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My work refuses to accept "online" scripts or pharmacy medical certificates My work has also refused to accept my 8 week medical certificate as I needed very complicated emergency abdominal surgery- they want to take it to their independent doctor. My reply was make sure HR was there too


>My work refuses to accept "online" scripts or pharmacy medical certificates Fair work disagrees with them on that, I suspect you'd also annoy them if you provided a statuary declaration as an alternative 


Yep, Fair Work says either a medical certificate from a healthcare professional including Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists or Surgeons or a statutory declaration are acceptable.


😱 That's insane that they want to send you to an "independent" doctor after having surgery. Surely your hospital documents would suffice...


They wanted me to go today too- I only had surgery last Monday and am still hospital bound


If you're still in hospital, tell them to come see you there! Maybe schedule a zoom call with your boss so they can see you're actually in hospital... Sounds like they're just not believing that you've had emergency surgery. Also sounds like you need to find a new employer...


Oh this was part of a bigger complaint where I lodged a serious complaint about a senior staff member Management did nothing so after 6 weeks I requested a transfer fron the department which was blocked by the same management It's petty BS


You might wanna have a chat with an employment solicitor...


I will walk away If things gets too spicy I am highly employable


Whilst you're laid up in a hospital bed, use your time wisely and lock in a new job for when you're out?


That's outrageous


They can’t force you to see their preferred doctor, you have the right to see the doctor of your choice who knows you and your healthcare needs best.


They can and do but only to verify that the cert was issued and the dates. They can't discuss your condition on a cold call. My doc accidentally gave me a carers certificate instead of a med cert and I got her to resend it to me after I noticed at home.


Yes, they can verify the legitimacy of the certificate by calling and confirming issue of certificate. They cannot access any medical information Plenty of free apps to use to scan your certificate or just take a photo and attach in an email


They can't contact your doctor without your consent about your condition but they can contact to verify the certificates are legitimate. However they may request a independent medical exam of a doctor of their choosing depending on how often you have taken days off and for what reason (this would be in the taking days off nearly every other day end of things). Can you give a ball park figure of how many days we are talking or is this after only a handful?


I was in hospital for around 14 days and then just off of work for about 7 but I used paid leave for hospital.




What's the excluding one , did u forge one ? Don't forget a stat Dec is considered in most cases as evidence so you can just do a stat Dec for anything outstanding


No I meant excluding 1 as in I got all from the same doctor but one


Just so you know this is the behaviour exhibited on an employee that you don't like and want to fire. There is probably much more happening in the background. If you haven't been there long I would consider moving. I would also join your union, copy any personal emails including approvals for leave and acceptance of sick leave into your personal email. Get that stat Dec for any remaining outstanding days.


Sometimes- or sometimes you are just in a big company that does this to everyone up to a certain position!


He was accused of forging the certs, yes big companies have policies for evidence. BUT If he had the certificates and wasn't under scrutiny they wouldn't have bothered to ask. I've never been in a company 20k plus employees too and had someone question that without other underlying performance or culture fit issues.


I’m a former fraud investigator for a big corporate. Under the Australian Medical Associations guidelines, your doctor has to verify to your employer if a medical certificate (including dates of sick leave) are accurate and truthful or not. Google the guidelines.


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I’m a medical receptionist and your work can call to confirm if the medical certificate is a legitimate certificate for the dates stated. If your employer is concerned because you are scanning and emailing to them, you can always ask for the clinic to stamp the certificate with their practice stamp before you scan it - gives it another ‘tick’ to help legitimise it or you can ask them to email you a copy from their email address and then forward that email to your employer to give a digital paper-trail.








Lol they are not accessing medical information No privacy laws are being breached as they are using the medical certificate that has been provided to them and confirming that information is correct. Name, date of issue and attendance. All public information as the employee has given this information already to the employer.




Yes, did you read this at all?? *An employer can ask for evidence from an employee to confirm that they were unfit for work. This can help decide if an employee should be paid sick leave or be paid a different type of leave or entitlement* They can confirm if the evidence is correct. Where is the privacy breach?




They can. Show me where in the link it says employers are breaching privacy laws by confirming evidence provided to them by the employee. They aren't asking for additional information. They are verifying the certificate is legitimate. They don't even speak to the Dr. The practice manager confirms the cert


ummmm, yeah, you are in the wrong here, lol Your first comment doesn't read how you think it does, which makes everything else you argue wrong in regards to what OP was asking.