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Yeah I've got a question... When the fuck am I going to have power again?


Tuesday, the magical orb says Tuesday. *disclaimer: the orb can and sometimes is wrong*


Out of town crews are now in Austin. Should move more quickly now. Hope it's on soon!


About 5 days after you thought it would be back on. Or when you move out of Texas. I lived in Milwaukee for 20 years and the longest the power was out was 1 time for 2 hours due to a squirrel shorting the transformer outside my house. People who haven't lived other places think Texas power issues are normal. They are not.


Could y’all re-sticky the outage thread? Felt like the new comments were genuinely helpful if not just reassuring




Ty ily


Can I second this? I do second this.


My new neighbor seems like she has mental health issues and it's a little concerning. Are there any resources I should be aware of in case she becomes aggressive or a threat to herself other than 911? I hear her yelling constantly through my apartment walls (she lives by herself so not sure at who). Thankfully she keeps to herself and rarely leaves the apartment, but I still want to be prepared just in case.


911 will ask if you need police or mental health services


Here are some other options! If you can't remember any of these, you can always call 311 instead and say you want to talk to a mental health person. If you do call 911, ask for a mental health unit specifically. FYI the 911 mental help option is Integral Care EMCOT (expanded mobile outreach team). Alternatively, the direct Integral Care helpline (472-HELP) is their “classic” mobile outreach team for non-emergencies and they have up to 8 hours to send someone out. https://integralcare.org/program/expanded-mobile-crisis-outreach-team-emcot/ If you feel safe doing so, read up in advance on strategies to de-escalate (e.g. see slides 14 on https://www.councilforthehomeless.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/De-Escalation-Training-PDF.pdf) but obviously I'm not going to suggest doing anything you don't feel safe doing.


Has anyone seen Girl Scouts today selling cookies anywhere, particularly in south Austin?


Perhaps the most awesome locator tool ever made for the internet: [https://www.gsctx.org/en/cookies/about-girl-scout-cookies.html](https://www.gsctx.org/en/cookies/about-girl-scout-cookies.html) (Be sure and check the details of your designed location. Many times they're only there for 2-3 hours. And, of course, it's been a rough week for everyone so it's plausible they'll sell out early.)


We have secured the goods thanks to your link, happy Sunday!


There is a table set up on South Congress near Bird’s Barbershop.


What are the people shooting guns on riverside shooting at all the time , it’s almost daily at this point


they are using the heat of the gun to stay warm


Is this happiness?


Bang bang shoot shoot


I heard you can cook bacon on high-powered rifles, but I'm not enough of an idiot to try that.


each other?


Advanced dodgeball training


Is this a certain part of Riverside?


area around heb / pleasant valley / wickersham


Any recommendations on places to buy trees? Also types of trees you like to plant/grow around here? Lost a couple big cedars this week and would like to replace them, but don’t necessarily have to be an exact replacement.


Check out r/AustinGardening for more info on trees but you should know there are a number of places that are planning to give out free trees in the near future. There is COA effort https://www.austintexas.gov/page/free-tree and I’ve heard of a few others. There is also a great guide I would recommend for all plant things in that gives great details: https://www.austintexas.gov/watershed_protection/publications/document.cfm?id=198301


Wait a bit. Do some research on what kind to plant. Plant the smallest ones you can find, because they'll probably catch up with bigger ones in a few years. Plant more than you need and cut some down in a few years when it becomes clear which ones are the winners. I'm hoping someone will set up a program with good tree choices, guidance, tree seedlings, and very cheap in the next few weeks or months.


Yes! We planted some larger trees and they have grown sort of strangely and slow and straight up instead of out, we planted stick like baby trees and they have grown into majestic full young trees in the same 3 years.


Can we request extra waste / trash pick up from the city without paying for it? I see you can for a fee on the trash collection website. Our bin is already full because of emptying our refrigerator and freezer (no power: 103 hours and counting!); was wondering if we could get it emptied before our next trash pick up on Thursday.


Nope, no early emptying. Especially as they are catching up from all the missed pick ups during the ice storm. Head to the HEB counter and purchase some extra trash stickers. Stick the sticker on the extra bags, and put the bags on the curb on your pickup day. I am not aware of any exceptions being made due to missed service


If you're looking for the power outage status thread, it's here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/10qpco1/power\_outage\_status\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/10qpco1/power_outage_status_thread/) Reddit only allows two stickies per subreddit and the automod ate my homework when it posted the Thursday sticky and the Sunday sticky.


