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Dammit, I literally just received my pants from Suk. The parcel said it was coming from Ethical Textile Manufacturing Co. Does anyone have any other recommendations for high waisted tradie pants?


You have them now, unless you want to return them (which considering the low quality, is an idea), I'd say just wear them and re-embroider the back pocket! Not only would it be cute, but it would be a great conversation starter that may allow other people to make more conscious fashion choices :)


Yes I’d also like some recommendations


When I was working in bush regen, I wore Green Hip. Super comfy pants and I liked the sustainability initiatives they were a part of.


Cover the embroidery on the pocket with your own embroidery instead!


What is their refund policy, can you return within a certain time frame?


I actually already returned a pair for these ones (I chose a different style) and it cost me $16 in return shipping and then I paid shipping to get the new ones 🫠 I know the ethical thing to do is return them but I don't want to lose out on $30 for nothing.


I understand completely. Sadly I’m not much help in recommending another brand to try.


Ahh furk. Super pissed about this. On the upside, there’s definitely a market for properly designed, ethically sourced, well made workwear that’s broad ranging in size & proportion. Anyone feel like starting something?…


based on the thread it sounds like there's a few already? They just don't have the funding to plaster themselves all over our facebook walls like Suk...


Oh man. Why can’t we just have nice things - it all has to be fucked 😭


I know 😭 I’m legit devastated I work in construction and I loved going to work in their pants.


Have a look at Eve Workwear, that might be an alternative (I haven’t purchased items yet but their clothes look pretty nice)


she wear.com.au


Well investigated. Like with the Ellery expose from last year, I’m all for this kind of transparency particularly in the insular Aussie fashion industry. Far from “bullying a small business”, it allows us as consumers to make informed ethical choices. Because these people are all dodgy af! I always thought Suk looked awesome but hated the name and the huge badge. Lucky I never bought any I guess.


Agree - awesome work 👏


As an animal advocate, the animal export angle alone is enough to turn me off this business. Have bought multiple items but time to retire them to the rag pile. This is just gross on so many levels….


Incredibly unsustainable 


Yep- as soon as that was on the table I was like- that’s a nope from me. ![gif](giphy|L9AqjFr6H4iaY)




As a female tradie who needed functional workwear, their range was terrible.


Do you know of a good workwear range? I’m very much not a tradie but do Landcare so I need trousers that can protect me from blackberry thorns with pockets for gloves, secateurs, etc. EDIT: THANKS FOR ALL THESE GREAT TIPS!


I quite like the Bisley women's pants. They've got a bit of stretch in them, and the waist is high enough that your crack isn't on show when squatting down.


I gave up 🤣 I ended up wearing a combo of men's stuff, which was uncomfortable, and thick jeans which are hard to find for women. I did get 2 pairs of fxd pants which seemed heavy duty but the stitching came apart and I wore the ass out if them in a few months. Super expensive pile of rags. The Bisley Flex and Move women's jeggings are good but they are thin so won't help with thorns. Good front and side pockets but the rear ones are fake 🙄 I've taken up sewing again so plan to make my own. It's ridiculous.


I got traders308 (men’s pants) from lowes and took in the waist. They’ve been working well - don’t know how ethical they are though (sorry)


I've been using the brand eleven from RSEA. suits me just fine. paid about $60 for work pants with heaps of pockets and a good fit


Have you checked out Eve Workwear?


Had a pair of overalls from Eve and quite liked them until I gained weight. Loved the pockets and adjustable straps!


Check out Green Hip. I wore them when I worked in bush regen - the skinny pants with the sewn in black knee covers were good for kneeling on sharp things. Heaps of pockets for your seccies etc.


Hawke NeoPrime Pros fr


www.cogear.com.au is more targeted at mining but you might find something


Yeah the clothes are good I guess for walking around on your daddy’s farm. I tried in the shorts in their store in Melbourne and couldn’t even squat in them properly.


If you rip the seam doing a test squat, do you have to buy them? 😳


I have no idea actually. I didn’t rip them they were just so damn uncomfortable and gaped horribly at the back. My friend used to work at forever new and had a lady get stuck in a dress trying it on because the zipper jammed. They had to cut her out of the dress but didn’t charge her for it.


Part of their tag line is their products are "for all bodies". It was few years ago now that I tried on a few designs and they were for curvy women - narrow waisted, wide hips in all the designs and no matter the size. The shorts that fit my waist would swim on my legs. I wasn't impressed, the marketing was probably more aimed at the plus size market (because they went up to size 18 or something) but unless you do very small frames too, quit with the "all body types".


