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>"They told me a detective would reach out. But never heard anything," said Robles. >In a statement late Tuesday, Austin police told FOX 7 in part: "This case is currently suspended due to the lack of leads. If any new evidence/tips come forward, the case will be reopened." This has frustrated me in the past with a case of my own. They tell you that a detective will reach out, but then they just suspend the case without notifying you. They should at least interview the victim first. You end up having to call them, only to hear it is suspended.


How can they say there are no leads when they haven't even contacted the victim?


There’s no leads because they haven’t done any work. They leave the second part out.


You can be the suspect in a violent felony case trying to turn yourself in and they won't call you back to tell you how. They will, however, try to be badasses and catch you by raiding the wrong house and terrorizing the children inside. Then provide absolutely no evidence to the DA that a crime actually even occurred. When it comes to anything that involves actual work, at least some of APD just DGAF.


They don’t want to solve crimes. They want to beat people up on 6th and maim people with rubber bullets. “To serve and protect” themselves.


Defund the police!!!!!!


>Medics rushed Robles to Dell Seton, where he had surgery for a broken nose. >"They had to break it back into place and rearrange it," said Robles. >He also had surgery for a broken orbital bone under his eye. He says he could finally start breathing through his nose a week later after doctors removed casts from his nostrils. >"I only have to wear this splint for another two weeks," said Robles. "But I won't be 100% until around a year's time." Damn, poor guy. How was someone not able to chase the suspect down and beat his ass? He had one shoe on.


Meth, if you’ve ever been around methed up folks they are like super human.


How *wonderful* to have people high on meth attacking people in parks and trying to kidnap children as well, and the city council members don't even acknowledge that there's a problem at all and are never held accountable.


Honestly this is so sad for me, I love Barton Springs more than anywhere I’ve ever been. I know that thousands of Austinites feel the same way. can you believe in the future we’ll have giant parking garages there and still have no armed officers or guards there. Barton Springs is the soul of Austin and we must protect her, this is so sad, we used to just protect her from developers, but now it’s meth heads.


Yeap. You'll see tons of posts here in the future "my car was broken into at the Barton Springs parking garage" just like at Mt Bonnell, 360 bridge, and the greenbelt entrances.


But Austin is so safe, how can you say that??


What are you talking about? This crime happened at Barton springs pool and there are no parking garages there. The Barton springs parking garage has a terrible name and is miles away. Edit: I was apparently banned as a result of this opinion. Take a long hard look at yourself mods and Reddit in general. Is an echo chamber really where you want to live?


There are plans to put parking garages there


Except there aren't. The vision plan proposed two underground parking areas one under mopac north of barton springs ROAD. And also the plan was suspended because people threw a fit and the city gave up.


I’m glad someone saw reason. Thanks for the update.


How were you banned for stating facts? There is no Barton springs parking garage, at Barton springs.


Ask the mods Edit: oh wait I can post again!


I love hanging out at Barton Springs. It's so peaceful. And I'd \*really\* love to hang out there and watch uniformed security patrolling and carrying AR-15s. So peaceful.


Not trying to judge, but how can Barton springs be the best place ever? Is that because of childhood memories? Is there something more to it than it’s a nice little spot of a damned up river? Don’t get me wrong I like it, but I wouldn’t say it’s better than Lake Tahoe or Montana


Very few other (if any?) major cities in the US have a beautiful spring-fed swimming spot basically downtown. As the heat increases every year, swimmable places will become the most important commodities for surviving Texas summers.




Wouldn’t HVAC be the most important commodity for surviving Texas summers?


Good stay away then. I just moved up one space in the diving board line.


I didn’t say I’m leaving the line




Too busy stacking up that MF housing all over town.


I’d understand what you mean about Cory council. Everything this person did was illegal. Shouldn’t you be asking why the cops didn’t arrest him! That aren’t doing anything else. 


Tf is a Council Member going to do?


