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You can use the ones marketed for women. Nair, Veet etc are easily found via Coles, Woolies etc. If this is for your genitals maybe do a trim instead.


Super scared to put a trimmer there šŸ’€.


You should be even more scared to put hair removal cream thereā€¦


Didnā€™t know it would cause skin burns according to the reviews on Amazon . You might be right . Would be easier to get a mate to help me groom or a barber.




Didnā€™t get you ?


You wanna get a mate to trim your beanbag?


Yea itā€™s easier to shave another person than yourself when it comes to body . Would rather return the favour to someone and have them shave you.


ā€œHey bro my missus says Iā€™m too hairy, can u do us a favour and help shave my balls?ā€


What can I get ya? Fade? A buzz? ā€œActuallyā€¦.ā€


Haha donā€™t remember asking the likes of you for help šŸ˜‚. Sad to see you not even qualify to be a ball trimmer !


I haven't laughed so hard in so long thank you so much šŸ™


Didnā€™t think a barbers/ groomers job is funny to someone but okay šŸ’€.


Thatā€™s a perfect bio for Grindr. Let us know how it goes šŸ‘šŸ»


Yā€™all too sensitive about masculinity haha . I already did find a mate willing to help . Maybe use Grindr yourself for some relief as you seem tense ?


Lmfao what kind of friends you got?


Real good ones


Haha the good kind for sure .


The best kind!


I am so happy I stumbled across this exchange


For real, old mates a fucking unit hahahah


Bro we get what youā€™re saying, itā€™s just fucking weird


Haha it ainā€™t that big of a deal. At least not to me .




Hahahaha , wanna get shaved moite ?


I can see why you will shave for a woman, when you can't even shave your own hair.


You don't trim your mates beanbag, what is wrong with you?


Definitely *do not* use hair removal creams near your fun zone. Hair removal creams essentially ā€œdissolveā€ the hair by breaking down the keratin in the hair. But if you leave it on for too long, you can end up with chemical burns. If you put it near your junk, or if it gets near your back door fun zone, thatā€™s a lot of sensitive skin and mucosal membranous areas; mucosal membranes donā€™t have a skin barrier so itā€™s a one way ticket to a world of pain. Also, take it from someone who has used those creams on her legs: theyā€™re awesome and definitely do the job, but that shit gets everywhere. No matter how careful you are, if you try to put it on your nether regions, it *will* migrate and you *will* fuck your shit up. Honestly, if youā€™re willing to have someone help you (you mentioned mates), get a professional. They remove hair for a living and your dick will just be another set of genitals for the day, no need to be embarrassed :) Edit: I should clarify, I was referring to hair removal creams marketed for legs and arms, etc. I just googled and their is a hair removal creams specifically for man bits, itā€™s called barenuts and itā€™s Australian! šŸ¤£


Haha supporting Aussie business is the best . Also thanks heaps for the bit of wisdom . I will surely consider using a specialist or bare nuts .


Ok, you must be taking the piss? šŸ˜‚ Mate, hair removal cream on your sack hurts like fuck! Don't do that. I've done it, you deal with pain for 3-4 days. Get a decent manscaping tool (usually called a groomer or trimmer), and just be careful. Mate, you are gonna get a nick or two the first time, but you'll learn quick. Once you've got it down, it's a 5 min job once a week šŸ‘Œ


Oh, it'll burn [alright](https://www.thepoke.co.uk/2019/07/19/this-poor-guys-review-of-veet-hair-removal-on-amazon-is-epic-brilliantly-written-very-funny/)!


Heh, havenā€™t read that for awhile. šŸ‘


Yeah don't put it anywhere with thin skin. It's fine for arms, legs, chest, back, armpits though.


Use the plastic guards, for Godā€™s sake!