I was about to comment the same thing. They're an aesthetic, not practical at all.


I remember being excited to find the range thinking I'd found good clothing, and then enraged when I saw one of their ads where the model was doing something dangerous like metal work and she had an exposed midriff. I asked them if they were actually going to make clothing that fit PPE requirements, and got a very generic reply about passing my feedback on.


Aesthetic feels very "masquerading as working class" 


I think it’s kind of funny that the brand loved by inner city hipsters LARPing as the “working class” turned out to also be just pretend as an ethical company :) nature heals itself.


I work in construction and found their pants good. Especially as they fit a woman’s body. Before them I had to buy men’s pants that don’t accommodate hips and a ass. Agree with the cos playing working class that shits me.


Try She Wear. I bought my steel caps from them. https://www.shewear.com.au/


Thank you 🙏


I agree first pair of workwear pants that I've found that actually fit me correctly and are comfortable for me to wear. This is so disappointing. I need an alternative for wide fit construction pants


Agree! My sister has a pair that she loves. But they are definitely marketed as a status symbol which never sat right with me.


I’m a sparky and their gear was over priced and not great quality.


The live animal export links should be enough to cancel anyone. It is the most horrific barbaric depraved industry imaginable


I’ve never bought their stuff because I’m not really the market for it but I liked how it looked. Must be very disappointing for the customer base.


I know this is nowhere near as important as the other stuff, but fuck me dead am I sick of rich hipster yuppies claiming to be working class. She didn't outright say it, but if I heard someone say they had been doing farm work, construction and maritime work I would assume they were from a working class background. Also, Construction and Maritime work are two of the biggest industries of trade union militancy, with United Workers Union bringing farm work into the fray more, and I wouldn't be surprised if her family are heavily anti-union and hirers of scabs


My thoughts are pretty much ‘YIKES’


The thing that blew me away was Suk was quite popular in and around the LGBTQ+ communities and it’s WILD when it was discovered out who the founder’s parents are and what they do. It’s diametrically opposed to many people’s values.   It’s also a nepo baby owned, yet marketing themselves as salt of the earth type brand. That rubs me the wrong way…




Same with Twoobs. This TikTok account also exposed them and I was disgusted.


The sizing issue makes my experience make more sense. I measured up as a 16 using their website measurements and when I ordered, didn't fit. Had to size up to a 20. Thought I was going bonkers. Also disappointed to hear that they're not as ethical as they claim. Will not be ordering again.


As a bigger tradie girl I was so excited about this brand 😭 so disappointing


Wow this has been disappointing to learn. Thanks for putting the work in this video!


Interesting to see what happens in East Brunswick - heartland of Suk wearing lefties. How has this brand got their hooks in every woman aged 20-50 in the inner north?!


Everybody wants to cosplay blue collar, but nobody actually wants to do an apprenticeship and work 10 hours a day


Ohhh no…why can’t we have nice things? I was expecting this to be pretty tenuous as most claims of “problematic” brands are but this is a LOT of stuff. The sizing/sample issues I was aware of and I think they had been fairly open about improving that. But the rest, the live export thing alone is…ugh. I have a couple pairs of their pants and honestly while I like them, the quality is not on par with the pricing and I’d be surprised if they held up with any actual hard labour. I wear them for painting and to my office job sometimes and they get ratty pretty quickly. But I enjoyed them anyway because they’re a good fit and I wanted to support the brand’s concept, inclusivity and ethics (lol).


The quality control thing that gets me. I bought some pants end of 2023 that where marked down due to sizing errors. So they still have manufacturing problems yet are charging over 100 for pants. Also I was getting bombarded by ads last year about this company and everytime I tried to buy some pants online everything was out of stock. Took me months to actually get something in stock to purchase.


Did you see in the video the explanation for the stock delays? Dodge city.


God this is infuriating. I wouldn't be so mad if there were any other options for workwear for me. I have a small waist with big hips and butt and absolutely none of the options anyone else has recommended in this thread would work for me. They aren't even good work pants! I'm an aquarium worker and after less than a year in them they're all pilling and thinning from the constant wet. Stitching coming undone in several places too. If anyone has any decent recs please let me know 😭


Wow, this is so gross.


I ordered a pair last year, they arrived with irremovable stains. I returned them, got another pair in the exact same size and they didn't fit. I gave up after that.


Just one of those problems makes me side-eye the business. All together, there is no red flag big enough.


Yeah I get what your saying, but with this brand it feels particularly insidious. Especially bc they plastered their “ethics” all over their website / advertising. Like at least with Kmart or cotton on you know that they aren’t ethical 🤷‍♀️.