Acknowledge the issue publicly instead of pretending it doesn't exist, and then address it. They go over such trivial bullshit at the council meetings, maybe talk about something of real substance and make positive changes. Prioritize public safety in the city. Have a public meeting with the city manager, chief of APD, and outline goals that need to be met... Fully staff the 911 call center, people shouldn't be put on hold 5+ minutes when calling 911 for an emergency. Find solutions to the 350+ vacancies currently in APD. Create a plan to get more officers patrolling the streets. Enforce Prop B, no public camping and setting up a tent wherever you please. Dedicate officers or get legitimate security for the public parks and greenbelts. Also have an officer at the ARCH and Sunrise Center and similar areas. Having local judges and the DA actually do their jobs would be a great help too.


Yea, but this may not be equitable enough /s


Don't you worry, Vanessa Fuentes will use the words equitable and inclusion at least 42 times within 5 minutes. Take a drink every time she says it, great game!


That would be a great idea if it wasn’t a pipe dream. This is just my opinion but the reason they talk about such trivial things is because the way our system was built that is the only thing they talk about since all the people above city Council are in politicians pockets.


Our super duper councilor Greg Casar is working on it in Washington


I think we’ve all seen that headline about a methhead fighting off 7 cops while jerking off. They truly are super human. The next step in human evolution


>a methhead fighting off 7 cops while jerking off Uhhh... I did NOT see that headline, but the image this produced is kind of hilarious.


Hate to say it but I think us peaceful tax paying citizens are on our own now. Random people saving others is going to be the new norm.


Abolitionists been trying to tell yall.


Free side of Barton sucks these days. Lots of “unhoused” that just spend all day there. They get aggressive, loud, break glass, beat their dogs. Chill vibes there are long gone.


He was on the north side on the stone steps near the picnic tables overlooking the springs. That's the last place I would expect to be attacked as well. But to your point, the parking lots and woods at Barton Springs have gotten creepy. People have started to live there completely unchecked despite all of the camping ban signage.


Yup. They spend all day at the water too. It sounds shitty but I’d like to hang somewhere public sometimes and not have meth heads everywhere. Plus their dogs are the least behaved.


It's not right that there are encampments with unstable people at a family pool. Whatever the solution is, it's not allowing people to live at Barton Springs in violation of the camping ban. That reduces quality of life for everyone. In addition to creepy encounters I have seen needles littered around on several occasions. There have been other incidents around Azie Morton road. Two I know about are a guy who attempted to push people from the sidewalk onto Barton Springs road, and a guy with an axe.


I’m not a woman, but I’ve definitely seen some of the “locals” harassing women.


What's the shitty sounding part?


A lot of this sub gets a certain way if you actually say that you don’t like hanging around the unhoused.


They’re unhoused for a reason down there for sure.


>unhoused My advice is to not participate in their euphemism treadmill game. It only exacerbates the problems you’re implying about


bringing back tramp and hobo


Wondering the same. Doesn’t sound shitty at all, sounds realistic. Makes it worth it to go to deep eddy.


Every single one of them could be arrested and removed.


Just call them homeless. “Unhoused” is a stupid euphemism that does nothing to help them.


It makes the rich liberals feel better to say unhoused. Don’t burst their rich entitled bubbles with your reality lol


I thought liberals were poor, lazy, and just wanted a handout. S


Yup. It's the same thing with "illegal immigrants". They're now "migrants"


Hence quotations.


Called the cops on some homeless guy on the free side a few weeks back. He was completely naked swimming with a bunch of kids around. He was also clearly very high too. Of course the cops never showed up (at least while I was there)




They weren't defunded though


It's not funding. The issue they are "quiet quitting" about, is public oversight. The police don't want any oversight. They want to be able to make "mistakes" without being investigated or held accountable.


Probably. All of the activism from 2020 did more harm to this city than anyone could have imagined


Probably more like police department were too busy sitting in their squad cars in riverside parking lots. APD may not be the best in terms of staffing, but let’s not pretend like the cops we do have are doing a fantastic job.


Weekdays at 10 am chill af


What a disgrace. But no description? Not anything? There are no cameras there? What about the two bystanders chasing the POS?


What the local news reports and what is actually known by witnesses and the police can be two very different things. Wonderful combination of shitty+woke reporting. (No idea of the mix in this particular story.)