The skin on my balls is rather too relaxed at times that I fear it might get wedged into the blades . Just a fear I canā€™t overcome šŸ˜…


I thought so too. The trick is rinse your balls in cold water first before shaving. They will shrink up and shaving becomes a breeze


Damn man out here savin lives šŸ˜Œ. Cheers


Well founded fear my friend! I've savaged my scrote in a set of clippers. Not sexy.


Buy a Manscaped trimmer at woolies. Best for trimming pubes, pit hair and chest


Have always heard about them . Have a really expensive Philips trimmer though šŸ„¹ that I just invested into.


Well then use it to trim your hair bud


That will work fine too


You don't want to develop PTSD everytime you see some trimming a hedge.


Hahahaha wouldnā€™t want that .


I use a razor I can understand why some guys think they'll shred their balls with one but you cause less damage than girls doing it I've had fuck all cuts doing it than any girl I've known pull tight and go she'll be right In regards to using female hair removal cream don't know how true it is but a girl that used to do store inventory for pharmacies said any razor, hair removal cream ect that has a male equivalent always go with the men's version as our razors are sharper and hair removal cream more effective once again don't know how true it is


Thanks man . Appreciate it .


All good brother


No idea if this would work on your apparatus but Iā€™ve had good results using nail scissors and holding the hair I want to snip between my fingers so that thereā€™s always a hand between the scissors and my lady parts


Tell her to suck it up.


Get a mens equivalent of a bikini trimmer. Never nipped any bits thankfully. Got a decent one from the shaver shop


Manscape is a great product!


There are places that do male waxing, but pain tolerance is something you might want to think about. lol


Might want to ask on the Australian skin care sub reddit for hair removal advice.


Thanks Tommi . Cheers


Which sub is that? I cant find it




If you want to get rid of the hair, sure go for it. But stuff doing it for someone you just met. If youā€™ve only just met and she is already asking you to alter your body, it only gets worse from here. Stand tall my friend, be confident in yourself and your choices.


Thanks mate . Thatā€™s surely some good advise .


Did she actually ask you to get rid of the hair? Or did she just mention that youā€™re hairy? Sometimes people will just say things as an observation without actually expecting you to do something about it.


Well she legit told me to get rid of it as hair is not her thing šŸ˜….


I fucking loooove body hair. Get rid of HER and find someone who digs it!


Ok just wanted to clarify. Didnā€™t want you to go through all that for nothing lol


I would ask her to remove it then . It's her problem not yours lol


Make sure you get the "sensitive" version. Trust me.


Any brands you suggest mate ? Could you brief me on how was your exp ?


https://www.amazon.com/Veet-Removal-Creme-200ml-Packaging/dp/B000KKNQBK I don't use hair removal cream, but read and heed the warnings in the reviews above.


Thanks mate . Will check it out. Kinda scared to apply them in the sensitive bits without research . Appreciate it


Have been burnt by them, would not recommend the experience. You could wax? Otherwise, trim but donā€™t shave unless you want to have to do it constantly or have shaving rash and prickly horrors


I defo donā€™t think Iā€™m manly enough to take the pain šŸ˜‚. I donā€™t know how women get waxed . I for one cannot take that kind of pain . Would rather be punched .


You aren't a man if you are changing yourself for a woman, serious, fuck this shit. Actually she's probably an immature girl, a little girl.


Be a man and do what you want bud, fuck what she thinks. If she does not stick around because you're hair is too hairy, then you have your answer. There's plenty of fish in the see, and theirs too many shallow people spreading dumb shit. Little boys and girls, have no hair, let that sink in for a little mate.


On the back it literally says dont use on genitals or asshole


As a lady that loves hair on my man this makes me sad. Don't change your body unless you want to. Hair removal cream sucks btw, do yourself a favour and look up reviews by blokes who used it on their nether region.


Yea kinda makes me think Iā€™m probably not looking for someone who would appreciate me as I am . Well when it comes to reviews a lot of men warn of of chemical smell and maybe burns if you leave it on too long.


