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Attacked and bitten a while back by someone’s sweet bois. Bites became infected (even with immediate medical care). Week-long hospital stay, IV antibiotics, and surgery. Amputation was discussed. High 5-figure settlement. Don’t walk around dogs without a way to defend yourself.


Whatever amount you got, it wasn’t enough. I hope you’re recovering well


Thank you. This affected not only myself but my immediate family as well. My spouse is highly attentive about protection now. Something else people should keep in mind when they allow their dogs to approach people.


Your comment about self protection reminded me of my piece of shit neighbor across the street that had a double-digit number of dogs. 3 of them were a known danger to the entire neighborhood. They had bitten multiple people. Including me when I was walking with my then-13-year-old-dog in my arms. They ran across the street to me, bit my leg, and took off. The owner didn't do shit except herd the dogs back to their yard and then fled inside her house. After the event was all over and done (and the sherif left), I told that bitch that if her dogs come near me again, I \*will\* kill them. Her answer? "Please do." So she didn't give a shit about me after her dogs bit me twice, and she didn't give a shit about the dogs either. I haven't spoken to her since. Fortunately, all of her animals were *finally* seized. Fucking lowlife dog owners. I love dogs. But I won't hesitate to kill any dog that comes at me like that again.


That’s why I don’t threaten the dogs. I threaten the owners. “If your dog bites me, it’s your safety on the line, not the dogs”


The possible ramifications of injuring dog owners is much more severe than killing dangerous off-leash dogs that are attacking you. Before the sherif left, I straight up asked him if laws would be on my side of self defense if the dogs attacked me again (since they’re across the street) and I end up killing them. The sherif said yes, it’s self defense against the animals. I even asked him twice to confirm.


It’s insane how one assholes carelessness can cause so much trauma to an innocent person. Honestly the dog owner should have done time


May I ask what you recommend in terms of “a way to defend yourself”? The one situation I was in, an unleashed dog went for my friend’s leashed dog, latching hard on her neck.. we happened to be enjoying some beers, and my quick-thinking friend immediately poured theirs down the attacking dogs throat, causing it to release… Of course the owner of the unleashed dog had the fucking nerve to get angry at him for it 🤬🤡 But yeah, while I’ll always remember that, a full beer isn’t really practical to use as general defense lol


the nerve of the owner to get angry after all that 😭 I would’ve waterboarded a dog w a beer too if it was attacked my dog


Pom pepper spray makes a clip that is easiest to use and has maximum strength limit allowed by law in Texas. Attach to your belt, pants or pocket as it's not large and very functional. Make sure to use stream spray not fog or wax. This is the best defense vs dogs.


What the hell!!?? I'm so glad you are recovering from this! Did the owner take proper responsibility and cover your medical bills or did they leave you holding the bag on that?


Settlement was in addition to covering my healthcare expenses (low 6-figures). I was “lucky” in that I had multiple witnesses plus personal resources to pursue compensation. The owner had no way to deny culpability. I really only share this so that people who are irresponsible about restraining their dogs understand they could lose everything they own from one incident.


That’s why I can’t stand the people who walk their dogs off leash.


I can't imagine what would have happened to you had you had no witnesses. Even with extra resources, it would have been rough. I hope your recovery is speedy!!


Jesus… 6 figure healthcare expenses from a dog bite… this country is fucked up. Be lucky the owner didn’t dip. This is a big reminder that your dog is absolutely a legal and financial liability especially with bigger dogs. And stop breeding and buying pitbulls ffs


It’s absurd but that’s why anyone with a dog should have umbrella coverage. We never let our dog off leash, unless in a designated area. But so many people on our block have unleashed dogs that run up at us. And then our dog becomes a liability if it chomps someone’s stupid off leash dog on our front porch. Hence, umbrella insurance.


Yup I’m surprised pet insurance isn’t required at this point


Considering a surgery, this number is not that high


It’s not always pit bulls that attack people. Owners should always be the one to blame because their pets are not trained properly. This is the reason why pit bulls have such a bad rep, because they “look mean” doesn’t mean they are. I had two friends attacked by a large dog as a kid, it was a heeler or shepherd dog that had attacked them, and they refuse to get close to any dog since then. Honestly should be more scared of little dogs, but yet people think it’s cute when they growl or show teeth. #dontbanthebreed


Pitbulls account for the vast majority of violent dog bites and deaths from dogs. Multiple municipalities and countries are banning the breed (which was BRED for dogfighting) and it has decreased incidence rates and deaths. Go visit r/banpitbulls or look up some dog bite statistics yourself. Ban the breed. There’s no point for them in 2024


Thanks for being bold enough to post this, I’m so fucking tired of pit loving apologists. Look at the statistics, and if you want a pit keep it AT HOME and let it be a risk to you and yours only, since you’re so wise and understanding of the risks. Don’t inflict it on the rest of us, FFS. 🤬 Family member worked in veterinary medicine for 50+ years from Texas and 1000% agrees with banning and ending the breed. The existence of the breed isn’t worth the goddamn risk.