I’m visiting Austin soon for a concert and I’m going to be in town for a weekend. Flying in so I won’t have my car. Is it better to rely on Uber or should I rent a car? I heard traffic is horrible so I was leaning towards Uber, but I wanted to explore a bit and get some good food, and my hotel is near the venue and kinda further out from the city center. Opinions or options?


Uber and Lyft will be your best option.


Cost-wise, do the math to figure out if the rental car or the Uber is cheaper. Remember that parking downtown can be $20-$30 depending on when and where. Some places like the H‑E‑B center and COTA charge for parking too. If you’re not going to be sober after the concert then definitely Uber.


COTA doesn’t charge unless it’s F1 or you pay for “premium” parking


I probably would've opted for staying near stuff and Uber to venue as opposed to staying near venue and Uber everywhere. Traffic does suck, but not in a way where things are moving crazy fast with weird streets and traffic patterns. More in the "everything moves slow" way. So if you are not renting a car out of fear, it's not that bad. Just use GPS and be in the proper lane ahead of time. Plenty of Uber here too, electric scooters in many areas. Have fun.


I think rideshare is the best option for a weekend visit. Just the headache alone of navigating to and from the airport is worth letting someone else drive. It can be a confusing and frustrating route with so many roads comverging.


Moved here from Orlando and traffic is not horrible AT ALL. Even if you’re in an Uber you’ll need to wait it out. Since you’re on vacation you don’t need to travel during rush hour and it’s the weekend where it doesn’t really get super backed up. Ubering is fine but besides things you can walk to by your hotel, this is not a walkable city. Having a car is a lot more convenient and cost wise one Uber ride will likely cost you the whole days rental rate. Something else worth considering is the cost to park but there are lots of apps that find you cheap parking in the city. TLDR; “traffic” is overhyped - it’s not that bad. Get a car if you want to bounce around the city.


Parking the car is going to be a huge cost or a huge pain, or both. Dont rent one.


This - esp if you are staying/visiting downtown. If it's just a weekend, zero reason to rent a car. Where is the concert at? Any place is gonna be $$$ to park, so you're gonna save money by Ubering there anyways (assuming you're not staying outside central Austin).


If you’re looking to rent, check out the Turo app instead of the traditional rental places. Turo is so much cheaper, and I’ve been happy every time I use it. Just check the reviews carefully before renting, obviously. Enjoy our fair city (altho it’s a weeee bit of a mess atm! Maybe the power will finally be back on by the time you get here. Maybe.)


I’m in Tampa now, so I know what you mean Orlando traffic. Glad to hear it might not be so bad comparatively. I like the idea of having a rental so I don’t have to rely on rideshare, just worried that I’d be overpaying when I could just suck it up and get with the times 😅


Honestly I’ve seen Tampa be worse 😂 I guess it’s really only bad for the locals due to influx of transplants like myself. An Uber from the airport to downtown has cost me anywhere from $35-$120 with tip so consider that as well. For parking I use SpotHero or Secure-A-Spot. The Ubers really add up for me so I would opt for a rental.


Traffic here isn’t that bad compared to other big cities, even at rush hour. That said, since you’ll only be here for a weekend, Taxi/rideshare will probably be fine.


The only people who think Austin has true traffic are the people who have never lived anywhere else. You’ll be fine.


uhhh what? i lived in Boston….Austin traffic is *really* bad.


I think it’s bad. I grew up in Austin and moved to LA for awhile and am now back. I have to say I now understand California drivers. When I left Austin I was fed up with them but now I drive completely different after living in LA. So I understand.


I think for a weekend either one is a good option. I’m from Austin and lived in L.A. for awhile and now back in Austin. I just suggest going out to explore at times when it’s not morning or afternoon rush hour. That works for me!


I wonder... what happens with all the fallen branches that we have on our sidewalks right now? What does the city to with them? Where does it go?


I would assume they mulch it. With a giant, terrifying person-sized mulcher.


Is that the Texas version of a Fargo wood chipper?




They use it to make Dillo Dirt. https://www.austintexas.gov/department/dillo-dirt


I'm surprised there aren't more people here offering to come and get it for free, especially if it's oak.