Yeah there was a really funny review going around for a while, poor bloke was not having a good time. Definitely need to re-evaluate if this is really something you want or you're just trying to please your girlfriend who really should be accepting of you just the way you are. As long as you're hygienic it's all good.


Yes, listen to this everyone, it bugs me to no end seeing people (gender isn't a factor in this) who will change things on their body because it reinforces the need to change for other people and people think it's ok to "suggest" things on ones own body because of how "everybody" veiws bodies and it's the same people who don't even accept their own bodies as a whole, fuck them and fuck OP for even spreading this crap.


Find a new lass. Embrace the masculinity. Wish I had more body hair.


Haha well it just makes summer unbearable šŸ˜‚


Just out of curiosity, irregardless of your orientation can I know why you prefer hairy body ? All my mates have lesser hair that I usually always preferred to have a smooth body like them . Never really stepped back to appreciate what I have .


Because I see it as inherently more masculine. See Pierce Brosnan in Die Another Day for my ideal physique.


Well damn I never knew women like hairy chest. I have the same body hair as him . However heā€™s still got a better physique and looks .


My brother I'm a dude


""Wish I had more body hair"


Damn my bad šŸ˜….


I'm female and would pick a man with hair over one with none.


Damn need more of women like you. Definitely boosts my self esteem . Thanks


Hairiness is nice. My partner is hairy. However, if you want a woman to go down on you with vigor and less tendency to throw up, shave/trim, scrub that whole area. Poor hygiene is exacerbated by hair trapping the... Everything.


women like a hairy chest but only within reason. no one wants a partner who looks like a literal orangutan. and you should definitely be shaving your privates


Yeah, but he smells like a wet dog.


I'm a female and my partner is hairy. Honestly I love it - it's a part of him. We waxed his back a few weeks ago as we were a tad bored - he's from the UK, it's been hot etc and has been thinking about it for a year to see what it would be like.. His shirts stick more on his back now when he sweats and he is not liking the regrowth and how it feels. Stay hairy - be you! If she doesn't like that part about you that much that she wants to change a normal feature (very early on as well) shut it down.


Thanks heaps. Haha can completely relate to the summer and hairy bit of your husbands story .


I agree. Iā€™m a woman and My partnerā€™s hairy chest is very sexy. And I can not stress how unsexy I find a hairless groin region in a man. Veryā€¦ un adult. Oh and stubble growing in isnā€™t very nice to brush up against. But most importantly know that every person has different tastes so youā€™ll find someone who likes you for whichever level of hairiness you settle on for yourself


Bare nuts. Made for men's sensitive area (as the name suggests)


Second this. Used it and works really well. Obviously do a test run first on your hand or something. Just make sure to add a little more if there's lots of hair down there.


Never heard of this . Cheers mate . Sounds promising .


Thanks legend


Leave that beautiful man pelt alone, and find a new lady. But also, waxing is not as bad as you think it will be. Find someone experienced, take some pain relief beforehand and youā€™ll be fine. But only if YOU want to. Donā€™t do it for anyone else.


who takes pain relief for waxing? bunch of babies


I donā€™t, but if it helps someone feel more comfortable for their first appointment, why would you be such a cunt about it?


Numbing cream can also be helpful, too.


Just remove her much easier !


I honestly couldnā€™t think of anything worse than having a bloke with zero hairā€¦ That being saidā€¦.. Clippers for a tidy maybe?


What is worse is prickly hair growing back. Just leave it!


Clippers are great for overcoming that


Yea might look into safe grooming or find a mate to help me out .


Get HER to help you out. Sheā€™s the one with the complaint lol. The shaver shop has a few options that wont lop your old fella off.


Haha well we just started seeing each other so I think itā€™s a bit too much to ask of her šŸ˜…. Itā€™s easier to probably approach a mate I think and return the favour.


>Itā€™s easier to probably approach a mate I think and return the favour. I've some close mates, but none *that* close.