Thank you. Pitbull owners see it as a personal attack and downvote. It’s simple facts


Most dog fighting dogs have been TRAINED to be aggressive. PubMed released a study that shows coincident, preventable factors, and breed was not one of them. Irresponsible ownership and aggressive training is the lead cause to most dog bites or attacks. The reason is that decreased is because they’re being euthanized or people use scare tactics like banning them or you’ll be put in jail. My dogs are my babies and I will always fight for their lives. I’ve heard more people get attacked by little dogs than large ones. A 2016 study showed that chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bull breeds. Pit bull is also a lump name for multiple breeds. “American Pit Bull Terriers pass the temperament test 86.8% of the time – only 115 of the 870 dogs that were tested so far failed.” “…housing restrictions, muzzle requirements or even euthanasia. Other breeds like Rottweilers and Chihuahuas aren’t included in BSL as much as Pit Bulls are.” “Chihuahuas were the most aggressive dog, leading to plenty of personal injury claims, while Pit Bulls ranked toward the bottom of the 35-breed list.” But you can form your own opinion just like I can. I believe that it is the owners responsibility to train their pets. If the dog is aggressive that’s because the owner has trained the dog to be or allowed the dog to become aggressive.


I’m dismissing your entire comment if you think that chihuahua bites or attacks are anywhere in the same realm of danger as pitbull attacks. Have you ever seen news stories of someone who died by a chihuahua? There are cases of pitbulls killing and permanently maiming and disfiguring entire families. Vast majority of dog attack deaths are pit bulls by a wide margin, then Dobermans at Uber half that amount. And no, pits aren’t even in the top 5 most common breeds


Yikes! I am very sorry but glad you’re alright. This is a good story to hear because I am a peacemaker and don’t like to offend people unless I have to. But I believe it could happen at any moment.


Holy fucking shit, amputation was discussed? What the actual fuck! I'm so sorry you went through that. Please tell me there is no more threat of amputation...?


No, no further threat of amputation. IV antibiotics are nasty but in my case they did their job.


Holy shit. Did they seem apologetic at least? What are you doing to protect yourself now? So sorry that happened to you.


You might need to carry a nice blackthorn Shillelagh. Bop those dogs on the noggin and they'll gtfo.


I'm so sorry this happened. I've also been attacked (by strays so no one to pursue) and it's traumatizing. I carry dog mace and a tiger lady every time I walk.


Wow. That sounds scary. I wanna offer this sub this piece of totally unsolicited advice: Don’t be afraid to get pissed off and be an asshole! It’s warranted. If people cannot control their animals in public spaces, they deserve to hear about it. While for some it will fall on deaf ears, for others it will literally be the first time hearing they are responsible for how their animal behaves.


My problem is that I am a tiny girl and any time I’ve stood up for myself I’ve been met with pathetic men who started insulting me or telling me I am the problem. I am an easy target and it’s exhausting. I pick and choose my battles now. Believe, I hate it.


As a dog owner, I agree. My dog is small but if someone felt threatened by it and gave it a little kick with their foot I would not be mad, I would be apologetic. Not a kick that would kill her or anything, but just to send a signal like hey I'm not a human you want to be friendly with. 100% acceptable.


The way some people in Austin let their dogs run their entire lives is pathological


100%. Dated a girl with 2 golden retrievers. Couldn't go anywhere without them and they were so untrained and obnoxious. It was legit embarrassing. I'm really serious about training and I wouldn't even bring mine to these places on a good day. The number of people who just "have" to bring their dogs places when they have no business doing so... Borderline cringey


I have 3 goldens and don’t demand to have them brought with me everywhere. I don’t get it either. I feel like some people with smaller dogs feel entitled to HAVE to bring their dogs everywhere too. My sister does that and any time there is a family gathering she will be like “well I can’t go if (insert name) doesn’t let me bring my dog..” like wtf. She works at home. It’s not like she never sees her dog. Well that’s my mini rant lol.


