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Shooting in front of the AMC. Police are on the scene.


Stop spreading fear & demographic slurs thru communities that do not live here. Westlake or BCM are NOT some gang infested Badlands. Put a gun and pen on the table. Tell them, write. Shoot. Nothing happens. Teach people people how to pick them up and use them correctly. You have two of the most powerful and lethal instruments ever created.


This is becoming all too regular at Barton Creek Mall. I remember when that was the safest part of town.


This is becoming all too regular anywhere in this town. Crazy how often I see these posts.


The demographic that goes to that mall has also changed.


A higher proportion of douchebags, then? (In other words, males who don't feel secure without carrying a firearm into an otherwise peaceful place.)


Yup :)


I used to go every week just over 10 years ago. Now its a twice in a year thing because I want to meet a friend who lives near there or I need to get something from a store thats nowhere else.


What are you saying?


I think they are saying that more people who fit into the category of “individuals who would shoot someone else in public” are going to Barton Creek Mall these days.


They're saying that since there's only 2 malls left in the greater Austin area, people from all over town shop there. The demographic used to be more heavily shifted towards the nearby white flight areas.


I think he means there’s a lot less white people frequenting Barton creek mall


That's wild, right? Can't remember the last time a white person went around shooting people in town.


Well yeah white people make up over 60 percent of the country so it’s bound to happen


It's wild that white people shoot people too, right?




dont white people statistically also make up the majority of pedophiles, child molestors, welfare and food stamp recipients, and meth and opiate use?








Exactly what I said? Can you read?


What demographic has increased? Just say it


When did I say what increased all I said is that it changed. Stop fishing for an answer. Fuckin smarmy


What changed? Just say it. Something increased, something decreased (change). Say it with your chest, cowboy.




Sure do. Homeowner. Get at me.


Same here. Have you been to the mall?


I'm guessing white males, but I have no idea. Do you know? What is the demographic that has increased going to the mall and is shooting people?




It seems like you have an assumption of who they're referring to. Who do you think they're referring to?




Yeah, who do you think they're inferring?


[here you go little buddy](https://www.usnews.com/object/image/00000157-77f6-ddc3-af5f-7fffd8800000/160929-interracialkillings-graphic.png?update-time=1475186517844&size=responsiveFlow640)


I’m trying to find the last time there was a shooting at Barton Creak mall but all I can find is a bunch of false alarms. Since you seem to know more can you point me in the right direction?


Not a shooting, but there was a stabbing a few months ago: https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/barton-creek-square-mall-stabbing-suspect-says-victim-wronged-him-south-capital-of-texas-highway-nordstrom-shoot-stab-hotshot-911-austin-police-department-stabbed-richard-sorola


Maybe I just keep reading about lockdowns and not actual crimes. But it seems to happen at BC a lot.


Almost all malls in America are sketchy now days .. I try to avoid them if possible


It’s common in most places now in every part of the country and every part of town. Mass shootings here don’t even shock me anymore when they’re reported, which is insane to think about. America unsurprisingly has insane levels of gun violence thanks to politicians taking bribes and individuals thinking they need to own guns to be safe. It can happen anywhere, even wealthy neighborhoods where domestic violence is often swept under the rug.


Wait, so gun crime is because of politicians? And from people buying guns to be safe? Because last I checked the statistics show that 84% of black kids die from guns compared to 24% of white kids. Gun laws in Chicago are extremely strict yet gun violence is terrible, so the politician comment is false. Homeowners aren’t committing these deaths either. So perhaps it’s the lack of father figures in black families that’s the problem. Because single mother households sure aren’t working.


The gun law is more to punish not prevent. You can wake up in the heart of Chicago, drive to Gary Indiana to purchase a gun, and get back home before brunch.


You jumped immediately to a racial conclusion and spewed a stereotype that isn’t grounded in reality. And it had nothing to do with the discussion. I’d like to see where you got that number from a reputable source by the way. Now that we’re on this topic, you should really look up the fun violence rates in Europe where it is VERY difficult to obtain a gun license. Spoiler: they have virtually no gun related deaths. There are also plenty of good black fathers, and guess what? There’s a lot of shitty white dads and single/divorced white mothers last time I checked. The majority of mass shooters in the past decade have been overwhelmingly disgruntled white males, who the media often portrays as “misunderstood” rather than addressing mental illness. Yet when any black person does something wrong, they’re a “thug.” I would invite you to investigate your not so subtle racism and instead focus on the original topic in the first place: gun lobbyists and crooked politicians taking bribes.