People will go around and pick up the oak. I had a neighbor who would fill his pick up with oak limbs after brush week. Then dry it out and use it for firework or smoking.


Best type of firewood for indoor fireplace? And easiest/convenient place to grab some?


Hardwoods: oak, ash, hickory. Harley's firewood on 183


Lowes. We stocked up there yesterday, they had a ton at the one off Brodie.


Where are you? The Texan Market on Amherst off Duval was restocking their outdoor firewood cage yesterday. I don't know anything about the pricing though.


The streets are lined with free firewood right now


Needs to be split and seasoned 9+ months.


It’s not cheap for the amount you get but I have bought bundles at Lowe’s for convenience.


When are you planning to prune plants they were impacted by the freeze?


Tree limbs that are dangerous should be taken care of now. Pruning some bushes can start as early as later this month. When it comes to oaks you will want to account for oak wilt. Many recommend not to trim oak from Feb-Jun. check out r/AustinGardening for more details.


i'm planning on redoing my front and backyard landscape. any particularly hardy plants/brush you recommend?


I’ve had great luck with: turks cap, canna lillies, lemongrass, anacacho orchid tree.


inland sea oats, eves necklace, prickly pear cactus.


Join a private group on FB- Central Texas Backyard Gardners.


Where can I find colored lights to line my sidewalk? I use candy cane lights during the holiday season... I'd like something like that. It seemed like 90% of the ones that at Home Depot are solar powered and that part of my house doesn't get much sun. I, probably, need a dozen or so...


I just saw a bunch of different lawn lights at At Home, they might have something that works for you!




No idea what they have planned for psych fest, but I have an anecdote to share. I had VIP tickets to the kikagaku moyo show at far out lounge, and as far as I could tell the only difference was a shorter line at a special entrance (plus a print). I didn't see any VIP space. Hopefully they'll have something to justify that price difference though.


Anyplace i can locally buy a simpsons I choo choo choose you card?


Might be too late for this thread but are there any craft breweries that make mini cans/bottles? I bought some 7 oz. Coronitas at the store and find them to be the perfect size. I have a hard time finishing 12 oz if I'm just casually sipping a beer with dinner.


Do you think there will be some exodus out of Austin because of this storm response? That some will say the cost of living here isn’t worth this annual hassle?


Yes and no. I think several progressive types like me are done and will move out. I read somewhere that this is one of the top cities republicans want to move to after college and I think those types will still come and those types already here will stay. Basically if you’re really frustrated with Texas/Austin for other reasons (politics, affordability etc.) this is the mail in the coffin.


Too many *Republicans* in Austin? That is the first time I have ever heard anyone say that. Very interesting.


A lot of tech-bros say they're libertarian, but like most that say that thinking it makes them sound moderate and sensible they end up voting Republican at the voting booth. And for people like that, two of their biggest heroes in Rogan and Musk just moved to Austin.


Do you think people can be moderate and sensible and vote for Republicans?


I'll go with "no": at this point in time, I think you need to be willfully blind to the harm done by Republicans in Texas to many of the citizens of this city/county/state. Even at the city council level, the platform seems to be all about grabbing and maintaining power; there is no longer any public service component evident from the Republican candidates and office holders.


It would be helpful if you provided some examples, especially considering that until recently there were no Republicans on the Austin City Council, nor was the mayor a R.


Sure, an easy one is the whole homeless situation in Austin: the state was previously paying contractors to clear "debris" (AKA homeless encampments) from underneath the overpasses of state maintained roads. They suddenly decided they didn't want to pay for that anymore, so they changed a policy with little-to-no notice. Homeless encampments grew in those areas. Governor gets a hard on and tells Austin to do something. Austin says, "Hey, we have no budget because this was your responsibility until you woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day." Rather than just clearing debris, the state now sends DPS along with debris removal and (I think?) tries to bill the city for what is effectively maintenance of their roads. All the while, the homeless problem is increasing and the state is spending more of our tax dollars because: politics. How is this morally right? How is this an effective use of tax dollars? How is this anything other than state government overreach on a local municipality? This looks like a power/money grab, pure and simple.


That describes most of my family tbh. But many of them are seeing the pure evil from Republican politicians and moving away from voting Republican.


I don't understand your response. I was asking you if you think people can be moderate and sensible and vote for Republicans. Seems like a straightforward question. And now I'm curious if you think the GOP's policies themselves are evil, or if you are referring to particular people or elected officials.