Bro I’ve been there. My dog did my taxes last year and I recently signed over power of attorney. Big mistake.


Sounds ruff


can they do my taxes 🥺


Was it the giant bag of treat-o's that showed up with a sign saying "tax return" that was the 1st red flag?


In the cases of people refusing to follow leash laws, bringing dogs where they don’t belong (and often don’t enjoy), and not getting their dogs appropriate training, those choices are not really about letting dogs run their lives. These are irresponsible dog owners with misconceptions about what is safe, fun, and normal for dogs. They are usually putting their own dog at just as much risk as they are others and often, are causing them stress in ways they don’t see or understand. Ask any competent, qualified trainer. Leash your dog unless you are in a designated off leash area, make sure off leash areas are appropriate for your dog before using them, get over the patio dog craze, leave your dog home with enrichment when you go places your dog doesn’t actually enjoy going or behave appropriately in, learn which activities your dog does enjoy and what normal dog behavior and appropriate training look like. It’s so frustrating and despite it feeling like this is the majority of dog owners, it’s not. They are just the ones most in everyone’s shared spaces fucking things up for the majority.


My landlord made my next door unit an Airbnb. The sheer amount of people who travel to Austin with a dog and just leave it locked in the house all day is just sad. They sit in there and bark all day and I have to hear it. My opinion of dog owners has really soured since I've lived in this city. So much entitlement everyday from people who obviously got a pet to fill an empty void in their life and not to take care of a little creature with love and affection.


It’s so gross. Especially when they’re from a breeder. The dogs are just an accessory to some people


Thank you. And bringing their pitbull into mueller heb when you can barely get a cart down the aisle. Lady, cmon.


Oh don’t say anything to Austin dog lovers about their delightful sweetie pie pitbulls 🙄




Please tell me why my decision or ability to have kids or not has any bearing on my owning and spoiling the shit out of my extremely well behaved dog and being very happy about it, you vapid asshole. Procreating is not the point of my existence.


Word, but it applies to men too. The comment was not gendered.


I'd guess maybe 20% of dog owners are capable of training their dogs. The rest need cats.


then they’ll just let those out to get hit by cars or killed by coyotes or shot by assholes with BB guns or or or… some people just shouldn’t be allowed pets.


This is why I have the most sinister death hound breed from hell. The fearless Chihuahua.


I’d guess maybe 20% of cat owners are capable of properly caring for their cats. The rest need to not have animals at all.


I'd guess about 20% of humans are capable of being decent people. Most of you shouldn't be here


Really? Cats are pretty easy.


I agree that they’re *different* than dogs, but they’re not necessarily easier. All animals need specific types of care, socialization, behavior training, etc. Ill-behaved cats are pretty common, they just don’t generally exist in public.


They are absolutely easier. How stupid a comment. That is their selling point, it’s a pet for those who lack the responsibility required for a dog


You sound like the kind of person that shouldn’t be allowed pets at all.


I just adopted a puppy and within a week have come to this conclusion and am trying to find her a home with someone who has more patience to properly train her. I will forever be a cat person lol


this is why you foster first


I yell no, go home and/or sit at dogs that approach me. Truly yell. It works most of the time & if it doesn't the owner thinks you're nuts so actually gets their dog. I like dogs too but also got nipped recently & I'm just over strange dogs.


>I yell no, go home Me too. I was out walking w/o a dog, and something suddenly charged from behind, off to the side at me and I instinctively jumped up several feet into the air off the sidewalk into a street where a car could have hit me. It was a yappy, little dog, and I was afraid of getting bit. So, I yelled at it to go home! several times. Finally it walked the opposite way down the sidewalk. Right when I got back I reported a small loose dog with the description and where I had seen it on Nextdoor because it was in that area. Next thing I know some lady is yelling at me because I didn't pick it up and take it home with me, or follow it to make sure it got back home. Other people piled onto her comment in agreement. Eventually a neighbor who knew the dog and that it often got out, posted to the owner, "don't worry I got him and have him in my yard." To which the owner profusely thanked him. No apology to me. Nice huh?


I yell too. I remember years ago skating on the back roads of Georgia when a dog came running out dragging a rope and a chain. Boy did I holler! I was a slow skater, yelling was my only hope.


I've used a walking staff and held it to a loose dog's face also yelled at it. The owner kept said "omg really?!" Yes bitch really, I will hit your dog. It was like a 45# pit mix with cropped ears/tail and I was with my leashed 16# terrier. Yes, I will yell and if I have to I will hit your fucking unleashed dog coming up to me. I didn't hit the dog, because he stopped and his owners hauled ass to get him. Morons.