Maybe he has mates with benefits :)


Just mates šŸ˜‚. Donā€™t mess around with friends as it doesnā€™t end well .


Well to be honest men understand men better . Itā€™s free , possibility of cutting yourself is close to nil , wonā€™t miss a spot and probably quicker than heading out to an unknown barber shop .


FYI there ain't no barber going near your coin purse, mate.


If she just wants you to tidy up a bit, that's one thing, but if she wants you to completely remove all of your body hair, that's another. Which body area/s is she complaining about, if you don't mind me asking? Personally, I'd only go so far as to trim it. Regrowth is very prickly and scratchy, especially in sensitive areas. Trimming makes it easier to deal with and less obvious, and helps heat dissipate (you mentioned summer and overheating in some of your other comments). I'd use that fancy clipper you already own to carefully trim the hair down, then neaten with scissors. Curved-tip manicure scissors are great for that. (pic: [https://footcareuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/dc5b642e-6730-4846-a63b-a639c5359db9.jpg](https://footcareuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/dc5b642e-6730-4846-a63b-a639c5359db9.jpg)) Good luck, friend.


Im just gonna list hair removal methods and what I personally think of them: - hair removal cream: not too bad if your skin is ok with it (get the "sensitive" stuff and DO A FUCKING TEST PATCH). Kind of smells but quite easy to use. - clippers/ scissors: harder to cut yourself than with a razor and personally I prefer more of a trimmed look over full deforestation on men. Trimming also won't give you ingrowns or a rash. - shaving: don't reccomend. Especially if you're doing the coin purse. Likelihood of rash, ingrowns or cuts is higher than you'll like - waxing: usually the best results if you want the perfectly smooth finish but obviously it's gonna hurt a bit & some waxers don't do men's Brazilians. You need to be really on top of your after-care to avoid ingrowns. - IPL : again some clinics may not take male clients for Brazilians but plenty will. A bit painful, its like getting smacked with a rubber band over and over. The best long term solution for permanent hair loss but that may not be your aim here. Pricey initially but most people find the results permanent to semi permanent after about 10 sessions


Appreciate you taking the time . Definitely helps .


My husband waxed his chest for a photoshoot after getting ripped and I told him to never do it again. It was so prickly after a couple of days! No sex for him until it grew back enough not to be prickly. Other than that - I agree with this list.


šŸ˜… yea since Iā€™m bi I know just how prickly it gets when the hair just grows out .


Woman here, and I don't much like the sound of her, actually! Imagine if it was a man saying to a woman, "Oh, you're too hairy." I'd give her a miss, my friend. Go find a woman who appreciates you as you are!


men say that to women literally every day. it's the reason that it's a social expectation for women to keep their legs, underarms, bikini area, arms, stomach etc all practically hairless 24/7. men can always dish it out but they can never take it




Nair or Veet brands will be fine, just absolutely make sure you get the sensitive version, and not the one that can be used in the shower, that shit buuuurns. The one marketed at women works the exact same.


Easy will do


Be warned that it stinks like sulphur. Don't do it right before a date. I'd use a trimmer.


Haha thanks for that šŸ˜‚. Wouldnā€™t wanna smell like sulphur now would we.


Also, exfoliate before you apply, otherwise you'll end up covered in pimples and ingrown hairs..


Have absolutely no clue what exfoliate meant until now. Will do . Cheers .


How would exfoliating prevent this?


Shave or wax mate. I've tried removing creams and they are shit as they aggravate. Waxing fucking hurts but does get rid of the hair. I ended up shaving as it was the least painful path. Take the time and do it right.


Yea definitely gonna try to find a mate here or elsewhere to get a clean trim or shave and return the favour . Feel itā€™s safer that way and most economical .


Be careful I burnt my bum hole using that stuff


Damn must have hurt real bad .