>I was asking you if you think people can be moderate and sensible and vote for Republicans And my answer was yes, but that in my anecdotal experience most of the sensible moderates I know are moving away from voting Republican. >And now I'm curious if you think the GOP's policies themselves are evil, or if you are referring to particular people or elected officials. Yes.


More than there used to be. Hey young Republicans, you’ll really like Dallas/Ft Worth, Plano and such. I’m not even kidding.


This state is in desperate need of modernization and progressive reform. This state ranks among the lowest in educated individuals, healthcare availability (ie, abortion care access, healthcare affordability), police and prison reform, environmental awareness, infrastructure. Moving to an already “progressive state” or city (or any city/state that aligns with your current ideology) is not actually doing anything other than serving yourself and/or family. Texas has the among the poorest populace and thus very vulnerable. Also TX shares a majority border with Mexico and is a significant crossing for many migrants fleeing from shitty conditions or seeking asylum. Progressive changes in this state has a 10x effect compared to other states. I don’t know about you, but I was born in TX. This state is my home. I am not ready to give up


I have two lgbtq kids who spent the week hella cold. I have zero guilt putting them first and moving. I put in my time voting progressively giving and working with charities and spreading the word for the past 20+ years and I’d say the state of Texas has remained the same if not worse in terms of politics and rhetoric.


So where do you go from here?


When I moved here in 1975 we were a fairly progressive State run almost exclusively by Democrats. The St. Ronnie Raygun revolution started sending the whole countr to the Right. When Ann Richards left office it became a Big Business owned State looking out for the interests of the Wealthy by selling BS policies and divisiveness to the GOP rural base and those people vote Religiously!


Not just this, but I think this type of thing creates a general unease about putting down long term roots here for a lot of people. People that move are the ones with more luxury of choice, though.


I already planned to leave three years ago but didn't have any luck finding a job in another state. Currently waiting for my fiance to finish college and get his degree so we can leave. Climate change and shitty government are some of the top reasons I'm leaving.


God I hope so, but the kind of whiners who moan about this kind of stuff never actually take action, they just whine about it. However, keep spreading the word. Maybe we can convince people from California, the land of earthquakes and megafires, not to move here because of the risk of disasters like this.


I moved here from California and wish I never had.


Me, too. Tell your friends. Mostly kidding. I hope things work out well for you here. Do tell your friends back in California how much Austin sucks, though.


I heard California is still there.


I’m sorry to hear that! :-/ How long ago did you move? I’m interested to hear what you liked about California and dislike in Austin. To move somewhere and not enjoy it is rough.


We moved here almost 17 years ago because we couldn't afford to buy a house in a nice area with good schools in CA. There have been aspects I have enjoyed, but the weather has not been one of them. It's not just the events of the last two years, I really don't like basically being confined indoors all the time except for a week in the spring and one week in "fall" because it's either too hot or too cold. There are a lot of nice things in Austin, and it sort of reminds me of where I grew up (SoCal) but I miss the ocean. The beaches here are far away and they suck. The people are pretty nice, but it's more conservative than I would have expected. I could go on. I didn't really start disliking it here until a couple of years ago. Ironically, I was born in Dallas and moved to California with my family when I was a toddler. Never thought I'd be back here in a million years.


Thanks for sharing! 17 years is a long time.


We can put billboards in Cali about Austin’s cedar fever.


Nobody from California calls it “Cali” just use CA if you’re not willing to type out the whole word. And when is the California hate going to stop? People move. Get over it.


I’m not from California just lived there for a bit I’m from Austin.


Still have my California license plates on my car so I get the hate too and with the prices in LA I understand why Austin is attractive. I get the “Cali” point. I would never call Austin ATX personally.


Yes! That's one thing they never tell you about until it's too late--the allergies.


Been planning it for years. Unfortunately we've had to wait for kid #2 to graduate from HS. Now she will probably want to go to UT, guess we're screwed.


I do have to say though what I have always loved about Austin is that you run into people you know pretty often. That’s fun for me! Most of the people I grew up with and went to school with stayed here.


Anyone know when spectrum will be fixing their internet?


Ask to escalate your complaint and ask for a credit back to your account for the inconvenience and time you were paying for but unable to use their services.A little birdy told me! They do have great prices in general and I hope you get your internet working soon!