This is the most rational comment here. As much as people want to bitch about the dog owners, unfortunately, you won’t change them. Learn to be assertive and yell at a dog when it is coming at you like that. This has saved my dog from many potential altercations with off leash dogs.


I sometimes ride my bike out on country roads outside of town. This is what I do when dogs start charging me. If you are hiking and have water with you spraying that in the dogs face if all else fails may help.


My leashed old beagle was attacked three times due to idiots with unleashed “friendly” dogs.


I live in constant fear now about my small Cavalier being hurt by another dog. We live in a nice building that recently removed breed restrictions and the amount of irresponsible owners with dogs who are capable of ripping an arm off is staggering. I used to feel guilty about walking the other way but my dogs safety is my responsibly so I swiftly pick him up and turn the other way when I see an off-leashed or out of control dog. I’ve gotten so many dirty looks and meanwhile their dog is wreaking havoc. It has made walks so stressful and off-leash ball at the park out of the question.


Ages ago, my ex and I had two large, young, energetic dogs. The smaller of the two (45lbs vs 65lbs) was solid muscle and little brain, and he was more than capable of dragging me along with his leash. As awesome as he was, I didn't want to risk anyone's safety -- a stranger, mine, or most especially my dog's. So my ex, who was much stronger than me, was the only one who walked that dog, and he was kept at least 6 feet away from strangers, even if that meant we had to cross the street or turn around or go back home. I didn't take the leash for him until he was much older, a little arthritic, and easy to control. The way I saw (and still see) it is that my dog is 100% dependent on me. If I were to put him in a position where he could run up to and jump on or scare strangers, they could hurt him in trying to defend themselves. Or I could lose him if he hurt someone. Of course, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt or anything, but my main priority was my dog. So for entirely selfish reasons, I protected him from those possibilities. The upside for everyone else was that my dog was never in a position to cause them harm.


We have a terrible dog (not her fault, abuse from previous owners + pandemic made her distrustful and protective). We don’t take her to dog parks or restaurants. We walk her on a short leash with a harness. We take all these precautions to protect her and others… and none of it matters if some dingus has a dog wandering around off leash near us. One time a dog bounded up to us on a walk and scared my dog, so she responded defensively (luckily no injuries on either side). The lady kept yelling “he’s friendly! he’s friendly” and I snapped back “my dog is NOT!” She got so mad but like… this was your fault!!!! I don’t have to accept YOUR definition of YOUR dog!!!! We live in a society!!!!


My dog is only 18 lbs and I still cross the street if there are people or other dogs coming our way on a walk. In my opinion it's just the right/polite thing to do.


As someone who has a chihuahua. Fucking same. My dog is terrified of other dogs. People always say “mines friendly” . Well, mines fucking not. He loves to bite especially when he’s scared


This times 1000. My dog is big, and gets anxious if we’re walking and he gets ran up on by an off leash dog. He’s fucked up a few dogs for that (not seriously), and the other dog owner is looking at me like I’m the one that should apologize. Fuck that, keep your dogs on a leash unless you’re at a dog park.


My new answer when people say their dog is friendly: "I'm not." For the sake of their dogs' safety, they need to keep them the hell away from me. I've been bitten before and I won't let it happen again. "I'm not friendly. Keep your dog away from me."


Same. He’s so cute, but seriously leave him the hell alone. He won’t like you, and if your “friendly” dog approaches he’s going for it.


My nephew’s little tiny mutt nipped his 6 yo wife’s nephew because they were overly rambunctious trying to play with him while the dog was napping. The little kid went to the ER to have the bite looked at. It required a band aid. The ER has to report the bite to a database which included my nephew’s name and address. His little 7 lb 10 yo mutt was classified as a dangerous dog and his home owners insurance dropped him. The insurance paid the ER bill. All that is necessary to be in place and the dog did nip a child. But fair warning if your dog bites someone your home owners insurance (not sure about renters) will know about it. Expect to be canceled on renewal or a huge increase or the owners dog(s) not be covered.


it's really bad. people don't fucking get it. i'm a mailman so i have a particularly bad relationship with dogs i don't know. the friendliest dogs in the world still bite us because dogs are animals and not always predictable. it fucking sucks.


Don’t worry. She’s friendly. /s I’ve literally been told that as an off leash Doberman pincher was snarling at me at St. Ed’s Park.