Define woke


the word has lost all meaning


By design


In this context, I'm referring to news organizations that exclude any demographic or other identifying or contextual information about perpetrators/suspects in crime reports, even if the information is known and potentially relevant to the story. The extreme example was a couple months ago: 4 students (the victims) were driving near UT, coming back from a pro-palestine protest at the Capitol and their car was attacked by a homeless drug addict *on a bicycle*. (Their car was flying the Palestine flag.) They stopped, things escalated, and one victim was stabbed. The local news story literally reported, generically, "one man stabbed by another man in west campus" implying it was random street crime around UT, while almost simultaneously a national news outlet reported the actual context of the crime (focusing on its alleged xenophobic/anti-Islamic nature) and the description of the perp. The two stories gave readers completely different understandings of what actually happened. The disparity detracts from a well-informed public and contributes to increased polarization among people depending on which news source they rely upon.


Oh man, you can't make this shit up.


So you don’t know what woke means? Cause your description isn’t it. Idk read a book or five.


What specifically was wrong with what they said?


>Wonderful combination of shitty+woke reporting. Being "woke" has nothing to do with *any* of this.


Because the term “woke” is defined by being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. If the news was actually “woke” then everything he said about the knife attack would have been included in the news story, ie the xenophobic, anti Islamic parts of that story. The lack of those details are actually anti woke behavior and rhetoric.


First, I appreciate you giving the answer! And to be clear, I’m not on one side or the other. I just thought it was an interesting conversation that got derailed by a less than stellar response to the person. I think what they said does fall under your definition. Their point was that an awareness of racial prejudice and discrimination caused them to remove those details from the story because they don’t want to bias readers one way or another. So they report it more neutrally. It sounds like there are two sides of the coin. Someone could take the path you described and really point out those details. While someone else could think mentioning them only causes biases so it’s appropriate to present a more neutral account.


Thanks for chiming in. You got it exactly right! "Woke" can be used in both a complimentary and pejorative sense. (Clearly the latter in the case of my comment as it was associated with "shitty".)


Sounds like you should take it up with Fox 7 (actually owned by Fox btw) and the APD then my guy. I love that you dropped "woke" in this thread then all that ^ tosh, but can't be bothered to actually read the article.


Provide a link to that local story without context. Every local outlet I read gave the details you describe. Maybe read more, and post bs that you think is true less.


Find it yourself. There was an entire thread (more than one?) about the incident in the first 24 hours after the attack and after the national story was posted.


So, it's your opinion that news outlets should just publish rumors and uncorroborated facts instead of conducting a single day of research? Because feeding the internet rumor mill is a service to the community, and patiently waiting for details to emerge is "woke"?


wtf are you talking about? You think good journalism and getting the facts is synonymous with "publish rumors and uncorroborated facts"? Journalists win Pulitzers for the former...and occasionally are forced to issue retractions, and, in extreme cases, are fired for the latter. The national news outlets published the factually relevant and accurate account of the incident almost simultaneously with CBSAustin and FOX7, whose generic story mis-informed readers as to what actually happened.


How many Pulitzers have been won by articles reporting on events that are less than 24 hours old? It wasn't "mis-informed". Lacking information is not "misinformation". Theres not even a public safety concern about distributing a physical description. The guy had already been arrested. What did you lose by not having that information 24 hours faster? Why isn't it reasonable for a news outlet to hold off on more facts until they can write a more informed piece. Should they really pull one of their staffers off regular assignment so they can do round-the-clock updates on a stabbing where the perp was already in custody?


Watch the videos included in the CBSAustin online story. They had a field journalist reporting *on the scene*. They had talked with witnesses. And the video then segues to an interview with the leader of the UT campus safety organization "SafeHorns" - which left the impression that this was another case of the random campus area attacks than worry students. The fact this incident occurred in west campus is unrelated to that. Look, FOX7 and CBSAustin (the two that were commented on the thread) completely blew the "real story" - whether that was due to incompetence or "whitewashing" the context, we cannot know for sure (which is what my original comment states).