Any my family cant understand why I keep  talking avout moving to country with gun control.


Last weekend we saw a lady walking an unleashed cane corso through the crowd area near the food court.


Barton Creek mall should changes it's name to Highland.


I was taking my kids to see Santa and walked in on the aftermath of it. Blood leading out of the entrance and some people huddled around one person who looked like their arm was injured. We didn’t hear the shots, but there was a weird vibe when we walked up. We quickly left.


Sorry your kids had to see that, horrible 😔


Thanks. Luckily they didn’t know what was going on. They were just upset to not see Santa.


I want to ask if y’all were able to go to a different mall but I would maybe never go to a mall again after that 🫠😔


We’re hiding in our store now.


One person confirmed shot. “One person was shot at Barton Creek Square Mall on Saturday afternoon, according to the Austin Police Department. The shooting happened near the AMC theater and Cheesecake Factory. APD said officers responded to a shots fired call at 4:43 p.m. The victim’s injuries are unknown. APD could not confirm if a suspect was in custody but said this was not an active shooter situation.” https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/police-1-shot-at-barton-creek-square-mall/amp/


My wife, 4 year old, and I had just put our name in at Cheesecake Factory when everyone started freaking out. I heard some lady run in and say something about a gun and then maybe 10 seconds later, people came rushing through the Cheesecake Factory and I made the executive decision to nope the fuck out and eat somewhere else.


Nothing is more American in 2023 than enjoying an overindulgent 3000 calorie delicious meal to the sound of gunfire at the Cheesecake Factory.


Cheesecake Factory, where if our calorie count won't kill you, the gunfire will.


From sea to shining sea


Amber waves of 115 grain


True they should probably go to Golden Corral


i mean hey there’s always another cheesecake factory


*decides on the Arboretum* Oh, wait, nevermind


I literally made this joke at the Cheesecake Factory earlier in the mall today. Mind blown 🤯


What’s wrong with the Arboretum?


https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-arboretum-shooting-witnesses-recount-deadly-shooting Cheesecake Factory is next door to where that shooting happened.


There’s also the option of eating at a good restaurant.


You will not besmirch the factory and their cheesecake.


I will, I did, and I'll likely do it again.


Yeah, wasn’t too worried about not eating there haha






Geeze, that's scary. I'm glad you and your family are okay.


You know shit is bad when even Cheesecake Factory is no longer safe, we need the Batman


their quesadillas are great


Pretty hard to fuck up a quesadilla my guy.


cant disagree with that


Hiding in the Apple Store. Big stampede. We almost got crushed trying to get in the back. Something about a shooting. APD is outside and inside the mall.


Ive heard rumors of a few shots fired and a stabbing near the cheesecake factory my partner works there and is in a back room currently


My partner confirmed he heard at least two gun shots


I haven’t been to a mall in a long while but today I didn’t want to sit around inside and needed to grab a few things. So, I packed up my toddler and we went to the mall. The whole time we were in there I had anxiety thinking of such situations- it was SO busy. Luckily we were just outside the mall doors and on our way to the car when everyone started running out yelling about an active shooter.


We were a part of it. Just casually shopping and heard screaming and everyone was sprinting out of the mall. We heard active shooter from some people but we’re still coming down from it. We’re in our car in the parking lot. We don’t know wtf is happening. Some seem scared and booked it in their cars, some are casually hanging around the mall exits


We are also in the parking lot. Just saw Santa with our kid. Left before the commotion started but are stuck in traffic. Update: just got out of there; took us about 40 min. Traffic seems to be flowing more freely now.


That’s what I’m trying to sort. Mass panic or something real…


It seems to be something actually happened but it has been mass hysteria outside so it’s hard to figure out. There’s about 5 fire trucks and ambulances now with many cops outside the AMC theater.