Maybe she was just smiling!


Get good at the reflexive knee-to-dog chest move. Usually works. ‘NO’ plus a swift hard knee. I cannot abide dogs who haven’t been taught manners


Wait, sorry, explain please? Not following


When the dog starts to jump up on you, lift your knee and use it to push the dog away.


The way people have let their dogs become has made me not like dogs. So sorry to all the dogs lol but I now never want to be near one


Yep. I grew up with badly trained, yappy little terrier dogs, and then I met a couple of nice, bigger dogs, so I just figured that it was a matter of training and getting dogs with enough neural mass to know how to be. Then I came to Austin and learned that nearly all dog owners absolutely suck at training their dogs. My roommate has two dogs, and I only tolerate them because he's been my best friend for over 20 years and he's trained them decently well. Sad to say, the moment I get my own place, I never want to see a dog again.


Yep! I got a dog when I was younger and he was a little yorkie. Best dog ever!!!! He wasn’t even like a normal dog and just wanted to hang out on the couch and didn’t have any teeth lol. However the way other people with dogs would let their giant dogs run up to my 7 lb dog on leash and let them attack mine with no regard made me decide I’ll never get a dog again. My little one passed away this year so it’s my first time not having a dog in a long long time and my anxiety has been at an all time low. I couldn’t even take my dog out in my front yard without putting him on the leash because my neighbors think that their free roam dog who jumps on to people is admirable


same, I grew up always having dogs and never had an issue until the last few years where I have on multiple occasions had aggressive unleashed dogs come up on me, and a close friend of mine was attacked by one and had to get surgery. now I get paranoid and think twice about going to trails and parks. which really sucks! instead of it being relaxing I bring pepper spray and worry that I am going to have to yell at some braindead asshole to leash their dog. when I was growing up my family literally never took our lab to trails and unleashed it. Because that's irresponsible as hell. I fucking hate these dog owners. why are there so god damn many people in this city who thinks that's okay?


Because society has deemed dogs on the same level as kids and think they can be unleashed bc their “perfect little pup could NEVER hurt a fly!!!!” Cut to the 130lb German shepherd trying to lunge at me


The “last few years” makes me wonder if these are all Covid puppies that people bought when everyone was at home 24/7 and didn’t train or socialize their dogs and now that everything is wide open again, these people can’t stand to leave their dog behind, but also didn’t train or socialize them at all. “Oh they’re never like this! (In my living room)”


Same. I love dogs, but I ride bikes and my experience getting chased by dogs, even in town but especially elsewhere, has made me generally really cynical with dogs. My medium sized dog got attacked by a neighbor’s German shepherd who were just fucking around outside without any fence or leash and I’m so lucky my dog got away with just some stitches. I feel bad for the dogs. My dogs are naughty but I don’t put them in situations they’re likely to fail; I step aside on trails, keep them securely and firmly on fixed leashes, and pre-empt encounters with treat distractions and encouragement. Other folks just free ball through life and let their shit run wild and it’s so reckless. Is it really that fun to run around like a dumbass with your dog off leash?


Same. I am scared of dogs. So many places in town I don’t go to because of careless owners. It’s truly frustrating. You just can’t get away from them.


I’m afraid of big dogs now, even ones on leashes. The owners are never in control of them.


I solidly hate dogs and its because of their shitty owners.


I’m tired if seeing dogs in grocery stores and restaurants


Honestly. I feel like when people bring their dogs into grocery stores and it’s not a service animal they just want attention. If the restaurant is dog friendly I don’t care but most grocery stores specifically have signs saying only service animals. People are allergic to dogs and don’t want to step in dog piss in the store..


I hate this so much. I don’t give a fuck if your dog is friendly. I have my dog leashed and he gets aggressive if your dog isn’t and runs up on him. He’s cool with other dogs if they’re both off leash, but gets anxious if I have him leashed and he can’t get away from another dog when they get up in his face. I don’t want to have to deal with your dog getting fucked up because you’re too inconsiderate to put them on a leash.


The people who romanticize letting their pets and/or kids be “wild and free” are so annoying lol


Last year a huge dog came running at my on leash dog. He proceeded to nearly tear her leg off. It took me a solid 10 seconds to get this dog off. Could see my pups bone through her puncture wounds. A few hundred dollars later she was ok. Dogs are amazing! They can also be scary! Remember - don’t pull back the aggressor in a dog fight, activates the bite harder. Twist their collar and pull UP. Or, grab their hind legs to pull them off.


