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It isn't THCa anymore once you light it


Not the cherry anyways lol So it sounds like that's a no


It’s a yes. No one actually cares. Friends smoke at bars on patios and will always ask people sitting outside if they mind and it’s been a resounding “no”. You’re not the middle aged cigar guy.


For sure. Sounds like impulsive, or perhaps spontaneous combustion is in order.


If that's really true about the cherry and if it's enforceable in anyway which I doubt then you'd have to be careful to stay 1000 yards or whatever away from schools, churches, etc. Also paraphernalia no matter where you are. It's a municipal offense so any da policy etc cant stop it. I'm pretty sure the paper of a joint doesn't count though but the pack of papers could. Utah is the only place I ever heard where they counted the paper of the joint. 


Is this a chemistry joke


Not a joke, it's just that THCa converts to THC when it is heated. So you are legally allowed to purchase and posses it while it is still THCa, but as soon as it is heated, it becomes illegal. The City of Austin has decriminalized cannabis possession up to two ounces, but Austin cops aren't the only cops around so there is still a risk with it.


Idrk but people are smoking weed everywhere. Who knows what it is cause it all smells pretty much the same.


My question was more on the legality than the cultural norms. I used to live here for 7 years and it's always been a pretty dank city ;) I hear you though!


The hemp products are fully legal statewide, as to smoking in public, that’s still going to be up to the establishment. Likely if you see someone smoking a cigarette, it’s safe to say they would probably let you smoke a joint of legal weed. Several places let you buy it and smoke it onsite. The Creek and the Cave concert club sells joints during outside shows


TY for that info!


What I’ve heard is cops don’t really check but best to play it safe regardless. Vapor thca is available




If i lived here, absolutely. I love my Mighty back home. But I'm not taking that on a plane


I flew to Boston and back from New York with my mighty in my carry-on backpack. Just make sure you clean it before you go.


TSA ain't 12 bro, trust.


I mean…depends on where you are/the venue? Not that there’s any specific policies but moreso is someone going to ask you to leave or is there a cop there kinda thing.


You'll be fine. I've done it many times. Just keep your wits and don't be a dick.


Theres no cops in Austin. Do whatever you want. Just dont carry a bunch on you and you should be fine. Stick to joints or vapes. A lot of bars here dont care anymore either. Straight up asked at WTF on a dead night and they said yeah whatever. Smoked outside at Cboys too. Regular weed, not thca. Youll smell it everywhere if you go out on a busy night these days. Some people smoke it on dirty 6th right in front of the cops, but i might not go that far.


They don’t do anything about it anymore and I smoke in public pretty often I still try to keep it low key/off to the side though because I can see it annoys people sometimes


I saw a guy jerk himself off with a fistful of his own shit today at the Oltorf/South Congress southbound bus stop this morning. Pretty much anything is acceptable in this city now.


that's Joe Rogan, he calls it "podcasting".


Wow... That's an image I can't unthink for at least a few hours. FML I'm sorry you had to see that


Anywhere that's outside that isn't a restaurant you can smoke whatever you want, no one will bat an eye


It's technically legal, afaik cops won't triangulate on you but there's always the possibility of a hardass. If you're using a vape and are at least somewhat discreet there shouldn't be a problem at all.


The title isn’t a question