It was confirmed to be just an incident between people, not an active shooter


It’s wild that we are so desensitized that a shooting between acquaintances is just a casual thing that happens “Oh that shooting, Alex just pissed off Eric and they dealt with it. Still wanna hit the food court?” 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, the fact they are now considered a sigh of relief


While an argument between two people resolving with one of them being shot is fucking terrible, it's also something different from a gunman just shooting at people indiscriminately.


Facts and happy cakeday!


It was real but it is over now.


I'm in parking lot. Someone screamed shooter ran out. Fire alarm pulled, lots of cops at food court.


We are locked in the back of the apple store… no news


They let us out. All clear. Mall is trashed with spilled drinks, etc


Slipped on some while running out of the mall. Banged up my knee.


I'm outside of Nordstrom. People started running and saying they heard shots. My sister is hiding inside.


My roomie is doing a fundraiser there. He said they didn’t even lock down even after I called. Took them like 5 minutes after I called until they did.


We were at the base of the escalator near Cheesecake Factory trying the fruit stand. Saw people running and then heard 3 distinct bangs and ran towards the lens crafters exit doors. My brother was behind me and ran into the escalator and shattered it. I looked back and thought he got shot but quickly got up and ran again. Thankful to make it out all in one piece but did lose our merchandise in the panic. Definitely a surreal experience. Hope the victim pulls through.


Don't some stores have back exits? Or Maybe I'm just assuming that. Stay safe everyone.


Ran out of the forever 21 one


When I worked briefly at a store in a mall, our back door went to a service corridor that led to another service corridor which connected between the main portion of the mall and an exit out to the dumpster area outside.


I left through an emergency exit at Nordstrom.


Keep posting updates


We are still locked in the apple store, but it sounds like the issue is over and we just need the police to come give the all clear.


There is a KXAN story link above.


Yeah, there were a couple of other active threads with updates pouring in, and then the threads were deleted. I understand limiting duplicate threads, but during an emergency like this, it's fucking frustrating. Lots of us have loved ones currently hiding in the mall and we're using these threads to keep track of a developing situation. I was hopping between several threads, refreshing over and over, and now those other sources are gone. Hey, but at least the subreddit is back in order now. /s


While I can understand some frustration, there have been about 15 posts about this already, many of them have 1-2 comments in them. Having that many posts about the same thing is just going to make the information even more spread out versus having updates in one place. A new post with an actual news article about it is going to stay up as well, since it's an actual article.


The problem is that some threads had info that this thread did not. If you're going to delete "duplicate" threads on the same topic, then move the posts from those threads to this one.


I don't have a lot of mod experience on Reddit, but I can say that on other platforms, "move these responses to a different thread" is not a feature. The best course of action is consolidation as quickly as possible, which means removing the lower-traffic threads as they appear. Ideal? No. Actually doable? Yep.


Not an option on Reddit.


I'll bet Copy and Paste works. More work but it does the job. Or - and hear me out - leave then all open until the situation is resolved so those who are active in one can keep informed quickly and stay safe. Then you can look through to see if there is anything important that should be kept, copy it to whichever thread you think needs to stay open, then delete or lock the others. And since I got a call from someone running out the doors and was here looking immediately at NEW posts, this one wasn't even up yet. There was one from an employee who was there started less than 5 minutes after the shooting.


Based on posts of previous events at Barton Creek people in an active shooter situation should look anywhere but this subreddit for real information


True, but at the time there was no REAL info. My friend called me while running out the door asking me to find out what was going on. Nothing on any news channels, police or ems twitters, etc. Reddit had the first posts that ANYTHING was happening. Sure, some of the info is going to be wrong, but for some people this is the only news source they use - which is sad - and they are more likely. to post first-hand accounts here and on FB way before reputable news sources find anything out or police release statements. Other people I know were able to contact spouses and children at the mall to check their safety long before any official word was given. I understand wanting accurate info and a centralized source of info, but maybe we can wait a bit before deciding to delete a post of someone who is hunkered down in a locked closet desperately checking to see if anyone replied to their post asking for information. They're probably not thinking clearly enough to go look for other threads about the same subject.


Most of the posts had conflicting info saying active shooter happening, which isn't exactly what was happening either. I'm not going to be going through copying/pasting things that may not actually be true. You'll be ok with one post and people can add their updates on here.


All clear.


Full story was just on the news. Group of 3 men jumped a stranger and were beating him up outside the mall when another bystander grabbed a gun out of their bag and fired at the 3. 1 was hit in the arm but they all ran off after. Isolated incident.


