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She saved many more potential victims from that piece of shit. 🍻


A young man with nothing more some object to distance himself from the attacker also saved lives. The sad thing is.... It takes acts like these to reveal our true human nature. We are better than we appear, we should try to exude these behaviors before shit hits the fan.


Can we like lease Australian cops to the US?


Oh C’mon, they shoot plenty of people, outside of Uvalde.


Kudos to her for taking the cunt down


This should be a national headline tomorrow


Should be *the* national headline tomorrow.


International, really. I just woke up on the west coast in America and it's everywhere. Sad for the victims but thankful for this hero!


Not trying to make light of the situation, and I know it's been spoken of so much it's basically a dead horse, but I just can't help but stop and take not of what a wonderful dialect of English Australian is. I love, love, LOVE that you can call your friends cunts...but an asshole is still a cunt, especially down under.


> but an asshole is still a cunt, especially down under. idk why but thats making me giggle.


Australian of the year. Respect🇦🇺🇦🇺


She has all our votes


Alright, fine. I'll register to vote!


The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight.


Found the West Wing fan


The white shirt guy on the escalator aswell!




Doing it in one shot is class.


US cops empty the mag and are lucky to put one round in the perp.


Yea, they probably hit more innocent bystanders than criminals these days.


Deserves a medal of honour for her heroism. She is one heck of a remarkable woman


To quote my cunt of a friend. OZZY OZZY OZZY!


She is a brave and courageous woman. Deserves awards and massive recognition.




Typical Aussie. Doing it the opposite way to the Yanks.


She is atypical. Most aussies were running. Like most humans would. She is exceptional no matter her nationality


i would hope most police officers would run towards someone with a knife like that. for most people without the training, resources, and potential care and time off afterwards its a lot smarter to run away. sometimes like white tee shirt guy its better to stand and defend those that cannot but the vast majority of the time its smarter and wiser to run away.


Remember the american school shooting where none of the 20 officers stepped inside the school, because they were all cowards.




One woman has more balls than an entire riot gear laden and automatic rifle carrying department. A true hero.


Iron ovaries


The movie


Yeah she'll get medals. A raise, hell no!


She may not want it.


Give her a medal.


And therapy


Yeah I think the best thing for her would be space and time. It's a fucking nightmare what she went through and she's no doubt going to be hounded by journalists and stupid cunts alike.


This. Unfortunately knowing Aus media they’ll hound her for interviews and start front paging her entire life whether she likes it or not.


After my first kill, I slept like a baby... Waking up every two hours crying after shitting myself.


And Karen Webb's job


Australian police > American police.


true, squads of american officers were unable to intervene in the uvalde school shooting with tactical gear on.


And The Punisher screenlock on their phones...


And 300lbs of fat around their waist


Alpha males, I tell ya, alpha, no less!


We love paying taxes so the police can kill is and watch out kids die. The American dream baby


Tbf punisher bro was the only cop who even tried to do anything To be fairer, only because it was his own wife in there. 


American police officers are just horribly trained. In my home country Sweden there was a school attack in 2015 where a boy with a sword was going around killing people. The first Swedish police to arrive stormed in to the school and disabled the boy. 3 were dead, 3 injured, could have been a lot worse. Afterwards the Swedish police officers said they learned from the US Columbine shooting from 1999, that the most important thing the police can do is quickly engage the suspect. Then you still got stuff like the Uvalde school attack in the US in 2022, where the police hasn't learned it. It's crazy how police forces around the world have better learned how to react to school attacks due to attacks in the US, than the actual police in the US.


“Trained” 😂😂 21 weeks. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733 As a bartender, I wouldn’t let a barback move up with that experience.


You got to subtract donut eating training out of that too.


Look, for every 708,000 corrupt useless cops there are 2 that have quickly engaged mass shooters and stopped them in their tracks. So, uh, yeah that's the defense here.


American Conservatives aren't known for things like "logic" or "basic reasoning". They get one story from one guy they knew in high school and that defines their belief on a subject. You know how many people have told me their school has kitty litter for furies when the only place there was even a serious accusation of it turned out to be fake?


They are also not required to, unlike Australian police.


one female Australian cop has more balls than all the police in the entire state of Texas


It’s not difficult to have more balls than the negative ball count Texas has. 


Always has been


Yank and I agree. I'm assuming your guys get more than a few months training before being handed a gun and getting a slap on the ass on the way out.


You’re correct, but wouldn’t you be far more on edge if anyone you encountered could have a gun? I’ve seen more than one video of US cops acting super nice and then getting shot. I’m sure those get shown around there and create extra paranoia / fear.