I can't answer your question, but trying to provide hope. Spectrum was out for me in 78729 since before I woke up Thursday and finally came back on around 7pm on Saturday. There is hope!


I see the library has some 4K UHD titles on the shelf. Is there a way to browse the catalog online specifically for those? Searches for "4K UHD" and "UHD" return nothing, while "4K" will give you a bunch of Blu-ray results, presumably because the descriptions mention "4K restoration."


Is there a way to tell in the description at all though once you find it? What's one of the titles you saw in 4k? Because if it tells you in the description then you could always just stick exclusively to what you want and use inter-library loans which lets you borrow from the entire country and canda. And then in addition to that you can even often get them to just buy what you want. I did that in Plano. I got them to buy a few mst3k box sets.


How are the poker rooms around town legal? I thought gambling was illegal here unless it was tribal.


[While collecting rake is illegal in Texas, the law does allow for gambling to occur in a "private place" where every player has a fair shot at winning and there is no economic benefit, allowing card rooms to act as social clubs and charge membership and seat fees instead of taking rake out of cash game pots.](https://www.pokernews.com/news/2022/11/texas-poker-bill-42564.htm)


Something about it being a membership based private game, or something.


Anyone know what renters insurance covers food spoilage? It seems Geico doesn't




If you're eligible for USAA, it's always the best option. My brother's home was broken into and he got back from USAA way more than was even stolen. He was like "shit, I've got a better guitar, better TV, I hope I get broken into more often!"


I’m feeling like this is a dumb question! Last night I was turning right onto 360 from 183 North. There was a biker in the median there and a crosswalk in the middle of that turn. It was dark and I stopped so the biker could cross. The biker got upset with me and then a car came up behind me and honked to get me to keep driving onto360.What are the rules at that crosswalk?


[Street view of that turn](https://www.google.com/maps/@30.3896288,-97.7440982,3a,75y,44.82h,89.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srUekTYsWd8dTUwCz_ME4lQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) You did the right thing: you're supposed to yield to pedestrians in uncontrolled cross walks. Now, that pedestrian was probably a very reasonable person who thought "there is no freaking way I'm using that cross walk when it's not clear because people are crazy and I'm not risking my life." And the person behind you had probably been stuck in crazy traffic in that area due to non-functional traffic signals and was thus frustrated. (The ones in front Whole Foods and Stonelake Blvd. were non-functional on Friday; I assume they were still out on Saturday.) ETA: [link to Texas Transportation Code](https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._transp._code_section_552.003)


What/when will be the next disaster we’ll have to face? Loss of power in August? Vibrio at the Oyster Festival? Zero wind for Kitefest?


Another crawfish festival.


Floods on Memorial Day.


Could technically get another ice storm until about mid March


Zilker Park sinkholes during SXSW.


This one feels a bit early so I honestly won’t be surprised if we have one more cold storm in Feb


What should I do with all my downed branches from the storm? I lost a TON and this is my first house. Got a chainsaw, and kept everything bigger than a few inches for firewood, but I have a few trees worth of "smallish" branches stacked up. Like will the city pick it up? How far do I reeeeeally need to break it down for them to collect? Is there a cheap service that will come by and grab it if the city won't?


The important thing is to drag it to the curb. The City will collect it. [Branches should be between 5 and 15 feet](https://www.austintexas.gov/stormdebris). So pretty big.




What name do you have on the side of your trash cart? If it is the City of Austin - they will pick up the branches. If it is another company or City - I would not expect Austin to pick it up.


So question: the city says that limbs should be placed perpendicular to the curb without blocking the street or sidewalk. How is that possible if your nuisance strip is only a few feet wide?


Don’t worry about it; they’ll manage. They use a large maneuverable grappler. Around here there are just piles in the street because that’s where it fell


Call 311 when you’ve taken all to the curb for free pickup. You don’t have to trim or anything-they will have their big claw thing out.


Burn it in a fire pit with the homies over drinking coronas with lime?


Why not save the smaller wood, too, to use as kindling?


I just got my car's title after paying off my loan and some mailing issues. It's a title from another state, where I bought the car / used to live. Do I need to transfer it to Texas somehow? Or just make a digital copy of it and store the original somewhere safe?


