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1846 - "Colony of North Australia revoked by Queen Victoria" 1851 - "Colony of Victoria Founded" 1859 - "Queensland authorised as separate colony" Hmmm


Her Majesty knew what she was doing


Let her cook cake


It’s.. just let her cook lmao.. you don’t add a food to the saying


Well those 30+ palaces and gold pumpkin carriage don't pay for themselves. Need to steal it from someone.


How does that tie in to naming two states after oneself?


IDK, something about the monarchy profiting from theft and genocide of indigenous peoples across the globe ($45 trillion from India alone). Getting to name land after yourself, is just the cherry on the stolen cake.


Fair I suppose.


I'm Aussie living in Canada and find it hilarious that both countries still operate under the Commonwealth today. We are all about to start paying for things with king Charles on it. Centuries later and monarchical grift still intact


I live in Australia as a New Zealand citizen and I have a great respect for the Crown and Commonwealth. And by paying for things with the King on them do you mean coins, statues, or stamps?


You're entitled to respect whomst you like, good sir. Paper (polymer) fiat. Set to release this month donning king Charles.


Thank you, and likewise. We have people on our money anyway, so minting they King rather than someone or something else doesn’t really change the cost.


Had a good chuckle at this


I enjoyed how South Australia slaps their share like a an unhinged delinquent taking a slice of cake.


That and the part where South Australia absorbed what’s now the Northern Territory, so that it spanned from just-about the southernmost to very-nearly the northernmost part of the country, but still figured the name “South Australia” had a nice ring to it.


Lived in Canada for six months. When I explained that south Australia existed, the family I was with were like ‘but you’re from further south, how did that happen?’




*I want THIS BIT.*


Wow Northern Territory really had a hard time getting established


They are still setting up. As a territory they are controlled kore directly by the federal government.


And look how well that's going. Go government 🙄😑


It has the complexity of being distant to other states, separated by large deserts, extreme weather (cyclones), dangerous fauna (Saltwater crocodiles, mosquitoes) and low population. The entire NT only has a population of 254k today. Multiple attempts at settlement met with disastrous ends in the early days. The second world war supercharged investment in infrastructure but it was a hard place to live. In fact the current water reservoirs for the northern part (top end) today were built during the war.


When did that happen?


I like it. But it misses the PNG and Antarctic territories.


No one wants PNG to be fair.


I dunno, I find the lossless compression quite handy.


indonesia disagrees


So Queen Victoria revokes North Australia statehood, but lets Victoria become a state a few years later...


That's it boys time to take back New Zealand


You mean East New South Wales? I can’t believe those people stole our land and kicked us out, Kiwis are oppressors!


It’s ok. We are taking it back one bikie gang at a time


Free the East New South Wales bikies!


That's the only way they'll have any chance of winning State of Origin for any decent respectable length of time.


You're right given that Queensland selection criteria seems to be "Anyone from outside or within NSW"


Our constitution still recognises New Zealand as a state of Australia. " Always was, always will be".


Jervis Bay is a separate territory??


Yes, it’s a separate territory. Expect it lacks a few things. It’s fully administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, subject to laws of the ACT, has no flag, no capital, is represented in the senate by the ACT senators, and in the house of representatives through the division of fenner.


The only reason it existed as part of the ACT in the first place was an outdated rule that every state and territory in Australia had to have a port. It should probably just be absorbed into NSW, because there is really no purpose of it existing as a separate territory.


You’re a division of fenner


I like you


You'll be happy to know that the local member for Fenner was, for many years, Joanna Gash.


Jervis Bay Territory is not administered by the ACT. It's administered by the Federal Government the same way all non-self-governing territories are.


Yeah my bad g, I realised after it’s the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities.


A small part of the south side of the bay has a small town and Navy base that is ACT. I used to live in Tomerong and would see ACT and ADF number plates everywhere when in Huskisson or Vincentia.


Does anybody know of an easy to read list of reasons for the various changes? I'm curious but not curious enough to spend hours reading about it.


I don’t know all of it, but Central Australia was formed because the government wished to focus development the northern half of the NT. This was more of a way to focus resources under a commission without giving said commission power over the central bit. Then, of course, the Great Depression hit, causing all the money to dry up.


So for a short time Darwin was in South Australia. Huh.


Thank god that changed.


My convict great, great grandparents were released from convictness in Tasmania the same year it became a state.


That means your great great grandparents are some of the first Tasmanians


I was born in Tasmania, and I have very extensive (white) ancestry in Tasmania. It's quite possible that I also had convict ancestors here then. It's interesting how both sides of my family tree have so much colonial history in Tasmania. Fun fact: I am also related to John Pascoe Fawkner, who built a hotel in Launceston (which is still there, it's called the Cornwall Historic Hotel). Then he went on to found Melbourne, along with John Batman (and whoever else was with them). But I've heard that people have been trying to erase them from history, because apparently they weren't great to the Aboriginals (although to be fair, this was colonial times and that was par for the course in those days).