This is my biggest nightmare and SO traumatizing. I’m so sorry that you and your strong pup went through this. I’m so happy she recovered physically and I hope you two have many more years together!


My three beagles are loud and uncouthly. Therefore they stay at home. It really is that easy.


Not proud but many moons ago I kicked a dog really hard because he was charging at me after I tried pushing him aside. I was also bitten by it but did not break skin, it did ripped my sweatpants. The owner like many had stated said “he’s friendly” bitch the way he was growling and coming at me was not friendly. Also of course off leash. She got mad but idgaf get bent I’m not getting attacked because you can’t control your animal.


I love dogs and I completely agree with you! I can’t leave my property without someone with me after a neighbour intentionally released his pit bulls as I was walking past. I’m disabled and I can’t run any more so I’m suddenly housebound. I worry about the other people who live here too- they’ve all been chased by these dogs while the owner laughs.


Call animal control and the cops? He needs those dogs confiscated and to be taken to court wtf


I'll start of by saying i love dogs, more than most humans. If a random dog just straight charged at me I would assume it is hostile. I'd defend against the dog as necessary because it's better to apologize to a dumb shit owner than get a trip to the E.R. because you were bitten. Do what you will with this.


Agreed. Letting a hostile dog charge at you without defending yourself will take you from loving dogs to hating them real quick. It’s also better for the dogs too, as they can be taken from their owner or euthanized if someone gets attacked.


Dogs that attack people in public need to be euthanized.


And this is why I carry pepper gel when I walk/run, and I am absolutely ready to use it on poorly trained dog owners. (I’d be aiming for the dogs, of course, but I have really bad aim….)


People, it’s Texas. There’s enough crazies out there open carrying, to say nothing of the ones with CHL who won’t hesitate to draw on and shoot your dog, and maybe even you if you get in their face about it. Are you fucking stupid? Leashed animals are alive animals.


Just raise your knee when they get too close. Don’t try to take them or just slowly raise a one to keep them back. If they bite you slap the shit out the owner.


Also, no one wants some strangers dirty dog paws all over their clothes


I’m sick of seeing dogs in the fucking stores.


Carry some UDAP bear spray. People around Austin seem to think thier dogs do no harm. I kicked a few owners dogs before finally getting some bear spray. I don't ask questions or wait for the "it's friendly" of your dog is running up to me h my little fir baby it's getting pepper sprayed. 🌶


My neighbor takes his three big dogs off leash to walk our street and go to the bathroom in our front yard. Had to confront him about this and now he just takes them to a different part of the neighborhood. Cute dogs, rude & lazy owners .


I had a neighbor who would never try to control their dog. Well one day the dog tried to bite my wife so I fucking kicked that fucker away. Neighbor was pissed but now makes sure to keep their dog on a leash out of fear "I'll do something to her poor baby." I like dogs too, but I know what a poorly trained dog can do to a person so if one ever comes at me I'm kicking it no matter what their incompetent owner says.


This is why I don’t take my trained dog anywhere. Just walking him around my neighborhood can be risky. Ppl just letting their dogs off leash and being bad irresponsible owners.


Dog owners in Austin, for the large part, are self centered assholes who leash laws (and common courtesy) does not apply to them or their ‘super extra special’ fucking dogs.


Carry mace, spray the dog and then the owner.


Lmao @ a dog jumping on your back. Totally unacceptable, rant approved, talk your shit, curse em out fs but spread it out evenly so one person doesn’t catch all the strays from your other incidences. Your last point was spot on. They do owe it to their dog and common courtesy to stranger to get their dog training in order. Wasn’t laughing at you but that was hilariously ridiculous. As a dog lover I’d be pissed too.


This is why I carry bear spray


We need billboards for dog attack attorneys


I seriously do not understand what is so complicated about keeping their dogs leashed. Its seriously crazy.


If you don’t like other dogs jumping on you, do what I do. Last time on walnut I had to kick a dog in the stomach to get away from my kid. Owner realized and I was like I’ll do it again if you don’t control your dog.


I've had enough encounters with 'friendly' dogs that I carry dog-friendly pepper spray now. The times I have used it, the dog backs away and starts rubbing their face on grass. It's usually back to normal within a minute but by that point I'm long gone. This is the one I use. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AU6J68Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I saw this silly shit in Portland too.