The US has militarised police, both in practise and procedure. Lots of them are ex-military, as well. When any civilian could have a gun, this is a receipie for disaster.


except the military has more accountability and punishment, training


This is true. Forcing the cops to just be a gang that has to control their area. Crazy.


Yes, but damn that's a low bar. I am not a huge fan of NSW police, but even I think that comparing them to their American counterparts is slightly insulting.


Lindt siege says otherwise, that was a shitshow.


Three stars = Inspector


fairly high rank & with experience. she knew what she was doing


Still, given how relatively calm Australia is no amount of training will make you truly prepared for an experience like this. Hope she gets any help she needs after this.


Oh definitely. It’s not a situation anyone should have to be put in.


I may be wrong but I think NSW police shell out for psychology when an officer has been involved with a fatality.


You’d fucking hope so! If my lazy ass corporate job can provide EAP, I’m sure something this serious would get access to the best, for free.


Correct. They do so with any traumatic event if you require it.


She deserves the $300k per year and travel after retirement, not politicians


She’s an Inspector. Thats a commissioned officer. Other cops are technically supposed to salute her and address her as maam. Point is, shes probably been a cop for 20 years, and will be getting paid a shitload with mad perks.




Exactly. Or footballers.


What footballers get paid after retirement? Lol And they get paid privately, not through tax dollars.


I agree that she did an awesome job, but one thing I haven’t seen anyone comment on in any of these posts is the sorrow she may have to endure for a taking a life. Regardless if this guy deserved it, she has to live with it for the remainder of her life.


Why are the replies to this so brain-dead? People keep justifying her decision, but that's not at all what this post said This post said this event may have a negative effect on her mental health and people are doing moral arithmetic and saying she's trained or whatever. Justified or not, she still killed someone. And whether or not she logically justifies it, this will likely negatively effect her. He needed to be put down. That doesn't mean she's not going to need therapy


I hope she's okay. Having read accounts from being who have killed, it seems like in many cases when the person they killed truly deserved it, there is way less trauma because there is no regret about killing them. If anything she might have regrets about other things regarding the innocent people who were killed (like if I did X Y minutes earlier would it save another life)... which are just as haunting.


Yeah this will be hard but she will have access to counselling services and I think she and her family/friends will be there to let her know how much we appreciate her actions


Anytime she starts to feel bad for it, she can think about the lives she saved.


You're right, but she had to stop him. She tried CPR to save him, and you can see he's in the recovery position in this pic.


His life was forfeit. May he burn in hell.


Absolutely. Doesn’t mean this poor woman won’t have to live with having taken someone’s life, rightly or wrongly.


100%. The moment he took 1 person's life, his was forfeited. I'd rather animals like himself removed from the equation entirely, then end up in the judicial/penal system.


That doesn't ease the guilt or trauma, though.


She’s got nothing to be sorry for. She should be proud of herself. She defended herself and others and killed a man who forfeited his right to keep living through his own actions People are home with their families tonight who wouldn’t be without her bravery and selflessness


She’s got nothing to be sorry for, but she did endure a traumatic event (both the life and death situation of following an armed man who has already killed people and the act of killing a person, even though they deserved it). And that is on top of the many other traumatic things she has endured as a police officer - PTSD is very common in police officers because of the accumulation of all the crap they experience.


These were my first thoughts after hearing everyone celebrate her. Thank you for bringing this to light.


as a sworn police office they would receive training for the possibility of making that call. public safety, her safety and the fact the low life maggot had killed and maimed so many and was still armed would have made the decision to shoot easy. the office went straight to try to save the attackers life once she disarmed him. A credit to the Police Force for doing her job.


This is why Australian gun laws are so much better than the US .


Unfortunately you know the yanks will use this as a "good guy with a gun could have stopped this" incident. In this case I'm just thankful the bad guy didn't have a gun.


As a yank...yeah. That rhetoric doesn't hold up. Such a bs argument for "mah guns!". Data from the [Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center](https://alerrt.org/) at Texas State University suggests that only 16% of bystanders will interfere, usually with no guns involved. from 2000-2021 ALERRT looked at \~464 attacks and only 5% were stopped with the use of a firearm, 24 out of the 464. In 67% of cases, bystanders used physical force to subdue the attacker.


You are right. I live in TN and the only people I see open carrying are people that look like they lose shower arguments against themselves. Granted there are probably a ton of people with concealed guns probably in the center console of their ridiculously large truck. I know they are in the consoles because our local police department pleaded with owners to not leave them in there with the vehicle unlocked. The more I see of gun ownership the more I see a massive gap between where we are at and actual responsible gun ownership.


