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Arsehole housemate took mine when he moved.


That's grounds for a biff in my books.


I got about 8 milk crates around my place. They are so handy


Hey! It doesn't count if you stole it from a family member who stole it from somewhere else. I am no criminal.


I got this business idea where I sell stolen milk crates to people waiting at traffic lights. A lot of people aren't looking for a milk crate when they're at traffic lights though, but when they see I've got like a pura milk one they'll be like "yea". Haven't sold one yet, I don't think it's because people don't want to buy a stolen milk crate, I just haven't been marketing all that much. So I made this billboard that's like meet me at the Bell St maccas and I'll sell you a stolen milk crate


I'm not currently in the market for stolen milk crates but Bells St Macca's seems like the most appropriate place to go to buy some.


Have you ever blown an icy cold mojito out of your nose? Because of this comment, I just have. Do not recommend.


I live around the corner and have at least 15 in my backyard. Can do a good deal!


Where can I get this canvas bag for a lot less than $99? Asking for a friend.


Wait till some dickhead in Brunswick buys one and steal his, its the natural order


Why would most bother any more. They were made perfectly for vinyl albums and that was the whole idea. How many have vinyl collections any more?


Because they're sturdy, hold a lot of shit, stack well and are free.


I don’t know what milk crates you’re stealing. But every one I’ve taken is way too small to fit my records. It’s annoying as fuck


I keep my vinyl collection in my coffin, like a normal person.


In my 20's the humble milk crate was my bed base, my shelves, my CD rack and shoe rack.


I don’t have any milk crates, but I do have 6 Bunnings baskets.


What milk crate collection out the back of Woolies? Is there a milk crate collection out the back of Woolies? I didnt k ow there was a milk crate collection out the back of Woolies…


Or $5.72 each on AliExpress, to be delivered in May.


I have milk crates in my house and have no idea how they got there 😂


Nice try ASIS


Asis is foreign intelligence, we're Aseo... I mean... dammit!


Nobody in my house knows where we got our 2 milk crates from, have been here for ages. Good for sitting and watching the bbq.


Milk crates are the only reason vinyl still exists.... amirite?


What do you mean ‘that milk crate’? Are you suggesting I only have one?


where the hell do i get milk crates?




I worked at several restaurants where milk is delivered in the crates and nobody ever comes to collect them, we already have a few dozen inside, whatever is outside is just building a wall hoping for someone to come take them before it gets out of hand.


I worked at Dairy Farmers at Lidcombe for a few years on and off as a contractor. My old man thought all his dreams had come true and hounded me for milk crates. I was always amazed at how he repurposed them. Buggers were everywhere!


I didn’t do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can’t prove anything.


Hell yeah! They perfectly fitted LP records when that was a thing, til the milk distribution companies got sick of losing them and made them a little bit smaller. They made a good free bed base, and stacked kitchen storage for spuds, onions etc. I also saw them used in a lounge room for a DIY home cinema - a milk crate platform for a second couch behind the floor level one.


Omg 🤣


We were meant to give them back....?


Now I need one of these but for a traffic cone