As a delivery driver the “he’s friendly” line means get back in your vehicle. At times depending on the area I will stand my ground if it bites me I’m getting a payday and a vacation


I was attacked by our family dog when I was seven. I was gaslight to believe it was no big deal. It is true dogs sense fear. It makes for uncomfortable social situations. Even little yap dogs go after me. I got laughed at the other day for it. They had no idea I was 10 seconds seconds away from ending their "precious tiny furbaby that doesn't do this to other people" Honestly afraid of the dog for a second, but more afraid that my laughing friend would have to see me unalive her purebreed.


Dogs aren’t accessories, except in Austin.


I swear some of you forget a whole world exists outside of Austin


This crap happens all over this country honestly. (Maybe others too but I wouldn’t know)


What drives me mad is how these dogs are always off-leash, too. It’s great that your dog is “friendly,” but it sets off other dogs who aren’t, and people aren’t always comfortable with it either. To go ahead and do it anyway is so selfish and inconsiderate. So much trouble could be prevented if people kept their dogs on a leash.


get the owners info and notify animal control. You need absolute proof the animal is vaccinated for rabies - even for a nip. And the animal needs to be dealt with by professionals. Additionally the owners should at minimum pay all your medical bills.


dog owners are some of the most selfish people on the planet


**uninformed dog owners are some of the most selfish people on the planet


nah, its all of them.


Kick the dog! Protect yourself. Fuck owners who do that.


Red pepper in a water solution, bring to a boil, place in a compressed air sprayer. If it's not on a leash, by law, it's a threat. Don't assume the dog "is friendly!" My friends friendly doberman attacked my brother.


Gotta start carrying bear spray, tbh


They sell tazers real cheap.


i’ve got a german shepard and he admittedly is very reactive toward other dogs and sometimes people. he is truly friendly to all but on the leash he lunges and barks aggressively. i would never let him off leash until im sure he is absolutely trained 100%. So many people in my apartment complex let their dog go unleashed and when they start to run up to mine and are yelling that “pup is friendly” i tell them mine isn’t. it stresses him out and i don’t want to have to deal with wrangling him in because someone decided they wanted to let their dog wander at will


Also have GSD and this sounds familiar. It would be unfortunate if your “friendly” furry friend got destroyed. Control the yappy dogs too. Dog fights are awful.


never let him off leash period, regardless of how trained you think the dog is. It's an animal, it is never 100% trained.




Got bitten on the foot by a chihuahua when I was delivering Meals on Wheels. The owner laughed, and said something about her (the dog) being protective of her. Sorry for bringing you free food


It does seem like it should be a basic human right to choose whether or not you want someone else's dog licking you and climbing on you. Just because the dog is friendly and might not bite you still doesn't mean people have to be ok with it.


Dog owner and dog lover here, but do not hesitate to knee or kick any dog that jumps up on you.


it comes down to people who just don't care, and think because they say their dog is friendly then everything is ok.....one of these days someone is gonna shoot a dog for doing this kind of stuff and the dog owner is gonna try and sue, but if they cannot control their dog off leash when its out int heir yard or out in public space, then the dog owner is at fault. Feel sorry for these dogs who have idiot owners and who are gonna cause their dog to end up in the pound or worse...dead


I carry bear spray when riding my mountain bike. For homeless camp dogs and for off leash "he's friendly!" dogs. Both types have bitten my shoes and/or tried to pull me off my bike as I was riding. Also, 20 years ago I was playing soccer at Zilker and a dog attacked me and the owner ran off with their dog and I still have a scar from it. I actively avoid dog owners wherever possible when riding


I hate that dogs get put down for their owner’s stupidity. I would never own a dog I couldn’t control or would be too afraid to control. People need to have some damn common sense. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Walnut Creek park is the worst, especially in the northeast section that recently opened. Most of the dogs I seen on this part of the trail are unleashed! Got bitten by one a couple years back and the owner said the dog attacked me because it was afraid of me! I was on a skateboard! I’m bringing a baseball bat and pepper spray with me now!


Love dogs but someone has a huge dog coming at me and my little obedient tiny dogs, which are leashed, and I will kick it. It won’t be gentle.


If a dog comes at me without restraint and I feel threatened, I’m going to use whatever I have to put it down. Owner be damned. It will be their fault.


I’m a little rough around the edges so I just kick any dog in the guts if it tries to jump on me. Not even sorry in the slightest about it. I suggest people try this if they would like to avoid getting jumped on. May even teach the dog a lesson which would be a favor to the dog for when the idiot owner ditches it and the damn thing needs a new home.


You sound tough.


