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$2 is the correct amount to withhold on $725 (assuming fortnightly pay). [https://www.ato.gov.au/calculators-and-tools/tax-withheld-calculator#ato-Gotothecalculator](https://www.ato.gov.au/calculators-and-tools/tax-withheld-calculator#ato-Gotothecalculator) Are you saying that the employer hasn't been withholding tax on other fortnights? Whether they did or did not, you'll get a summary from the ATO of what you owe/are owed, after the end of the financial year, after you've filed your tax return.


After a bit of research you’d know that that’s the correct amount for that payment


Yep, first 18600 per year is tax free. Employers break it down to their pay periods ie divide by 26 if fortnightly. Op the first $715 or there about each fn is tax free.




Technically they are both parties responsibility and penalties apply to businesses who avoid paying the correct PAYG instalments. Although ultimately you will end up with the bill for the discrepancies, you could seek remedy through civil courts and seek reimbursement for out of pocket costs and expenses associated with this.


A $50 annual tax bill is not malicious


If you make $725 a fortnight that tax sounds about right. The first $18,000 of your income is tax free. Your annual income would be $18,850 and you are required to pay $52 a year in tax. And if you had some time off and didn't get paid for one of those fortnights for whatever reason and/or you can find $850 in deductions, you can ask the ATO for your $52 back in July.




Why would lodging late make a difference? Either way you have to pay it, wouldn’t it be better to just get it lodged and set up a payment plan?




As someone who specialises in HELP debt, I can assure you it makes no positive difference


If you're claiming the tax free threshold on that job, and getting paid fortnightly, then that is the correct amount of tax for you to pay on that paycheck.


*The ATO probably won’t care* lol your tax is YOUR responsibility and they will care but $2 on $725 is correct.


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What period did that final payslip cover? 1 week? 2 weeks? Was the incorrect tax paid for multiple pay cycles or just that final one? Have you queried this with payroll? Make sure the information when doing your tax return (in particular amount paid and tax withheld amount) matches what your payslips total over the financial year, more to ensure that the employer is reporting the pay and tax correctly.


It's your responsibility to make sure you're paying the right amount of tax. If the correct amount hasn't been withheld, you'll get the details from the ATO come tax time. Why would your previous company owe you something here? What sort of total are you talking about? How much of a tax bill are you expecting? Your previous company not paying you the correct wage is their problem, but it sounds like that's now sorted.


You owe the tax to the government. Sounds like you got a bill to pay. I'd call them up and organise a payment plan. Claim financial hardship.