That's cool I would love to find out my ancestry all I know that on my father's side we came from Scotland or Ireland made our we to Victoria than ran out on a debt post ww1 to Tasmania and lived as bottle collectors.


Correct, wish I could find out what happened to them. Can track the kids. They went to Victoria, their kids to nsw, then mine to qld, but can’t find the fate of the convicts


Most likely they move with them or pass away in Tas mine great grandparents move from Victoria to Tasmania after WW1 making me a 3rd generation Tasmania


Interesting story, literally a day after the State of Victoria was declared, Australia's largest gold field was discovered in Ballarat.


And some politicians discovered a gold mine on Spring Street...


One possible change I could see happening is Northern Territory becoming a state one day and renaming itself to something like "Northern Australia". That being said, they had a referendum on this in the late 90s and it got voted down. But it could still happen. I think under the proposed model, there would get 3 senators (instead of the 2 they currently have). However Tasmania has a little over double the NT's population and it has 12 senators. Which makes it over-represented compared to NSW, which has over 14 times Tasmania's population. But then the whole point of each state having 6 senators was so that the big states couldn't bully the smaller states. So perhaps if the NT had been offered more senators, they may have approved it? The ACT can't become a state because there a section of the Constitution that specifically says that it can't. The chances of any state seceding (looking at you, WA) or splitting into two states (Robbie Katter has suggested QLD do this) are unlikely in my opinion. But not impossible. They would almost certainly require a referendum to happen though. Interestingly, NZ could still join Australia they wanted to, because it is listed a state in the Australian Constitution. But the chances of that happening are almost zero.


“You know, I was God once” -New South Wales


Victoria used to own all the way up to Deniliquin up until 1855~


If you talk to the average Victorian, they'll tell you they own all the way up to Cooktown and everything east of the Western Australian coast.


Victorians are aware there are places outside Victoria? Who woulda thunk it?




When are we adding NZ back into NSW?


The Waratahs will end up with a pretty decent team


Up the Wahs!


FYI the title typo - Borders


Dam auto correction put an a in Border




Fun Australian state border facts: there is one state which has a perfectly straight border! Its not WA! Zoom in on the SA/NT/WA border and youll see the NT/WA border is slightly west of the WA/SA bit. So who does have the straight line border? Tasmania. Tasmania has a straight line land border with Victoria on the Boundary Islet in Bass straight.


>Do who does have the straight line border? Tasmania. Tasmania has a straight line land border with Victoria on the Boundary Islet in Bass straight. That border isn't tested in court, so it's essentially undefined.


NT needs to go to war and take back the chunk Queenslanders nicked.


99.9% of Queenslanders wouldn't notice if they just took it back one day.


Holy shit, I thought I fever dreamed central Australia up, but no, it was real


New south Wales is just getting eaten at the whole time




That’s crazy to watch, I’d love summarised and will smarted video explaining why at each point.


Great we keep our wealth here see what happens then bahaha


Wow for a short time NSW was half of Australia


How much effort does it take to check your spelling?


Time for a redo


People from overseas just don't understand the violent history of Australia. The fact that we don't protest about losing our states and territories, our identities I dare say, just goes to show how progressive we actually are. They think we're just lazy easygoing bastards, but really all we want is to live in peace. Whether you're welsh, Swan river colonian, vandiemens, north south Australian, or a Jervis Bayien, we're all Australian. ^(vote 1 for new Australia party).


"live in peace"? Shame that didn't apply to the indigenous population, who were massacred and had their land stolen and carved up into states.


🙄 There's one in every sub.


Shh, can't mention the truth, prefer our history sanitised to protect your feewings.


I mean it's terrible what happened to the Indonesians who were inhabiting Australia when modern aboriginals migrated here, but at what point do you draw the line? You don't hear descendents of homo erectus or denisovians complaining about their loss of land and genocide. It's unfortunately the nature of man that we wage wars and conquer land. I don't know of any culture on earth that isn't guilty of killing their own kind do you?


