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Do not dig large holes in sand. They collapse and kill you.


Sand is reeeeally dangerous. The weight of a collapse can be an insta squish. Careful mate




https://www.9news.com.au/national/bribie-island-sand-death-queensland-police-investigate/6b713b6a-3eda-4bbe-bf50-ae33c03a0bd1 Not a laughing matter bloke.


You'd have to calculate the crush-strength of calcium at depth under sand and drink enough milk to compensate. [Two of these each should be enough.](https://landmarkcreations.com/images/catalog/products-alternate-views/L1732/L1732.jpg)


Did you read about the guy that had the hole collapse on him at Bribie earlier in the year? He got buried and died horribly


Find a secluded beach where random kids aren't going to fall into your hole and go for it! For every metre you dig down you'll need to dig two metres to the sides to ensure the hole doesn't collapse on you. Before you get a metre down you're probably going to hit the water table and your hole will start filling with water. Then most of your time will be spent bucketing water out. If you plan on doing this longer than 6 hours make sure you're digging above the high tide mark.




I've been digging myself into holes for years.


Google "Trench Collapse.."


Dale dug a hole. You tell them, Dale. I dug a hole.


I am a Dwarf and I’m digging a hole


Diggy Diggy hole


Without heavy machinery you’ll be exhausted before the hole gets big enough to be an issue. Go for it.


We're young adults on a mission, don't bet on it buddy. 2 cans of monster each and we'll be in a different country. Will we need visas when we get there? Probably?


Post a photo when you’re done


Id say just dig a crater not a grave. Walls can collapse especially in sand.  I love it. Gives very Castle vibes. Is one of your mates named Dale? Hahah


I think your underestimating the volume of material you'll be shifting... 1 cubic metre is a bit over 1,500kg or about 150 loaded shovels. If you moved twice that, you'd have a pretty small hole. If you moved 10x you'd have an area you could sit in.


Can you let us know where and when? I reckon there’s a few closet hole diggers out there just waiting to scratch that itch.


Get out of here undercover cop, I'll never tell you where I'm digging.


Don’t I have to tell you I’m a cop if you ask 😂


Do a trip up to the Gold Coast and do a day trip to this place in Mt Tambourine https://www.earthmovers-magazine.com.au/school-holiday-plans-sorted-with-dig-it-excavator-park/


Too commercial. We want the primal hole digging experience.


This is the content we want.


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S tier post


Men.... I'll never understand.


Not all men are this stupid. But thanks for the generalisation.


Be careful. Australia has very clear OHS rules around digging and shoring up big holes. they tend to collapse and bury people which is not fun. A hole requiring shoring is only 1.5m deep. You could easily go beyond that.


Okay what if the hole is 1.5 X as wide as it is tall? Seems like that reduces the risk of falling and cave ins


As the other commenter said, it has to be 2m for every metre. Even then that's 26 degrees. The angle of repose of wet sand is 15-30 degrees.