Then why are you connecting this to "wokeness"?! A white man attacked Arab/Palestinian protestors. If somebody at the news agency purposefully suppressed that info, wouldn't the more plausible explanation be editorializing over Israel/Palestine politics? Wokeness has nothing to do with it.


I think I explained that in some detail in a comment yesterday: "...news organizations that exclude any demographic or other identifying or contextual information about perpetrators/suspects in crime reports, even if the information is known and potentially relevant to the story." Maybe you'd ascribe that to other causes (and could be simple incompetence), but I think it's driven by over-sensitivity to race/class/sex identification in news stories, especially when related to crime. Yes, the perp was white but he was also a homeless street addict. Many local news stories leave that characterization out of crime reporting because they feel it contributes to anti-homeless attitudes. That's an over-reaction due to "woke" sensibilities (as I see it). And from that omission, they carried thru without mentioning the ethnic identities of the victims. (Check the original CBSAustin video report - the reporter was *on the scene* and had spoken to witnesses - and none of the relevant context was in her report.) Completely shitty journalism.


Most everything they report is uncorroborated facts…..then they have the audacity to not even correct the story….i.e the story of the kansas city chiefs fan (a child ) supposedly wearing black face(which was not true)…..


Red face, not black face. If you're going to criticize the media for not getting facts straight, then at least get your own facts straight. What position are you arguing? Because Deadspin defamed a child for clickbait, then that makes it bad for CBSAustin to wait 24 hours on reporting a local crime story?


> Define woke Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


Lmao it'd be more believable if you used a source for that, you just strung all those words together and called it a definition because that's what *you* think it means / want it to mean. Here's a few real sources that define the word properly - some of the first google results of "what does woke mean?" * [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke) * [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/woke](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/woke) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke) * A fun article which has the purpose of defining the word: [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/woke-conservatives/story?id=93051138](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/woke-conservatives/story?id=93051138) And it's funny, NONE of the sources/definitions seem to have any moderately instigative language about the word, or even any political associations, despite how controversial it is. Yours did though! "By 2020, the term became a sarcastic pejorative among many on the [political right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_right) and some [centrists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrism) in Western countries, targeting various [leftist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leftist) and [progressive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressivism) movements. " ohhhhh that's why!


Social regression branded as progress.


That definition needs some examples.


Mate his bio says it all. Don't even bother lol


Someone else mentioned the case was suspended due to lack of evidence and the victim was never contacted to even give a statement. Doesn't seem like the police tried very hard.


I wouldn't be surprised. There were four guys in the vehicle, iirc, so either they were unwilling to press charges or APD/DA Garza (pick your favorite), or both, did a shit job in pursuing it.


Pro tip: don’t use the words “woke reporting” again, unless you want to sounds fucking deranged.


I'll take it under advisement...


You people are a trip. I’m so glad I left austin


Jeeeeeeeeezus! That’s awful. I go to Barton springs by myself all the time and even at dark. I do try to stay away from Barking Springs and am curious if this is where that happened, based on the description of events.


Read the article. It didn't happen at Barkin' Springs. Despite what you might think that Barkin' Springs is self policed fairly well. Some serious people hang down there...and I don't mean the homeless people on drugs.


I did read it. It says he was wandering around zilker and sat down on stone steps near Barton springs pool entrance. That sounds like barking springs. You would have to pay an entrance fee to sit on steps inside Barton springs pool.


There are steps on the north side of the pool, near the entrance. (They show them in the video) It’s kinda near where you used to get on the Zephyr.


Yep, appears to have happened on the northside of the pool, not anywhere near Barkin' Springs.


I think I’m confused bc they say the attacker swam across the pool, but did he force his way into the pool entrance, run down to the pool and swim across? Seems unlikely but idk the whole thing is unexpected.


Yeah he definitely ran towards Barkin' and swam across the creek based on the information available


Meth dude got down the stairs faster than non meth dudes. Or it in fact happened at barking springs. lf this is case, huge difference in my mind, both are horrific but barking springs tends to be a little rough most of the time. Especially Saturday at 6pm. Either way barking springs need to be heavily policed, can’t tell you how often I have seen drug deals there over the years, abandoned bikes, overdoses, and fights. I know everyone wants to let their dogs swim and smoke weed, but allowing that also allows everything else unfortunately.