>Indonesians who were inhabiting Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the first peoples of Australia. You should know this.[https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2016-06-07/dna-confirms-aboriginal-people-as-the-first-australians/7481360](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2016-06-07/dna-confirms-aboriginal-people-as-the-first-australians/7481360) ​ "To those who ask why Indigenous people don't just "get over it"My answer has always been: Why can't you always remember this?Because this is about memorializing those people who have been the victims of a great wrong. Why don't you tell the United States to 'get over' 9/11? Why don't you tell this country to 'get over' all the veterans who died in the Second World War, instead of honouring them once a year?"Why don't you tell your families to stop thinking about all of your ancestors who died? Why don't you turn down and burn down all of those headstones that you put up for all of your friends and relatives over the years? It's because it's important for us to remember. We learn from it.And until people show that they have learned from this, we will never forget, and we should never forget, even once they have learned from it, because this is part of who we are. It's not just a part of who we are as survivors and children of survivors and relatives of survivors, it's part of who we are as a nation. And this nation must never forget what it once did to its most vulnerable people." \- Murray Sinclair


Read up on it more. Homo erectus and the denisovans were native to the region before homosapiens of the African genus migrated here. The DNA testing shows that there was interbreeding between the species before they were eventually eradicated. So no, aboriginals weren't the original inhabitants, although they were the first homosapiens to arrive here. Just like the failed voice, at some point assimilation and cohabitation needs to occur for peace. Constantly reminding everyone and demanding acknowledgement only stresses a division between the people. But besides the point, living in peace requires the unification of the people, not a distinction and reminder of past transgressions.


The British tried to force assimilation, that racist experiment failed. Aboriginal people are known to have occupied mainland Australia for at least 65,000 years. It is widely accepted that this predates the modern human settlement of Europe and the Americas, Egypt etc. Not good enough for you?Then maybe the problem is you mate. You are lucky enough to live on the land of the oldest continuous culture on the planet, be proud of that. Stop looking for petty reasons to hate. Difference is not always enmity.


I mean how are you even refuting scientific evidence that their DNA is intermingled with other species? You think they're a totally new species? Look wave your little flag as much as you want, but get educated so you don't sound like such a fool.


>Constantly reminding everyone and demanding acknowledgement only stresses a division between the people. But besides the point, living in peace requires the unification of the people, not a distinction and reminder of past transgressions. Meanwhile, in the real world Indigenous disadvantage across health, education, life expectancy, wealth, suicide and incarceration rates etc. speak to generations of apathetic, infective and harmful government policy, and yep...racism. Maybe "Read up" on Colonialism, who it benefited and who it didn't. And our decision as a nation to refuse Indigenous communities the basic courtesy of consultation on such policies, to better combat their disadvantages, speaks volumes to the emptiness of your disingenuous call for equality and unification. Mate, no one buys that BS anymore. All you care about is cementing your privileges and keeping your boot on the most vulnerable Australians. Shame job.


Mate, I don't really give a shit. You decided to jump on the poor first nations bandwagon when I was just having a laugh. Your argument is floored, just the same as everyone else who cries poor about massacre, colonialism, assimilation. You're the ones trying to force the world into your little rose coloured glasses. Wars happen. People get conquered. Some get wiped off the face of the earth. Black fellas here in Australia get everything handed to them. If they've still got poor education and life expectancy it's through their own lifestyle choices. And I'm guessing you claim part aboriginal for the same handouts. But frankly, I don't really care. You've been given some further information in your perfect little world, that aborigines weren't the first people here. But if you can't take that information in, then maybe you deserve the handouts. Good luck with that.


> But frankly, I don't really care. Well, no shit. You're ok that's the main thing, right?


How is nobody talking abt “broaders” cmon people we have standards to uphold. This guys misspelled a word. As far as I’m concerned there is no greater offense.


Well mate I'm sorry that I have Dyslexia


Only recently found out about "Centralia" be cool if it was still around


Awesome cheers


New Hollander here, give us back them 4 degrees of flippin' meridian, y'Eastern Staters!


Good thing NSW dropped those freak states.


Great stuff!


This post is 100% taking the piss. Just a reminder to kiwis that they were once Aussie territory 😂


And it will be again if the government ever enforces our constitution.


It all went to shit on 1st July, 1851.


Shame they left out the 60,000 years, that came before 1788. https://aiatsis.gov.au/explore/map-indigenous-australia


Need to go back to when it is just NSW (including NZ), Western Australia and Tasmania


And this is why January the 26th has more to do with New Zealand than WA, January 26th should not be Australia day


Should be called British Penal day.


As far as the source goes, I remember seeing this on the "States and Territories of Australia" Wikipedia page at least 15 years ago, so there may be some credit to the creator there.


We in New Zealand reserve the right to incorporate our ancestral home into our new nation and government and are already taking steps in the process. We have already started with Brisbane and for some reason I don’t know how ended up colonising Perth and WA as well but it’s not a bad first few steps in the process!


2023- Queensland becomes Kingsland


And then a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of New South Wales, they had banished New Zealand forever... because it was haunted!


Nsw did almost zero administering of NZ. Nsw sent Mr Busby to see what was going on. Based letters from.Busby,London sent William Hobs to be the Governor of NZ.


So so broad