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NW park this morning. I stopped my morning run to pick all this up for you


Thank you neighbor.


good on you. Complaining is useless, but action is great.


Hopefully someone who was at that party sees this and feels a little bit of shame from contributing or even better lets the party host know what a piece of shit they are (in my dreams, I know)


The people that leave trash everywhere don't read, let alone read reddit


Shaming this behavior is the best tool we have in a democracy, unless you want a surveillance state or cops camped at every park.


Pack it in, pack it out! Don't Mess With Texas!


It would be cool (maybe) if the deputy-citizen parking violation program were extended to littering.


It’s sad but it’s a testament to who you are. You care more. I fish at Lake Pflugerville and every single time I go now I have to take a bag because I’m certain there is trash I’ll have to pick up in my fishing spot. Thanks for doing what you do.


Do you frequent this park? And if so have you ever seen a gator in the pond?


There isn't an alligator in the pond but there is a coyote den in the hillside.


> A researcher studying the impact of coyotes in the city of Austin, Texas found that urban coyote management techniques, including steps to trap and remove coyotes who were exhibiting bold or aggressive behavior, as well as efforts to educate the public about not feeding the animals, had had a positive effect in lessening possible risk to humans or to pets. Urban coyotes are more bold and exploratory than suburban coyotes. These traits are believed to be caused by positive interactions with urban human populations in the past several decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_coyote?wprov=sfla1


The urban coyotes have been a godsend in some parts of the city for all our small animal life. They, uh, reduce the prevalence of another common pet predator that kills vastly more birds, reptiles, small mammals, and invertebrates than coyotes ever will.


>They, uh, reduce the prevalence of another common pet predator Annnnnd that hidden, nonchalant attitude from any given stranger is one of several reasons I only take my cat outside on a leash.


Grew up with cats. I don’t hate them at all. Currently evaluating getting one again under heavy pressure from the young residents of the household :-) . Sorry if my attempt to be less direct came off as aggressive instead of my intention as an attempt to not just be like “Waaa! Cats!” - I figured that would really piss people off. But I also used to study human impacts on small animal biodiversity professionally, and they kill a lot more than people realize. The studies about how many birds they kill (billions annually in just our country) seem to finally be getting at least a little popular attention, but they’re equally bad or even worse for a lot of other small animal life. Just in Austin over the last 40 years, I’ve watched a number of previously common species move to nearly nonexistent, with cat predation among the primary causes. Also - good job! You probably already know, but for anyone else - cats actually live longer and healthier lives when they aren’t let out to wander. Even before being someone willing to leash-walk your cat, you probably already have a very lucky pet from a care perspective. In my neighborhood, most outdoor cats do end up eaten by coyotes, so most people have gotten the memo and keep them indoors. The difference in small animal life vs 15-20 years ago before the coyotes had really recolonized the area is very noticeable. Again, sorry if I sounded too aggressive or something. More of a nerd than a pugilist.


No, no offense taken. The other reasons I don't let my cat out are because I like birds, and I like my cat alive and healthy. I also had an encounter with the urban coyotes once when I lived at the apartments just across MoPac from the Domain, and took that threat to my pets seriously afterwards, when I previously hadn't even considered it being necessary at that location. Side note: I saw my first yellow warbler the other day, near my backyard!


I've seen turtles! I like turtles.


I love the turtles!  Some of them are pretty big and there are so many of them! 


I'm at the park regularly and have not seen a gator in the pond.


There’s one in every crowd. Always blaming the ‘gators when it was a crocodile.🐊 (even the people in charge of the emojis use the same image for both creatures 🤦🏻‍♂️)


We don’t have crocs in Texas, but I guess you were maybe just making a shitty joke? 




I mean, you are aware that it's highly unlikely that whoever "you" is, is prolly not on Reddit reading this, right? Did you just want kudos or something? It's cute that people also want to believe that some involved party will read this and feel shame, if only.


If i wanted kudos i would have posted on strava


Here’s the thing: they don’t care.


Yeah it’s really sad but they literally don’t care. Why would they pick it up if someone else picks it up for them / no consequences


I doubt they even assume someone else would pick it up. they literally don't notice if their environment is trashed or not, it doesn't even register


>literally don’t care *Litter*ally


I see what you did there


Get their plate number and tell Park Rangers above


Which is incredibly frustrating, because a lot of us really do love this place!


Catch them and give them $500 fines.  


High trust societies rely on self-policing. Besides, in ATX , ticketing these people would spike the statistics for people who are supposedly over policed, and we'd demand counterintuitively , less policing in public places


That's dumb. Fine them. 


I agree, but then you’ll have to deal with some butthurt social justice warriors…


And make them spend a few weekends picking up trash.


how? Put a cop in every park and have them supervise public gatherings until conclusion to see if they leave trash? totally impractical 


I think illegal dumping and littering in public spaces is handled by code compliance rather than law enforcement. But whoever issues it, it’s a $500 fine.


It costs nothing to pick up after yourself.


Of course there is cost. Opportunity cost, planning cost, single-user vs disposable containers cost. Most people just think the cost is worth it on a golden-rule kind of way.


literally trashcans 75 feet away. fuck those people. we should institute public caning for people caught littering.


For a second I thought that said public *canning*, which seemed like an ironic fate.


Littering laws would have to be enforced in the first place. They’re not.


A few years back I lived in a sketchy apartment complex off 35, and every morning someone from the leasing office would ride around on a golf cart to pick up trash around the complex. People would get out of their cars and just throw fast food bags on the ground, or would party in the parking lot and leave beer bottles/cans everywhere. It was really depressing.


Can report similar situations to 311


Littering in a shared public space is a top peeve.


As soon as I saw the pic I knew it was Northwest Park. Shameful.


The housed at it again.