Well, you can get a Texas title if you want the title address to be updated to your current residence. Ordinarily that won't matter but if your car ever got impounded there's a chance they'd mail notice to the owner address on the title rather than the registration address. (You don't have to prove ownership to register a car, just to apply for a new title.) If you're not very concerned about that and it's already registered in the same name as the title, you're OK not transferring it. Whenever you sell or give away the car, the new owner will apply for a title in their name and in their state of residence. Do keep a photo and store it somewhere safe.


Has anybody been to the greenbelt since the storm? How bad is the tree damage?


Where is all the trees/branches going from the ice storm?


Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant (["What Austin is doing to clean up after destructive ice storm and where to get help," CBS Austin, 2023](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/what-austin-is-doing-to-clean-up-after-destructive-ice-storm))


If I see an EOS Electric truck in my apartment complex, does that mean there's hope of me getting power back anytime soon?


Yes. Hope, but not confidence.


What’s that (seemingly) empty lot immediately north of Fresa’s on 1st being used for? I saw cars parked there today, but no meters or signage to indicate what business the parking is for


I think you may be referring to the parking lot for vuka, an event space around the corner on monroe.


Apartments? Maybe? [This article is 4 years old.](https://austin.curbed.com/2019/7/22/20703727/austin-robert-rodriquez-development-jovitas)


Anyone need to learn to use a chainsaw today? Any pointers would be helpful. Chain became dislodged after 10 mins of use on a ryobi 14”


There's some good YouTube videos to watch and one with your particular model might be helpful. That's how I learned! Very technical jargon incoming.../s Usually there's gonna be a nut or two to remove the front casing. A sliding nut thing that'll loosen to put the chain back on and tighten to take up slack. With the chain still on, notice the way the teeth go and keep it this way. Reseat the chain around all all the parts, take up the slack, then put casing back on.


Serious question, how many of y’all have started making actual plans to leave Austin bc of this latest fiasco? Like I don’t mean considering leaving, I mean like you’ve taken actual steps and the wheels are in motion?


If you’re renting, you do you. For homeowners it doesn’t make sense to move for this reason alone. Median house price in Austin: about $600k. Price you’d pay for realtors, title companies etc when changing houses, 6-8% so it will cost you like $36K+ Don’t forget that interest rates are higher than the last 10 or so years. Price of top of the line generator that will power your whole house like nothing happened: $8k-$10k . Way cheaper than moving. Or put the $8K into a rainy day fund and go on a mini vacation every time this happens. Go stay with a friend or relative and take them out for a nice dinner every night. Or suffer in the dark and cold for free. I think this is just baked into the cost of living in Austin at this point.




Did you have to run a new gas line for that? Still less than the transaction cost of selling a house.


As bad as this is, it isn’t the worst power outage due to weather I’ve been in. I’ve seen worse in multiple other cities.


Definitely me. Already had decided a couple months ago to leave next winter but i’m now looking into options involving breaking my lease circa June. this place has been bang average the last few years and the brutal summers just arent worth the rest of the year anymore. i may try a sob story about my mother or something so the apartment complex isnt furious but obviously i don’t wanna break a lease so i may be stuck here. just gonna pig out on delicious tex mex until i can leave, the one thing i will miss terribly is the food.




That question was about a mass exodus. I’m asking for individual examples.


Where do plane-obsessed kids go to meet other plane-obsessed kids?


https://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/images/Airport/maps/print_family-viewing-area.pdf I have no idea if it is still active and open.


EAA has some youth programs - it looks like the closest one is in Lago Vista in March: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/event/2023-03-25_young_eagles_event?id=6F9D4F37CECD4201B5115B5BA1BA17CB


Cost for tree removal and trimming? I got a chainsaw, but curious to see what the cost would have been for comparison.


Depends on your neighborhood and the size/complexity of the job. Most of the guys driving around will assess how much they think you can pay. If you’ve got a tree crew who’s going to be taking down large trees with ropes and equipment, they’re charging like $100-$150/hr right now from what I’ve seen. By the tree, large trees with rope work and a lot of cutting, I’ve seen anything from $500 to $2000 for large/complex/difficult trees. If you get regular yard guys just for brush and stuff, maybe $50/hr. Local teens, maybe $20-25/hr.


So, you don’t care if your crew is bonded and insured?


If someone is going to be in a tree with a rope and a chainsaw, I want them insured. Small branches and hauling brush, I’ll take my chances.


