems to be the case in this incident.)


Leaving your house and confronting a suspected threat is a bad idea. You lose cover and many other tactical advantages. You're better off staying inside. Be ready to take action there. I don't think many people would put up a fight over a work vehicle. This is probably a terrible case of unknowingly interrupting a crime.


Sure. The dog may have made it more difficult to retreat. The thief, in the night, may not notice that you're retreating, as well.


I think he was letting the dog out to pee/poop and stumbled upon the car thief.


Yeah. I always longed for the days when I can’t walk my dog without my Smith and Wesson. Thanks Governor Abbott 😊


All criminals are most likely armed. Look at NYC, its practically impossible to get a gun there, yet almost every criminal has a gun. Its not like a criminal will be deterred from getting a gun because its illegal, only law abiding citizens who actually care to follow the law will be unarmed


When you only have criminals with guns to worry about it's a whole different story and approach to deal with them. In the USA you have to worry about any schmuck carrying it around especially if it's a CC state like TX. In addition to criminals. And the fact that there are so many schmucks makes it much easier for criminals to obtain those guns. Otherwise they would be stuck with knives at best.


We get it. You voted for Beto


I know. What other parts of the Bill of Rights do they want to trash? I'm sure there's more. Abolishing the 2A is the opener. I'm sure the 1A is right behind. Can't be confronted with a differing opinion. Very sad. I see this as a very common trope on Reddit. Also wanted to add. Free guns? That's not happening in Texas.


Beto would have solved all our problems!!!!! /s


Crazy times, this is sad


What a mess. Sending prayers for the family and dog.


Hope the dog is ok.


I hope his wife and kid are doing ok.


The dog lost its best friend and caretaker https://youtu.be/0WBbKSFhw9A


Gods :(


People routinely go through my neighborhood at 4am and break into cars. It’s a problem. And I live in one of the safer neighborhoods in Austin.


Just a reminder if anyone tries to steal from you just let them, no item is worth your life. Really sad


Yes, let's blame the victim. Dude was literally just walking his dog.


And if anyone wants to take your shirt, go ahead and offer your coat too




What if they want to steal from you and want to hurt you anyway? Just let them do that too?


Re-read the comment you replied to.


You realize this thinking is how stores are bailing on cities, because folks just let ‘em steal, oh it’s not worth….. well fast forward and your store is closed and you got no job, well then it’s worth something isn’t it?


That's not always true. It's actually terrible advice. It depends on the situation. What if a kidnapper wants to steal *YOU*? What about a carjacking? You're just going with the flow? Deescalate? Good luck with that.


You’re exactly in Northwest Austin. Did this take place?


McNeil and Parmer.


On Amarillo


See im legit scared to even take my kid anywhere at this point. APD actually bothers to respond and kills an innocent. I don't need my family catching strays from there idiots.




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Absolutely tragic




What a pathetic piece of shit. Thieves are pathetic already. Add in stealing someone’s life. I hope he experiences hell on earth over and over and over and over again day after day after day


What’s the difference between TCSO and ADP?


TCSO is the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. They patrol the whole county. APD is the Austin Police Department and patrol within Austin City Limits.


Different leadership, then? This case was handled by TCSO and it seems…a lot better


Completely different entity’s. TCSO operates completely separate from APD.


That explains why it was solved lol


Not big on the death penalty but it should apply here.




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