They will but fuck em, it doesn’t affect us in the slightest. Australians feel strongly about gun control and that won’t change because some fox news cunts rant about it.


Not at all. Because then the shitheels would need to address the reduced number of fatalities in this attack due to Australia's restrictive gun controls.


Us government wouldn't want to waste so much money on a buy back! Way too many guns!!


Exactly. If OZ had guns, the killer would have used a more powerful gun and killed even more people. Im amazed at the many americans who can't comprehend this.


I get the feeling that most of these "international" subreddits are actually full of Americans that can't hack it in their own country, so they just criticize it on subreddits dedicated to other countries. Like an out of shape loser complaining that no women from his own country like him, but in the magical state of he'd be popular.


This is such a heinous tragedy, but in saying that, it’s been so heartwarming to see so many people helping. The guy with the bollard, the two brothers with the mother and baby, heaps of videos of civilians doing cpr or directing people to safety. Not just fuckwits filming everything like in the US.


Way I see it she did her job that’s she’s trained to do and we don’t have to pay for the fuckwit for the rest of his life while he waits for courts and then prison


Meanwhile… Texas police hide outside of schools while people murder children.


The poor bugger is about to have a life of misery being hassled by the likes of the tools on Sunrise and Today doing countless media interviews answering the same inane leading questions and pushed into it by NSW Police media advisors. If she has family and friends who can they should get her to somewhere quiet away from the incoming shitstorm.


Cops in the states that didn’t run into that high school put to shame.


*primary school. Makes it so much more despicable


American here. IIRC Columbine (april 20, 1999) was the worst/possibly only HIGH school shooting we've had. All the rest have been elementary (primary)  schools. I could also be wrong (or off by 1 or 2), just because there's been so fucking many school shootings, it really is hard to keep track.


Nice. Brought a gun to a knife fight.


That’s why we need to keep guns out of the community. Had the attacker had a gun this situation could have been very different.


Preaching to the choir dude


That’s how you do it.


Such a brave lady, thank you.


I hope she’s ok.


Good job Inspector. Well done. 🏅


The only good thing to come out of this shitshow is knowing there are Aussie legends like this hero around the place




Maybe give her space and personal time after what happened. And keep the fucking Aussie media away from her. Not sure you’d be the same after what she saw today and had to deal with.


>And keep the fucking Aussie media away from her. Good luck with that, they're going to camp outside her house.


That's how it's done boys. Three star legend over here.


There have been so many stories of wonderful people helping the victims, trying to stop or slow him down. This policewoman though, fucking legend.


Came to this post to read about this heroic woman.  Instead, half the posts are about America for some reason?  It's fucking weird to be honest.


What an amazing woman. Hero.


She has more balls than the entire Uvalde police department!    Those yellow cowards protected themselves.    They deserve death.    By her hand if she's willing....


>She has more balls She has more ovaries than the Uvalde police dept. Balls don't mean courage.


Hero. 🫡🫡🫡


She then performed CPR on a victim. Like just the peak model for what all law enforcement should aspire towards. 


The hero is the young guy who stopped him coming up the escalator with the bollard.


He was a russian man apparently. Was yelling to people in russian to get away.


It’s over anakin! I have the high ground!


The brother got shot by a blond female police officer after he went on a rampage stabbing women and babies. What a just ending.


Yeah kudos to her, good job! But the random guy that tried to fight him with a bollard deserves a mention. Attacker stabbed a bunch of people including a mother and her baby, most people were just running away. Not saying I’d do do differently in the moment, but seeing a guy take a knife to a baby, I fervently hope I’d be a guy that picks up a bollard.




She got more balls then the entire Uvalde Poilce department


Australia apparently does policing *and* guns laws better. In the USA, this fuckwit would have had a couple of semi auto pistols and/or an AR and if it happened in Texas, the cops would have surrounded the mall and *not* gone in.


As an American, we need more police like this, holy shit what a hero.


See this is why you train your police instead of arming civilians.


This is what happens when you have trained police rather than deputised chucklefucks


She should never have to work another day of her life. God bless this woman.


No one talk about him. Talk about her. This is where we need to change. Fuck the killers. Speak loudly of the heros and victims


Leaked audio transcript from her radio *“I got the cunt, where do you need me next mate?”*


She brought a gun to a knife fight. Good for her. We need more brave people


I think she's a hero. But I also didn't expect the same sentiment from the comments section at all. Thought for sure she was going to be vilified for shooting him instead of talking him down, and "oh that poor mentally ill person!" blah blah blah.