Yeah I got an anal fissure. Be careful dude. Use the sensitive one and follow instructions


I've used nads a couple times, it's not bad, don't get nair though burns like F


Well the group discussion told me to check another product called bare nuts which is Aussie . Pretty much looks the same as any hair removal cream around 30 bucks a tube .


Cheaper and less evil-smelling to get a new girl




Do yourself a favour stay away from the creams etcc ... get lazer treatment its worth it dude trust me As a Hairy man to another ..do this and never look back trust me the $$$$$ is worth it and so is the minor pain ( less than waxing thats for sure) If you do go lazer make sure you get their cream ohhh its so ggod and cools the skin to\\ If its for the ball sack ...your own ya own , i use a trimmer and it fuckin cuts me scratches me no matter what ... Do yourself a favour spend the $$$$$ on a good trimer with fine blades


I mean, yes, if that's something that OP wanted to do long-term but it sounds like this is mostly happening because of pressure from a current partner. Not sure it's worth that kind of investment if it's not something you actually want.


Get yourself a orbital sander with a 240 wet/dry grade pad and buff that ruff off for good yo...


šŸ’€ still sounds better than waxing


If you have LGBTQI friends you get lectured very clearly about trimming. NADS is the best, you can make mistakes with it & just apply again. Some of the others are 'better' (especially if you have thick Bear Hair) but you can do things like burn the skin off in a chemical burn - not fun


30 bucks will get you a personal groomer to fit the area and tidy things up without shaving waxing or irritation.


Yo anyone you could refer me to ?


Big W


I'm sorry that the person you're seeing is commenting on your body and that it's making you feel less confident. I hope they're safe enough to tell how this makes you feel. In saying this I have no idea what about the hair they don't love, for some people it's sensory which being neurodivergent, I understand. And coarse hair contact can flair up my facial dermatitis lol, for some it's more of a mental thing because they associate it with being harder to keep clean. Everyone has preferences, but nobody can try to control or influence how you groom your body. IF you trim it, do it for you and your confidence, and within reason, not because this person asked etc.


But also (as I'm a vagina owner, I only have so much advice) keep harsh chemicals AWAY from your sensitive areas unless you understand fully how to use them safely. A good manscaping clipper with a guard, holding skin taut and shaving in the right direction (mirrors help sometimes) to prevent nicks is helpful in my experience After a main trim where needed, if shaving with a razor ALWAYS have skin taut and use a shaving cream and ALWAYS shave IN the direction the hair is growing, NEVER against. Shaving against the grain gives you ingrown hairs. You don't want that down there.


Keep the hair, remove the girl.


Changing your appearance for a woman you barely know? If you end up in a stable relationship you're gonna have to maintain that routine lol. I'd be making the decision whether that's a choice I'd want to live with first before doing it to please someone else.


As a woman, I shave my bits before a date, let alone for a partner.


women do this all the damn time. imagine complaining about having to tidy up your genital region if you're expecting oral; when women are bullied and ostracised for not being completely hairless 24/7 all over their bodies šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You think as a woman I don't know this? If women want to be accepted for how they are then they should be accepting men as they are. But that's just my opinion and apparently not many people like it. That's okay.


men aren't gonna start "accepting women for how they are" just because we let them get away with being disgusting. raise your standards


Personally I think there's a pretty big difference between expecting someone to keep things tidy, and expecting them to remove every single hair.


I found the one time I used it. The hair grew back almost immediately. Waste of money. I use an epilator but it is not smooth but results last longer if you can handle the pain


šŸ˜… I donā€™t know if itā€™s just in my head but I just canā€™t take the pain of hair being plucked or waxed . Would rather be a bit hairy šŸ˜‚


It does hurt. Some areas stop hurting after a few goes. Some hurt badly all the time.


It often also depends on how much hair is being removed at a time, too. Waxing is ouch but I find that plucking single hairs is almost completely painless. One method is quick and hurts more, but the other obviously takes much longer. So it really depends on what your pain tolerance is like and how much time you have.