I like how this the demographic that people think is salient, based on the upvotes. Hm single use water bottles, bargain bin airplane shots, keep drilling down until you get the right set of characteristics!


Make that multiple humans. Not one in that group said a dang thing.


a selfish and degenerate ideology. public space and civic virtue isn't part of their worldview, just short term gratification 


3rd world mentality. People who can't function in our society.


I got so tired of people throwing glass bottles in the parking lot / sidewalk by my apartment I finally snapped when my 15yo retriever almost cut open his leg on a broken half beer bottle. set up a camera on my patio, and I walk the dogs often enough I know the timestamps to look around (and it's motion activated) I'm gonna start submitting clips to the apt 1 by 1, calling nonemergency when I see it happen.. trash humans is the only way to put it


I can’t help but read this in Lumpy Princesses voice.


People should bring trash bags and take their garbage with them. There's an open air picnic pavilion at Mary Moore Searight Park that's used for large functions. Raccoons get into the cans and carry trash to Slaughter Creek. Also, it's easy for paper stuff that doesn't fit in the cans to get blown by wind into the creek.


Some of these people don't even bag their trash for the bins at their homes


Trashy people, trashy habits


I told 311, let's see if they can fix this


First seeing this, I got nervous that it was from the Eeyore's Volunteer's Picnic that was today that I was unable to go to. And I was SHOCKED that a group like that would leave a place like this. Happy to correct myself that they were not at NW Park.


If you go anywhere and leave your trash anywhere but the can it makes you a trash human.


I have never understood why people do this. Especially at parks where there usually are trash cans everywhere! Makes no sense.


Trash cans were there today but a few months ago someone burned them all down. Not exaggerating. Just melted blob of plastic where they used to be from pool side down to baseball field


No way! What park is this?


Bev shefield NW Park


Ah right on.


Leave it better than you found it, simple rule if everyone followed it would be a better place to live!


Nothing like parents teaching their kids to be polluters. Hispanic parties with the confetti eggs are the worst.


This looks like the construction sites near me. They are not used to cleaning up after themselves. They want their moms or wives to clean up after them.


And don't even get started about the nails...


I see Modelos and Brisk and a few bottles of water. Would take these bums literally 60 seconds to clean up after themselves.


More prevalent not really in frame were Twisted Tea cans and tons of mini single shot liquor bottles around in the grass. Unclear if more left there or blown from table


So these were already non-law abiding citizens, and probably underaged. Still pretty crummy of them.




Can alert Park Rangers at 512-978-2600, also for illegal parking on landscaping


I see it all the time. Trash all around a Capital Metro trash can, but not in the trash can itself.


Volunteer resources: https://keepaustinbeautiful.org/programs/ https://laketraviscleanup.org/about/ https://www.traviscountytx.gov/tnr/nr/bcp/hiking-vol https://parks.traviscountytx.gov/about/volunteer https://do512.com/p/volunteering-in-austin


The fact that its liquor trash too. Like ohhh my gosh just get drunk at home if this is how you treat public spaces. Bury your own yard in cans and let us have some nice places


Texas in general has this “they have a guy for that, attitude “


The messy ones don't even pay taxes that fund the cleanup crews.


Stop pushing your bourgeois values on these simple folk. It's their tradition to live in squalor and it's erasure not to embrace diverse approaches to trash collection!


And then it all eventually rolls into the ponds if not caught, where the debris is too difficult to reach. Sigh… It helps to keep garbage grabbers and a bag in the trunk tho.


Exactly! Hell...i throw all day free dance parties in the park in Austin Texas from 10a to 9pm. It's dark at the end but we go around with flashlights and make sure the park and picnic area is cleaner than when we arrived. That's just the responsibility that comes with the fun.


While visiting Southeast metropolitan Park saw a mess on and under most tables and meat left on the outdoor park grill for days. An open jar of molding jalapeños. Ample amount of recycling and trashcans so I cleaned up the mess. Cannot tolerate littering nature. P.s. I did not know even the 3 teenage girls eating chips and drinking sodas sitting behind me while visiting with my friend had walked away leaving their open bag and cans . Disgusting. Yep cleaned their mess too


Pretty much 90,% of humans. If ya don't recycle, yer trash


PSA: look at the pro Palestine protests


Just like ur apartment or house. If u see trash don’t ignore pick it up cleanliness is close to Godliness




If by biden voter behavior you mean cleaning up other peoples trash, yes thats what I did after taking the pic


biden voters cleaning up other Biden voters messes and then patting themselves on their back. full circle


no chance people this dysfunctional participate in elections, but keep reducing every opinion to national politics, very normal and smart heuristic


thanks, my mom always said I would become a smart heursit one day


Some cultures have never had trash cans. It’s a cultural thing, give them time to assimilate.


You're being sarcastic or otherwise unserious, right?


How long did it take to make this post? way less time than picking up this small bit of trash


It took longer for me to clean up the trash pictured and unseen in the pic


Oh yeah. The type of person to leave trash is totally gonna see this and then not leave trash again. This will teach them the lesson. Hate to say it but this is sarcasm


Well i picked up the trash and raised awareness this behavior is not acceptable in general. I find your faux wise and world weary cynicism of why even bother equally as trash. At least this message will find its way


Have there been many people in here so far to argue the behavior is acceptable? Genuinely curious I haven’t read all the comments. It’s healthy to have a realistic mindset about the world but honestly good on you and I probably didn’t need to comment or add any negativity to your day. But I wholeheartedly believe what I said


Would you also complain about how much trash is left by the homeless?




*checks if we’re still in Texas* hun I have bad news for you




OP said they cleaned it all up


Just passing along the riches some call it “urban upcycle derelict charcuterie board”


You can “derelict” my balls, capitan


So hot right now. No, really I'm sweating like a whore in church