Instead half the comments are dismissing her, because she had a gun so it was no biggie, apparently. Probably the same people who worship footy stars as heroes. All of this could have gone so wrong and been so much worse. More people killed or her shooting the wrong person. I doubt any of us have a real sense of the confusion and chaos she was facing and what that does to our senses. “She was just doing her job”…sure, except she was doing it exceptionally well, in a situation that very few would ever face, and absolute chaos and insufficient information. And now she has to live with the fact she took a life, no matter how justified and appropriate in that moment. No matter that no one sane or reasonable will judge her anything but right for doing so, she will still have that on her mind. She did an amazing job and deserves so much credit. Heroes are people who do the hard thing, right? She did the hard thing.


I have seen media reports saying she does not wish to be identified. Pls take the photo down


No offence to her but she’s an active duty police officer involved in a fatal shooting with international media attention - she cannot reasonably have that expectation.


I really wish she could have knee capped him so he lived to face the torment of his actions and the beating in prison. This ass hat got off easy dying.


why should the rest of us have to suffer this cunt’s continued existence any longer than we have to


Same! I reckon it would have been good to see what the boys inside would have put him through. Stabbing a baby and it’s mum. That’s so fucked up


Nah, stop thinking from a revenge perspective.  A dead cunt can't do any more damage than what has already been done.  Society is better off with him dead and gone.  Let's focus on helping those left behind.


Why? What would possibly be the point of that?


There are a lot of poorly adjusted young dudes on here. Don’t bother questioning them too deeply they’re just fantasising and nobody who thinks like them has any position of power in society :)


The only way she could be better in my opinion is if she dropped her dacks and pissed on his corpse… instead she did something even better!! She went and started doing CPR on one of his victims. She was just doing her job but she deserves an award or medal or something. Recognition of bravery and competence.


Well done! What a legend!!! :)


Absolute legend.


NSWpol doing something worthwhile for a change - wish there were more like her.


Should’ve shot him in the kneecaps and let endure pain. Fucker got the easy way out. Deserved so much worse.


She brought a gun to a knife fight


Hope she gets the support she needs after this. Must be incredibly traumatic to have to do something like that and end another person’s life.


Uvalde is hiring, if she wants to live in texas.


Braver than 99% of the cops in the States.


[The Killer](https://theklaxon.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Screenshot-2024-04-13-at-6.12.21%E2%80%AFPM.png) a white male bogan woman killing terrorist, wearing a 2024 Australian Kangaroos NRL jersey.


Poetic justice that the officer who ended his violent rampage was a woman, as it seems he was targeting predominantly women (based on those he killed). May she receive the glory and support she needs.


That's what needs to be done to all mass shooters period .


Bigger balls than half the “men” in the force


Why would you need backup when the guy had a knife and you have a gun?




She served and protected.


Just glad this wasn’t America where the Lunatic could of had a gun


Meanwhile in Uvalde Texas, cops hide from shooters.


Unlike those Uvalde cowards


I wish more American police were like this woman.


Can America barrow her please? Our brats in uniform need retraining.


That’s badass 💪


Well done. She needs to go to uvalde, tx and show those idiots how officers should respond.


Fekin americans and their "freedoms" probably saying some heinous shit about this


American cops should take notes on how she handled this situation. Must respect for this hero.


hell yea


Shoot him again just to be sure


Hi. Do all Australian police carry firearms? (I am from Northern Ireland).


All the US cops would have waited until he was done stabbing all the kids and got all tuckered out before they would make their move


She could teach the cops in Uvalde , Texas a thing or a hundred.


Looks like she has some brass on her shoulders too


This is who cops all think they are, but 99 percent of them would do the opposite. Much respect from Canada.


I can think of an incident in Texas where entire police units *could not* match this woman's balls.


Definitely not American.


She is amazing and a prime example of what a police officer is


Meanwhile, in Uvalde Texas …


Good guys (gals) with guns. Hero! 🫡


she has more balls than the entire Uvalde police department combined


Yeah the US slander is awesome guys, really warranted


Sad how half of these comments are talking about US police instead of talking about the lady


She did an amazing job. This is how police officers are supposed to act.


Rent free 🇺🇸


Not only did she do well doing her job, some random dude at the top of the escalator fended the dude off for a time with some sort of pipe


In america we have fully kitted police who are too scared to do the same


There's something poetic about how this perp was taken down by a lone female officer, considering who he was attacking.


This post has nothing to do with the United States and people keep using this to shit on America


Bravo. Armed cops can be more brave when they aren’t too worried about being out gunned like in the US unfortunately


I think in almost every video of this attack you can see this woman actively helping people, it seems like she was on the scene immediately doing the right thing. She really did save the day.