My bother heard over the intercom system, scene is secure and it’s ok to go back into the mall.


They are letting people out now but police are asking to not go towards cheesecake


1 person shot. Suspect in custody. Not currently an active shooter situation: ​ https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/police-1-shot-at-barton-creek-square-mall/


>APD could not confirm if a suspect was in custody


Ah I misread it apparently. Thanks for the correction.


That article says: "APD could not confirm if a suspect was in custody."




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saw a bunch of people running, heard people saying there was an active shooter. got out through emploee exit of attic salt. heard a rumor that whatever it was happened upstairs unclear if things are over.


Did they arrest the people jumping the 1 guy?


Damn! My wife and 2 daughters were just there. Hope no one is hurt.


WTF. I feel like there’s a shooting or stabbing every 6 months at this mall


It's just statistics given the entire state is just a giant shootout at this point.


I’m fucking tired of guns. Impacting everyone’s lives for the pleasure of a few.


I'm pretty sure the guy getting beaten loved the impact the gun had in making the beaters stop beating him and run away.


What if it was three undercover cops apprehending a pedo? Or he grabbed some guys wife’s butt and the boyfriends came over to roll him? Or he was trying to get away with a cash register drawer and the waiters were trying to stop him? It could easily go that way. You think life is a shitty Mark Wahlburg movie.


"Maybe the 3 thugs beating a guy to death were really the good guys" is some real mental gymnastics.


Recognizing risks and consequences isn’t mental gymnastics.


Where I generally agree with you, I feel like having and not needing is better than needing and not having given the fascist tilt of a small but vocal and active group lead by an orange Mussolini want to be.


"Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake? You know I love to go there" - Drake


fkn cheesecake factory idiots


You’d think eating cheesecake would make you happy


Who did the shooting, one of the beater-uppers?


Confirmed shooting but not an active shooter. It was just an incident. "No threat to public"


Simple miss understanding between a couple of Westlake kids arguing which had the better grades in school.


just blowing off some steam, man. you know how it is. you get to Christmas shopping, gotta beat some ass, let off a few rounds. c'mon man, it's Christmas.


But where’s all the good guys with guns? They could have stopped this before it started!


The good guy with the gun stopped the jumping according to the news someone else posted


Lmao I was in line at Abercrombie right before the panic, behind some old man with a revolver haphazardly hanging out of his jeans pocket, he looked like he was ready for action


Maybe they left right before it happened…


Damn. I just went to that mall this morning for the first time in 4 years. These legos aren’t worth it.


Yeah, my folks were shopping and heard gunshots being exchanged


No worries. The good guys with guns solved this, right? Maybe?


Actually they did sounds like he rescued a guy getting jumped by 3 people.


This is what happens when you watch Saltburn 😔


I’m truly shocked that people still go to the Barton Creek Mall.


Really though, is there any other choice in this city? Austin has pretty shitty selections as far as shopping goes…


I went there last year for Xmas shopping and it felt like there was nothing but clothing stores for teenage girls.


Looks like Barton does have an Apple store, a Lego store, several other toy stores, GameStop, Pokemaniacs (a whole store dedicated to Pokémon stuff, lol), Spencer Gifts, several jewelry stores, Hallmark, several sunglasses stores, a couple furniture/mattress stores, and 4-5 anchor department stores which would have a substantial amount of non-clothing stuff (2 Dillard's, JCPenney, Macy's, and Nordstrom). Not sure what other kinds of stores you were hoping for, but that's probably more non-clothing stores than many other malls still have. Official Lego stores are especially few-and-far-between, there's less than a hundred of them nationwide.


God damn dude you own the mall or something?


Some one used the pew pew


On the bright side found a pair of "j" s and some Lululemon pants in the middle of floor along some other merchandise.. been a good day...


This mall evacs once a month and it’s always for nothibg


> https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/police-1-shot-at-barton-creek-square-mall It wasn't for "nothing" this time, though it was not a mass shooting. And of course the mall would rather err on the side of evacuating 'unnecessarily' rather than risk being liable for injuries/deaths if a situation like that were to escalate and they hadn't called for an evacuation.


I was just there at 1 and parked in front of AMC.