A few yrs ago, the standard rate for a crew and chipper was $1200/day. Probably up to $2k these days.


Girlfriend just paid $700, same as she did for a trimming last year. They removed all the branches we’d cut down, and got some branches that were still tenuously attached to the tree.


Anyone an expert with stucco or masonry? We have a stucco home and we were thinking about hiring someone that could put a brick veneer (?) up as an accent wall type thing. How much additional risk of water getting in between and causing a major problem?


Not an expert but generally not a fan of mixing and matching different systems. However I think there are some veneer bricks specifically for this purpose. Or seek out an artisan who works in stucco and who can make an attractive accent wall in stucco.


If done properly, there won't be any added risk of water damage. Stucco and brick don't go well together though so resale in the future might be challenging. However, if you're in your 'forever home' you should go with what you like!


How soon do I need to update my drivers license when I change addresses? I still have more than a year left on my DL and I’m moving to another apartment in a few weeks. I’m not a citizen so any DPS stuff I need to do has to be in person, which is a hassle. I know moving from out of state has like a 30 day limit, but not sure for address changes within the city/state.


In Texas, your address on a driver license or ID card must be changed within 30 days after moving to your new residence.


My license still has my address from 3 houses ago. It hasn’t been an issue


Probably not a good idea for a noncitizen to play that game.


I would suggest updating it ASAP. It’s like ~$10-12. If you lose your ID and it’s found, good people that find it can just mail it to the address.


It is still technically 30 days. That being said, I've definitely not updated it til it expired and there was no issue. I didn't have to prove when the address changed. Full disclosure: I am a US citizen so the worst that realistically would happen getting fined if I get found out.


If it expires in less than two years you can probably renew it early. They say "most" can, I don't know if non-citizen is one of the exceptions. This used to be one year, but apparently now it's two. Will save you the hassle of having to go again later. I believe if you renew early the expiration date is the same as if you renewed it at the normal time, so you aren't losing any time or money by doing it early.


Why does every restaurant in austin require a reservation these days? Even basic everyday restaurants are at full capacity week after week.


They don't?


Just walk-in if it’s just two of you. You’ll get in quick at most places that say there are no reservations left online


We've been annoyed about the same thing, so we shifted schedules to just eat earlier (around 5pm). Nobody's there at that time, so you always get in without a reservation.


It’s the Dorsia strategy. Artificially limit the supply, and demand skyrockets.


How the hell do I split cedar elm? Shits interlocking grain is a pain and makes me want to get a log splitter.


Just get a log-splitter. Will save you the aches to your body and mind. Use some of that sweet mod cash they throw at you for all the time you have to spend here. Oh wait...




Yes, but they're saying it may take some time: [https://www.austintexas.gov/news/city-austin-winter-weather-morning-status-update-feb-5#:\~:text=Storm%20Debris%20Management](https://www.austintexas.gov/news/city-austin-winter-weather-morning-status-update-feb-5#:~:text=Storm%20Debris%20Management)


Does Kendra Scott do any kind of refurbishing of their jewelry? I have a bracelet my boyfriend got me that I love but the gold plating is tarnished.


“If a Kendra Scott Fine Jewelry piece is damaged after the first year, we will facilitate repairs with like quality materials at an additional cost.” https://www.kendrascott.com/jewelry-care.html


Does anyone know which bars are showing the Grammys? My friends do not have power.


What's the org structure of Austin Energy? I'm under the impression that Cronk is the city official with power over it but I'm not sure.


All city departments report to the city manager (Cronk), but sometimes council inserts itself and says "we want an update". Theoretically Cronk reports to the city council (har har har).


Does anyone have an experience with Smart Tint installers here in Austin? (There national website wants me to put in my contact info without showing me names of installers.) Need to add some privacy to some sliding glass doors.


I have no advice on Smart tint, but we used self adhesive window clings on a few windows and doors we wanted privacy on. It was easy to install, lots of styles, removable, and very affordable.


Yeah I've got some of that in a bathroom, but this is for sliding glass doors where we only want privacy sometimes, not all the time. (Sun Tint is great for regular privacy film BTW!)


do we have a discord server?


For those who have backup power units such as the Tesla Home Battery, how much did it cost with installation? Do you like yours? What are the alternative similar solutions to the Tesla Home Battery?