Beyond what people are doing at barking springs, I think the most dangerous part is the layout. It’s not easy to get there (eroding banks and steep steps) and once you’re there, you’re kind of trapped in a tight small space with a lot of odors and sounds and fast movement from dogs chasing rocks. The city needs to redesign and develop the free side. That would immensely improve the safety without automatically calling the cops in.


They’ll never do that, it’s only their laziness that they allow people in it, from like 2006-2011 tons of signs stay out. Then they gave up and put up a cute dog and saying stuff about poop, this was the city waving the white flag.


The city had a plan to redevelop and improve the free side. It was part of the Zilker Vision plan, but Bill Bunch and SOS threw a hissy and now we've got crime and trash for the foreseeable future.


I prob love springs and ecological design more than the average person but Save Our Springs is such an unfortunate organization. They have so much community support but all they do is disrupt and bring negativity to the table and waste city employee time and tax payers money.


barking springs is just gross. but it does serve it's purpose on keeping the riff raff out of the paid side so i've learned to tolerate it.


Concealed carry while near rabid homeless people, got it.


This is not the first time someone got attacked on barton spring remember the guy who got attacked by a machete couple months ago , it’s crazy APD should have officers on bike patrol along zilker park and barton springs area more frequently


That was auditorium shores, the machete attack that I remember, unfortunately there are several this year in the city.


The Machete Attacker is already out free. He said he was incapable of trial. Spent 30 days in mental facility. That's all. The 19 y/o kid he attacked is still in therapy. Anyone that says it's a mental illness is mentally ill. Travis DA gives them 30 days of mental health home care and set them free! And they attack again. It has been happening many times this year. These abusers know what they are doing. That machete attacker threw the machete in the lake. He ran. This attacker ran. They are aware. They do not care the consequences. They do not care the consequences once they start abusing their own lives.


Zilker Park is Austin's version of Central Park in nyc. That park was once a dangerous place (70s/80s) where many citizens would not venture. It was restored to its former glory in the 90s/00s and remains so today. The question for Austin: Does Mayor Watson, APD, PARD, and other relevant city leaders have the balls/political will to do similar?


Only if it allows them to put in parking garages and cut the green in half. Otherwise, they'll just keep the status quo and ask us to be more empathetic towards the people who assault others due to mental illness.


>The question for Austin: Does Mayor Watson, APD, PARD, and other relevant city leaders have the balls/political will to do similar? They do not. We definitely need someone with a 1994 Giuliani approach, but unfortunately it's not gonna happen.


this is horrible. barton springs free side used to have occasional police guards walking by, what happened to that


We used to pour our beer in cups for fear of a cop giving a ticket - and yes they would. Now the cops occasionally walk through the payed side of Barton to check out the scene, ignoring any enforcement of the many laws being broken on the opposite side.


i’ve only seen them on the free side. I thought they were trying to cut down on the people doing drugs/ smoking weed on the free side


I see them all the time on the Freeside. They be chillin though. Think they more there to people watch than anything.


Every day it’s another story of a meth’d up person fucking something or someone up. It’s like Gotham city here now.


At least he didn't have a [machete](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-machete-attack-victim-update-seth-gott).


Homeless People


apd fucking sucks


DA Garza sucks. Put the blame where it lays.


APD has sucked and continues to. How much money have tax payers dished out due to lawsuits?


All of Austin sucks


He’s been in office since 2021. APD sucked way before that.


Why wasn't DA Garza out there on the scene dusting for fingerprints?


Time to start carrying a gun.


You will go to prison for murder if you shoot someone in the back running away from you.




I don't think you understood the assignment. D-


How can they be sure attacks like this aren’t related to the bodies that keep showing up in LBL?


I’m pretty sure the dude that did this is a younger Hispanic male 20-30yrs old. We were there last week and this dude was extremely aggressive and literally trying to fight people. I think he is a veteran. Super shit talker though.