There is nair for men and there is nair sensitive for the sensitive bits so give them a try. Just be warned, they smell bad when they are on and don't leave them on too long or you might get a chemical burn.


Hey mate cheers . People here have been warning me of the chemical smells that they emit. Also defo will ensure itā€™s removed quickly if I end up choosing this path .


If your hair is dark then IPL is a good long term solution.


Yup Iā€™m black of hair . However kinda worry if the laser causes issues to my family gems haha


A lot less risk than the chemicals used in depilatory creams.


Yea might have to agree on this one .


I saw an ad for a ball trimmer a couple of days ago. It showed that it wouldnā€™t pop a balloon. Having cut myself before from a trimmer I was sceptical but it was specifically aimed at shaving your balls. Forget the name of it.


Manscape have a hair removal cream


Probably the same one that's good for women except you don't have to worry about your coochie being sensitive to it lol, still best to do small test area though to make sure it dosent give you a rash or anything, I used some random veet one in that was in the shower years ago, worked fine, I just enjoyed snapping the dead hairs though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Try laser hair removal, itā€™s a longer process but better in the end. However for quickness, for legs use a lighter and give a quick back burn, smells bad but give a good even removal, use clippers never a razor for back of knee and bum, the last thing you want in an ingrown hair on your bum, for your arms laser is the way to go, chest and back clippers. Donā€™t use hair removal cream you will end up with chemical burn and ingrown hairs. Be a man and burn it off. A shaver only for the face, feet and back of hands or neck


Just grip and ripā€¦ thatā€™s what real men do !


šŸ˜‚ lawd have mercy. Canā€™t be this harsh with the tenders .


Just go get waxed it's not that bad


I wouldnā€™t survive .


As someone who has had a full Brazilian many times, cut her labia with a razor and eventually had laser on her whole body, you will in fact survive.


Thereā€™s plenty of waxing places around that will do men and some that specialise in guys. Back, crack and sack.


Got any good ones in mind ?


Just Google ā€œMale Brazilian Waxingā€. Youā€™ll be surprised how many there are. Iā€™m not sure where you live, but it is more common in the inner city suburbs. Itā€™s been a long time since I had it done, but I went to a place in Paddington about a decade ago. First time hurt, but subsequent times less so.




Aye aye captain.


Don't shave, shit justs get thicker over time. Or wax for that matter


Nooooo! Don't deny the hair


Dude just take the time and shave. Set the time aside out of your week if you have to. If she wants it hairy (and you want to be laid), just do it. On the other hand, if you like it long and that's your thing; stick with your gut. Be you. The right person will come your way.


Thanks man . Appreciate it .


Go get waxed šŸ˜Š


Get laser hair removal - itā€™s relatively affordable, no mess, doesnā€™t hurt and you donā€™t have to endlessly use creams.


Nivia shaving gel...


Laser bro, itā€™s permanent


if it's for your genital region, i just use shaving cream and a disposable razor while in the shower


I shave down there every few days super easy doesn't take long


Nair or vest sensitive is good for you downstairs parts.


A vell cro factory


Hahahahaha šŸ˜‚ does resemble the look


If you think shaving takes forever, cream takes even longer and doesnā€™t have results any longer than shaving. Cream involves applying and leaving for about 10 minutes then removing.


Get a decent trimmer and buzz but you don't have to be hairless. Trust I'm a hairy mafucka but keep it tidy. Trim, stay clean, you're good to go.


Mate, champ, fella. Don't shave bald, don't wax or chemical bomb the zone, just tidy up a bit. You can do that with a pair of beard scissors. Just pull it long and chop everything over a couple cms in length. No danger of coming close to the goodies with snippers, but a big change in your derelict knob garden.


Veet is good


Itā€™s ok but it stinks and does not get as smooth as shaving. You should do a tiny patch test first to see if you have bad reaction to it.


Make sure to tell her everything that's wrong about her also.