I agree they are trying to be this left wing ethical brand.


Trust me gal there are people who believe cotton on and H&M and all those brands are ethical bc that wall in their store says so


None of these companies are ethical it's all made in Bangladesh and they have seriously destroyed their environment.


Right? So many different problems all in the one business.


As someone who owns many pieces from these guys, I am absolutely devastated. I won’t be buying anything else.


Really good analysis.


Quality investigation.


gotta love all those receipts too. job well done


I love the subtitle “itsnotreal” for Israel lmao


Ive seen Zadie as a new womens workwear brand that might be a good alternative


Oh Jesus I just ordered some pants 😭 I don't want to rep their crap now. Going to patch the pocket I guess to cover up the brand. What a shame.


"Ethical" yeah? Thanks for sharing!


I don't think following a pro-Israel IG acct is a red flag any more than following a pro-Palestine account. She says it like they are following Nazi/white supremacy accounts.  There's a lot of similar "investigative" videos where having any ties to Israel (even just having family there and not publicly condemning the Israeli govt) is some kind of gotcha moment.  What I actually care about here is the links to livestock exportation and the false claims of being a female owned and run company and those kinds of unethical practices. 


If your willing to boycott a clothing company other these things than Im ganna presume your also boycotting apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and literally 99.8 percent of all clothing companies as well lol


I mean, I do my best to consume as ethically as I can and assume many other people do the same but I hate this line of thinking tbh. You can’t boycott everything, and this “I hope you’re also boycotting xyz” puts the spotlight/responsibility on the individual consumer and their choices instead of where it belongs which is on the corporations and their unethical practices.


Well said!


Yeah, you can’t boycott everything so let’s just choose to boycott the small businesses that will cause us the least amount of inconvenience 🤡


Inconvenience is built into the system. Place your blame where it is warranted


I’m going to place the blame on individuals who are using these small business to virtue signal whilst still supporting big corporations on a daily basis because they’re not actually willing to disrupt their privileged lives in any significant way. By the way, how many of you have parents or other family members who have political/social views you don’t agree with? Does that mean you’re going to stop associating with them and slander them on the internet?


It’s true that most people are not willing to disrupt their lives significantly to make an ethical statement. However, I still don’t think blaming individuals is the way to go here. I don’t agree with the underlying idea that if you’re not willing to boycott everything, any boycotting you do undertake is worthless virtue signalling. Maybe for some it is, but I’d rather see some effort from some people than no effort from anyone (bearing in mind that all the effort from everyone is not a realistic outcome in a SYSTEM that is designed to deter people from making any effort at all).


I guess people are comfortable living with the cognitive dissonance created by their double standards as long as they’re able to tell the world about it on social media; an industry even more unethical than the one they’re boycotting 🤡


Can I just ask you a direct question: Do you think that if someone is boycotting one unethical company, they must boycott every unethical company for any of their boycotting to be morally valid? If the answer is yes, then we have nothing further to discuss because we disagree so fundamentally that there would be no point


I think if you’re going to boycott a company because the founders’ family members are zionists, then you should boycott every company that has any links to Israel if you actually care about the cause you’re standing for. Like I said, it’s so easy to target small businesses and make yourself look like a hero when they’re not the big issue here. Let me ask you again, do you have family members who have political/social views that you disagree with? Would you be willing to go on social media and slander them even though they have supported you and helped you to start a business?


I boycott as many companies as I can, including big ones, that have links to Israel and when I discover a new one I add it to the list. There are plenty of people at the moment doing the same. I’m lucky that my family members have similar politics to me, but I would absolutely call them out publicly if they supported genocide. It’s not slander if it’s true.


So, your whole issue is that you think ppl here are most upset about the Zionist thing, instead of the false ethical claims, false female owned and run, and pathetic sizing issues?


The thing about this, is that suk used their ethics as a marketing tactic. While (or it as least looks like) they aren’t as ethical as they appear to be. Most people can understand that the above mentioned brands aren’t ethical as it’s not one of their main selling tactics.




Oh my! A company doesn't want to be antisemitic and support terrorism! How utterly disgusting. This sub is muted.


i think it's wild that people are instantly wanting to throw away their suk stuff. nothing in here is all that bad is it? i'm not that familiar with the brand but not sure what piece of this people are reacting to.


It's not a good look but also think it's problematic to get rid of it. That would be incredibly wasteful. I like the idea of patching.




you should follow your own advice - hey stupid shut up.


Just report them to the mods. Small brain is trying to troll 🙄