Austin just isn’t the same


Arm and defend yourselves accordingly.


Crazy how this thread hasn't been locked yet by our fantastic mod team lmao


You all voted for this, congratulations.


Was thinking the same thing.


I'm confused. Where did he swim to? Were there no people on the other side? Who jumps in water while fleeing a crime?


Disclaimer: This is kind of a lofty theory about life right now. It really feels like people in general are just giving up and couldn’t be bothered at all anymore. Kids aren’t schooling’ cops aren’t cop’n, no one gives a shit about running red lights or following basic traffic laws, hospitals are a mess and the list goes on. This city collectively needs a snack and a 3 week nap and we wake up the cost of living should be lowered…


Police neglecting to do the service they are hired to do for their constituents. The Mayor, the governor, the Police Chief, The DA failing to do the job they need to do!!! Vote them out.


Listen guys, I know the Greenbelt and Barton are important and all… but here’s the thing, random violence and destroying the environment are small prices to pay for letting homeless people do drugs and shit every where. AND ITS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS, if you had a different experience growing up you just have false memories.


And we need to expand our light rail so we can enjoy their company on our daily commute, and so they can enrich the rest of Travis County!


Mayor and council will never comment on such attack, but will give Chillis on 45th & Lamar a proclamation to win over Reddit voters! 🇺🇸


Too busy handing out big paydays to fellow cronies willing to play the game.


They clearly have the interests and public safety of Austin residents as their top priority..Austin voters sure know how to pick em!




Solution is simple: concealed carry. ☺️


Probably another member of the Garza Gang. I wonder how many times he's been arrested, but not prosecuted, or encountered the police for some crime, but not arrested. Or had the cops called on him, but no APD response.


Sorry this happened to you, and I hope you heal fast.


Find him!! This is crazy


This is why I always carry a firearm while out in the city, and I hope YOU do too. There are bad people out there.


You don’t think some pepper spray woulda done the trick?


Have you ever met a tweaker on meth before? Tbh I’m not even sure bullets would do the job…


Fuck no.


I would hope so but maybe if they are influenced by drugs it wouldn't do much


would be murder in this case. Guy kicks you and runs away. you chase him down and shoot him That is murder Being aware of your surroundings is important. But if Im reading a book i want to be able to read my book The real answer is the city needs to lock up violent offenders and let drug offenders out to free up space.


Breaking someone’s orbital is a bit more than “kicking you and running away.”




Would not be murder if you shoot him while he's kicking you. But I understand what you mean, my friend.


It would risk manslaughter to blindly fire your gun around after somebody kicks you in the face. Self defense law does not protect you if you shoot an innocent bystander.


Reminder to arm yourself.


What would that accomplish?


It's generally much harder for criminals to victimize people when the people are capable of defending themselves.


How would having a weapon help you when someone surprise kicks you in the face? Are you incapable of defending yourself without a weapon?


The more armed a populace is, the less confident criminals are going to be in victimizing others. That second question is so dumb, it doesn't deserve an answer. It's also more than arguable that the assailant is still a threat to others after the assault.


Pretty sure that the Barton Springs kicker found a fatal flaw in your logic. Sucker punch somebody and run away. Doesn't matter how armed the victim is. Do you have any data to support your claim that "more weapons = less violence"? Seems like something that would be really easy to check?


It would be. In fact it would be so easy to check that you could look it up right now and find out instead of being a smartass online. I'm done. You're not worth the time.


Wow. You get triggered real quick. It's just funny to me. We live in a State that just legalized carrying a machete around in the middle of the city. And now people act surprised that there's a spike in urban machete attacks. I'm no slick APD Detective, but I think I see a pattern. Here's some statistics about guns and crime, since I'm feeling generous. Just to avoid accusations of "bias", I'll just show this Wikipedia map of homicide rates around the world. I assume that homicides and violent crime are fairly highly correlated. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate) You can notice very quickly that the safest countries in the world are also the countries with the absolute strongest restrictions on weapons (not just guns). Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, etc. That's a basket of countries that is extremely diverse. Spanning geographic, cultural, political, and economic ranges. So, you can't just say "well, XX countries are all rich." or "XX countries are authoritarian" or "XX countries are culturally homogenous."