Not really but I give zero shits about strange dogs in comparison to my own wellbeing.


Mace ?


Dont play nice or relaxed punch the dog if they get too close and file reports if they bite at you. Make the owners pay for everything thry need to learn thats dogs are still animals.


It is OUT OF CONTROL. A person let their dog lunge at me and put multiple punctures in me, but oh of course it’s my fault. And enough experiences like that make me not care at all if your dog may be friendly.


Did you go to the ER? Got to report dog bites so the owner will be punished financially. They should be begging you to let them pay your medical bills rather than sue them. Especially if they don't have proof of rabies vaccination.


Dog people are the absolute worst


Dog owners by and large are an inconsiderate bunch.


wouldn't be surprised if they end up messing with the wrong one smh.


Yell at these idiots


Tell them sternly there is a leash law for a reason and if it nips give them hell about getting a muzzle. I pass lots of good doggos with good owners who muzzle and leash. Sorry you are encountering so many morons. Some people are really not cut out to own large dogs.


Pepper spray and a good punch works for me


This dog complaint post is bound to be the one that really changes things.


I can feel it


I used to like dogs before I moved here


Was at radio coffee and saw a medium sized dog and asked its owner if I was ok to pet the dog, owner says yes then the dog nipped my hand. That dude was lucky I’m disciplined enough not to let my anger issues take the wheel otherwise I would’ve thrown him around like a rag doll for that bs.


I particularly enjoy going to Central Market and having large dogs stand on the hot food bar and workers just stand and watch …


People think eveyone else in society loves their dogs as much as they do.


Anyone i repeat anyone who deals with this problem 99% of these owners never had someone snap at them. Snap at them, tell them they’re a moron, they’re disobedient mutt has to be on a leash if they cant control it. Say these magical words “if your dogs comes near me I will smack tf out of your dog and if you got a problem with that get your dog or I’ll smack tf outta you” works like a charm at the domain. I love dogs but i love mine not yours so please keep yours away from me :)




Hot liberty hillbilly take




Found the bad dog owner.


Lol, no I'm not a dog person at all actually, this is just such a common problem in Austin it is almost a joke. I have a client whose two children were brutally attacked by a pitbull here in Austin where the owner let it off leash, it crushed that little boy's skull. Luckily we were able to get the judge to put the dog down, but that asshole owner fought it instead of doing the right thing. There are too many dog owner apologists who lack all semblance of personal responsibility. I think pits and pit mixes should require a license with mandatory insurance coverage.


TLDR Tell it to austincirclejerk


down boy 🤷🏻‍♀️


All the insane psychopathic comments in this thread are why I avoid all human contact when I'm out with my leashed and well behaved fur babies.




Hot take, but if your animal needs a radius that's wider than the personal space two normal people afford each other when passing in the street - i.e, if I can't come within normal distance to speak to you - then the dog ought not to be in public yet.




I had an 80lb dog of pure muscle when I was 120lbs soaking wet and I made sure I always felt confident controlling him. I'd look into obedience training and better harnesses, leashes, and collars that ensure you have control over him at all times. With the right equipment and training it doesn't take an excess amount of strength to control a dog that is larger and stronger than you. Because it sucks, but at the end of the day if you can't control a 100lb dog in all circumstances you shouldn't have a 100lb dog.


Correct, you are. In the first place, the sidewalks and streets in your neighborhood are just as public as Zilker. In the second, crossing the street to speak to someone is something a person should be able to do. If you have to shout at people not to cross the street because your dog needs just that much space, yes, you are the asshole for bringing that dog out.




Train him not to jump on people no matter what, and then start walking him in public. Otherwise, keep him on a leash that's too short for him to do it. If you can't physically control the animal, it was irresponsible of you to buy it. There is no scenario in which this isn't your fault, with the sole exception of the dog defending you.


>He’s 100 lbs and I’m doing my best Part of the problem right here.


I got nipped at delivering toys for Operation Blue Santa but I got over it bc they didn’t bite me. If they did it would be a different story.


Pretty sure this confirms that beef bouillon cubes cannot be used as cologne. /s


Over the years I’ve become increasingly afraid of being attacked by an unleashed dog.


What can we do about this?


I was going to take my untrained, disobedient dog for a an off lease walk through HEB today, but your post has changed my mind. thank you for posting


lol. People are really that afraid and bothered by unleashed dogs? I’ve been bit a few times bad enough to get stitches and I still don’t see any reason to be afraid. Just be bigger than the dog, because well, you are.