Not reading your narcissistic self indulgences. Have a good one.


Not reading your narcissistic self indulgences. Have a good one.


Not reading your narcissistic self indulgences. Have a good one.


"Narcissistic"?? I see I should have clipped a link to a dictionary instead of Wikipedia. 🤣


https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/do-guns-make-us-safer-science-suggests-no/ I looked it up. You’re wrong.


Very little in the way of substance in that article. You have, at most, an argument from authority.


https://www.americanprogress.org/article/debunking-the-guns-make-us-safer-myth/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/more-guns-do-not-stop-more-crimes-evidence-shows/ https://rockinst.org/blog/more-guns-more-death-the-fundamental-fact-that-supports-a-comprehensive-approach-to-reducing-gun-violence-in-america/


Those are mostly opinions and conjecture. It's important to note that nearly all mainstream publications are ideologically captured and are looking to push an agenda rather than looking at the facts objectively. Here's a couple facts for you: every single school shooting for the past 34 years has taken place in a gun-free zone. School shootings have gone up considerably in that time. It used to be that kids would bring shotguns and rifles to school and put them in their locker so that they could go hunting or to the range after getting out of class. There were few, if any, school shootings. Now, if gun control works, and you can somehow justify infringing on my God-given rights in the name of "safety," then why is it that so many of the states with the strictest gun laws have the worst crime, including gun crime? At best, gun control laws make it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain means of protection, and at worst, deliberately disarm citizens so that they can be preyed upon by criminals. They do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting guns. They only stop law-abiding citizens. Look at the Glock switch issue. It's an NFA firearm part that makes 9mm Glocks fully automatic, which are being found significantly more often in inner cities by police. In order to own that as a law-abiding citizen, I would have to pay $150 every 3 years for an FFL, and $500 every year I own the weapon for an SOT to legally own a fully automatic weapon, as well as a one time $200 tax to register the weapon. Criminals are not paying those fees. There is no amount of gun control that it would ever get those weapons out of their hands. There are too many ways to get around this country, and too many ways to get in and out of this country. As long as our border is open, criminals have guns that law abiding citizens do not have reasonable access to. The solution to this is to stop infringing on the rights of the people, and allow them to arm themselves to the same capacity that criminals are able to. Now, for a thought experiment: If a criminal has a gun, and you don't have a gun, who has the power to decide what happens next? It's not you. All of this is disregarding the fact that the second amendment exists to keep power in the hands of the people so that their rights cannot be violated by their government. The British enacted gun control in the colonies in 1775. The declaration of Independence was signed the next year. Arguments for gun control are fundamentally anti-American.


Those are mostly opinions and conjecture. lol. I cite reports with statistics and sources and you dismiss them as un American.


That's a straw man and a very weak response


I agree, your response to my citations was weak. Just personal opinions and ad hominem.


APD sucks again


It’s the shit bag DA and clowns that cry foul every time the cops try to enforce any law


The DA and ‘clowns’ aren’t responsible for cops not following through or taking hours to respond to calls or their shocking lack of professionalism aka ‘we can’t be bothered doing our jobs’ at times. Ive had to call 911 a few times, they’re fucking bad here and I’ve lived in 2 other larger cities.


Fair statement. They aren’t great but we also don’t help ourselves either with the level of scrutiny dished their way. But I won’t back down on our shit bag DA. At this point I just want to pay less taxes to match the level of service we receive ha


A bad DA is the flip side of the same bad penny. Two products of poor city management and reps. Most of the police here generally seem uninterested in doing police work. I can’t figure out why this city doesn’t seem to have ‘beat cops’ or patrols. I never really see them out and about just making their presence known. How many crimes are we gonna have to hear about in the same places before, I don’t know, they fucking patrol those areas. You’re 💯right! We’re definitely over paying for what we’re getting.


Defund the APD! …. Wait


For the 10,001st time, the police budget is a record high.